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Student assessment data

Student Scores


95-100 89-94

Student Scores

Overall, students did well on the lesson. Since the lesson was self-guided, one indicator was on-
task behavior. Students were engaged in the lesson activities and needed very little re-direction.
Once lesson activities were complete, students were excited at the task of teaching the sixth
grade students about digital citizenship. I had originally planned on the presentations to be done
individually but we had technical difficulties with one laptop cart and improvised. I think the use
of partners worked out better because they were able to share ideas and work together making a
great finished product. The conversation in the room acted as great formative assessment,
proving that students understood the content being taught.
Looking at the summative assessment data, students mastered the objectives being taught. The
student presentations showed that students not only understood plagiarism but were able to
create a presentation geared to their younger audience. One student told me, I know the parts
that were hard for me to understand, so I spent the most time on those in my presentation. This
is a characteristic of a gifted learner, not only understanding the content but being able to apply it
to multiple contexts. All of the participants scored an 89 or above on the summative assessment.
One group scored an 89 on the presentation, this group did not have enough visuals to support
their content but still showed mastery of the standard being taught.
The students really enjoyed the autonomy of moving through the content at their own pace.
They seemed to understand the information as presented through various sites and videos. To
my surprise, the really enjoyed the liked quizzes and were proud of their scores. I think they
enjoyed these quizzes since they were taken and immediately scored online. I plan to
incorporate more of these online assessments into my classroom since they were a hit. This
online quiz method also makes grading much quicker for me allowing me to spend my time
planning new instructional activities.
One portion of the lesson I would change would be what students did as they completed the
lesson tasks leading up to the presentation. In the module students were instructed to review the
resources and complete various lesson activities. While, it was apparent as I moved around the
room that the students were on task, I could improve the lesson by providing the students with a
checklist or paper to complete as they go. When students were done working through the
assignments they went straight into the presentations and I had no real way of knowing if they
had completed all of the task. To improve this portion of the lesson, I would create a checklist
that required students to answer a few questions on paper before moving to the next activity.
One this sheet I would provide a space for students to record quiz questions, for example: what
was question number 5 on the plagiarism quiz. I would also have students record their score on
the sheet as they complete the quizzes. This will add accountability for the students and ensure
they do not skip any portion of the assignment. It seems that students thoroughly worked
through all lesson activities, they took longer on this portion of the lesson than I had planned. I
do however, think that students need some kind of responsibility as they work through self-paced

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