PT 2 March 2017 Exam

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PT 2 2017

Arahan :
1. Kertas soalan ini boleh dibuka apabila
2. Tulis nama, kelas dan nombor kad
pengenalan anda di ruang yang disediakan.
3. Tulis jawapan anda di ruang jawapan yang
disediakan dalam kertas soalan ini.
4. Serahkan kertas soalan ini kepada pengawas
peperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan.
Kegunaan Pemeriksa
Nama Pemeriksa :
Soal Mark Markah Soal Mark Markah
an ah Diperol an ah Diperol
Penu eh Penu eh

h h
1 10
2 20
3 15
4 5

Nama :
Kelas :
No.Kad Pengenalan:

Disediakan oleh Disemak oleh Disahkan oleh

....................................... ......................................... ........................................

[30 marks]
[Time suggested: 40 minutes]

Question 1

Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) (j).

Question (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.
Question 2

Read the leaflet below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

How to Wash Your Hands the Correct Way

Washing your hands the correct way is one of the most important steps we can take to
avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases are spread by not
washing hands. Here are the correct steps to wash your hands:

1. Wet hands with water.

2. Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces.
3. Rub hands palm to palm.

4. Then, place right palm over dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa.
5. Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced.
6. Scrub backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked.

7. Do rotational rubbing of the left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa.
8. Do rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards in clasped fingers of right hand in left
palm and vice versa.
9. Rinse hands with water.

10.Dry hands thoroughly with a towel.

11.Use towel to turn off the tap.
12.Your hands are now clean.

Questions (a) (d) : Based on the leaflet, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) The leaflet shows you how to keep your hands clean. ____________ (1 mark)
(b) Clean hands will keep diseases away. ____________ (1 mark)
(c) Start cleaning by applying soap to your hands. ____________ (1 mark)
(d) You must dry your hands after washing them. ____________ (1 mark)

Questions (e) - (i) : Read the leaflet carefully and answer the questions below.
(e) Name one place that people often forget to clean when washing their hands?
(1 mark)
(f) State another one place that people may forget to clean?
(1 mark)
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the leaflet.

Meaning Phrase
(i) The outside or top layer of something _____________________________ (1 mark)
(ii) circular motion _____________________________ (1 mark)

(h) Give one situation where you must wash your hands thoroughly.
(1 mark)
(i) Why do you think you need a clean hands?
(1 mark)

(j) You plan to teach your younger sister the importance of cleanliness. In about 50 words, write a message to
your sister to remind her to wash her hands after she comes home from the playground.

In your message:

Teach her the correct steps

Add other relevant information to make your instructions interesting

To __________________

Dear Anisah,
Nice hearing from you after such a long time. It was last December and now it is
May already. How is everything? As for me, I am busy preparing for my examination which
is in June. It is just around the corner.
By the way, I know that you mid-year examination is coming soon too and you must .
be as busy as I am. I remember you asking me a fortnight ago for tips on how to prepare
From : _________________
for examination during our last phone call. I believe these tips should be helpful. First,
look after your health. Eat balance meal and avoid junk food altogether. Also, drink plenty
(10 mark)
of water and get sufficient sleep. This means that you should not study at the eleventh
hour as studying at the last minute would not help you. Learn to pace your revision with
regular rest periods.
Next, form a study group with friendsSECTION you can work
B with. By doing this you can
learn to help each other overcome your weakness. This could be done through the sharing
[20 marks]
of notes, exchange of ideas and[Time discussions. In class, make
suggested: sure you take down short notes
20 minutes]
for your own revision at home. Borrow books not only from the school library but also from
the public 3library. Last but not least, avoid online chatting and gaming. Give up your habit
of spending hours on Facebook and other social networking sites. Concentrate on your
studies(a) (g)now
from are based
if youonwant
a letter
to from Najihah to Anisah.
I hope the advice would be useful. Take care and call me if you need any help.
Your friend,
(a). When did Anisah and Najihah last talk to each other?

.[1 mark]
(b). Why did Anisah call Najihah?

.[1 mark]
(c). How can a study group help Anisah?

.[1 mark]
(d). According to the letter, what should Anisah do is she needs further advice?

.[1 mark]
( e). Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrases from the letter.

Meaning Phrases / words

i. soon
ii. two weeks
ii. last minute
(3 marks)

(f). Fill in the table below on what Anisah should and should not do during her preparation for the examination.

Dos Donts

i. Look after her health i. ____________________________

ii._____________________________ ii. Study at the eleventh hour

iii. Group study iii. ____________________________

iv. _____________________________ iv. Eat junk food

v. ____________________________

[5 marks]

(g). State 4 other suggestions to help your friend prepare for an examination. (You may add your own ideas or use the
information from the letter).
i . [1 mark]
ii . [1 mark]
iii . [1 mark]

(15 mark)

Question 4

Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d).
(a) What does the persona describe as blazing?
________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b)When does our skin turn red?
________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(c) Why would a person want to hide?
________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(d)How do you feel when you read this poem?
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(5 marks)

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