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Schindler 3300 Gearless Elevator

Revit Family Readme File

This elevator family is to be used for the early design stages of the building design.
Its sole purpose is to give you basic, general requirements for our system based on
the limited information obtained in the family parameters. This model is not meant
to be used for construction purposes.

This document provides instructions on how to utilize this family. The elevator family
is a fully adaptable, parametric family. Below are the step by step directions on how
to insert and manipulate the model

1. Download from Schindler Plan to the local drive.

2. Load into your project. Insertion point has to be

determining by the first excess floor of the
elevator and cross lines of the cab center lines.

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Schindler 3300 Gearless Elevator

3. Select the elevator model and use Edit function for modifications if needed.

4. In Type Properties dialog box the parameters

that can be changed or added. The values that
are not available for modification will be grey

Within the downloaded folder, an entrance door family has also been provided.
The entrance family has been created utilizing a wall based template and must
be placed onto a wall. Once placed, align the entrance jambs with the symbolic
lines within the elevator family. Repeat the entrance alignment process for every
landing entrance.

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