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Amanda Olejar

ELED 3221
Date: 3/21


Respiratory System? Sounds Like a bunch of Hot Air.

Elementary Science

Big Idea: Students will learn about the Respiratory system, and how that system
works with other systems to keep us healthy.

Grade Level: 5th grade

Rationale: Learning about the Respiratory System is crucial because they

respiratory system keeps humans alive. Without the Respiratory System, our other
organs could not receive the oxygen they need to survive. Students will learn
about the nose, trachea, and lungs. They will learn how these organs work together
to provide our body with oxygen.

NC Essential Standard(s): 5.L.1.2 Students know that there are many systems in the
human body. Some of these systems are: Circulatory System (heart, blood,
vessels) Respiratory System (nose, trachea, lungs) Skeletal System (bones)
Muscular System (muscles) Digestive System (mouth, esophagus, stomach,
intestines) Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves) Students know that each
system performs a special life process function and that the systems work
together to maintain health and fitness.

Next Generation Science Standard(s):

4-LS1- Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and
1. external structures that function to support survival, growth,
behavior, and reproduction. [Clarification Statement: Examples of
structures could include thorns, stems, roots, colored petals, heart,
stomach, lung, brain, and skin.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is
limited to macroscopic structures within plant and animal systems. ]
Instructional Objective: What specific learning objective are you going to use? What are the
students going to do? Does your instructional objective include: conditions, performance, and
Students will be able to apply their knowledge to independently create a how to of
how the respiratory system works. They will be graded out of 16 points. Students
must receive 13 points to have met the objective.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills: What knowledge and skills should students already have to
be successful in this lesson? What background knowledge does the teacher need to have?
Students have learned a little about the different body systems like the nervous.
They have already completed some assignments about the respiratory system.
They should know that when they breathe, they take air out. As, a teacher, I
should be knowledgeable about the Respiratory System, and anticipate some
misconceptions they may have.

Materials/Resources: Crayons, Chrome books, Journals.

Source of your lesson: The worksheets came from Teachers Pay Teachers

Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Accommodation for Special Needs/different learning styles: What should be done for students
with special needs (both physical and emotional)? Different learning styles? ESL students?

Students with a visual impairment will have enlarged text on their screen, and an
audiobook of their textbook.

ESL students will have extended time to write their how-to and more time to
research about their organ. I will use the 5R model of instruction to build their
understanding of the concepts. I will anticipate what language ESL student will
struggle with and connect this with their prior experiences. I will ensure that the
student uses this vocabulary in writing as well as in discussion by asking him/ her to
replace the word. I will repeat the vocabulary often and in different contexts. I
will also put this new vocabulary in our weekly spelling list or word wall.

Safety considerations: How will you make sure students are safe in your lesson?
I will ensure that the students are only on designated websites. I will give the URL
of the websites before they open their chromebook.
Amanda Olejar
ELED 3221

Content and Strategies (Procedure)

In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 Es. Your procedure should be
detailed enough for a colleague to follow. Additionally, I expect you to include possible questions
and anticipated student responses to your questions for each section.

Engage: I start the lesson with blowing up a balloon and letting the air out, I will
repeat this step two or three times. I will ask what happens when air goes in and
out. Student will talk about the balloon getting bigger or smaller. I will expect
them to use expand and contrast later in the lesson. Class, today we will learn
about the Respiratory System. I need one person to explain to me what organ in
the respiratory system in similiar to the balloon? Some students may say lungs, but
some may say diaphragm. I will begin by asking the students to stand up, and
breathe in. How do we get oxygen? How does our brain tell us to breathe? (This
connection reminds them of the nervous system) I will ask them where they think
the air goes, and how they think the nose carries the oxygen into the lungs.

Explore: I will break students into groups. Students will each have a different topic
to research. Some of the students will research the trachea, some will research
the lungs, some will research the diaphragm. Students will explain the description
of the body parts and the functions of each body part. I will be asking students
how they think this connected to other organs. Class, why do you think that the
trachea is important to the respiratory system? Why do the lungs look different
when they are expanded and contracted? Students will explain what each body
part looks like by drawing a picture to present to the class.

(I wanted to do rotating stations, but my CT said behavior would not allow that in
the class, so I had to break the students into stationary stations. )

Explanation: The groups of students will explain each body part to the class, and
share their drawing with the class. Students are encouraged to speak up, and
participate. They will be filling in their organizer with the organ that they didnt
research. This is a good way for me to listen to what the students learned, and how
they formed their information. We will watch a short video about the lungs and
create an anchor chart about what we have learned about the Respiratory System.
Students are encouraged to ask questions during the group presentations.
Students may ask how our body knows how to do this, we can tie certain questions
into the other body systems we have been learning about like the nervous system.

Elaborate: Students will label a diagram of the Respiratory system, and write a how
to with steps of how it works. Students should be able to write beside their
diagram of the Respiratory System. Students are encouraged to draw the pictures
to the best of their ability. They are not graded on the actual artwork because
everyone has different art abilities.

Evaluate: Students will be graded on their Respiratory System how to. They will be
graded for using terminology like trachea, lungs, nose, contracted expand, carbon
dioxide, oxygen. Students should receive 13 or more points to have successfully
met benchmark.

Closure: How are you going to close your lesson? Briefly describe how you will close the
lesson, help students understand the purpose of the lesson, and show how it will connect to future
learning. (Rather than an administrative closure, interact with learners to elicit evidence of
student understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of objectives) Students will
write a 1 min commercial about the respiratory system, and one way to keep it

Score: 1-4 Did not Partially Met Exceeded Total:

For meet Met benchmark, Benchmark:
benchmark benchmark but had Exemplary
each some Work
category misconcepti

Used Did not use Used some Used Used all

relevant accurate Vocabulary correct Vocabulary
Vocabulary: vocabulary Vocabulary correctly
but had
Detailed Not Has some Good Great
How to of Descriptive; Description Description Description
how the vague s, but the s, but minor s; none or
Respiratory answers descriptions misconcepti one
System has ons. misconcepti
Works misconcepti on.

Labeled the Did not Labeled the Had minor Little to no

Diagram label each parts, but labeling labeling
correctly part; or had had many errors. errors.
many errors.

Students Did not Worked Worked Worked

independen work independent independen diligently on
tly worked independen ly on tly and his/her how
on their tly on their his/her talked out to.
how to. how to. project, but of turn a
Talked talked little.
throughout some.

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