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Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


Table of Contents
PART ONE................................................................................................................8
The benefits of strength training exercise...........................................................8
How hard should you exercise?.........................................................................10
What you are working with...............................................................................13
Technique and form..........................................................................................15
Types of exercises .............................................................................................15
The two top exercises.......................................................................................16
On the strength days.........................................................................................18
The right type of exercise for fat loss................................................................18
Keys to a good metabolism...............................................................................20
Scales mentality................................................................................................20
How to use your lower body to burn more fat..................................................22
Challenging yourself..........................................................................................24
The muscle-into-fat myth..................................................................................24
Preparing for strength training programs with dumbbells.................................25
Some basic strength training terminology.........................................................26
How much time is required for strength training?.............................................28
Should you strength train in a gym, or at home?...............................................28
What equipment do you need?.........................................................................28
Will my muscles get sore?.................................................................................29
Speed of exercise movements...........................................................................30
Interval training.................................................................................................30
PART TWO.............................................................................................................32
Workout Number One.......................................................................................34
Dumbbell Chest Press...................................................................................34
One Arm Dumbbell Row................................................................................35
Dumbbell Lateral Raise..................................................................................36
Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions................................................................37
Dumbbell Squat............................................................................................38
Dumbbell Step Ups........................................................................................39
One Legged Squat off Bench.........................................................................40
Dumbbell Straight Leg Dead lift.....................................................................41
Knee Ins........................................................................................................42

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raise......................................................................43

Workout Number Two.......................................................................................44
Dumbbell Chest Flyes....................................................................................44
Dumbbell Pullovers.......................................................................................45
Standing Dumbbell Press...............................................................................46
Dumbbell Dead lift........................................................................................47
Dumbbell Sumo Squat...................................................................................48
Dumbbell Split Squat.....................................................................................49
Hip Lift..........................................................................................................50
Abdominal Crunch........................................................................................51
Instructions for your strength training program................................................52
How much weight should I use?....................................................................52
How to stay motivated..................................................................................52
Guidelines for the first month.......................................................................52
Workout guideline for second month of strength training............................53
Workout guideline for third month of strength training................................53
After three months of strength training........................................................54
Just do it........................................................................................................54

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


Welcome to the exercise portion of the Hot Metabolism system. The idea behind this
document, which we will call The Exercise Plan, is to give you a complete overview of
what it is that we get out of putting in the effort to exercise on a regular basis, and how
our bodies respond to the right type of exercise.

Notice that I emphasize the right type of exercise, because the last thing I want you to
be doing is going through the motions, performing exercises that are about as effective
for muscle conditioning and fat loss as is sitting in front of your TV for the same period of
time. I value my time, and I know you value yours, so I am going to promise you now
that you will finding nothing in this document that does not pay off when it is put into

This workout philosophy, for want of a better word, will form Part One of the Exercise
Plan. Then, in Part Two, we will look at putting these ideas into practice by detailing two
workout plans that you can use to effectively achieve the results we are seeking.

You will be able to rotate these two plans, indefinitely, if you like, or use them as the
basis for workout variations that will keep you in shape for as long as you are committed
to maintaining the best possible health which I will take to be every day from here on

Now, if you are still wondering whether you can really change the shape and appearance

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of your body by following this Plan, the answer is yes, you most certainly can. You are
stuck with the body you were born with, but not its expression, which is entirely
dependent on environment factors like nutrition and exercise. You can therefore sculpt
an entirely new look if you know what to do and how to go about it effectively.

Perhaps you have seen before and after pictures of individuals who have gone through a
transformation program and come out looking almost like another person. I will be the
first to admit that there are a lot of fake before and after photos out there, but there are
also a great number of remarkable transformations that have been recorded and they
are entirely believable.

I know this because I have worked with clients for over 30 years. I have seen people turn
their lives around, and I have seen people go through the motions and get nowhere. The
only real difference between those that succeed and those who do not? Frame of mind.

Some people I can get through to, and some simply refuse to believe that hard work and
sensible choices can make all the difference between getting what you want out of life,
and not getting it.

So before I get into why it is that I personally believe everyone ought to be integrating
proper workout routines into their weekly schedule (let me just say right now it is all
about the health benefits), there can be no doubt that there are other benefits to
improved health that are entirely social in nature.

The cold, hard facts of life are that our society admires beauty, and the most admired
bodies are slim, shapely, and firm. But although this might seem like a thoroughly
shallow way of viewing others, the reality is that this is a biological imperative that is
deeply ingrained within us, and for good reason.

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Bodies that are slim, shapely, and firm correlate highly with bodies that are healthy and
which have the greatest chance of producing healthy offspring that will survive to
adulthood. Furthermore, this is something that evolution has wired into our psyche over
a period of millions of years, and simply cannot be switched off. Simply put, we are
attracted to beautiful bodies because they are, all other things being equal, the ones
that will bless us with the most robust offspring.

But there is more to life than simply finding the optimal mate. So when you find yourself
on the other side of the line that separates the spouse-hunting obsession of youth from
the wealth-accumulating drive of the family man or woman, different reasons emerge
for wanting to keep your body in the best possible shape you can manage. Simply put,
you want to be able to stick around for as long as it takes to build wealth for the sake of
your family.

Yes, sooner or later it will occur to you that you really do want to live forever and you
will try to stretch out your life span as much as you can, but the main reason I think
people become concerned with their health in the age range of 30 to 60 is that they
want to ensure their offspring have a cushion to fall back on if life throws a spanner in
the works at some stage.

So, looking great when you are young is important, but having the kind of body that
turns heads when you are older is even more critical because it could mean the
difference between living to be 70 years of age, and living until you are 90 (and enjoying
every minute of that extra time).

As a fitness professional it is a constant source of wonder to me that so many people will

attempt to starve themselves to acquire the slim, shapely, and firm look that they so
desperately desire. It astounds me because they are going about it entirely the wrong
way. No amount of dieting, and certainly not starvation, will ever contribute to the goal
of building a strong, lean, shapely body.

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The problem, no doubt, is that those who seek to correct their body shape lack basic
knowledge of what it takes to acquire their dream body. There are a number of popular,
but completely misleading notions about diet and exercise that feed this mania to follow
restrictive food diets and take up long duration, low intensity activities (like aerobics)
that are completely ineffective at producing the desired results.

Most people simply do not realize that strength training exercise is really the key to
reshaping bodies, boosting fat burning, and achieving the firm slim bodies they really

Dieting, and cardio exercise without strength training, causes muscle tissue to atrophy
(shrink). The result is that the body's metabolism (the rate at which the body burns fuel)
slowly shuts down. When this happens, excess body fat begins to accumulate for the
simple reason that it is toned muscle tissue (now lost) that is mostly responsible for
burning the fat reserves in your body. This means that the more muscle you have on
your body, the higher your metabolism, and the faster your body will burn fat for fuel.

So, if you really want to get rid of excess pounds of fat you need to strength train and
build strong toned muscles. These muscles will gobble up the fat from all over your body
and leave behind a fabulous shapely, firm, and lean body and that's exactly the result
you are looking for, isn't it?

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For this part of the Exercise Plan I am simply going to do my best to indoctrinate you. I will tell
you all about why it is that you should be committed to your workouts and what the benefits
are that you will gain by sticking to the plan.

Don't worry, you do not have to remember everything you come across in this section.
Just try to suck up as much of the information as you can, and by the time you get to the
second part of this plan (where I present a pair of workout routines you can adopt) you
ought to have a pretty good idea of why it is that you are going to be doing those

The benefits of strength training exercise

Let's take a look at the most immediate benefits to adding muscle-building exercises to
your workout routines. Don't worry about gaining too much muscle by following a
schedule that includes strength training exercises. That simply is not going to happen
unless you are prepared to work really, really hard to achieve it (after all, not a single
body builder who has ever lived acquired their physique because they accidentally
added too many sets of strength training exercise).

Here are the main benefits of strength training:

1. Your metabolism (your bodys engine) will be boosted Your metabolism is basically
the rate at which your body processes and utilizes fuel (calories) for its energy needs.
This fuel-burning accounts for 60-75 percent of your bodys total energy output.

As a rough measure, your metabolic volume can be measured as the total weight of lean

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muscle on your frame. So, the more toned and firm muscle tissue you have on your
body, the more calories you will be burning every single minute of the day and night. If
you want to lose fat, add muscle!

2. Strengthening exercise will greatly improve your body composition (muscle/fat

ratio) This, in turn, will give you greater fat burning potential. But you will not see the
changes so much on the bathroom scale because your fat losses can be hidden by the
increase in muscle tissue gained as you are toning up.

Nonetheless, be assured that getting your metabolism firing on all cylinders is going to
help you in the long-run to achieve that slim, trim body. So do not worry about what the
needle on the scale says for the time being. It will come down eventually. But at the start
it may even go up a little as you add muscle. So dont freak out, OK?

3. Build yourself strong healthy bones Strength training will increase your bone
strength and density, and reduce your risk of osteoporosis. Although this is more
generally a risk for women, men are also at risk of weakened bones.

The way this works begins with the observation that your muscles are attached to your
bones. When you work your muscles hard against a resistance (weight), or load, it pulls
on the bones, placing stress on them. Because of this, the body is forced to strengthen
the bones to be able to take future loadings in stride. This is the old adage use it or lose
it at work.

4. Increased self-confidence Increasing your body strength can be a very empowering

experience. But it is not all about the body. Increased strength spills over and
strengthens mental and emotional health as well. You will begin to feel great inside as
you master the physical challenges that proper strength training exercise provides. After
a while you may even begin to feel unstoppable!

Your exercise sessions should be of short duration but with some moderate to high

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intensity segments added. This means you will need to put in effort for brief spurts and
it will take focus on your part to achieve this. But this makes your exercise sessions more
enjoyable when you are fully engaged and working your body and mind as one.

Workout duration. If you are spending more than an hour in the gym, you should ask
yourself why that is. If it is for socializing that's fine. But if it is because your workout is
way too easy and it takes a couple of hours to feel like you have actually done
something, then you need to take it up a notch or two.

Imagine you have to get in and out of the gym in 40 minutes. Think about what changes
you would make so you can fit everything into that time frame. What low intensity,
ineffective fluff would you cut out of your workout? If the answer comes easily, get rid of
that portion of your routine.

How hard should you exercise?

One of the characteristics of people who are simply going through the motions when it
comes to their workout sessions, is that they are completely ignorant of the importance
of workout intensity to getting results. For this reason, you should be at least familiar
with the concept of Perceived Rate of Exertion. Knowing about this can help make your
exercise sessions much more effective.

Essentially, Perceived Rate of Exertion (or PRE) is a self check mechanism of sorts used to
help you maintain awareness of your level of workout effort. This allows you to work at
your own pace, and capabilities, regardless of your current fitness or strength levels.

Basically, PRE is a scale from 1 to 10 that will help to keep you aware of how hard you
are (or are not) exercising, so that you can reach your fitness and weight loss goals in the

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fastest possible manner. It is a subjective self-measure of your own work output based
on how hard some exercise feels to you at a given time.

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This scale above is really for endurance or cardio type activity. Applying it to strength
training exercise would give an exertion chart as follows:

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What you are working with

Just as a musician cannot fully master their instrument and deliver the most satisfying
musical notes until they have a proper appreciation of its structure, the principles
behind its design, and its response to being struck, so too do you need to understand
the nature of your own body and how it responds to exercise before you can hope to
fully master its expression (remember, you cannot change your body, but you can
change its expression if you know how).

So let's do some anatomy 101. I promise it will be short!

Your body consists primarily of water, fat, muscle, and bone. Your bone structure is fairly
well set by the time you are an adult so there is little chance of actually changing it. That
leaves just muscle and fat that you have primarily to work with. By altering the amounts
of muscle and fat in your body you can alter its shape and appearance its expression.

If you do not exercise, and you eat too much food, you will lose muscle tone and
strength, and you will accumulate body fat. On the other hand, if you begin to exercise
on a regular basis and eat nutritious food to fuel your exercise sessions you will lose that
excess body fat and increase your muscle tone and strength.

The way this works has been noted before your lean muscle tissue is the chief means
by which you burn body fat. Muscle tissue just loves to gobble up fat to keep it energized
and ready to perform exhausting work the kind you provide by putting your body
through its paces with strength training.

But any physically demanding work will suffice, it is just that most of us do not get the
opportunity to exert ourselves in our usual line of work, and that is why most people
have to schedule exercise as an extra activity.

But when you make the effort to do so, the whole of your body will take on a leaner,
tighter and more shapely appearance. Exercise, and in particular strength training, is the
only way you can bring about these changes.


Nothing comes easy in life, and in general, unless you have been born with the genetic
disposition to it (rare, very very rare), your dream body is no exception.

So, acquiring for yourself that lean, trim body is not going to happen without applying
some effort on your part. Our bodies do not willingly, or easily, change. They will resist

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


our attempts to force them to take on a new shape. Because of this, it will take more
than a haphazard approach to your exercise program to make any solid change to your

Again, this is why you have no need to worry that you might accidentally gain too much
muscle in your efforts to increase your metabolic volume (total amount of fat-burning

As with your career and your relationships, some degree of effort is required to achieve
your desired goals, and it is the same with your pursuit of a shapely, lean, and firm body.
This does not mean going for the burn, and training with high repetitions and light
weight. It means doing the exact opposite for the most part low repetition sets with
heavier weights to force muscle growth.

It also means putting in some spurts of higher intensity exercise, and higher levels of
effort, as you become more accustomed to your workouts. This is something you will get
better at as time goes on. So dont worry if you are just getting started and feel
somewhat out of your element. With practice you will gain confidence over your
workout routines, and then over your body.


It would be nice if we could rely on an initial spurt of enthusiasm and effort to provide us
with the body we desire, and then coast on this for several years. Unfortunately, our
biology does not work this way. After all, the old adage use it or lose it was likely
dreamed up by someone forced to consider this exact issue.

Only a regular and consistent approach with your exercise program will provide you with
the results you are seeking, and help maintain them. Patience will be required to build
the body you desire. Patience, and effort.

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If you consistently follow the training guidelines in this program you should begin to
notice a nice new shape to your body in just a few weeks. In just a few months you
should really start to see the progress, and 12 months from now you will have made
drastic and pronounced changes to your body.

Technique and form

Good exercise form will dramatically improve the rate at which you achieve your desired
results, whether it be muscle gain, or fat loss. If you perform an exercise with good
upright posture, no matter whether you are standing or sitting, you will be training ALL
of your bodys muscles in their correct positions.

A slumped, bent over body is out of alignment, and to do an exercise this way is simply
to train your body to be better able to perform exercises in what amounts to a
completely ineffective manner.

Please don't waste your time this way. If you are lazy and do not pay proper attention to
your technique you will only be impeding your progress. Besides, the seated nature of
our modern sedentary world means we are slumping forward for much of our day, so
any chance to reverse this is good.

Always concentrate on the muscle you are working. Try to feel the muscle, and
squeeze it as you take it through its full range of movement over the resistance stage.
When you release the move, maintain the tension in the working muscle as you return
to the start position.

Think of each exercise as having a beginning and an end and always use controlled
movement throughout the entire movement. The slower and squeezier you do your
exercises the greater the results you will experience, as you will be contracting more
muscle fibers.

Types of exercises

Forget the baby weights, forget muscle sculpting and Suzy the interactive virtual
trainer. Dont waste your time with exercises like bicep curls with little pink dumbbells,
or walking on a treadmill. For ninety-nine percent of the population, exercises like these
are just plain inefficient.

If time is an issue, as it tends to be for most people, you should consider the ultimate
workout to be one that focuses on doing the most amount of work in the shortest
amount of time. This means working as many muscles as possible in one time-efficient

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exercise session.

Although there are literally many hundreds of different strength training exercises to
choose from, many of them are scarcely worth consideration. The ones you want to
concern yourself with are the ones that provide you with the most bang for your buck.
These exercises are usually harder to perform as they involve big muscle groups that
work together to lift the weight, so they do take some effort to pull off correctly.

But these harder exercises are the ones that will give you accelerated results. The long
and short of it is that you will get the maximum improved body shape when you perform
full body multi-joint compound exercises. You will also get a boost to your metabolism,
along with the fastest strength and fitness gains.

The two top exercises

The two big compound movements that involve the most muscles are the dead-lift and
the squat. These free weight exercises will always be superior to machine-based,
isolation-type, smaller movements, as they allow you to use maximal resistance (weight)
while training a number of muscle groups at the same time. This is what the dead-lift
looks like performed with a barbell:

Lets examine for a moment these seemingly compatible exercises the dead-lift and
the squat versus the leg machines found in almost all gyms. Now, I know what you are
thinking. They are all working the same muscles, right? So, what does it matter whether
I do squats or use exercise machines to stimulate my muscles? Well, lets look at the

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most obvious issue first.

Squatting is a full lower body exercise that works all the parts of your legs at the same
time. Yet, most people will target four different leg machines to try to accomplish what
squats alone will do.

By concentrating your efforts on squatting, instead of doing leg press, leg extensions, leg
curls, and calf raises, you could be out of the gym in half the time and acquire far better
results for your efforts.

When you perform a squat, your core (mid-section) must be engaged to keep you
balanced and stable. So, with just one exercise you are working large portions of your
body, versus just working your quadriceps (front thigh muscles) with only the leg
extension machine, or just working your hamstrings (rear thigh muscles) with the leg
curl machine.

I can already hear the protests: But I cant do squats because I have bad knees (or
ankles, or hips, or whatever).

If that was true, then how is it that you manage to get in and out of your car, or sit
yourself down in the bathroom, or pick something up to move it elsewhere? Everyone
can do squats. If necessary, you can perform body-weight squats with no added weight.

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You may need to perform them with the assistance of a chair, sitting and standing up
again, or perform a Swiss ball wall squat (in which placing the ball between your back
and the wall allows you to concentrate the exercise on your thigh muscles). However
you need to do them is fine, just so long as you put in the effort and get the job done.

The squatting exercise is the most basic of all human movement. If we fail to keep strong
in this movement, we end up using our back when we should be using leg strength. This
leads to us placing excessive strain on our poor old back, making the region prone to

The next time you go to pick something up from the floor, use your legs to squat down,
rather than bend over from the waist to retrieve it. It is always better to use strong legs
for such movements.

On the strength days

Your job when you are training (to build strength) is to lift enough resistance (weight) to
challenge your body, but at the same time still be able to keep perfect form. The idea is
to get stronger over time, to lift heavier, to build and tone the muscle tissue that is going
to speed up your metabolism, make you leaner, and allow you to eat more without
gaining excess fat weight.

The right type of exercise for fat loss

It is very important that you do not simply end up going through the motions when it
comes to your workouts. If you are going to be putting in the time then you want to see
results. So please keep in mind the following two very important points about the type
of exercise you can do and its relationship to fat loss (since this is often a primary
motivating factor for taking up exercise):

1. A proper strength training exercise program that involves some big whole body
movements, like squats and dead-lifts, is more important than cardio type of activity of
any kind for metabolism-boosting fat loss.

2. Long, slow, single mode, endurance type activity is less effective for fat loss than high
intensity intervals or short burst sprint type cardio exercise.

Intensity (the degree of difficulty in performing your chosen exercise) is your friend. It is
the application of intensity that will allow you to create the body you desire without
having to spend hours and hours at the process each time you visit the gym.

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


Muscle tissue in both men and women deteriorates at almost every stage of life. This is
why we must strength train to rebuild the muscle we have lost, and therefore to rebuild
our metabolism.

Why is muscle so important? Here's why in a nutshell:

Muscle is the driving force behind your fat burning mechanism - your

Muscle tissue is very active, requiring energy (calories) just to remain viable.

Your muscle cells burn glucose (blood sugar) for energy.

Toned firm muscle tissue gives a pleasing shape to your body.

Strong muscles help you perform physical tasks optimally, and so make your
everyday activities easier.

In short, the more toned muscle tissue you possess, the more efficiently your body will
burn fat and the more of it you will burn over a given length of time. When you carry
sufficient muscle on your body you will be able to eat a reasonable quantity of food
without gaining excess fat weight.

This is the good sort of metabolic fitness that we should all strive to achieve, and it does
not just happen by accident.

Although genetics does play a part in how fast or slow your metabolism can operate, you
would be amazed by how much it can be affected by lifestyle choices, particularly when
it comes to exercise and nutrition.

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Keys to a good metabolism

In summary, here are the keys to building the kind of metabolism that benefits your
health the most by turning your body into a fat-burning machine. You need to
incorporate each of the following into your schedule:

A proper strength training exercise program

Nutritious eating

Cardio interval style exercise

An active lifestyle in general

Consistency in all of the above

Scales mentality

I want to take a moment to address an obsession that affects most people when they
decide the time has come to get into shape. It is watching the needle on your bathroom
scales, day after day, with the expectation that it will begin moving to lower numbers as
the weeks pass by.

Often we develop the notion that the key to attaining greater happiness, and enjoyment

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of life, is to get to a particular body-weight generally one that is lower than where we
are at present. We say things to ourselves like, If I could only weigh what I did back
when I was at high school. Or, Before I had the kids I was only XXX pounds. This scale
mentality can be highly problematic.

For one thing, nobody really cares how much you weigh, unless you are so overweight
that your health has become a concern to family members. Besides that, and unless you
really are significantly overweight to begin with, your first few weeks of strength-training
and eating right to burn off fat is unlikely to generate much in the way of body weight

Whatever fat you burn off is likely to be replaced by about the same amount of lean
muscle tissue, so the needle on the scales might barely budge. It might even show a
small weight gain to begin with as muscle is built.

Another reason to not worry too much about how much you weigh at any given time is
that it is very difficult to assess just how far you are from your ideal body weight. For
example, the fittest people with the most athletic bodies, who are in excellent shape,
are often considered overweight if they are placed onto the standard weight/height

Why it this? Simply because muscle tissue is so much denser than fat and flab and holds
more water so it weighs more. People who have tight, toned bodies weigh much more
than skinny fat people who lack muscle tone. So simply knowing your weight and
height is not enough to determine how far you are from your ideal weight.

But one thing you can depend on is that strength training will change your body for the
better, and the easiest way to understand the dynamics of this is to remember these two
basic rules.

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1. Healthy toned muscle tissue takes up considerably less space than body fat. But a
body with a good muscle/fat ratio (body composition) is so much more aesthetically
pleasing. In other words, if you want to look hot then replace fat with muscle.

2. Muscle tissue weighs more than body fat. Too often people who are having fantastic
success with their exercise program weigh themselves on the bathroom scale and get
discouraged because they do not appear to have not lost any weight. Their clothes fit
better, they look better and they feel better, and yet they are still sweating the numbers
on the scale. This scales mentality is counter-productive.

A much better approach is to look at your measurements. Is your waistline getting

smaller? Are your legs getting firmer? Do your clothes fit better? These are all
indications of your progress.

It is a very good idea to have your body composition tested to find out exactly where
you are now, and to measure future progress as well. Your local gym or health club
should be able to do this for you, or you can test body composition for yourself with a
home testing device.

Body composition testing gives you a better picture of what is actually happening as you
lose body fat and gain strength, because it breaks your weight into lean muscle tissue
versus the fat. The idea is to increase muscle percentage while decreasing fat

Understandably, it is highly motivating when you begin to see these numbers head in the
right direction. If you discover that they are not heading in the right direction you can
simply tweak and monitor your food and exercise until you do get the separate numbers
moving in the right directions.

One important result of strength training that we often do not consciously think about is
the increase in physical performance, as measured by your strength. Stronger muscles
enable you to lift and move things that are heavy. A stronger muscle also provides
endurance regardless of the hobbies, sports, or day-to-day activities you participate in.

How to use your lower body to burn more fat

I am all for getting the most out of my workouts in the shortest possible time, and I am
sure you feel the same way. So what can be done to increase the effectiveness of
workouts and decrease the time you spend in the gym? In this section you find out just

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Let's begin with the observation that it is the big muscles of the lower body that are the
powerhouse of a healthy metabolism. Because of this, you must not neglect to exercise
these potential fat burning furnaces. The vast majority of people do not realize how
strong and powerful their legs can be, even without going to the trouble of bulking them
up with an excess of muscle.

Understandably, some people (and I am thinking of women here generally) have a fear
of adding bulk to their legs by exercising them directly. They often carry a higher amount
of body fat in this area and are therefore afraid they will make their legs even larger.

But this is an entirely misplaced fear.

In particular, women do not need to worry about adding excessive bulk because they
simply do not have the level of the hormone testosterone that is necessary to build big
bulky muscles. At least, not without the kind of extreme power training that
characterizes the workouts of professional body builders.

So fear not the only way you can build real muscular bulk in your legs is to completely
give yourself over to the notion that the ONLY thing you care about is building massive
muscles and to train, and train, and train in order to get them. So there is no way you
are going to accidentally build too much bulk on your lower body.

When you do begin to strength train, and incorporate lots of squats and dead-lifts into
your routines, initially there will be some toning of the muscle, and before you start to
lose the fat around and on the inside of the muscle you may notice a slight size increase
in your legs. But do not worry too much about that as something more important is
taking place within you.

As soon as the fat is burned off; you will have tight, slender legs. You will also soon
notice how your legs, along with the rest of your body, are becoming more shapely and
firmer, and you will develop an appearance that is leaner overall. All of this is due to the
entire muscular system becoming more metabolically active, and causing more body fat
to be burned every minute of the day and night whether you are being active or not.

It is also worth keeping in mind that you can not spot reduce fat (which means to
remove fat from a particular part of the body unless you are doing something foolish
like a liposuction procedure). You will lose excess fat weight from all over your entire
body no matter which body part you are actually training. In other words, training your
legs will not cause you to lose fat only from your legs. It will come off your whole body
and your genetics will govern what fat stores are used up for energy and what order that
will happen.

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Challenging yourself

In a sense, muscles are very smart, and if challenged to the limits of their capabilities
they strengthen themselves. Then, when faced with the same physical challenge again,
they will be able to perform at a higher capacity. This is the key to understanding your
strength training exercise program.

When you are exercising you need to find a way to constantly challenge your muscles.
When you perform the same exercise, and use the same resistance (weight) each time,
you will maintain the condition of your muscle tissue, but not change it so as to boost
your metabolism.

For most people, remaining in the exact shape you are currently in is not the goal. Your
aim is to enhance your abilities. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated about this
just make sure you continue to slightly challenge yourself by slowly escalating your
strength training program each time you perform it.

How you can change it up

Try some new exercises

Change the number of sets and repetitions of your exercises

Increase or decrease your rest period between exercise sets

Change the order of your exercises

The muscle-into-fat myth

Many people believe that when you stop exercising your muscles they will turn to fat.
But this is not correct. Think oranges and pears body fat cells and muscle cells are two
totally different cell types, just as a brain cell and a liver cell are different. No one type of
cell, other than perhaps a stem cell, can easily be turned into another type. Your muscles
may atrophy (and significantly) in size when you stop exerting yourself, but they will
never turn into fat tissue.

The reality is simply that less of either muscle or fat tissue on your body means more
room for the other. So, if you should stop exercising (and why would you want to?) and
stop using your muscles, your body becomes considerably less efficient at burning
calories, and this allows excess fat weight to accumulate.

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As an example, let's say a 130 pound woman stopped her strength training exercise and
allowed her muscles to weaken. She may continue to see the same number when she
weighs herself on the bathroom scale, but her ratio of fat to muscle will shift negatively
and her body shape will change for the worse (as she loses muscle she gains fat).

People who have a strength training program firmly in place in their life can slow, or
entirely inhibit, the one half pound of muscle tissue loss per year that is experienced by
people who do not take care to maintain their strength.

Preparing for strength training programs with dumbbells

In Part Two of this book you are going to be presented with two strength training
programs that use a pair of dumbbells to build muscle. For the remainder of Part One
we will cover some of the basic ideas, so as to prepare you for jumping into Part Two
and getting underway with two simple but effective plans for exercising.

Dumbbell exercises offer some advantages over the resistance machines that you will
find in a typical gym. Here are just a few of them:


incorporate the body's core stabilizing muscles, so that you recruit multiple
muscle groups - this helps you develop a much more balanced physique and
better posture

are extremely effective and safe when used correctly

fit around your body better than you fitting around a machine

allow you to exercise in your own most natural body movement patterns

are portable and fairly inexpensive, allowing you to exercise at home

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Some basic strength training terminology

So that you will understand everything discussed in Part Two, the exercise plan portion
of this document, let's go through the basic terminology used when providing workout
instructions. Most of this you will be familiar with already, but there may be a few terms
that are new to you.

Exercise - the name of the actual movement being executed on the target muscle group.
For example the bench press, or a chin up, is an exercise.

Repetitions or reps - this is the complete physical movement made when performing
one exercise. From the start point to the end point is called a repetition, or rep for short.
You will normally perform between 8 12 repetitions of each exercise.

Sets - A set is a fixed number of repeated exercise movements or repetitions. For

example, doing a biceps curl repeatedly 10 times will make up a set.

For each single exercise, usually between 1-3 sets are performed. The rest break
between each set is usually 1-2 minutes depending on the desired intensity level. This
allows enough strength in the muscles to be returned to be able to complete the next

If you allow too much rest between sets you lose some of the effectiveness of the
exercise as the muscle then recovers. This can work against the goal to fatigue the
muscle so that it becomes stronger.

In general, most muscle groups require 3 sets of an exercise, with the first set considered
a warm up set. A good idea is to start off with the first set at around 50 percent of the
maximum amount of weight you can lift in an exercise. You then increase the second set
to around 60 percent followed by the third set at 80-90 percent.

You could start with your warm up set and do around 12-15 repetitions, then 10-12 on
the second set, and for your last set maybe 6-8 repetitions. As your muscles are warming
up you can use heavier weights with more safety. This also allows you to scale down the
number of repetitions needed to reach that overload point, so that you can get on with
the next exercise more quickly.

When you do your strength training exercises in this manner you are doing quality work
which will produce three times the results in half the time. Boosted metabolism, and an
efficient fat-burning, strong, healthy, and lean body will be yours much quicker when
you train with purpose. Pottering around doing low intensity fluff will not get you these

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sorts of results.

Positive phase The stage of an exercise repetition that requires your muscles to
contract is called the positive phase. For example, when you are doing a biceps curl, the
positive phase occurs when you are lifting the weight upward.

Negative phase When you allow the weight to return to the start position you are
engaging in the negative phase of the movement. When you are doing a biceps curl for
example, the negative phase occurs when your arms are straightening as you slowly
lower the weight back down alongside your hips.

To sum it up - the positive phase is where the muscle is contracting, followed by the
negative phase where the muscle is lengthening and returning to its original state.
For best results, you should generally spend 2-4 seconds on the positive phase and
slightly longer on the negative phase.

Overload - To see gains in strength you need to force your muscles resist greater
workloads (usually more weight). You might only do this for one or two repetitions of an
exercise, but without doing this from time to time there will be no strength increase.

You could think of this overload state as the sole point and purpose of doing the
reps/sets which precede it. In effect, you are really only warming up your muscles with
the lighter reps, working them to a point where they can be challenged more than they
ever have been before.

Failure to incorporate overload is the reason why many people can train for years at a
gym and yet they look like they have never ever set foot inside one. They are simply
exercising at too low an intensity level maybe at only 60 percent of their maximum,
instead of occasionally reaching an intensity level of approximately 90 percent (or more).

Progression - A muscle must continually work against a gradually increasing resistance as

it gets stronger, if it is to meet that ever expanding overload point. You need to increase
the amount of the weight you use from time to time on all of your exercises to keep

Intensity - (In the case of strength training) refers to the amount of weight you are
lifting, and indicates how difficult the exercise is for you to perform. Increasing your
intensity (the weight you are lifting) is the key to progression, and your success, with a
strength-training program.

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How much time is required for strength training?

Most fitness experts agree that devoting 30-40 minutes to strength training 2-3 times a
week is sufficient for strength and muscle toning.

Working out this way is so effective that only a little is needed unlike the ineffective
exercise methods that you may be doing which involve long-duration low-intensity
activities that do not contribute to strength improvements. Because of this, they do not
contribute to a boost in metabolism and fat burning.

Should you strength train in a gym, or at home?

The exercises in this program (see Part Two) use standard free weights i.e. dumbbells
which are found in all gyms. The exercises can be done at home if you have the
appropriate home gym equipment.

What equipment do you need?

A gym will have the equipment you need, but if you do not have access to one, then
purchasing some equipment yourself, so that you can exercise at home is always an
option. To perform these programs you will need:

A bench standard support bench

Dumbbells A range of different weights with increments as low as


A Swiss ball which can also be used in place of the bench

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Will my muscles get sore?

When you work muscles that have not been worked for a while, it is normal to feel a bit
of soreness in them a day or so after they were exercised. This pain is caused by the
micro-trauma within the muscle fibers. This occurs when they are asked to do something
they are not used to, and the connective tissues are protesting.

This is a healthy reaction, and is what will make your body stronger. So the next time you
ask your body to do something challenging it will be with newly improved, stronger
muscles. It is also important to recognize that pain is a signal, and that your body is
telling you that it requires rest so it can implement the necessary repairs and

This is why you need to give yourself 1 or 2 days of rest between exercise sessions. This
is so that the muscles can recover. This shows you how effective strength training
exercise really is as it works the muscles directly and can target them very effectively and
produce results quickly.

But if the pain does not go away in a day or so, and remains persistent, something is
wrong. You should not experience unrelenting and persistent pain. If you do, it may
mean you are injured. In this case you need to consult with a doctor or other health
professional for further evaluation.

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Common muscular and skeletal injuries are usually accompanied by inflammation, so an

ice-pack is the best first course of treatment, and is something you can do yourself. Any
sudden onset of pain is a sign that something abnormal is going on in your body and is a
signal to warn you of the danger. So stop exercise immediately and seek help.

Speed of exercise movements

The speed you execute a strength training movement plays a major and important role
in strength and muscle toning, as well as the risk of injury. Fast or jerky movements
create momentum, and this creates a moving force which actually robs the muscle of

Fast movements also increase the risk of injury as it often does not allow time for
sufficient blood to flow into the muscle. Slow, smooth, controlled movements offer an
even powering of muscle strength throughout the range of motion. A bias towards slow
rather than fast movement, creates less momentum, promotes better blood flow, and
less internal tissue friction.

Interval training

By interval training we mean short bursts of 10-20 seconds of near all out (90 percent)
activity alternated with 30 seconds to one minute (or more) of recovery activity. An
example of this would be 10 seconds of sprinting followed by one minute of walking.
Repeat this 8-12 times depending on your current fitness level.

You can use any cardio type activity, from skipping to swimming to cycling, either
outdoors or in a gym or at home. Start with just one session per week, and as you get
used to it try for a second time.

Interval training is challenging, but you will not believe the results that this type of
exercise will give you - total fast fat burning, fitness improving, anti-aging, and
metabolism boosting magic like nothing else.

You can start at a very easy level such as walking fast for 1 minute and walking slowly for
1 minute. Then you slowly increase the pace as your fitness and endurance level

It is important on the rest state of the intervals to really slow down by as much as 80
percent, as if they are performed too fast you will simply not be able to do justice to the
short higher intensity bursts.

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This is perhaps the easiest mistake to make and then it all ends up being one steady
state session, rather than short intense bursts followed by barely moving so that you can
get maximum recovery before the next full on burst.

OK, so now we have come to the end of Part One. In the next part of this document you
will find two workout routines that can be used as a template for your strength training,
either in the gym, or at home if that is more convenient.

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For this second part of the document I will be providing you with two workout routines
that are designed to tax your muscles and force them to grow stronger (i.e. larger).

Remember, the more muscle tissue you carry on your body, the higher will be the calorie
requirement to keep your muscles well-fed. This translates into greater fat burning for
every hour of the day, and puts you on the path to the kind of body that not only looks
great, but performs superbly in terms of both long-term health and the way it makes you
feel today.

Both of these strength-training programs will involve the use of dumbbells. The reason
for this is that dumbbells are portable, so you can perform these workouts either in the
gym, or at home. The reason we have more than one workout is that we do not want
your body to get so used to the one workout that it tops out and muscle development
stops. By switching to a second workout after six weeks you will be keeping your body
on its toes.

I recommend you do workout one for the first six weeks, two or three times per week.

For the second six weeks, switch to workout two.

Then, for the third six week period, alternate the two workouts so that your workout
schedule looks something like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 1

Following week:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Workout 2 Workout 1 Workout 1

Make sure that you take at least a day of rest between workout sessions. If you exercise
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you could do your interval training on Tuesday and
Thursday and have the weekend off.

This gives a nice balance of strength and interval training, but you can also easily adjust
your exercise schedule around your lifestyle. So, exercising this way will look like this:

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Program Interval Program Interval Program Day off Day off

1 or 2 training 1 or 2 training 1 or 2

Do the exercises that follow in the workout plans in the order indicated upper body
first, then lower body, and ending with abdominals. You can also try alternating an upper
body exercise with a lower body exercise to mix it up from time to time.

Start with two sets of each exercise for 10-12 repetitions (reps). After a couple of weeks
add a third set so it looks like this.

First set 10 12 reps (warm up set)

Second set 8 -10 reps (1st working set)
Last set 6-8 reps (make sure you choose a weight that makes the last 2 reps feel hard
to complete.

To get a quick birds-eye view of the two workouts presented in the remainder of this
document, take a look at the list of exercises that make up each workout plan:

Workout number one Workout number two

Chest press Chest flyes

One arm row Pullover
Lateral raise Shoulder press
Triceps extension Dead lift
Squat Sumo squat
Step ups Split squat
One leg squat off bench Hip lift
Straight leg dead lift Plank 4 x one minute
Knee ins 2 sets of 10-12 reps Abdominal crunch 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Calf raise

As you can see, the basic plan is upper body first, then lower body, and ending with

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Dumbbell Chest Press

The primary muscle group being trained in this exercise is your chest, with your
shoulders and triceps in a supportive role.

Lie back on a bench while holding dumbbells in each hand at the outside edge of your
shoulders. Be sure to keep the weights chest high. Your palms face towards your feet, as
your elbows bend at a 90 degree angle. Keep your head on the bench and your lower
back flat dont arch.

Press the weight up while you breathe out, keeping the weight directly over your chest.
Lower the weight in a horizontal plane with your shoulders as you inhale, keeping your
elbows and weights in line with your chest. Do not lock elbows at the top of the
movement and then lower the weights slowly. Momentarily pause at the bottom before
pressing the weights back up.

Tip Control the weight all the way up, slightly touching them together. Do not clank the
weights forcefully together at the top of the movement.

Focal Point Create the strongest contraction in your chest and triceps. As the intensity
builds, keep your breathing steady and in rhythm with each repetition. Guide your
attention to your focal point throughout the set.

Dont Do Dont allow your elbows and the weights to float past your shoulders toward
your head. Keep your shoulders and the weights in line.

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One Arm Dumbbell Row

The primary muscle group used in this exercise is your back, with your core muscles,
shoulders and arms in a supportive role.

Get into a push up position either on your knees or in the full push up position. Start
lifting one dumbbell up, pulling the weight to the middle of your rib cage. Keep your
shoulders parallel to the floor. Pause slightly at the top of the movement before slowly
lowering the weight. Keep your elbow close to your body and your back flat throughout
the movement.

Tips Do not rotate your torso or head as you lift the dumbbell.

Focal Point Contract the muscles in your back, tightly squeezing your shoulder blades

Dont Do Dont turn your chest and head upward while rowing the dumbbell up. Keep
looking down throughout the entire range of motion.

This exercise can also be done by placing one knee and one hand on a bench and the
opposite knee on the bench and foot on the ground.

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Dumbbell Lateral Raise

The primary muscles used in this exercise are the shoulders, with support from the
upper back and chest muscles.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Start with the dumbbells at your
sides. Raise the arms to the point where they are even with your shoulders, palms
facing down to the floor. Keep your arms almost perfectly straight, forming a T with your
torso. Keep your knees slightly bent while performing the entire range of motion. Pause
for a moment at the top and lower the weights slowly.

Tips Keep your palms facing downward to isolate your shoulder muscles. Lift the
dumbbells slowly rather than swinging them. Keep the dumbbells directly at your sides
do not let them travel to the front of your torso.

Focal Point - Try and create the fullest, most complete contraction of your shoulder

Dont Do If you cannot do the movement slowly and with good form you are likely
using too heavy weights so use lighter ones.

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Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

The primary muscles used in this exercise are your triceps which are at the back of your
upper arm. Sit on the edge of a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Lie back, keeping
the dumbbells close to your chest. Keep your palms facing each other, your hips and
lower back firmly grounded on the bench.

Press the weight up directly over your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbells, bending your
arms at your elbows. Pause briefly when the dumbbells are just above your head.
Keeping your elbows stationary lift the dumbbells as you straighten your arms.

Tips Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. Do not move your
elbows above your face or chest. Keep the dumbbells parallel to each other throughout
the movement.

Focal Point Draw your attention directly into your triceps creating the strongest
contraction as your arms straighten.

Dont Do Do not bring the weights directly over your chest between each repetition
and do not allow your elbows to shift out to the sides of your shoulders as your lower
the dumbbells. Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders.

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Dumbbell Squat

The primary muscle groups used during this exercise are your quadriceps and
hamstrings, with your calf muscles in a supportive role.

Hold the dumbbells with palms facing in towards the body. Feet should be shoulder
width apart and both feet pointing straight ahead. Squat down till your upper legs are
parallel with the floor. It is important to squat down low enough so you are taking your
hip and knee joints through their full range of motion.

Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement then return to the standing position. Keep
the movement smooth never jerky or bouncy.

Tips Be sure to keep your chin up and your eyes straight ahead to help you maintain
proper balance.

Focal Point Feel the strong contraction of your quadriceps muscles as you lower your
body down, and of the hamstrings as your press your body back up.

Dont Do Do not allow your back to round forward when you lower the weights. Keep
your back flat and sit down into the squat to lower the weights.

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Dumbbell Step Ups

Start standing in front of platform to step onto. Hold the dumbbells at your side and
keep your arms straight throughout the exercise. Keep in close to the platform at all

Step up onto the bench making sure to keep your back and arms straight and your
shoulders retracted. Step back down to the floor leading with the same foot that you
started with until all of the required repetitions are done then change sides.

Tips - Keep good erect posture throughout movement. (Pull tummy button in towards
spine and try and keep it there)

Dont Do - Step down carefully onto the floor - do not bounce.

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One Legged Squat off Bench

Sit on bench with one leg out to front and arms stretched out for balance. Stand up on
one leg then slowly sit back down again.

Use the strength in your leg muscles to do the work.

Do all repetitions on one leg then swap legs and repeat with other leg. For added
intensity hold a dumbbell in hands.

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Dumbbell Straight Leg Dead lift

The primary muscle group used in this exercise is your hamstrings, with your glutes
(buttocks) in a supportive role.

Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Rest the dumbbells on the fronts of your
thighs with your palms facing towards the fronts of your legs. Bend forward at the hips
and slowly lower the dumbbells letting them travel down the fronts of the legs while
keeping the knees soft and the legs almost straight.

While concentrating on the muscles in the back of your legs, raise your upper body and
the weights to the starting position.

Tips - Keep your hands close to your shins, arch your back slightly and stick your chest
out throughout the exercise to keep the weight supported by your hamstrings.

Focal Point Feel your hamstring muscles lengthen and stretch as you lower and raise
the weight.

Dont Do Do not round your back at any point during the exercise.

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Knee Ins
Sit on the edge of a bench and bring knees up and in towards chest. Hold briefly then
stretch legs out. To add intensity (extra difficulty) to the movement hold a small weight
between your feet. For variation try twisting slightly to the side alternately when pulling
knees in.

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Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raise

Holding a dumbbell in your right hand at your side, stand upright and place your left
hand on the top of something for support.

Stand on just your left leg. Rest your right foot slightly out behind you. Push up so you
are on the tips of your left toes.

Pause briefly then slowly lower back down till your heel is lower than platform to stretch
calf muscle.

Do all repetitions of one leg then swap the dumbbell to other hand and repeat on other

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Workout Number Two

Dumbbell Chest Flyes

The primary muscle group being trained is your chest, with your shoulders and triceps in
a supportive role.

Lie back on a bench while holding dumbbells in each hand keeping the dumbbells close
to your chest. Keep your palms facing each other, your hips and lower back firmly
grounded on the bench.

Begin with elbows slightly bent and lower the dumbbells out to the sides, making a T
with your arms and your torso. Dont let your arms go below the bench. Then press the
dumbbells up in an arc, as if you are giving someone a hug. Lightly touch the weights
together above your chest and slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position. Be
sure to exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.

Tips Dont allow your hands to lower below your shoulders. This can place additional
stress on the shoulder joint. Drive the weights together from your chest and avoid using
your arms to move the weights together.

Focal Point Draw your attention directly into your chest throughout this exercise,
keeping your breathing steady and consistent.

Dont Do Keep the weights in line with your elbows and shoulders and dont allow
your arms to rotate.

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Dumbbell Pullovers

The primary muscle group used in this exercise is your back, with your chest, triceps and
abs also in a supportive role.

Lie perpendicular across a flat bench with only your upper back on the bench. Your feet
are approximately shoulder width apart and flat on the floor. Push your hips up so they
are almost parallel with your shoulders. Hold the dumbbell with flattened hands against
the inside upper plate of one end straight above your chest.

Slowly arch the dumbbell out above your head, keeping your arms almost straight. Stop
when the dumbbell is horizontal with your head and slowly lower. Slightly pause and
bring the dumbbell back above your forehead.

Tips You should feel your hamstring (rear of upper thigh) working to maintain the
proper position of keeping your hips up.

Focal Point - Keep your core muscles tight while contracting your back, chest and
shoulder muscles while at the same time extending the dumbbell out making a large
arch with your arms.

Dont Do Do not allow your hips to drop down at any point in this exercise.

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Standing Dumbbell Press

The primary muscles worked in this exercise are your shoulders with the chest, upper
back and core muscles in a supportive role.

Stand with feet at shoulder width apart. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height. Press
them upwards until they are overhead. Pause at the top of the movement and gently
touch the dumbbells together. Lower slowly and repeat.

Tips Dont lower the dumbbells too low on your shoulders. Keep your tummy button
pulled into towards your spine to maintain good posture.

Focal Point - Keep all of your upper body muscles tight while lifting the dumbbells
overhead. Try and let your shoulder muscles do the work.

Dont Do - Do not swing the weights at any time. Use good control throughout the

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Dumbbell Dead lift

This is the number one all over body exercise that uses the largest number of muscles
for all over body strength.

Stand in an upright position while resting the dumbbells on the fronts of your thighs.
Lower the dumbbells down toward the floor by first sitting your hips back, and then
bend your knees and torso until you reach slightly above the floor.

Keep the dumbbells close to the fronts of your legs throughout the whole movement.
Pause briefly at bottom of movement then slowly stand up straight. Keep your back flat
and your head in a neutral position throughout the movement.

Focal Point Push up using your legs.

Dont Do Do not round your back when lifting the weight.

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Dumbbell Sumo Squat

A variation of a normal squat using the quadriceps muscles and hamstrings, with your
calf muscles in a supportive role.

Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand between your legs. You may also hold just one
dumbbell with two hands as well. Your feet should be wider than shoulder width and
your toes pointed slightly outward at a 45 degree angle.

Proceed to squat down until the dumbbells almost touch the floor. Your hips should drop
back and down while your knees stay directly above your feet. Repeat for the required
number of repetitions.

Tips Be sure to keep your chin up and your eyes straight ahead to help maintain

Focal Point Focus your attention on proper form and the alignment of your spine
throughout the movement.

Dont Do Do not let your back round at any point during this exercise.

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Dumbbell Split Squat

Hold the dumbbells with palms facing in towards the body. Stand with one foot directly
in front of the other by just a little more than a step width apart and both feet pointing
straight ahead. The rear foot should be flat on the ground and pointing straight ahead.

Keep your front knee over your toes, drop your rear leg down to the floor (just kiss the
floor) so that your rear knee is just behind your front heel. Keep your back straight and
chest up keep your upper body erect throughout the movement.

This is a very squeezy exercise; just squeeze every available muscle in your lower body as
you rise up and off the bottom of the movement for great results. This is one of the most
intense of all leg exercises, but gives the best results. Learn to love it!

Do all of your repetitions on one leg then swap legs and repeat the number of reps.

Tips make sure your front knee never moves in front of the toes on that foot. Also
make sure both feet are always pointed straight ahead. Use the front leg to primarily lift
and lower the weight (your body), allowing the back leg to be used for maintaining

Dont Do Don't bounce off the ground, just kiss the floor and gently squeeze back up.

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Hip Lift

Lie on floor with heels on bench as shown. Raise your hips up squeezing your glutes

Pause at the top of the movement and squeeze your buttock muscles. Hold for a
moment the slowly lower back down again.


Lying on your front facing the ground, go into a modified pushup position on your knees.
Keep your hips off the floor holding your core muscles tight. If you are strong enough
hold a full push up position.

With your elbows on the ground for support hold this position for up to a minute. Rest
briefly and repeat. As you get stronger hold the position for longer.

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Abdominal Crunch

Lie on floor with arms crossed over chest. Keep head and neck in a straight line. Slowly
lift upper body until shoulders are a few inches off floor. There is no need to come up
any higher. Pause briefly at top of movement then lower slowly back to floor.

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Instructions for your strength training program

How much weight should I use?

Use as much weight as tolerable that allows you to perform 12 repetitions at moderate
but not maximum exertion. The last repetition on the last set should be fairly hard to
perform. Use the first few of the exercise sessions as testing sessions so you can see how
much you can handle. Once you are able to do more than 12 repetitions comfortably,
then you can increase the weight 5-10 percent at a time so that you can do the 2nd set
at 10 reps and the 3rd set at 8 reps.

How to stay motivated

Staying motivated for a few days or a few weeks is easy. The consistency of staying
motivated for a long period of time is a challenge. Regardless of how motivated you are
at the beginning, you will need tools to maintain your motivation.

Set goals - Goal setting plays an important role in many areas of our daily lives. Strength
training is no exception. It is important is to set goals that are both measurable and
realistic. As with any other part of your life, you need to set goals that are achievable,
one at a time. Staying youthful and in peak health is a life-long process.

It is not a sprint and there is no hurry. It is no use to train for a few months and slack off.
It is better to have a program for which you can consistently achieve minor goals. Allow
1-2 years for the overall goal, and with smaller goals achieved every 6 months or so.

Guidelines for the first month

If you are a newcomer to the gym you will need to familiarize yourself with the actual
exercise movements before lifting any heavier weights. Carefully study the exercise
description and drawings found in Part Two of this document. Ask someone for help if
needed. Use lighter weights so that you get the hang of each movement.

Take your time to practice how to do the exercise correctly. There is no rush.

Concentrate on the targeted muscle during each exercise so that you can find the right
groove of movement. Feel the targeted muscle working. Now that you have a feel for
how each exercise should be done and you are more familiar with each one, you want to
get close to determining your working weight.

Start each exercise with a fairly light weight and see how many repetitions you can do
using proper form, slowly and with precision. If you find that you can easily perform
more than the number of repetitions indicated add 510 pounds for your next set.

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


Likewise, if you cannot do the full number of repetitions in any exercise, or if you feel
that you are really pushing yourself to the limit in order to fulfill the set, then the weight
is too heavy. Lighten up next time.

Once you find a weight that allows you to perform with good form and at the suggested
number of reps, make a note in your training log or diary. Continue to use that weight
until you become stronger and the weight begins to feel light.

Its easy to get excited as improvements are often significant and readily visible in a
short period of time. Dont overdo it and dont over train. Follow these guidelines:

Train 2-3 times a week, with a day of rest between each session

Work only the muscles in your plan. Don't get over zealous and get sidetracked
with other muscles.

If you are able to progress quickly, or if you have worked out in the past to any
significant degree, follow the first month's plan for 2 weeks and move on to
second month program.

Follow the plan and do the exact number of reps listed. You can, however,
continue to add more weights to those exercises that feel easy.

Listen to your body. Certain days are better than others for your body. Reduce the
amount of weights if you feel that your body is sluggish.

Workout guideline for second month of strength training

By now, you should feel very comfortable with the exercise routine. You should have
experienced significant improvements in your strength. Continue to train 2-3 times a
week, with a rest day between each.

Begin to challenge yourself to use slightly more weight with each movement. Start
moving from 2 sets to 3 sets for each muscle group towards the end of second month.

Workout guideline for third month of strength training

Not only should your strength be increased from your effort of the past 2 months, your
body should show significant change in contour and physique, whether you are working
on gaining or losing weight.

Congratulate yourself and keep it up!

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen


Continue to work out 2-3 times a week, doing three sets of each exercise, with
1minute rest between each set.

You can change the routine by varying the number of reps you do. For example,
use a lightweight to warm up for the first set and do 12 reps. Take a 1-minute rest.
For your second set, use as heavy a weight as you can reasonably handle for 6-8
reps. Rest 1 minute. Reduce the weight sufficiently to permit you to perform a
third set of 10 reps.

The amount of weight adjustment varies from person to person and the range
can vary anywhere from 5-25 percent. Trial and error is the best way.

If you feel good on certain days, do a 4th set that is heavier.

After three months of strength training

Simply continue the same basic workout, which is all you need. Dont be afraid to adjust
the weight and reps as you go. Have fun and enjoy yourself. If you have a good day, train
more. If you have a bad day, lighten up. There is nothing wrong with that. There is
nothing to prove to anyone.

If you are serious about your exercise program, you may wish to make some large-scale
changes in your workout. One of the easiest things to do is to change your routine.
Experiment with other exercises. You could also change the sequence of exercises, set
and rep combinations and rest intervals.

The process of continual change keeps your muscle guessing what is going to happen
next and keeps your muscles continually stimulated.

Just do it
Now you have all the information you need to start and complete a strength-training
program; you should have all the tools that you need to do it safely and consistently. All
that is left is to simply start doing it!

Hot Metabolism - Exercise Plan All Rights Reserved - Carolyn Hansen

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