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Algebra of Functions 1. Basic operations on functions A. Sum: Iffand gare functions, then the sum function of fand g, denoted by f +g, is defined as (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) forallxe Dy Dg. (Note: De refers to “the domain of f“.] Example 1: If f(1)=-2 and g(1)=5, then (f+ g)(1) = f(1)+g(1)=-24+5=3 Example 2: If f(x)=2x+3 and g(x)=x? —4x+5, then (f+ g)(x)= F(x) + g(x) = (2x +3) +(x? —4x 45) =x? 2048, Example 3: If f(x)=Vx—2 and g(x)= Vx? -1, then find Drag: Py __ Pe — OOOO Drrg= DpODs EEE eee 2 B. Difference: If fand g are functions, then the difference function of fand g, denoted by f—g. is defined as (f - g)(x)= f(x)- g(x) forall xe Dy A Dg. Example 1: If f(1)=-2 and g(1)=5, then (f-g)(1) = f()-g(l) =(-2)-5= ~7 and (g- f)() = g(@)- fl) =5-(-2)=7. Example 2: If f(x)=2x+3 and g(x)=x?—4x+5, then (f —g)(x)= S(2)— g(x) = (2x43) = (x? 4x45) = 2043-22 44x—S=—x? 46x-2. C. Product: If fand g are functions, then the product function of fand g, denoted by Ja. is defined as (fg)(x) = f(2)g(x) forall xe Dy M Dg. Example: Suppose f(x)=2x+3 and g(x)=x?-4x+5. Find (/@)(2). Solution 1: f(2)=7 and g(2)=1=> (fe)(2)= f(2)g(2) =7() =7. Solution 2: (fg)(x) = f(x)g(x) = (2x +3)(x? —4x +5) =2x3 —5x? 2x 415 Thus, (fg)(2) = 2(23) - 5(27)-2(2) +15 =16-20-4415=7. 1 D. Quotient: Iffand g are functions, then the quotient function of and g, denoted by Eis defined as (Eo o ; forall xe Dp ADg A{x | g(x) #0}. g Example 1: If f(1)=10 and g(1)=~2, then (4) & £\q)- 8 =i (F)o-80 105 Example 2: If fey=3 and g(x) = x . then find (Z} and Dy g& g 3 fO)__ x 37-4) _ (Z}« =a) EH xa Dy ={x | x#0}, Dy = x4 tl x#2,-2}, and {x | g(x) # 0} ={x | x#-}=> Dp =DeADgn g fel g(x) #0} = (x1 x#0,2-2,-1}. Il. Composition of functions A. Definition: If fand g are functions, then the composite function, or composition, of fand g, denoted by fg. is defined as (f °g\(x) = f(g(x)) for all xe Dyn & | s@)e Dy}. B. Composition as a double mapping Thus, in the preceding diagram, (f o g)(x9) = f(, 8(%2)) and x2 € Dy. g- Note that in order for xe Dy.g, x € Dg (x has to be mapped by the first function g) and g(x) € Dy (g(x) has to be mapped by the second function f’). Note also that in the composition f © g gis the first function performed, followed by the second funetion f Example 1: Given f:4>-3 > fog:] +44 -3 > fog:il+-3 gilo4 gs ff Example 2: If g(1)=4 and f(4)=—3, then (fo g)(1)= f(g(l)) = (4) =-3. [Note that this example illustrates the same composition as in example 1.] Example 3: If f(x) =2x+3 and g(x)=x? —4x+5, then (fo g\(x)= S(g(0) = f(x? — 4x45) = 2(x? - 4x45) 43 = 2x2 8x 41043 = 2x? ~8x +13 and (go f(x) = g(f(@)) = g(2x +3) = (2x43)? —4(2x+3)+ “Ce 5 4x? +12x49-8x-12+5=4x? 44x42. In general, (feoglx)# (g° AQ). Example 4: If f(x)=2x+3 and g(x) =4x~5, then find (ge f)(-2). Solution 1: (go f)(-2) = g(£(-2)) = g(=1) =-9 since f(-2)=2(-2)+3= —443=-1 and g(-1)=4(-1)-5=-4-5 =-9. Solution 2: (ge f)(x)= g(£(x) = g(2x+3) = 4(2x43)-5=8x412-5= 8x+7= (go f)(-2) =8(-2)+7=-16+7=-9, Example 5: If f(x)=x-2 and g(x) ==, then find gef and Deo. (g° VQ) = (f(a) = g(¢-2)=——. In determining the domain of this Tr? composition go f , answer the following two questions: (1) “Are there any restrictions on first function 2” and (2) “Are there any restrictions on the simplified formula for go f'?” The answer to question | is “no” because f(x)=x-2. The answer to question 2 is “yes, x #2” because 3 (eeN=S, Example 6: If f(x) SS and g(x) — Thus, Dey = (x | x#2} 1 then find fog and Dyog 3 (fea) = f(g) =f pq * (1) The restriction on the x first function g(x) = i is x#0. (2) The restriction on the simplified formula x 1 (fegx)= isxet Thus, Dyog =(x| x05), 2x C. “Decomposition” of a function Example 1: Suppose /(x)=/x-2. Write fas the composition of two functions, Consider how you would calculate f(6). You would first subtract 2 from 6, getting 4. Then, you would take the square root of 4, getting 2 as the answer. Thus, let g:x— x—2 (gis the function that subtracts 2) and let h:x > Vx (his the function that takes the square root). Therefore, hi(g(x)) = h(x —2) = f(QX)=> f =heg. Example 2: Suppose f(x)=(3x+4)'°. Write fas the composition of three functions. To find f(2), you would first multiply by 3, then add 4, and finally raise to the 10 power. Thus, let g:1 > 3x (gis the function that multiplies by 3), let 4:x—> x+4 (his the function that adds 4), and let k:x > x! (kis the function that raises to the 10" power). Therefore, k(h(¢(x))) = k(A(3x)) = kGx+4)=(3x44)!9 = f(x) > f =kolheg). vx- Practice Sheet — Algebra of Functions 1. Given f(x) =2x? —x+3 and g(x) =4x-5. C) (F#= —— Q (P+ eKa= @B) (f-9-2)= @ (g-Ne= (5) (R)Q)= ©) (x)= @ (Z]o- ) (E)0- ©) (fe92)= (10) (fegyey= aD (go AC)= (12) @eNe= IL Given f(x)=3-x and g(x)=Vx+2. GB) Ga) = Jan ©) (Z i N= (1) Dy = aty (4) Dy = 6) of (2) Dr= g IIL Given f(x) =2x~5 and g(xy=—*-. x-l () Dy= 2) Dg = ©) (= 4 (Z}o- (©) Dy= © (ee f\s)= (7) Dye = , IV. Given f(x)=Vx-2 and g(x)=x? 41. () Dr= Q) Dg= GB) (fegyx)= (4) Dyog = (3) (ge w= (6) Dgop = V. Write each of the following functions as the composition of two or more “‘simpler” functions: () f(a vx3 +1 2) g(x)=(2x43)4 (3) A(x) = (x-1)4 +3 5 Solution Key for Algebra of Functions 1 (7 (2) 2x?43x-2 (3) 26 (4) -2x? +5x-8 (5) -4 (6) 8x9 -14x? +17x-15 1 2 (7?) 3 (8) 3 (9) 18 (10) 32x? 84458 (1) 19 (12) 8x? 4x47 IL. (1) Q) 3 2 G) (@—n@+2) = Vo+x—x o eo 2 3 — V3-x 5) ja 6) 2 7 ©) Teed “Vxe2 ® ” tO 2 3 UL (1) {all real numbers} 2) {x| x41) 6) 12 x= ) SHDED 6) i xeo.y x & | x#3} a IV.) ¢ gem (2) {all real numbers} 3) Vix? =1 2 4) pte 5) ©) <¢§——$¢emmnp. -l 1 z V.() sx? 4 2) s(x) =2x GB) j@)=x-1 t K(x) =x41 K(x)=x43 K(x) =x4 1 Ax) = A(x) ext | Mx) = 2x mk ix) FO) = Mk) “S(X)=HAGG)) — m(x)=x43 | 6

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