Anda di halaman 1dari 1

1. Safety and Security Needs merupakan kebutuhan dasar ke 3 dari Abraham maslow ?

2. Martha E. Rogers dikenal dengan konsep self care deficit theory of nursing?
3. Lobus pada paru-paru sebelah kanan berjumlah 2 buah? False
4. Florence nightingle tekenal dengan fislosofi kepearawatan modern nursing yang berfokus
pada lingkungan
5. Proses keperawatan terdiri dari 6 proses?
6. Undang-undang keperawatan disahkan pada taggal 17 oktober 2014?
7. Undang-undang keperawatan yang disahkan pada tahun 2014 , merupakan undang no
34 ? benar
8. Internarnational nurses days dirayakan setiap tanggal 14 mei ? benar tanggal 12
9. Organisasi PPNI Dibentuk anggal 17 maret?
10. Ada beberapa metode pendokumentasian keperawatan salah satunya yakni SOAPIER?


1. Safety and Security Needs is a basic requirement to 3 of Abraham maslow?

2. Martha e. Rogers is known for the concept of self care deficit theory of nursing?
3. Right Lung have 2Lobes ?
4. Florence nightingle famous with modern nursing nursing philosophy that focused on the
5. nursing Process consists of 6 process?
6. the nursing Act was passed on October 17, 2014?
7. nursing legislation enacted in 2014, is Act No. 34? true
8. International nurses days celebrated every 14th of may? correct date 12
9. The organization was formed on 17 March PPNI?
10. There are several methods of documentation of nursing one i.e. SOAPIER?

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