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r Complete items 1,2, and 3.

r Print your name and address on the reverse

so that we can return the cad to you.
I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
1. ArticloAddressed to: o. Q ves
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lf YES, e;ter dslivery address bdo6: '&tto

3. ServiceType
trAdult Signature
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Adult Signature Rostrictsd Delivory
Certified Mail@
9590 9402 2366 6249 8746 50 trCertified Mail Retilcted Ddtusry
E Collect on Dslivery
from service label) n Collect on Dellvery Reslrlcted Dellvery
tr lnsurelt Mail R'estricted Dellvery

, July 2015 PSN Domestio Return Receipt

First Plass Mail I

:Poslage & Feqs Paid

| ililr USPS
Perrnit No. G-l0

rsEuHpe rsht ,tFlq ie7lh Fqi;
United States r Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4@ in this box!
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