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II) Vocabulary:

Many vegetables and flowers are grown in greenhouses in late winter and early spring,
then ......... outside as the weather warms.
a. transplanted
b. harrowed
c. ploughed
d. prepared
The New Year is coming so most of the clothing stores are ......... with people.
a. crowded
b. full
c. accustomed
d. fed up
She harboured the thought of being a member in the Parliament to struggle for women s right.
a. keep in mind
b. determined
c. passed
d. took charge of
When it was first in use, people belived that penicillin in was a miraculous medicine.

They are enjoying a .......... and they laugh alot.

a. comedy
b. tragedy
c. weather forecast
d. concert
If you want to learnt about the events that are happening all over the world, you can watch
a ...........
a. cartoon
b. comedy
c. love story
d. documentary film

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