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Are You Pro Your-Life or Anti Your-Life?

How do you look at your life? As a series of problems or as a series of solutions? How's your self-worth
been looking lately? See yourself and your life as insignificant and are of the opinion that you are just
marking time here on this earth until you're "called home to Jesus"? Well, if reality is manifestation of
our thoughts, shouldn't we be thinking differently? I'm not talking about thoughts of material riches; I'm
speaking of mental and emotional peace, well-being, happiness and oneness with Humanity. No matter
where we are or our lot in life, we can turn it all around. All you have to do is truly want to. You are
where you are because you've been convinced that that's where you're supposed to be, so that's the
reality you manifest for yourself. Someone else is pulling your strings only because you allow them to do
so. They actually have no real power over you, except what you give them. When you change the
reflection of yourself and refuse to see yourself as anyone's puppet or a victim, things start to change
within you and then around you. You know this is true because we've all done it many times. Remember
the times that you decided to work on your life, so you quit smoking, drinking, overeating or cheating?
You'd resolved to make a change in your life and you were successful because you no longer saw
yourself as needing those things in your life. You were happy and things went along fine in your life for a
while, until you lost focus. Thinking that you had it made, you let your guard down just enough for that
old indoctrination to creep back in. You felt that you no longer needed those principles that freed you,
and began falling back into old patterns and habits that gave you comfort only because they were
familiar to you, and for no other reason. The comforting reassurance that you believed your old habits
give to you are what drew you back to your old ways. Your resolve waivered and when you saw that you
were falling back into your old patterns you made a half-hearted effort that failed because it was only
half-hearted but you used that failure to justify your running back to those old habits with open arms.
It's like being a prisoner who was paroled for a time. It was good to be released for a time, but you
longed for the comfort and familiarity of your cell. However, you did collect fond memories of "the
outside" that you can reflect on once back inside your prison, (and probably lots of pictures). You failed
because you allowed your old programs to creep back in, like that old lover you KNOW isn't any good,
but despite your resolve you always find yourself in bed with them only to find yourself hurt once again.

You look around your life and all you see are problems that others try to fix but those problems still
remain. You begin to lose heart and feelings of hopelessness begin to engulf you. Hopelessness leads to
apathy. Tell me, how do you or your family benefit from apathy? There are people who DO benefit from
your apathy. It’s those very same people who claim to have solutions for your problems. They can't fix
your problem, because all of your problems begin with your perception of yourself. Only YOU have
control over that. By trying to live the role that others design for you, you separate yourself from your
true reality to become part of theirs.
Conformity will be the killer of humanity. Conformity turns your mind to mush making it easy for others
to seize control of your being. Yes, I mean to enslave you. I know you don't associate yourself with
slavery, but a slave is exactly what you are because a slave is what you choose to be. Decide to be free
and you are free. I am a product of the civil rights struggle of the 60's. I marched and fought for things I
was actually too young to understand and had yet to even experience. There were a few organizations
that preached self-determination and love of self, but most, (and don't take this wrong), played the
blame game. It was "The Man's" fault that we were where we were and lived like we lived. "Down With
the Man", was a favorite mantra. However, what was the real issue? The real issue is that many, if not
most blacks ACCEPTED the programs of their indoctrination. Many could NEVER visualize them self as
anything other than victims. Regardless of the examples all around them that if their self-image changed
their circumstances would change, (the Montgomery Boycott and Brown v. the Board of Education, etc),
they continued to manifest a victim reality. There is no doubt that discrimination existed, even to the
extreme, but change happened, (in the midst of all that chaos), when people changed their view of them
self. After a few changes, those same people felt that we had made it and began to conform to another
reality that was pushed at them. They were no longer vigilant. They wanted to be like others and so gave
up their identity. What happened then? The black identity was swallowed up in the identity of the
"dominate" culture and of course there was not equal treatment, which in essence, sent us back to
square one. My point is that changing your thoughts changes the energy that you transmit. Can you
change peoples minds and hearts overnight? No. You can't. Remember though, other people have been
indoctrinated just as you have. Their plight may be more comfortable than yours, but still they are just
as enslaved as you. You will be fighting programmed behaviors. Robots. The good thing about fighting
programmed behaviors is that you know what behavior will, (or are likely to), manifest, so you know
how to deal with it. Relying on groups or organizations to "free" you is crippling because ultimately all
they are doing is enabling. Stand up for yourself and teach your children to stand up for them self. Do
things that are right, not just for you but for everyone.

This is the problem that we have with our politicians. We vote for people for personal benefit, rather
than someone who has the interest of everyone at heart. We are motivated by self interest, we make
our selection of representatives according to our self interest, then we are shocked and appalled when
someone does something for their own self interest. Who started that ball rolling? Had we made our
selections because someone wanted to do what was right for everyone, we would have reduced the
possibility of self interest because everyone means everyone. It always amazes me how we do
everything for our on self interest and want to act high and mighty when someone else does it. Example,
whites in this country have always considered themselves the majority. They have never had a real
problem with Europeans immigrating here, but people of color have died from this country refusing
them admittance. Census shows that in a few years, no matter how the books are cooked, whites will be
a minority, (if they aren't already so now). Now they are up in arms because the thought of being a
minority and not being the dominate culture frightens them because they know how THEY treated
minorities over the years. They don't want to taste what they've dished out for so long. Now behavior
that they once touted as un-American is the behavior they've adopted. Wanting to walk the streets
armed. When the Black Panthers preached about the right to bear arms and boldly stood up for their
communities and their people, the government launched a full out attack on them, murdering many of
the leaders and membership. White society applauded this action. So, because the public weren’t
outraged the government knew that apathy by the public was as good as support. This, however came
back to haunt those “Constitutionalist” when the government did the same thing at Kent State, Ruby
Ridge and Waco. See, people allowed an injustice against one segment of society and it turned out to
only serve as precedent which was used against them. This is what is meant when it is said that
“injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere”.

We are one race: Human. Our differences are due to geographic location and environment. Our bodies
and features evolved to best protect us in the environment that our ancestors found themselves.
Ghettos cannot be expected to produce a society of surgeons or scientists, in this current reality.
Science has acknowledged that the African known as Eve is the common ancestor of everyone on this
planet. The "religious" sector, in their attempt to hold claim to your mind, denies this science, but will
accept the science of DNA in an authoritarian manner, (to convict someone or to confirm a "baby
daddy"). So as long as it benefits or supports their agenda, the science of DNA is cutting edge science.
Let’s put aside the science of DNA. Their own Holy Bible, (supposedly the very word of "GOD"), tells
them that we come from a common ancestor, Adam and Eve. Is "God" wrong and They are right? This
indoctrination of separation is a hindrance to our evolution, because it is a doctrine of hate, distrust and
prejudice, all negative energies. What good can come from negative energy? If you look at your life and
find that believing in religious dogmas has TRULY helped you, then more power to you. I would only say
that hope is not supposed to be a crutch. Sitting and waiting for "Jesus" to come and deliver you is not
even what "Jesus" wanted you to do. He wanted you to get off your asses and grab your power back.
Also, I have a problem with making deals with "God". Praying for personal or material advantage. It irk
the hell out of me when I see someone with a new, expensive car sporting a vanity plate that says
BLESSED. They feel that a new car means they are favored by "God". How do they know that the car
wasn’t a test? “God's" way of finding out if money and material things takes them away from Him?
What's "Blessed" about going deeper in debt? How shallow is that? Going into debt is the easiest thing
in the world to do, if you have a job and sometimes even if you don’t. Drug dealers get new, expensive
cars all the time so shall we assume they, too, are "Blessed" and favored by "God"? I think that the
person with the old beater car that might start or might not, who understands that a car is just that, a
car, not an identity, is more entitled to the claim "blessed" because they understand what's really

Stop giving others the power to define your reality. Being free is a choice. Everyone must be responsible
for their own freedom, because it begins in the mind. Don't follow anything but your heart. Not even
me. Read what I write, accept what you need and reject the rest. I'm no holy man, guru or someone
divinely enlightened with all the answers. I struggle just like you with the indoctrinated masses. I mean I
once was WAYYYY out there. It's up to you to take this message into your consciousness and act on it. If
you follow me, you're not free but are only transferring your power over to me. You can't be free until
you tap into the collective consciousness of Humanity. Want to know something really funny??? Giving
up is actually a hard thing to do. Ain't that a bitch? You know all that turmoil and anguish that is stirring
inside of you? Inner confusion about what is right and who you are? The meaning and purpose of it all.
That's your consciousness trying to get your attention. It's trying to wrestle back control of your psyche
for you, so you can be free. Your free self. This turmoil manifests itself in many ways; physically,
mentally/intellectually, emotionally or behaviorally. At which time, you are sent for counseling because
your program is slipping. You aren't conforming so you need a tune-up, just like your car. Tell me, when
you are counseled, even if they admit that this world is crazy, do they still try to adjust your attitude so
that you feel the need to fit in anyway? Why would they want to take the individuality out of an
individual? Conforming isn't freedom. Don't get me wrong, there are other reasons for physical,
mental/intellectual, emotional or behavioral issues but if you consider yourself a sane and reasonable
individual and are suffering from these issues, it could explain YOUR turmoil. Only you can determine

Say we, as Humanity, did it. We all unplugged. Would we then be a Utopian society? The answer is no. I
believe there to be many levels of evolution and consciousness. Unplugging is just the first step. We’d
have to erase all of the self destructive programming that we’ve inherited. We’d have a lot of work
ahead of us, but we could be working in our natural joyous state. Following the laws of nature we’d be
tapping into the collective consciousness of Humanity. Perhaps that is where all our answers are. We all
are here to contribute something to Humanity.

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