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- Refers to the natural distinguishing

variable based on biological
characteristics of being a man or a
- Refers to the physical attributes
pertaining to persons body
contours, features, genitals,
hormones, genes, chromosomes
and reproductive organs.


- Refers to roles, attitudes and

values assigned by culture and
society to women and men. These
roles, attitudes, and values define
the behavior of women and men
and the relationship between them.

Gender Sensitivity

- The ability to recognize gender

issues and to recognize womens
different perceptions and interests
arising from different social
positions and gender roles.
- Is often used to mean the same as
gender awareness but is actually
the beginning of gender
awareness, which is more
analytical and critical, questions
gender disparities, and motivates
one toward action to address
gender issues.

Gender Sensitivity
Dr. Agnes Segunda - A conscientization strategy
Gerasmo concerned with increasing the
Transcribed by: La Mademoiselle de peoples sensitivity to the
implications of gender inequality,
and demanding that the problems
Gender of gender discrimination be
identified and overcome in the
Gender Sensitivity contains basic policies and programs.
concepts that the person preparing for - Advocacy entails an activist and
GAD (Gender and Development) work assertive form of gender
should learn. awareness, vigilance that gender
issues are not overlooked, and
Gender Mainstreaming includes
persistence that gender issues be
concepts relating to doing GAD work.
Gender and Sex
Gender Awareness
- The ability to identify problems Status/Prestige
arising from gender inequality and
discrimination, even if these are - The social value attached to ones
not evident on the surface and are position in the class hierarchy.
hidden, or are not part of the Condition vs. Position
general and commonly accepted
explanation of what and where the Condition
problem lies.
- Means high level of - Refers to the womens perceptible
conscientization. or objective state.
- The state of their relationship with
Affirmative Action their surroundings and immediate
sphere of experience.
- A policy action that favors
marginalized groups in society such Position
as women. While it is a special
- The social and economic standing
measure, it is not considered
relative to men.
discriminatory since it aims to
accelerate the attainment of Consciousness Raising
equality between dominant
marginalized groups. - The process of making people
- Should not result in unequal or aware of the lower status of women
separate standards and must be and the responsibility of raising this
continued even when the status.
objectives of equality of - A practice, usually in the form of
opportunity and treatment had sharing sessions among women,
been achieved. that is helpful in politicizing them
and premised on the perception
Biologic Determination that the personal is political.
- A process of creating awareness of
- A theory that biological differences
womens issues and the
between women and men dictate a
disadvantaged status of women in
difference in social roles and
the society.
personality, and that these
- A group of activities, including
differences reinforce the notion
gender sensitivity training that
that men are superior and women
results in greater awareness of a
are inferior.
problems roots and its macro and
Class vs. Status micro linkages and the need for
collective action on gender issues.
Class - A way of enhancing peoples
perception of unequal gender
- The degree to which one has
access to social and economic
resources. 3 functions:
- The upper class having the
greatest access and the lower and 1. It provides women with both
middle classes having political insight and moral support
proportionately less. in confronting gender issues
- Measured by income or the relative affecting their lives.
status of his/her occupation. 2. It reveals to the women who take
part, through a reappraisal of their
personal experience, their
common oppression by men,
thereby fostering a new and socioeconomic, political, and
militant solidarity among them. cultural context in which the
3. It is a source of collective movement is taking place.
knowledge about women where
they first come to understand and Types
the importance of gender issues. 1. Liberal Feminism focuses on
womens ability to maintain their
3 subcomponents: equality through their own actions
and choices. (Note: Definition not taken
1. Conscientization from slide. Binanggit lang ni doc ng
2. Gender Awareness mabilisan.)
3. Gender Sensitivity 2. Cultural Feminism emphasizes
the essential differences between
Discrimination men and women, based on
biological differences in
- Overt behavior in which people are
reproductive capacity; attributes to
given different and unfavorable
those differences in distinctive and
treatment on the basis of their
superior virtues of women. (Note:
race, class, sex, and cultural status. Definition not taken from slide. Binanggit
- United Nations Convention on the lang ni doc ng mabilisan.)
Elimination of All Forms and 3. Socialist Feminism sees the
Discrimination Against Women it origins of womens oppression in
is any distinction exclusion or the systems of patriarchy and
restriction made on the basis of capitalism.
sex, which has a purpose or effect 4. Radical Feminism looks at gender
of denying equal exercise of human as the primary form of oppression
rights and fundamental freedoms and sees class a race as extensions
in all forms of human endeavor. of patriarchal domination.
Double / Multiple Burden GAD Advocate
- A situation referring to heavy - One who supports, defends, pleads
workload of women and the many, or recommends active espousal of
overlapping task involved, which is gender and development
computed in the terms of hours principles, objectives and
would total more than 24 hours. processes.
This workload consists of unpaid - Sex and gender
reproductive work, paid productive - The social relations gender seeks
work community management, and to explain the unevenness in
all other work necessary for the male/female relations noted
survival of the family. worldwide in terms of sex roles in
- Ex. The woman as a wife, a mother, power sharing, decision-making,
a barangay health worker, and a the division of labor.
Gender Division of Labor
- Allocation of differential tasks,
- A worldwide movement that seeks roles, responsibilities and activities
to raise womens political, to women and men according to
economic, and social status and what is considered socially and
the fights for gender equality in all culturally appropriate.
aspects of life in all societies. The
concepts of feminism continue to Gender Equality vs. Gender Equity
evolve according to the Gender Equality
- Women and men enjoy the same Equity is the means and equality is the
status and conditions and have end.
equal opportunity for realizing their Equity leads of equality.
potential to contribute to the The State recognizes the role of
political, economic, social, and women in nation building and shall
cultural development of their ensure the fundamental equality
countries. before the law of women and men.
Philippine Constitution
Gender Equity
Laws alone do not guarantee gender
- Moves beyond the focus on equal equality.
treatment. It means giving to those Ex. RA 6752 prohibits discrimination
who have less on the basis of with respect to terms and conditions of
needs, and taking steps to employment.
compensate for the historical and
social disadvantages.
Ne tarrte jamais de rver.
Never stop dreaming.

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