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Stephani Anugrahman Fraction

2 Weeks (35 Minutes/Day) Grade 3

Lesson: 1. Intro to Fraction

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will understand how to operate fraction Fraction Table
and able to connect and modify each of the

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
1. What is fraction? 1. Define fraction especially in a fraction diagram.
2. What are the elements of fraction? 2. Identify the elements of fractions which are
numerator and denominator.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
1. Flannel board with a city silhouette and yellow boxes flannel pieces.
2. Cut and paste building silhouette worksheets
3. Cut and paste fraction diagram
4. New vocabularies:
a. Fraction
b. Numerator
c. Denominator
5. The carpet wear student can gather and listen to teachers explanation without being
disturbed by their sourroundings.
Beginning the Lesson
2 mins1. Teachers Favorite View: Gather all students on a carpet. Teacher will show the
students how does city at night looks like (show some photos of buildings at night that
has light on windows on the building). Tell them: It is beautiful, right? Look there are
some windows that are still. What do you think they are doing at night?
2. Spot the Differences: Teacher will show 2 pictures of citylight and ask the students to spot
3 mins the difference. (Look for pictures of buildings with light on windows). Then after they
found all of the differences, ask them to focus on the windows.
3. How Many People Are Still Awake?: Teacher will use the flannel board to remake one
building from the Spot the Difference game (use the bright windows flannel pieces to
3 mins indicate the bright windows from the spot the difference game) and ask the students to
a. How many windows are there on each of the building?
b. How many windows are still bright?
4. Its Fraction Time!: Teacher will write the number of bright windows over the number of
the windows totally. Tell them, There are (number of bright windows) that are bright
2 mins among all (windows in total). So we can write it like [show the fraction on the board].
Now these numbers become one number,. When we arrange the number like this and
come up with a number on the bottom and another one above, we call it fraction!
Developing the Lesson
1. Fraction and the Elements: Tell the students, Fractions are ways of writing parts of
whole numbers. For example, the bright windows that we have counted. These bright
Stephani Anugrahman Fraction
2 Weeks (35 Minutes/Day) Grade 3

windows are the part of the whole buildings windows. We will write how many parts of
5 mins it as the upper number which we call numerator. For the number below it, we call it
denominator, we will write the total of the windows
2. Check for Understanding: Ask the students:
a. What is fraction? Or When will we use fraction?
b. What is numerator?
c. What is denominator?
3. Fraction Diagram: Teacher will apply the fraction of the windows to a fraction diagram.
Tell them these steps to make the fraction diagram:
a. Choose the shape for your diagram. Choose rectangle for even number whole. Choose
5 mins circle for other whole..
b. Draw the shape. Remind the students that this is our whole, our denominator.
c. Divide the shape. Draw a line that divide the whole into parts. The total number of parts
on the diagram must be the same with the denominator.
d. Shade or color some parts to represent the parts that has been taken away for has a
different characteristic.
4. Try and Practice: Ask students to get back to their seat and give them the worksheets:
a. Worksheet 1: There will be several question contains making fraction diagram. The
worksheet will give some fractions with some empty fraction diagram. Teacher will
prepare some cut part of those fraction diagram. Students need to choose which part is
10 suitable for the fraction and paste it on the worksheet. There will be 3 numbers that do not
mins have any empty diagram and students need to draw it by themselves.
b. Worksheet 2 (Optional): Fast doer will get this extra worksheet when they have finished
the first worksheet. Similar activity with Worksheet 1, this worksheets ask students to
paste how many bright windows on the building based on the fraction that will be given
by the teacher.
Closing the Lesson
1. Review: Students need to submit worksheet (especially worksheet 1) to teacher and sit on
the carpet. Then teacher will ask these questions:
a. When do we use fraction?
b. What is denominator?
c. What is numerator?
d. [Teacher writes a fraction] Which one is denominator and which one is numerator?
5 mins2. Exit Slip: Before dismissal, each student need to paste how many bright windows that the
building has, based on the fraction that the teacher will mentioned.
Formative Assessment Differentiation
1. Check for understanding questions 1. Cut and paste activity will help those visual
2. Worksheets learners to understand fraction diagram better.
3. Exit slips 2. Come to the front and paste the windows on the
building will help kinesthetic learners.
3. Many questions and answer for auditory
4. Extra worksheet for fast doers.
Material content:
Worksheets and Spot the Difference Game: Original, but the elements come from
Stephani Anugrahman Fraction
2 Weeks (35 Minutes/Day) Grade 3

Evaluation and Reflection

Stephani Anugrahman Fraction
2 Weeks (35 Minutes/Day) Grade 3

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