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You will need the "board" in the magazine to play.

The article also notes setup for

the player boards.

The Alliance of the Six Cities

A Colonist scenario
In a remote Imperial colony, six cities have undergone a curious development. Over
the years, people of similar professions have been increasingly attracted, while
almost all other occupational groups have moved away. Consequently, each city
became extremely specialized. It quickly became clear that the six cities could not
remain independent for long, so they made an alliance of mutual support.

The Emperor is concerned that this experiment has failed and that all six cities are
threatened. For this reason, he sends you, his most faithful servants, to this colony
to test the alliance of the six cities. Six tasks are to be mastered; only then can the
Emperor be certain that the six cities can continue to exist in a distant future.

About Scenarios
The Alliance of the Six Cities is a scenario for The Colonists set in Age II. The game
plan and the starting set-up of the players are fixed, and there are a few special
rules that are intended to deepen certain aspects of the game. They are usually
played without diplomacy, and there will be other scenarios in the future, including
special solo scenarios.

Goal of the Game

This scenario introduces one of six roles to gameplay that will award you additional
talers in the endgame if you have achieved its goals. The goal of the game is still to
build the most valuable community. Whoever achieves the task, of course, has
greater chances to win. However, fulfilling the task is not a prerequisite for victory.
Solo game only: If the task is not fulfilled, the player has lost.

1. Carefully remove the double sheet from the center of the magazine and spread it
out on the table. You do not need the place tiles and markets of the basic game. You
play on this double sheet.
2. Decide which task is applied to the game. There are six tasks to choose from,
which are explained in more detail below. They are symbolically depicted on the
schedule. Mark the selected task. (If you cannot decide, roll a die to select a task.)
3. Take an arbitrary special ambassador and place him on the market? in Freidingen.
He represents a neutral administrator. You do not need the embassies or other
material for the colonies.
4. Lay out all the buildings and all the goods you need in Age II. These are all
buildings with the symbol I or II, as well as all goods except iron, clothing, and
coal. Also provide the peasants and citizens.
5. Search for the Age II cards and provide them as described in the basic game
guide. Also make the round card and the round indicator.
6. Take a community plan and an administrator of a color of your choice. Assign
your village plan as shown with buildings, colonists and goods. Determine a start-up
player and give him the start-up.

Play Sequence
The scenario lasts for five years and is set in Age II. In addition to your private
administrators, the Emperor provides a neutral administrator (represented by the
special ambassador), which can be used by all players alike. In each turn you move
either your own administrator, which no other player can move, or the neutral. Then
you perform as usual the action of the destination.

As the name of the scenario suggests, the play area is divided into six cities. In the
city center there is always a market bearing the town name, and around the market
there are six places. You get from city to city by jumping to the appropriate markets.
However, in this scenario, the levy is also due on markets. Since you are in Age II,
the charge is 2 building materials as well as 1 food or 1 tool.

The neutral administrator can also be drawn to a field with administrator figures of
other players. Even then the delivery to these players is due.

However, this is not possible: the field with the neutral administrator is taboo. As
with your own administrators, the neutral administrator cannot end on the field
where he was at the beginning of your three moves.

The game ends after the production phase of the fifth year. Whoever has mastered
the task will be paid 6 taler. Scoring then takes place per the usual rules.

The Tasks
Task 1: 4 forestries and 2 troughs
The task is fulfilled if at the end you have at least 4 forestries and 2 troughs on your
community plan. The buildings with which you start the game are part of the
process. So you only have to build two more forestries and another pit. You only
have to have the buildings; they need not be provided with a work force.
Task 2: 3 warehouses.
The task is fulfilled when you have 3 warehouses at the end. To do this, you have to
convert all three storage sheds in the course of the game. It is enough that you
have the storage houses. You do not need to be equipped with a work force.
Task 3: 2 iron mines
The task is fulfilled if you have at least 2 iron mines at the end. You do not need to
be equipped with a work force.
Task 4: 3 permanent acquisitions.
The task is considered fulfilled, if at the end you have at least 3 permanent
purchases before you. They must have actually been played. It is not enough to
have them on hand.
Task 5: 25 talers in cash.
The task is considered to be fulfilled if you have at least 25 talers in your toolbox.
The 6 taler task reward does not count toward this totalyou must have 25 talers in
hand to receive the bonus.
Task 6: 10 citizens.
The task is considered to be fulfilled, if at the end you have at least 10 citizens.
Citizens need not work. It includes all the citizens you have on your community plan
or your purchases.

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