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Stop Smoking Once And For All To Avoid The Dangers

It wasn't until the nineteen fifties and nineteen sixties that health experts fi
nally began to assert what people had long suspected: smoking is extremely dange
rous to your health. Regardless of warnings, it has taken the past several decad
es for people to finally get the message that they need to stop smoking. Why is
it necessary to quit, and why are people in denial? The answers could save your
life. A Dangerous Habit It is important that smokers stop smoking because it is
extremely hazardous for health. There are so many consequences associated with s
moking, that it is a wonder that smokers don't stop immediately! Some consequenc
es are long term, while others are short term. Some consequences are vanity-rela
ted, while others are health related. Whatever the consequences may be, they sho
uld be enough to make people stop smoking. In the short term, smoking can lead t
o many problems. Smokers tend to have bad breath, stained teeth, and their cloth
es and hair smell like smoke. These reasons are vanity-related. However, other s
hort term consequences include: lower athletic ability, cough and sore throat, t
he cost of smoking, faster heart beat, raised blood pressure, and increasing the
risk of second hand smoke for the people around you. Long term, the consequence
s are much more detrimental. They can even be fatal, and have been for many peop
le. The toxic chemicals found in cigarettes can lead to many types of cancer, in
cluding lung cancer. Additionally, smoking cigarettes can lead to severe breathi
ng problems, a risk for heart disease, wrinkles, increased risk for stomach ulce
rs and acid reflux disease, and a risk for gum disease. Many people have died be
cause they did not stop smoking, either directly or indirectly. Quit For Those A
round You If you won't stop smoking for yourself, then stop for those around you
. Second hand smoke is just as dangerous, if not more, than first hand smoke. Ad
ditionally, smokers set bad examples for their children. Pregnant women who smok
e put their unborn child at risk. The consequences involved if you do not stop s
moking do not only affect you, but the people around you as well. Breaking The H
abit People who do not stop smoking increase their chances of an early death'and
that's a fact. Whether you stop for yourself, or for someone you love, the impo
rtant thing is that you give up the habit for life. From a personal point of vie
w, I detest the smell of cigarettes It reeks badly and irritates my nasal cavity
. However, after discussion with a few people who smokes; an epiphany stroked. S
mokers smoke to relieve themselves from stress and also partly due to addiction
towards the nicotine content. It's true when they say; once you pop, you can't s
top. Smoking should never even be attempted as the quitting phase is mentally as
well as physically challenging. Do you know that when a person smokes, they're
releasing second-hand smoke to the surroundings? This means that whoever is besi
de them would also inhale the smoke that they have just expelled. The detrimenta
l effects of smoking is that cigarette smoke contains about 1000 harmful chemica
ls and the expelled smoke contains about 250 still harmful chemicals. So to thos
e non-smokers who breathed in whatever smoke that a smoker releases, he would al
so be harmed. A smoker tends to have stained teeth due to cigarette smoke and ba
d breath. Notice how someone cringes when they are having a conversation with so
meone who smokes. The fact that a smoker is actually making someone uncomfortabl
e just by talking to them is enough indication that it will cause relationship t
ension between couples. A non-smoker in a couple will definitely be put off by t
he party who smokes when they indulge in kissing. Eventually, it will cause a re
lationship to collapse if the non-smoker cannot tolerate anymore and the smoker
refuses to stop smoking cigarettes when the non-smoker is around. This means tha
t smoking can affect a person's social life with other people. It does not only
refer to couple relationships but other people such as parents and employers who
are non-smokers themselves. A problem for smokers to anticipate is during inter
view sessions with an interviewer who is a non-smoker. Since, humans tend to be
judgemental; the odour that a smoker diffuses will definitely put off the interv
iewer. The interviewer might view the smoker as an obstacle for him to achieve t
he company's full potential due to the amount of time he will be spending to smo
ke and also money on cigarettes.

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