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EPC 3903

Practicum 3b

Reflection on MST Observation Feedback (2)

Prepared by: Badreyya Abdulla

Students ID: H00303679

Instructor: Alya Hasan

Reflection on MSTs Observation Feedback

My first lesson that I taught observed by my MST Jincy Joseph on 27 February

2017 which was about Rocks Types. I taught grade two section, B students.

Besides, my MST Jincy and I went through my lesson weakness and strengths into

these following points:

o My Strength

As what we mentioned in discussion with the MST, I did an effective introduction

to recall and check their prior knowledge that they have to link it with the new

information. To provides further explanation, I used the dice manipulative to

answer they questions number that shown in the dice. Additionally, I faced some

student that they did get the questions or they might forget the answer, so I

tried to simplify the questions by using body language and giving them similar

examples. I observed that worked well with them; they start to use their minds to

think much more deeply.

Besides that, one of my strength that my MST mentioned is I did Hands-on

Activity or reflective activity by calling each group individually to touch and feel

the luster and texture of each rocks type. After that I asked them to solve a

worksheet depends on what they observed. That made them create a relationship

between the life and the concept.

Moreover, I explained the individual worksheet through the PowerPoint first to

make it visible and clear for them. Besides, I displayed through data show online

timer to make them be a commitment students so I can manage the classs time.
o Weakness and area needs development

The point that my MST asked me to focus on is the amount of students talking

during the lesson. For instance, I have to ask them various types of question to

make them feel involve into the learning process instated of giving them lecturing

lesson. I agree with my MST on this note, because I noticed that my students were

just waiting for me to explain each point which contributed to a feeling board.

o Recommendations for next class

In my next session, I will try to reduce my talk by giving student opportunity to

exploring and discovering the new concept.

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