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The sky dominated by the father zeus was no longer the final limit.

I figth against all disease, yes i

was murdered by dare to figth agains the death, the most powerful disease. My mothers killer, my
father Apolo, avenged my death and I ascended toward the sky. There I just healed the common
ailment and I forgot death, since i already knew the opinion of Zeus, my slayer, about my fight
against the grim.

But the twiligth of the gods arrived, the aged almost dissapeared and a new power rules the world. I
can to fight against my old enemy, but before i have to recover my old power. I grabbed my walking
stick and I took Glycon out of its den. My old friend was powerful and I was going to need her help.
I activated my divine view and I saw that a iberian asked me that i healed the lumbago of its mother.
I went down to earth. I was a long time without to fight against a lumbago although I defeated many
in my good days. A lumbago is a ugly bug that It is weak as a rule but the modern humans are
sitting for a long time, the lumbago takes advantage of this sedentary lifestyle and it use its beak for
to tunnel the back. It sleeps there and when the human makes a sudden movement the egg that the
lumbago has introduced hatchs invading the back. I observed that the lumbago was small so it
would be easy to combat it. I was behind her, she couldnt see me, I aimed my stick toward the
lumbago, Glycon sucked the disease and he devored it with pleasure. It was very easy but it was
useful for to train me.

This iberian was an apprentice magician and on another ocassion he requested my favor. His
grandmother suffered the constant presence of an annoying haze. I observed easily that the guilty of
this disease was the drug, with sadness I saw that the medicine was corrupt by the economical
power. I chose the easiest option, to favor the withdrawal of the drug. I insuflatted intelligence in
him and eliminated the fear to the physician in her. The old woman no longer took the damaging

I liked being active, I liked the iberian magician. His girl had a cat and this cat had inflamed eyes. I
reduced my size and entered in the eyes of the cat. There was figthing a fierce battle between the
invasive bacteria and immune system of the cat. If I wanted to help her first I should to guide the cat
toward healing herb but at the same time I accelerated the fat burning for to generate more defenses.
The cat had insured food so she could afford it. My help was crucial and the invasive bacteria was

Esta bacteria cegadora iba volando por los cielos,siempre dispuesta a atacar en un momento de
debilidad. Tiene los ojos rojos y posey el cuerpo de la felina. Su intencin era cegarla, ella cmo
soldado de hades tena como misin ir detectando a los dbiles y mandarselos a su poderoso y avaro
amo. Yo,Asclepio tena muchas cuentas pendientes con el seor de la muerte, an recordaba cmo
el rayo de Zeus hizo que su sangre hirviera y que su cerebro estallara. Debo admitir que estaba
motivado en esta lid. Entr dentro de Chiviusa, empuj y gui a la felina para que consumiera una
poderosa hierba medicinal, esto potenciara el campo morfogentico de ella y me permitira
combatir contra redivitis con mayor eficacia. Busqu a la horrible bestia, slo acababa de comenzar
su invasin y no tena el suficiente poder como para haber conquistado el joven cuerpo. Mand a
Glycon, a mi querida culebra no le costara nada encargarse de tan insignificante pen de la muerte.
Ella se enroll alrededor de redivitis y lo estrangul. El cuerpo de chiviusa lo excret y recuper su
Como buen dios Asclepio puede ser un poco celoso, al ver que su pronta ayuda no haba sido
convenientemente agradecida ni honrada decidi castigar a Satori e inducir a la locura a los canes
satelitales de la ciudad de Alcmena, los cuales casi matan a la otra gata. Los dioses les gusta apretar
pero no ahogar y Satori capt el mensaje. Satori quiso dejarle claro que an estaba apegado a ciertos
lmites materiales pero su lealtad estaba claro y no sera traicionada.
An inflamed wound emerged in the neck of the red-haired cat, a poisonous mucus cut the life of a
lot of cat. The mad dogs, they were tree like the heads of cerbero, the disease, the dead. Asclepio
revealed him by means of subtle channels that the death wanted to avenge the defeat of his server.
Now Asclepio had to fight on several fronts at a time. Any possible help was needed, satori
mushroom joined the fight, he decided to learn a mudra for to combat this beasts. He didnt know
magical weapons for the task that he desired to carry out so he used his magic intuition, he built a
perception of the beast, and he created both the spell and the mudra spontaneously. Satori and
Silverion fought in the war against the death with Asclepio. The red plague attacked to Piti,
Asclepio and Satori divided the work and Asclepio took care of the red disease. This demon of fire
burned the forrest of proteins. This was an ancient demon that he was infiltrate in the body of the
cat from a long time ago. Periodically he appeared destroying the forrest with his sickly fire.
Asclepio decreased in size and he went among the red trees.

I saw that Satori mushroom is a good follower in my fight against the death. Albert Hoffman
created one of the keys of the immortality: purified ergot, this magic substance destroy the mental
stagnation, the conspiracy of the death emerged like a need, Gaia needed new ideas and for it she
had to kill the oldster and to create new humans with new ideas and possibilities. The purified ergot
is a weapon in the creation of new ideas, habits and so on. Hoffman approached to one key of the
eternal life, the liberation of the gravity. If the death is abolished and the births continue then the
only option not to saturate Gaia is to send the inmortals toward the space. The gravity is trap that it
pushs down our body constantly toward the ground where the humans are buried. With the
intelligence the humans have invested this constant power with a ingenious mechanism.

In the mouth of Satoris mushroom inhabited the resistant bandits. They had always been there but
he could not be trusted, each day he was making a hit for to avoid that the bandits take power and
they destroy his polygon where the raw material is torn apart. The bandits were enriched with the
great booty that they got in their assaults. It was elaborated a general plan for to eliminate the
banditry, to reduce the input of material, to use the spacecraft not only in the white cutting plant but
to attack the pick mountain where the bandits were hiding, to introduce source materials that they
destroyed the bandits, materials that they served to strengthen the water police of the zone and so
on. I, Asclepio, observed that the rebellious performed an interesting function: The war on this
border benefited to the other provinces of the nation. In the high command there was a discussion
about to use natural or chemical weapons. The second can to be very effective but the problem is
that it could damage the nation, by the other hand the natural weapon sometimes werent effective
agains the slippery rebels. Ultimately the high command reached a compromise, they would use
chemical weapons but infrequently for to reduce the damage. One of the most popular weapon was
the blue rain, from a space station a round spacecraft was loaded by the blue liquid. The space
station introduced the spacecraft in the border and emptied the content about the bandits. After the
high command activated the earthquakes which it distributed the blue weapon for all the burrows.

Gracias a Asclepio otra arma ha sido descubierto en la lucha por la hegemona de la puerta de
entrada. Es una arma ancestral que slo dao a los bandido e incluso fortalece el poder de la ciudad,
no se puede usar mucha de golpe ya que resulta molesta para los habitante de BOCA pero de
manera espaciada causa estragos en los bandidos, los cuales cada vez tienen menos poder.

Algunos pensaban que los dioses lo podamos todo, que con un slo toque de una mano podamos
ejercer nuestros poderes. No era tan fcil, haba mucho de propaganda en ello. Cosas que los
antiguos adoradores decan y que nosotros estimulabamos para aumentar nuestro poder. Pero si eso
fuera tan fcil yo sera un mal dios si no curara todas las enfermedades No merecen acaso casi todo
el mundo vivir y no sufrir las enfermedades? Nosotros los dioses somos ms bien inteligencias que
bajamos a los mundos desde los elevados mundos sutiles hacia el grosero plano material, all
movemos sutilmente las piezas que hay que mover mediante la energa que nuestros adoradores
generan, en ocasiones muy concretas podemos llevar a cabo lo que algunos llaman milagros pero
eso es menos habitual.

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