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Numerical studies of laminar flow in ducts and pipes

C. M. Crane (*) a n d D. M. Burley (**)


In part I a m e t h o d is i n t r o d u c e d for the numerical solution o f swirling a x i s y m m e t r i c laminar

flow situations. C o n s i d e r a t i o n is given to f'mite difference f o r m u l a t i o n , b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n , iterative s o l u t i o n strategies and pressure calculation. Part II is d e v o t e d to t h e
application o f the m e t h o d t o non-swirling flow problems. S o m e o f these p r o b l e m s are well
covered in t h e literature whilst others are new. Swirling flows are c o n s i d e r e d in Part III. In partic-
ular, details o f separation and v o r t e x b r e a k d o w n i n d u c e d b y swirl are discussed. All results are
s u p p l e m e n t e d by a selection o f c o n t o u r plots to indicate the n a t u r e o f the flows p r e d i c t e d .


1.1. INTRODUCTION separation effects. Consequently, it has been found

possible to consider only axisymmetric laminar flows.
Flow in pipes and ducts has long been a subject of Despite these limitations, the work has considerable
both experimental and theoretical investigation. Re- value since many useful resuks can be obtained for
sults from such work have great practical application lubrication theory, flow meters, blood flow and other
in giving the design engineer quantitative data essential practical situations.
for the construction of efficient fluid handling sys-
tems. Numerical methods developed over the past 1.2. GOVERNING EQUATIONS
twenty years in conjunction with modern computers
have led to the theoretical study of complicated flow The equations governing viscous laminar steady state
situations involving vortex breakdown and separation. flow problems are the usual Navier-Stokes and con-
These phenomena together with their associated re- tinuity equations. If the variables and operators are
circulating flow regions can dramatically affect the made dimensionless then these equations become
efficiency of fluid handling devices. Further, the
properties of regions in which these phenomena occur v. vv = _ w, + 1 V 2 V-
R--; (I)
are very delicate. Significant effects can be produced
by marginal variation of data such as Reynolds num- and
ber or inlet flow conditions. v . _v = 0 (2)
Consequently, considerable effort has been made to
identify the dependence of the flow on input para- where the Reynolds number of the motion is Re= UL/P.
meters. The quantities have been made dimensionless in the
It would be ideal ff the study of fully three-dimen- usual way by normalising lengths on L, velocities on U
sional turbulent flows could be undertaken. In prac- and taking the non-dimensional pressure as P = p/pU 2.
tice, however, present day computers have neither the In all the work to be presented here, U will be the
storage capacity nor the speed to cope adequately with average inlet radial velocity and L the radius of the
such a situation. With the latest generation of compu- duct or pipe at inlet.
ters it is now realistic to apply three-dimensional The co-ordinate system employed is cylindrical polar
laminar flow models or two-dimensional turbulent co-ordinates (r, 0, z) (see fig. 1) with velocity com-
models to simple flow geometries but to deal with ponents (Vr, V0, Vz). Curl V_is known as the vorticity
both turbulence and three dimensionality is not
feasible. In the present work the major interests lie vector, but for convenience, the 0 -component of the
in the investigation of swirling flows and more com- vector will be referred to as the vorticity ~, so that
plicated geometries together with the associated
= (curl y_v)._0 = OVr - --aVz (3)
~z ar

(*) C. M. Crane, City o f Leicester Polytechnic, Leicester, England

(**) D. M. Burley, Sheffield University, Sheffield, England

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 95

The stream function equation
inlet I\ r
l exit
32q,+ D2~ 1 8O/ ~r:=0
3r 2 8z 2 r Dr
s y m m
. . . . . .

e l r y ~ r
;---\ . . . . . . .

. . . . .

The swirl velocity equation


~ e [ -D2V0 + -~2V0+--1 aV0 avo

ar2 Dz2 r 8r r2 j

v0 D. 1D*DVo 1D*DVo 0
2 Dz r 8r Dz r 8z ~r (7)
Fig. 1. Co-ordinate system for simple geometry. The flow prediction method is based on the simul-
taneous solution of these three equations. It may be
seen that ~ can be eliminated between (5) and (6)
leading to a fourth order equation in q*. However, it
In fact, for axisymmetric non-swirling flows, it is is a well established fact that solution of a pair of
easily seen that ~ is the only non-vanishing component coupled second order equations is much more ef-
of curl V. The Stokes stream function xI, is introduced ficiently computed than is the solution of the cor-
by responding single fourth order equation.
Equations (5), (6) and (7) may all be written in the
1 8 ~ and Vz_ 1 O~ (4)
Vr = 7- aT- r Dr form
thus ensuring that the continuity equation (2) is Diffusion terms + Convection terms
identically satisfied. + Source terms = 0
The equations are reformulated by elimination of where the different terms for each equation are given
pressure to form the following equations is unknowns in table 1.
~, @ and V0.
The vorticity equation
.1182~ + 8 _ ~ + 1 at ~
The flow is assumed to be axially symmetric and so it
Rd_ar2 8z 2 r 8r r2 J is necessary to consider only a two-dimensional cross-
section of the complete geometry defined by 0 = con-
stant. A uniform mesh system is created over the re-
+ ~ D',/J 1 3@ 8~j 1 a ~ i~j +1 3V20
gion of interest by the intersections of the straight
r 2 ~ z 4 r Dr ~z r az ar r Dz --0 lines
(5) r i = (i-1)h 1 < i < N1.
and zj = (j -1)k 1 < j < N2



VORTICITY -82/j Fa2~ +1_ a[j ~ /Re DqJ 1 i}~ D~ 1 a ~ 8~ 1 0V20

j r2 r 2 8z ~r 8z r 8z 8r r

a2~+ a2@ 1 a@
q, 8r 2 8z 2 r ar

SWIRL a2vo a2v0 l av0 v 0 VO 8~I'+13@ 3V0 1 a ~ 83/0

--+ 4. . . . /Re
v0 8r 2 8"-~- r 8r 72 r
2 az ar az r az ar

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no.2,1976. 96

The integers N1 and N2 are respectively the maximum and
number of mesh lines in the radial and axial directions. I-1 when cb represents/j or V0
The mesh line spacings h and k are carefully chosen
so that
=L0 when cb represents ~ .
(i) adequate resolution can be obtained,
(ii) boundaries coincide with mesh lines, The convection terms which occur in the vorticity and
and (iii) the capacity of the available computer is not swirl equations only, are treated by the upwind differ-
exceeded. ence techniques used by Gosman et al [1], Greenspan
[2] and others. The use of these one sided differences
Finite difference approximations to equations (5)-(7) aq, a~
are made for a typical interior node (i,j) and at ap- for the derivatives ~ and yields a system that
propriate boundary nodes. The formulation of these
remains diagonally dominant for arbitrary Reynolds
finite difference equations is based on finite Taylor
number. Without diagonal dominance, serious stability
series expansions of the relevant variable over the
domain. Approximations are derived for first and and convergence problems can arise in that errors will
second order partial derivatives to an accuracy of the be amplified in the iterative solution technique. False
mesh length squared. First of all, the approximations diffusion, which a by-product of 'upwind' differences
at a typical interior node P (see fig. 2a) are considered. is a penalty that must be paid and some loss of accu-
racy is to be expected. The appropriate terms in (8)
W.J / / / / / / / 4 E 1
C N = 4rph (@W-@E + I ~ W - ~ E I)(1k q' )
Wk~._ h 'E W; .
1 1 ?
CS -- -4rph
- ( ~ E - ~ W + I ~ E - XI'WI) (--k- + )
s ss s
(a) internal node (b) boundary node (c) re-entrant comer
CE - i
4rphk (xpN - ~S + I~N - ~S I) (10)
Fig. 2. Typical mesh nodes together with surround-
ing nodes.
CW = 4rphk ( ~ S - ~ N + I ~ S - ~ N 1)
Let denote any one of the three main variables ~,
and V0 . The finite difference approximations now
take the form and
%=CN+Cs+CE+C W
[~N (CN + DN) + ~S(Cs + DS) + ~E (DE + CE) -4-~Pw(Cw + DW) + ST]
+P = (Cp+ Dp) where
.y:il when~represents~
and is made up of three sets of terms. when cI~represents V0 .
The diffusion terms in Table 1 are given by The source terms are approximated at point P of fig.
1 + /v 2(a) and, using central differences where appropriate,
the ~'lite difference form, denoted by ST, is seen to
be :
-rp~p for the stream function
DS_ 1 a
k2 2rpk equation
2 2
(VOE) - (VoW) for the vorticity equa-
ST= tion
for the swirl velocity
DW=__1 0 equation
h2 (11)

D p = D N + DS + D E + D w + _ _ _ 2
The correct application of boundary conditions is most
l- 1 when represents/j or Ve important in fluid flow problems and is one of the
a = [_ 1 when represents xlt

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 97

critical factors affecting convergence. This is particul- Sometimes, however, swirl will be induced by rotating
arly true in the case of the vorticity. a wall or part of a wall about the axis. In this case, the
'no slip' condition demands that the fluid in contact
Inlet conditions with the wall should move with the wall. The swirl
At the inlet it is assumed the flow is known and the component of velocity is then non zero, and its value
qJ, ~ and V0 distributions are therefore known or is given by the speed of the wall.
can be computed from the known data. The stream function must be a constant along a wall
Axis of symmetry by virtue of the fact that there is no flow normal to
Since only axially symmetric flows are being con- the wall. Since the stream function value at the axis
sidered, it is easy to show that at the axis has been ftxed at zero, the value on the walls can be
computed from the mass flow rate into the duct.
=v 0 =0 The most satisfactory boundary condition at a solid
wall for the vorticity is obtained using equation (6)
= constant (taken as zero for convenience). simplified using the conditions known to exist at that
Exit conditions wall. These boundary conditions are not known in
It is difficult to form precise exit boundary conditions. value once and for all but depend upon the flow. They
A number of investigators, for example Greenspan must therefore be updated during the iterative solu-
[3] and Kawaguti [4], studying an orifice problem, tion process and typical situations are :
take exit conditions of Poiseuille flow. Gosman et al. (a) Walls of constant r where
[1] and others have favoured conditions requiring
that the axial gradients of the main variables should 0--xIt~= 0, 0__~= 0 and 02~ = 0
vanish. Both sets of boundary conditions will certainly Or 0z 0z 2
constrain the flow to a certain extent unless applied
so that (6) reduces to
at the end of a very long straight tube section. Of the
two, it is felt that the second of boundary conditions ~= 02~
are more suitable in that they will allow, without r 0r 2
artificially accelerating, the development of Poiseuille
flow. It is reasonable to suppose that downstream Using the notation of fig. 2b this is approximated
boundary conditions will have little effect upon up- numerically with second order accuracy as
stream events, and indeed subsequent experimental
computation has verified this. Typical conditions 8q/S - 7 ~ p - qJSS
~p= (12)
taken in this investigation, for an exit where z is a 2rpk 2
constant, are :
Walls of constant z are treated similarly.
0~= 0
0z (b) Re-entrant corners (see fig. 2c) where
.... ~0 0xI, _ 0 0~ 0
0z Or 0z
ova so that (6) reduces to
0z = 1 a2@ 02@ )
As an alternative to ~0fz = 0, ~ can be obtained from T( + ......
0z 2 0r 2
(6) as with a mathematical implementation of
= 1 02~ 1 0~
r 0 r2 r2 0r ~p_ ~S-@P + @W-qIP
rpk 2 rph 2
Also, the third condition can be improved since, in
reality, the swirl is decaying. It is possible to extra- Internal corners cause no difficulty since the vorticity
polate the swirl decay rate upstream of the exit and value at these points is not required in the iteration
use this as a basis for the exit condition. Experimenta- method used.
tion has shown that these 'improved' conditions lead
to greater demands in computer time whilst showing
little effect on the upstream flow. 1.5. ITERATIVE SOLUTION TECHNIQUE
Solid walls Let I denote the set of all interior nodes and B the set
In most cases, walls will be stationary so the condi- of all boundary nodes. The method o f solution is an
tions of 'no slip' and impermeability will insist that iterative process involving successive substitution. Be-
fore iteration can commence, initial values for the
Vr _~Vz-__V0 ~_0 .
main variables on 1 together with the appropriate

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976 98

boundary values on B must be set. The closeness of (v) Obtain Vff +1 on B.
this initial guess to the true solution will clearly af-
fect the convergence. At low Reynolds numbers, how- (vi) For each node of I calculate Vff +1 using (8).
ever, solutions can be obtained with almost any
These steps are repeated time and time again until
initial guess. For high Reynolds numbers when the
the convergence conditions are satisfied. The criterion
non-linear convection terms are dominant, a good
used in the calculations of the next chapter is
initial guess is more important and is usually provided
in the form of a solution to the same problem at a
lower Reynolds number.
An iteration counter, n, is introduced so that ~ de-
~Max B + I
s n + l sn
, MR. 1
B+ 1 [ ~n+l_@n I
notes the value of ~p after n iterative cycles of the i~n~ > 10-5 i~nl > 10_51 ~n
variable, q~. The successive over-relaxation form of
(8) giving ~ + 1 on I in terms of the most recent Max
values of ~ at neighbouring points is B+I
,V~l> 10 -5 V;
~ q - 1 = qs; + ~ @ [ ~ ( C N + DN)+ %n +1(C S +Ds)

where e is typically 5 x 10 -4.

+ ~ (CE + D E ) + ~ + 1 ( C w + DW) + ST

- *~ (Cp + Dp)] / (Cp + Dp) (13) 1.6. THE PRESSURE CALCULATION

w~ is the relaxation parameter for the variable
Pressure is a diagnostic rather than a prognostic variable
where 0 < a)~ < 2. Optimum relaxation parameters
in that it is determined to within a constant by the
cannot be calculated for this problem and only numer- distributions of vorticity, stream function and swirl
ical experience can give an indication of their values. velocity. It is convenient to deal with the total head or
In the problems studied, the parameters for the stagnation pressure H which is related to the static
vorticity, stream function and swirl iterations were pressure P by
taken respectively in ranges 0 6 to 0 . 8 , 1 0 to
H=p+Iv 2.
1.6 and 1 -0.
Boundary values are updated where necessary at the
The equations for H can be derived from (1) as
beginning of each iterative cycle. Special care must
be taken with the vorticity especially on solid walls
aH l a @ ~ + 1_ aA 2 1 a(r~)
where the normal stream function derivatives may be
large and approximations such as (12) can lead to un- 8r --7 8r' 2r 2 ~ - 4 rRe a z
stable oscillations of the flow field. This problem can (14)
be overcome by using a weighting technique. In the 8H l a ~ . ~ + 1 aA 2 1 a(r~)
case of (12), the implementation using weighting az = 7 az 2~2 ~z rRe ~r
parameter a is
where A = r V0.
~n+l _ o l ( 8 . ~ - 7 " ~ - ~ S ) (1-a)~p , Using these equations in the obvious way e.g. Thorn
P 2rpk 2 and Apelt [5], Mills [6], Macagno and Hung [7] is not
in the authors' view adequate since the errors are
O<o~g 1. cumulative and the method has only first order accur-
acy. The authors have used (14) to form the basis of
The best value of the weighting parameter a can only
an iterative method (details given in Crane [8]) for
be estimated by trial and experience but rv = O-5 is
calculating the pressure field to second order accuracy.
usually adequate.
When ~n, xltn and V0n are known on B+I, ~ n + l ,
~I' n + l and V ; +1 may be obtained using the follow- 1.7. (~ONCLUSION

ing steps : - The computer program developed from the ideas of

(i) Find new values ~ n + l on B using appropriate the previous sections can, with minor modifications
weighted approximations. cope with a wide range of geometries. The iterative
technique is based on successive over/under relaxation
(ii) For each node of I calculate ~ n + l using (8).
and the success of the computations is attributable to
(iii) Obtain ~ n + l on B. (i) the use of upwind differences for approximation
(iv) For each node of I calculate ~ n + l using (8). of convection terms (ii) under relaxation for the

Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 99

vorticity iterations and (iii) weighting the vorticity fore by implication to the exit boundary conditions.
boundary conditions. Convergence was attained for It is therefore essential to use a sufficiently long pipe
most problems in 150-250 iterations even for Rey- in this investigation. The pipe length required in order
nolds numbers as high as 106 . In practice, of course, that further increases in length will affect C only margin.
laminar flow will not persist for flows with Reynolds ally, varies from about 5 zl for the lowest Reynolds
numbers anything like as high as this and attention number to about 3/2 z I at a Reynolds number of 300.
has been concentrated on the range 0 < Re < 1000. It should be emphasised that the entrance length is a
The mesh systems used ensured that the boundaries most sensitive parameter - variations of a fraction of a
coincided with mesh lines and were uniform though per cent in the velocity field can easily result in 10 %
the spacings in the two co-ordinate directions were changes in the calculated entrance length. In Table 2
usually unequal. The total number of mesh points values of C and K are gives for a range of Reynolds
for most problems was typically about 1000. numbers from 0.01 to 300.
The two serious criticisms of this method lie in the
use of upwind differences and in the exit boundary TABLE 2
conditions chosen. As mentioned earlier, upwind dif-
ferences reduce the theoretical accuracy of the method
but increase the range of computational feasibility. Re Pipe length zI C K
The idea behind the use of upwind differences seems
physically satisfactory but although Gosman et aL[2] 0.01 5.0 0.977 48.8
make some attempt to justify their use mathematically, 0.1 5.0 0-978 48.9
to the authors' knowledge, there is no definitive ac-
1-0 5.0 1-033 0.516
count estimating the errors, or 'false diffusion' as it is
2.5 5-0 1.138 0-284
often called, in the computations. The second criticism
concerning the exit boundary conditions can be 5.0 15.0 1.64 0.164 0.46
ameliorated to some extent by lengthening the exit 10.0 15.0 2.82 0.141 0.694
duct so that effectively Poiseuille flow is achieved. 20.0 25-0 5.18 0.13 0.707
This has been done as far as is possible within the 40.0 25 -0 9-48 0-119 0.709
limits of computer storage and speed. In all the cases 50.0 25-0 11-59 0-116 0.712
studied, the authors were satisfied that the exit con- 75.0 40.0 17.7 0.118 0.707
ditions as used had negligible effect on the main up- 100.0 40.0 22.7 0.114 0.713
stream flow. 150-0 70.0 34.7 0.116 0.707
200.0 70-0 45.6 0.114 0-711
250-0 100.0 57 -4 0.t14 0.708
PART 2 : APPLICATION TO NON SWIRLING 300.0 100-0 68.0 0.113 0-710

2.1. ENTRANCE REGION OF PIPE These values compare favourably with the results of
other authors which are quoted in Table 3.
The study of the entrance region of a cylindrical pipe
is a problem that has been considered by many authors TABLE 3
e.g. refs. 9-17. It is therefore a most suitable test prob-
Fluid is introduced into the pipe entrance with a uni-
form velocity profile Vz -_ 1, V0 = Vr = 0. As the Nikuradse (ref. Prandtl
Experimental 0.125 0.66
i& Tietjens [9])
flow proceeds along the pipe it approaches Poiseuille
l Boussinesq [10] Theoretical 0.130 0.62
flow and the two important parameters for study are :
Atkinson & Goldstein
Theoretical 0.130 0.705
(i) the entrance length C = Zl/2 Re where zI is the (ref. Goldstein [ 11] )
axial distance required for the flow at the axis to be Hornbeck [12] Numerical 0.113 0.635
within 1% of the Poiseuille flow value. Sparrow, Lin &
Lineadzation 0.62
Lundgren [13]
(ii) the pressure loss coefficient K which is the ad- Christiansen &
ditional pressure loss in the entrance region over and Numerical 0-111 0.632
Lemmon [14]
above that demanded for PoiseuiUe flow Vrentas, Duda & ( Boundary layer 0-113 0.59
Bargeron [15] Numerical Re =125 0.107 0.64
i.e. K = P ( 0 , 0 ) - P ( L , 0) 8L (15) Friedman, Gillis
Re NumericalRe =250 0-112
& Liron [16]
where L is the length of the pipe and the calculations Schmidt & Zeldin[17] Numerical Re l = 50 0"699
are based on the pressure at the axis. (=250 0.673
Experimentation revealed that the entrance length is Present study NumericalRe > 250 0.113 0.71
relatively sensitive to the pipe length used and there-

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 100

Where necessary these results have been converted to in labyrinth seals. In fact, a study for labyrinth seals
the present non-dimensionalization. has been made for a singleReynoldsnumber by Straw-
The value of K was unreliable for low Re ( < 10). The bridge and Hooper [18] in an attempt to predict more
main reason is that at low Re, the pressure gradients accurately the measured losses in an alternator face-
are large and (15) then gives K as the difference be- seal. Other recent investigations have been performed
tween relatively large quantities. For Re > 20, K was by Friedman [19] and Stevenson [20].
consistently in the region o f 0 . 7 1 . This seems a little
q{ W >
high compared with other studies but the following
factors may be responsible.

(i) K is based here on the pipe length, L, and not just
the entrance length z I
(ii) radial pressure gradients have not been neglected
I ~Z

in the pressure calculation as with some other numer-

ical studies e.g. ref. 14.
(iii) experimental studies wiU be unable to reproduce inlet exit
the sharply singular velocity profile used here and so -~-7 .................................
the flow will already be partly developed. axis of 9/mrnetry
For most of the calculations in this section 60 axial
and 19 radial stations were used. The convergence Fig. 3. Configuration for the annular cavity problem.
criterion was e = 10 -4 and was achieved typically in
150 iterations. The geometry for this problem is that of fig. 3. The
aspect ratio is the ratio of the cavity depth to width
i.e. d/w. Flows are presented here for aspect ratios 2/1,
2.2. FLOW THROUGH AN ANNULAR CAVITY but calculations for 1/1 and 1/2 cavities have also been
performed. For these calculations the non-dimensional-
There are numerous studies for two-dimensional isation is based on the inlet diameter and the average
rectangular cavities in the literature - indeed it seems inflow velodty. At the inlet, the flow is assumed to be
to be the standard problem for testing any new solu- fully developed. A selection of the results of this in-
tion technique in cartesian co-ordinates. It seems vestigation are given in the form of contour plots in
natural, therefore, to look at the axially symmetric Fig. 4.
version of this problem. Practical situations with this (i) At low Re, the flow is virtually symmetric about
type of confgguration arise in lubrication - for example the plane of constant z that divides the cavity in half.

m ~ m

I 1 1 1

(a) Re = I (b) Re= 10 (c) Re= 100 (d) Re= 1000 (e) Re : 10000

Fig. 4. Streamline plots for an annular cavity with aspect ratio 2/1.
CONTOUR LEVELS 7. - 0.125001
1. - 0.0050 8. - 0.1251
2. - 0.0300 9. - 0.1260
3. - 0.0600 10. - 0.1280
4. -0.0900 11. -0.1300
5. - 0.1200 12. - 0.1330
6. - 0.124999 13. - 0.1380

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 101

The main flow also enters substantially into the cavity given by Clark [21]. The present study investigates
itself. the nature of the flow and recirculating regions that
(ii) A large counter-clockwise rotating eddy is formed can occur with flow through an orifice. Some related
which in turn drives a weaker clockwise eddy. Very studies have been found in the literature. Mills [6] has
small counter-clockwise eddies are also formed in the an almost identical geometry and Lee and Fung [22]
two internal corners but these are so weak that the investigate flow through a constriction (based on the
contour levels used seldom detect their presence. As shape of the Gaussian normal distribution curve) in
the Reynolds number is increased, the main eddy in- the connection of blood flow. It is interesting to note
creases in strength but decreases in size. The second- that, despite the difference in the nature of the con-
ary eddy increases in size and strength. For Re = 1,000, striction, computed flows for both of these investiga-
the secondary eddy is as large as the main eddy and in tions are remarkably similar. Zampaglione and Greppi
fact the main eddy appears to be reducing in strength. [23] look at the time dependent development of the
When Re is increased to 10,000 (fig. 4e) the main eddy flow through an orifice with a chamfered edge. These
size and strength is reduced even further. The second- authors make a very detailed study of the flow at
ary eddy occupies the central portion of the cavity Re = 16.7. None of these studies considers the effects
and a further counter-clockwise eddy is formed. The of the variation of the orifice radius. In the present
two very small corner eddies are still present but now work, effects on the flow of the following are con-
have clockwise rotation. It should, however, be ment- sidered :
ioned that laminar flow results for Reynolds numbers (i) Reynolds number for 0.1 < Re g 50 (Mills has
as large as this cannot be very meaningful. 0 < Re < 25 and Lee and Fung 0 g Re g 12-5 based
(iii) The vortex centre of the main eddy moves to- on the present non-dimensionalization).
wards the axis as the Reynolds number is increased. (ii) Variation of the orifice radius (denoted %).
In addition, the results show axial motion of this The configuration is given in fig. 5. For convenience,
centre at first slightly upstream and then at higher Re the plate width (distance w of fig. 5) has been taken
downstream. The migration of the vortex centre is as one axial mesh length. The overaU pipe length is 10
linked with the extent to which the main flow enters and for most of the results the orifice radius, r o, is 0.5.
the cavity.
(iv) A measure of the strength of the primary recircul-
ating eddy in the cavity is given by the minimum r
stream function value. For the cases corresponding to inlet l exit
fig. 4 these minimum stream function values are given .\__: ............. A"_ .........
in table 4. axis ot symmetry
Fig. 5. Configuration for the orifice problem.
At inlet, fully developed Poiseuille flow is assumed.
Re Number Minimum Coordinates A selection of contour plots is given in fig. 6 from
o f large stream func- of centre of which the folluwiug points emerge.
eddies tion value in primary eddy At very low Reynolds numbers, the flow is virtually
primary symmetrical about the orifice. At the lowest Re, the
eddy contour levels for the stream function fail to show
any recirculating regions but in fact there is a small
1.0 -0-13022 (0.6 , 1.05) eddy in each of the internal corners.
As Re is increased, the high vorticity generated near
10.0 -0.13056 (0.65, 0.93)
the corners of the orifice is convected further and
100.0 -0.14528 (0.70, 0.78) further downstream. The streamline contour plots
1000.0 -0-13723 (0.80, 0-77) dearly show a recirculating region downstream of the
10000.0 -0.12866 (0-85, 0.70) orifice which grows in strength and length with Re.
In table 5 some indication of the growth with Re of
For all the computations presented in this section a
completely uniform mesh was used with mesh in-
crements of 0.05. A 25 x 51 mesh was therefore re-
Re Axial extent of -0- 5001 streamline
quired and convergence was obtained in about 250
iterations to a tolerance o f e = 10 -3. 0.1 0
1-0 0.3
10.0 1.4
The orifice is possibly one of the oldest devices used 25.0 3"05
for measuring and controlling the flow of fluids. 50.0 5-7
Details of the orifice meter and its application are

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 102

v 4
(a) Re- 1

........................... (b) R e : 5

........................................................................... () Re = |0

3 -4
............ (d) R e : 25

v 4
Re= 50

Fig. 6. Streamline plots for flow through an orifice with an orifice radius of 0.5.

1. -0.0500 3. -0.2500 5. -0.4500 7. -0.5100
2. -0.1500 4. -0.3500 6. -0.5001 8. - 0.5250

the recirculating region is given by measuring the axial The axial extent of the recirculating region predicted
extent of streamline - 0.5001 for an orifice radius of by Zampaglione & Greppi [23] is about 2.86 at
0.5. It will be noted that for Re > 1 the region length- Re = 16.7 and r o ~ 0.45 in the present non-dimen-
ens almost linearly with Re. sionalization. Without performing calculations for this
specific case, it appears to be reasonably in accord
Calculations for the same Reynolds number (Re = 10) with the present calculations.
but different orifice diameters were performed. For For these calculations a 25 x 51 mesh was used and it
the large orifice diameter (r o = 3/4), the disturbance took typically 250 iterations with a convergence
is very much reduced. For r o = 1/4, the disturbance criterion of 6 = 10-3.
is greatly increased and contour plots suggest that
the condition for eddy shedding is being approached.
Table 6 compares the situation for the three orifice 2.4. THE RADIAL DIFFUSER
In practice, the radial vaneless diffuser is a radially
directed passage through which fluid flows outwards
in a spiral. It occurs most frequently in centrifugal
Orifice Max. axial Average Axial extent compressors and pumps between the impeUer and the
radius velocity axial o f - 0-5001 volute. (The volute is the part that collects the fluid
ro velocity streamline leaving the diffuser passage and delivers it to the out-
at orifice let pipe.) The actual flow in these diffusers is highly
complex and due to the varying inlet velocity profiles
0-75 2-74 1-78 0 that occur in practice, accurate prediction o f perform-
0.5 5"94 4-00 1.4 ance is still largely a matter of chance. At present the
0.25 22.3 16.00 5.75 designer's chief tool for radial diffusers is one dimen-
sional analysis with total pressure losses being account-

Journal of Computational and Applie d Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 103

ed for by a friction factor. (This friction factor is ad-
justed so that discrepancies between theory and exper-
iment are reduced to a minimum.) A number of
theoretical and experimental studies have already
been made e.g. Jansen [24] but the field is by no
means as widely explored as that involving axial dif- 10 10:9 1 1 ~ ~
fusers. 9 J
8~ B
7J 7 J 7
6 ...... ~ _ , 6
Lexit exit '5 5
(a) Re = (b) Re = 10 (c) Re = 25

/ i~ler
J / ( r t a t e s ab~a'. 7is)

12 12 12

inlet . . . . . . : _ _ . ~ inlet. . . . . . . . . . . . .

(d) Re= 50 5 (e) Re 7 5 (f) Re 100

axis of symmetry
Fig. 8. Streamline plots for flow through a radial
5. - 0.0010 10. - 0.4950
exit exit 6. -0.0100 11. -0.5010
(a) (b) 7. - 0.1000 12. - 0.5100
Fig. 7. Configuration of the radial diffuser. 8. - 0.2500 13. - 0.5250
9. - 0.4000 14. - 0.5500

To calculate radial diffuser flows including the im- Reynolds numbers and non-swirling flows, the vorticity
peUer (see fig. 7a) is at present beyond the scope of for most of the inlet section is maintained almost exact-
finite difference techniques. As a start, laminar flow ly at the Poiseuille flow distribution weU into the radial
through a simplified geometry is considered (see fig. passage where it then changes abruptly. The stream-
7b). With this geometry, there will be a much more lines, on the other hand, deviate significantly from
abrupt transition from axial to radial flow than in a those of Poiseuille flow much sooner and much more
true radial diffuser. This investigation considers the uniformly.
effects of Reynolds number on the flow. All the calculations for the radial diffuser have been
The axial flow at inlet (of fig. 7b) is taken to be that made using a uniform mesh system (22 x 36) with
for fully developed Poiseuille flow while at the exit radial and axial mesh increments both o f - 0.0714.
it is assumed that the flow is radially directed and Typical computer runs took 250 iterations with a con-
details of the boundary conditions are given in Pa/t I. vergence criterion of e = 10 -3.
A selection of contour plots are shown in fig. 8.
It may be noted that for low Reynolds numbers (a)
and (b) of fg. 8, no separation was detected at the re- PART 3 : SWIRLING FLOWS
entrant corner. However, there is a reverse flow region
at the axis which is detected where the zero vorticity 3.1. INTRODUCTION
contour meets the axis. This recirculating region is very
small and the stream function contours used fall to In practicaa flow configurations including those discus-
detect it. As the Reynolds number is increased, a separ- sed in Part II, the fluid often has a swirling velocity
ated zone is formed just beyond the re-entrant comer. component at entry or swirl may be generated within
For Re < 50 re-attachment occurs and looking at fig. the system. The effect o f this swirl component can be
8d there is a suggestion that even for Re _- 75 re-attach- quite dramatic and increase the tendency of the flow
ment would take place if the radial diffusing passage to separate, thus seriously impairing the effidency of
was longer. The recirculating region at the axis, how- the device under consideration. Occasionally as mention-
ever, appears to reduce in size with increasing Rey- ed in Crane & Burley [25] and McDonald, Fox and
nolds number. Van Dewostine [26] swirl may improve the efficiency
In general, the vorticity is a much more sensitive vari- of a system. Another important point that will not be
able than the stream function. However, for the higher considered here is that the presence of swirl gives a

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 104

three-dimensional character to the boundary layer. (i) a downstream rotating pipe section (upstream sec-
In particular, the usual two-dimensional definition tion stationary)
of a separation point as being a place where the shear- (ii) an upstream rotating pipe section (downstream
stress vanishes is no longer valid. A detailed analysis section stationary).
of the situation may be found in Maskell [27] and The results are compared with those of Lavan, Nielsen
Dean [28]. anf Fejer [30] in a similar study.
A recent paper by Bossel [29] describes inviscid solu-
The geometry consists of a cylindrical pipe having
tions for swirling flows in streamtubes and finds that
two sections either of which can be made to rotate
a separation bubble can occur at the axis of symmetry
about the axis. The fluid at inlet is assumed to be
under suitable conditions. This phenomenon is called
fully developed so that the inlet conditions can be
vortex breakdown and has been observed in other
computed. In all the computations discussed here, the
viscous flow calculations such as refs. 25 and 30 as
pipe length normalised on the radius is 8 and a uni-
well as in experimental work e.g. Binnie [31], Harvey
formly spaced mesh with 60 axial stations and 19
[32], So [33] and Sarpkaya [34]. The purpose of this
radial stations has been used. It is convenient to define
part of the paper is to investigate the effect of various
the swirl ratio, SR, as
parameters on separation and vortex breakdown.
SR = rotational velocity of rotating wall section
average inlet axial velocity
(i) Downstream rotating section
This work was originaUy inspired by the experimental
For this case, the rotating section starts approximately
findings o f Binnie [31]. It is clear from these results
one third of the way along the pipe at z = 2.567. The
that a swirling component in the fluid velocity affects
presence of the swirling flow sets up a pressure differ-
the pipe flow most profoundly by causing regions of
ential between the wall and the axis. In consequence,
reverse flow. The analytical study of Talbot [35] for
the static pressure is forced to increase near the wall
small swirl also shows a clear effect on the velocity
thereby retarding the flow, and decrease near the axis
distribution. It would certainly be most useful if
where the flow is accelerated. If the swirl ratio is suf-
numerical methods could be used to predict the pheno-
ficiently large, separation at the wall can occur. In
mena observed in experiment.
this investigation, the swirl ratio required for incipient
The present study considers flows in a cylindrical pipe separation is determined as a function of the Reynolds
with two sections for a range of axial Reynolds num-
number. Incipient separation is defined here as the
bers for the cases of :
situation where the axial velocity is zero at some mesh
100 node adjacent to the wall. (i.e. at the 18th radial sta-
tion or ~ 95 Z of the distance from the axis).

o presentresults
~ " " " ' ~ ~ b ) + Lavan' Nielsen & Fejer (1969)


.~ 5-

(a) downstreamrotating section (incipientseparationfrom wall)

(b) upstreamrotating section (incipient flow reversal at axis)

0 . . . . . . f.o . . . . . . . 16o . . . . . . " 6o.o

Fig. 9. Variation with Reynolds number of swirl ratios required for incipient separation and incipient flow

Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 105

Curve (a) o f fig. 9 shows how the swirl ratio required tion is well established. It will be noticed that in neither
to produce incipient separation varies with Reynolds of these cases does the effect of the swirl disturbance
number for 0.1 < Re < 100. Also included on the dia- spread very far upstream. This is true for other Rey-
gram are the results of Lavan, Nielsen and Fejer [30] nolds numbers and swirl ratios and the main effect is
who made a similar study using a different method for that the eddy, once it has formed, lengthens down-
0-2 ~ Re < 20. As can be seen, very close agreement is stream with increasing Re.
obtained though the present results require a higher
swirl ratio at lower Reynolds numbers and a lower
(ii) Upstream rotating section
swirl ratio at higher Reynolds numbers than do those For this situation, the first section o f the pipe is rotat-
o f Lavan et al. Fig. 10 shows a contour plot close to ing and the final section stationary. For decaying swirl,
the condition o incipient separation for Re = 100. In the pressure difference between the wall and hub will
fig. 11 a contour plot is given for a case where separa- reduce. Therefore, the static pressure at the axis is in-

swirl contours
0.01 2.5
0.001h ! .0
0.0001 -0.1

st reaml ines 7,0.501 -0.49

-- ~0-40
vorticit), contours 0.1 1.@
: \
~--/-,.0 3.0
............................................................... -'0.1
Fig. 10. Contour plots for flow through a pipe having a downstream rotating section. Re = 100, SR = 3.8.

swirl contours 9.5

0.01 ~"5.0
_ __o._ool . . . . .

streamlines 501 -0.53 -0.49

- --"20.002
vorticity contours -5.0-2.5 ,0.1 1.0
-"- .0 _ - 3.0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~0"1

Fig. 11. Contour plots for flow through a pipe having a downstream rotating section. Re = 5.0, SR _ 10.0.

Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 106

swirl contours

)-o.5 p.oo;
21s'-- o.;
streamlines -0.49

contours 10.0 8:0 6.0

Fig. 12. Contour plots for flow through a pipe having an upstream rotating section. Re = 5-0, SR = 9.0.

creased rapidly and near the wall it is lowered. The signi~cant changes in the vorticity distribution up-
result is that the flow near the axis tends to be retard- stream than downstream.
ed and indeed for a large swirl ratio vortex breakdown In conclusion it can be seen that a critical swirl ratio
can occur. Vortex breakdown is an abrupt change in is required to achieve either vortex breakdown or
the structure of the core of a swirling flow and in the separation. In both these cases, this ratio appears to
present context refers to the situation when secondary decrease with increasing Reynolds number and ap-
back flow occurs with a corresponding separation proach an asymptotic value. As can be seen from fig. 9
bubble. a larger swirl ratio is required for the upstream rotating
Fig. 9 curve (b) shows the swirl ratio required to section in order to cause v6rtex breakdown than is
stagnate the flow (incipient flow reversal) for a range necessary for the downstream rotating section in order
of Re. Again, very dose agreement with Lavan et al to produce separation. This is by no means unexpected
was achieved and extension to lower Reynolds num- since the dynamic pressure for undisturbed flow is far
bers was possible. Convergence of the computational greater at the axis than near the wall. As Reynolds
solution became very difficult for Re ~ 20 with swirl number and swirl ratio are increased it has been found
ratios large enough to cause flow reversal. Examina- that :
tion of fig. 12 shows clearly that the upstream in- (i) for a downstream rotating section the disturbed
fluence of the swirl disturbance is almost as extensive region extends only downstream,
as the downstream influence. In some cases not shown (ii) for an upstream rotating section the disturbed
here e.g. Re = 10.0, SR = 8.0, the vorticity at inlet region spreads upstream as well as downstream. (This
deviates quickly from the Poiseuilh flow distribution is in agreement with the experimental results o f Harvey
and contour plots for the unconverged results for [32] for a different configuration.)
Re = 20 suggest the presence of a second highly disturb-
ed region just beyond the inlet. This feature was at first In the numerical calculations, initial guesses were in
considered to be due to the relative closeness o f the the main taken as the converged solution for a previous
inlet to the join of the two pipe sections. It is signific- case having either a different Reynolds number or swirl
ant that Lavan, Nielsen and Fejer [301 did not present ratio. Convergence was usually easier to obtain for the
any results for an upstream rotating section for downstream rotating section where typically 200 itera-
Re > 10.0. This suggests that they also encountered tions were required with e = 10-3~ For an upstream
difficulties yet their inlet was at z = -,~ It would rotating section convergence became more difficult
appear that in the case o f decaying swirl some sort of as the Reynolds number was raised and for Re ~ 20
instability sets in for Re > 10 and for swirl ratios suf- it was not possible to satisfy the usual convergence
ficient to cause incipient flow reversal. criterion.
Fig. 13 shows contour plots for a case (Re = 5.0, Finally a note should be added about the swirl discon-
SR = 10.0) where vortex breakdown is well establish- tinuity. In theory the axial swirl gradient at the point
ed with a clearly defined separation bubble. o f discontinuity is infmite. As far as the numerical
Comparison with fig. 12 (also for Re = 5-0 but with calculations are concerned, however, there is a finite
SR = 9.0) shows that the larger swirl causes more constant axial swirl gradient at the wall over a distance

Journal of Computational and Applie d Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 107

swirl contours .,,9.5
6.5 i j-
streamlines -0.49
....... -0.002
contours . . . .


Fig. 13. Contour plots for flow through a pipe having an upstream rotating section. Re = 5-0, SR = 10.0.

o f one axial mesh length. For the case o f a down- given by

stream rotating section with a true swirl discontinuity
Vo(O, r) = 4. s R . r (1 - r) (161
even the smallest o f swirl ratios would result in a local
maximum o f pressure at the wall with consequent where SR is the swirl ratio i.e. the ratio of the max-
reverse flow. This reverse flow region would probably imum swirl at inlet to the average axial velocity at inlet.
be too small to be noticed. In this connection it should Comparison between figs. 7c, 14 and 15 reveals virtual-
be remarked that the definition given for incipient ly no effect downstream of the orifice even for a swirl
separation at the wall is a subjective one - it in fact ratio o f 5-0. This gives some backing for the use of
measuress~he swirl ratio necessary to produce a separa- orifice meters when a swirl component is present at inlet.
tion bubble with a vortex centre one mesh length away The orifice causes a very large reduction in the swirl
from the wall boundary. The true condition for in- and consequently there are large negative swirl gradients
cipient separation is that the vorticity should vanish in the inlet region for a high level o f swirl. The net re-
at a single point on the wall. The definition used in sult is that vortex breakdown can occur and in ftg. 15
the present calculations is to allow comparison with (Re = 10.0, SR _ 5.0), this is indeed the case. The
Lavan, Nielsen and Fejer [30]. , extremely rapid changes at the inlet for this case shows
that a much longer inlet tube is required and shows that
the disturbance spreads a long way upstream.
3.3. SWIRLING FLOW THROUGH AN ORIFICE The mesh was as for the orifice problem in Part 2 but
this time about 250 iterations were required for con-
The geometry o f this configuration is again as in fig. vergence with e = 10-3L It was noted that satisfying
5. For the investigations involving swirl, a parabolic the convergence criterion became increasingly difficult
inlet swirl distribution was superimposed on the exist- as Re increased and the criterion had to be relaxed
ing Poiseuille flow inlet conditions. This inlet swirl is somewhat for the results o f fig. 15.

swirl contours


. -~0-I 5
Fig. 14. Streamlines and swirl contours for swirling flow through an orifice. Re=10-0, ro=1/2, SR = 1.0

Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 108

swirl contours

a.75 ))/--~ 5 0.1 / . 0.001

~" "

streamlines -0.51 -0.525

-0.25 o~..-~-.J] ....... _----
-- - -"o.o5

Fig. 15. Streamlines and swirl contours for swirling flow through an orifice. Re = 10.0, ro = 1/2, SR = 5-0.

14 l l l l 14

7 ~ 6 J '4



Re=75 SR=I.0 Re=75 SR=I.5 Re=250 SR=I.0 Re=500 SR--I.0

(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. 0.0150 8.-0.2500 1. 0.0100 6. 0.6000
2. 0.0100 9.-0.4000 2. 0.0500 7. 0.8000
3. 0.0050 10.-0.4950 3. 0.1000 8. 0.9750
4. 0.00001 11.-0.5010 4. 0.2000 9. 1.2000
5. -0.0010 12. -0.5100 5. 0.4000
6. -0.0100 13. -0.5250
7. -0.1000 14. -0.5500

Fig. 16. Streamlines and swirl contours for flow through an annular diffuser.

Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 1976. 109

1. A. D. Gosman, W. M. Pun, A. K. Runchal, D. B. Spalding
The configuration o f fig. 7b described in Part 2 is and M. W. Wolfstein; "Heat and mass transfe/in recirculat.
studied here with the addition of swirl. A fully devel- ing flows"; Academic Press, 1969.
oped axial PoiseuiUe flow is introduced into the inlet
pipe together with an inlet swirl given by the para- 2. D. Greenspan; "Numerical solution of a class of nonsteady
cavity flow problems"; B.I.T. Vol. 8; Nr. 4; 1968; pp. 287-
bolic profde described by equation (16) with the 294.
swirl ratio, SR, defined in the same way. At the exit
the flow is assumed to be radially directed. 3. D. Greenspan ; "Numerical studies of viscous, incompress-
Allowing the fluid to enter the diffuser with a swirl- ible flow through an orifice for arbitrary Reynolds num-
ing component can affect the flow most profoundly. ber"; The University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences
Technical report #20, 1968.
In fig. 16(a), the swirl ratio is 1.0 and Re = 75, but
the streamlines differ very little from those o f fg. 8(d). 4. M. Kawaguti; "Numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes
However, the vorticity contours (not given) are signif- equations for the flow in a channel with a step" ; United
icantly different - they deviate from those o f Poiseuille States Army MRC Technical Summary Report # 574,
May 1965.
flow immediately after the inlet. Increasing the swirl
ratio to 1.5 (fig. 16(b)) produces an enormous effect 5. A. Thorn & C. J. Apelt; "Field computations in engineer-
- vortex breakdown occurs in the form of a very large ing and physics"; D. Van Nostrand Company Ltd; 1961.
eddy at the axis. The flow in the radial section o f the
diffuser appears not to be affected much by swirl, but 6. R. D. Mills; "Numerical solutions of viscous flow through
a pipe orifice at low Reynolds numbers";J. Mech. Eng.
since the swirl in the fluid is very much reduced by Sci. Vol. 10; Nr. 2; 1968; pp. 133-140.
then, no conclusions regarding this can be made yet.
Comparing (c) and (d) o f fig. 16, it would appear that 7. E. O. Macagno & T.-K. Hung; "Computational and ex-
for swirling flows, increasing the Reynolds number perimental study of a captive annular eddy";J. Fluid
Mech. Vol. 28; 1968; pp. 43-64.
increases the strength o f the redrculating region at
the axis without increasing its extent. 8. C. M. Crane; Ph. D. Thesis; University o f Sheffield; July

3.5. F I N A L COMMENTS 9. J. Nikuradse; see Prandel L. & Tietjens O. G.; "Applied

hydro and aeromechanics"; McGraw Hill; 1934.
It has been shown that certain types o f axisymmetric 10. J. Boussinesq; "Sur la mani~re dont les vitesses sont r&
flow are quite amenable to numerical solution. The parties dans un tube cylin&rique de section circulaire";
method developed for these problems is suitable for C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris; 1891, Vol. 113; pp. 9-15.
"Calcul de la moindre longueur que dolt avoir un tube
a wide range o f internal flow situations. Good agree- circulaire"; C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris; 1891. Vol. 113; pp. 49-
m e n t with existing studies (both theoretical and ex- 51.
perimental) has been achieved and several new results
and configurations are discussed. Perhaps the most 11. G. S. Atkinson & S. Goldstein; see S. Goldstein; "Modern
fascinating results obtained are associated with swirl- developments in fluid dynamics"; Vol. 1 ; Clarendon Press;
ing flows. Depending on the sign o f the axial swirl
gradient, separation at an outer wall or reverse flow 12. R. W. Hornbeck ; "Laminar flow in the entrance region of
near the axis can be produced ff this swirl gradient is a pipe"; Appl. Sci. Res.; Vol. A 13; 1964; pp. 224-232.
sufficiently strong. The mechanism behind the flow
13. E. M. Sparrow, S. H. Lin & T. S. Lundgren; "Flow develop-
disturbances induced by swirl is rather complicated ments in the hydrodynamic entrance region in tubes and
b u t may be analysed as follows : ducts"; The Physics of Fluids; Vol. 7; Nr. 3; 1964; pp.
338 -347.
(i) With growing swirl, the transverse static pressure
differential is increased. The pressure near the outer 14. E. B. Christiansen & H. E. Lemmon; "Entrance region
wall is therefore increased and at the axis is reduced. flow"; A. I. Ch.E. Journal; Vol. 11 ; Nr. 6; 1965 ; pp. 995-
In the region o f growing swirl an adverse static pressure 999.
gradient at the outer wall can be formed thereby re-
15. J. S. Vrentas, J. L. Duda & K. G. B0rgeron; "Effect of
tarding the flow near that boundary. axial diffusion of vorticity on flow development in circular
(ii) With decaying swirl, the transverse pressure differ- conducts; Part 1 Numerical Solutions"; A.I.Ch.E. Journal;
ential is reduced. In consequence the pressure at the Vol. 12; Nr. 5; 1966; pp. 837-844.
outer wall must reduce and at the axis increase. Hence
16. M. Friedmann, J. GiUis& N. Liron; "Laminar flow in a
the axial swirl gradient produces an axial adverse static pipe at low and moderate Reynolds numbers"; J. Applied
pressure gradient in the region o f the axis thereby re- Mech.; Vol. 19; 1968; pp. 426-438.
tarding the flow.
The axial swirl variation required to stall the flow is a 17. F. W. Schmidt & B. Zeldin; "Laminar flows in inlet sections
function o f the Reynolds number, which is as expect- of tubes and ducts"; A. I. Ch.E. Journal; Vol. 15; Nr. 4;
1969; pp. 612-614.
ed since the axial pressure gradient driving the flow
(which has to be overcome) in the absence o f swirl 18. D. R. Strawbridge & G. T. J. Hooper; "Numerical solutions
depends upon the Reynolds number. of the Navier-Stokes equations for axisymmetric flows";

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, no 2, 197 6. 110

j. Mech. Eng. Sci.; Vol. 10;Nr. 5; 1968; pp. 389-401. 28. R. C. Dean; "Separation and stall"; Handbook of fluid
dynamics. ~ l i t o r V. L. Streeter; McGraw Hill; 1961;
19. M. Friedmann; "Flow in a circular pipe with recessed pp. 11.1-1i.40.
wall";J. Applied Mech.; Vol. 37; 1970; pp. 5-8.
29. H. H. Bossel; "Swirling flows in streamtubes of variable
20. J. F. Stevenson; "Flow in a tube with a circumferential cross-section"; A.I.A.A. Journal; Vol. 11 ; No. 8 ; 1973 ;
waft cavity"; J. Applied Mech.; Vol. 40; 1973; pp. 355- pp. 1161-1165.
30. Z. Lavan, H. Nielsen & A. A. Fejer; "Separation and flow
21. W. J. Clark; "Flow measurements by square edged orifice reversal in swirling flows in circular ducts"; The Physics
plates using comer tappings"; Pergamon Press; 1965. of Fluids; Vol. 12; No. 9; 1969; pp. 1747-1757.

22. J.-S. Lee & Y.-C. Fung; "Flow in locaUy constricted tubes 31. A. M. Binnie; "Experiments on the slow swirling flow of
at low Reynolds numbers";J. Applied Mech.; Vol. 37; a viscous liquid through a tube"; Quart. J. Mech. & Appl.
1970; pp. 1-8. Math.; Vol. 10; 1957; pp. 276-290.

23. M. Greppi & D. Zampaglione; "Numerical study of a 32. J. K. Harvey; "Some observations of the vortex break-
viscous flow through a pipe orifice"; Meccanica; VoL 7; down phenomenon"; J. Fluid Mech.; Vol. 14; No. 4;
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24. W. J. Jansen; "Steady fluid flow in a radial vaneless dif- 34. T. Sarpkaya; "Vortex breakdown in swirling conical
fuser"; J. Basic Eng.; Vol. 86; 1964; pp. 607-619. flows"; A.I.A.A. Journal; Vol. 9;No. 9; 1971 ; pp. 1792-
25. C.M. Crane & D. M. Burley; "Numer~al studies for
viscous swirling flow through annular diffusers. Part II 35. L. Talbot; "Laminar Swirling pipe flow";J. Applied
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26. A. T. McDonald, R. W. Fox & R. V. Van Dewoestine; 36. C. M. Crane; "Contour plotting for functions specified at
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J o u r n a l o f C o m p u t a t i o n a l and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, n o 2, 1976. 111

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