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Entrance, Hard work, Gradual Progress and an exciting year that it is how I have
reached this level and now as I stand at the threshold of the aside world. I take a
look of the past year which I have spent in this college, my performance with the
devotion of the profession has been with me for over 3 years which I will never
First and foremost I would like to thank the University of Mumbai for providing
me with this project in this curriculum.
I am grateful and would like to thank my project guide, Prof. Vaishali. Kurhekar
for having helped me day in and day out for not only providing me with
information but also being very supportive. It would rather be unfair on my part for
not thanking all my Professors who have helped me specially our co-ordinator
Prof.Nishikant. Jha and also to our Principal Mrs. Malini. Johari, for always
keeping faith in us.
I would like to thank Vijay. Anand, who is Assistant Manager of ICICI Bank for
providing me with all required information.
I would also like to thank our Librarian and not to forget my Parents and my
colleagues who have helped me at some stage or the other.
My acknowledgement would be incomplete without me thanking my college Shri
Chinai College of Commerce and Economics for having shown their continuous
faith in me.
So this goes to all those who have knowingly or unknowingly been a great support
for me to accomplish this piece of work.

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