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are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell-shaped stupa.

The entire adifice

is crowned by a large stupa at the center at the center of the top circle. The way to
the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and Starways. The design of
borobudur the which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at
Angkor, Cambodia.


The first paragraph: Identification, describe passing on Borobudur temple

will be described so that the reader will not misunderstand the temple which is

being discussed. That the temple in question is named Borobudur temple, which is

located in Magelang, Central Java.

Second paragraph: Description contains an explanation or description of

Borobudur by describing its properties such as: - being on a hill with a height of

46 meters and consists of 8 levels as a terrace. - 5 first level rectangular (square)

and dogged wall. - 3 top level are round (circular).

2.6 PLAN and WRITE Strategy

Edwin S. Ellis (2011) PLAN and WRITE strategy is one of the strategies

of metacognitif strategy in which a strategy that is implemented to form

independent learning. PLAN and WRITE is a step mnemonic strategy of the

strategy itself. Mnemonics used to help students remember the steps of the

strategy. PLAN and Write strategy will allow students to brainstorm their idea,

students will be able to imagine what will to be written, especially in writing

descriptive text. PLAN and WRITE strategy also allows teacher to manage

students ability in writing to be more better, teacher can conduct a new topic that

will be used by students to make a good paragraph of Descriptive text.

The stages of the PLAN and WRITE strategy can be described as follows:

PLAN: Planning

P: Pay attention to the prompt (Note tasks / errands given)

The first strategy is focused on helping students to fully think of topics to

identify the following:

What is required to be written?

How should students develop the paragraph?

L: List the Main Ideas (Arrange the main ideas)

In this step, students will be asked to decide on a topic and they produce

the ideas of one of the main ideas, if students only make one paragraph at the

time. Students are expected to make the ideas as the main ideas that have been


A: Add Supporting Details (Add supporting ideas)

When students are expected to write a long paragraph, ask students to add

at least six supporters of the idea that support the main idea. Students are

encouraged to repeat the second step if they are unable to produce the appropriate

supporting ideas.
N: Number your ideas

In this step, ask students to sort the ideas supporting its use in sequence

according to the article they are going to write, and sort these ideas correctly.

PLAN mnemonic used in the planning processes in a summary before they

proceed to write the truth. Then students following the steps mnemonic WRITE to

help continue the planning process while focusing its attention on how to write

good. The stages of the WRITE can be explained as follows:

WRITE: Writing

W: Work from your plan to develop your thesis statement

It will remind the students to incorporate ideas from their design to their

writings or topic sentence at the time of writing. At this time, the teacher said:

"Tell the reader what are you going to say". Once the topic sentence is written, ask

students to draw up a concept based on the plans at the moment working on the

second step.

R: Remember your goal (Remember your goal)

Students must remember the purpose of writing itself. Teachers and

students can discuss where or on which the paragraph that goal will be listed. In

this step, students begin to assemble the posts according to plan.

I: Include transition words (include link words)

At this stage, the students can look for the words connecting an attractive

and appropriate for use. Here the teacher can help students by giving a few words

of connector that can be used by students.

T: Try to use different kinds of sentences

At this stage, students are expected to use some kind of sentence. Whether

it's using some appropriate tenses or sentence in accordance with its purpose as a

descriptive phrase, persuasive, and so on.\

E: Exciting

Posts made by students should be able to attract the attention of the reader.

Therefore, at this stage the student should reread their writing and looking back if

they had interesting article or not so that students can revise their writing if there

are less deemed appropriate.

2.7 The Steps Of PLAN and WRITE Strategy

Based on the explanation above, the procedures or the steps of PLAN and

WRITE strategy can be described as follows:

PLAN, it stands for:

1. Pay attention to the prompt or text.

In this step, teacher will guide students to focus their mind in finding the

topic of the text, it can be concluded as how students will be written and

developing paragraph in descriptive text.

2. List the main idea

After finding the topic, teacher will guide students for finding the main

idea of the text, main idea will be used as a tool to develop their descriptive text.

3. Add supporting details

While finished in findig the main idea, students need to be able in adding

supporting ideas to develop their descriptive text. In this step teacher will be more

active in overcome students problem in writing.

4. Number your ideas

In this step, students need to be more selective in choosing supporting

ideas that will be used in arranging descriptive text. Teacher will guide students

how to sort supporting ideas correctly.

After finished in PLAN step, students will go on to next step, that is


WRITE stands for:

1. Work from your plan

In this step, teacher will ask students to start writing based on what they

have done from the PLAN step. Students will start writing using their topic and

main ideas that found before.

2. Remember your goal

While writing, student will be received teacehers guidance, teacher need

to guide students to write based on their goal, descriptive will be a core to manage

students goal in writing.

3. Include transition word

In this step, students need more guidance from teacher, to avoid repetition

of words, teacher must be guide students how to use transition word. So that

descriptive text that is written by students can be understood well.

4. Try to use different kind of sentences

At this step, students will be guided to use different kind of words in

making their text, so that the text will be good and easy to be understood.

5. Exciting

After finished in writing, students need to be perform and reread their text

in front of the class.

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