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Patrick Mulier


Tableaux-Storyboard of a Greek Myth Project

What We Did

Part 1: In groups of 4 at a table, 7th graders picked a Greek myth

of their choice and spent time reading multiple versions of it, to
know it inside and out. Students then chose roles in the group to
focus their attention to study one literary element of the myth
each: Plot structure, Characterization, Theme and WeVideo
Maker, (tech person). Then, students were given a set of
questions for their particular literary element and how it was at
work in their myth, and were to turn the whole google document
of their analysis in at the end of the project. The plot structure
person writes down the main events in 1-2 sentence captions,
Theme person writes down central ideas of the myth and then a
theme sentence, characterization infers on at least 5 character
qualities of the main character(s) throughout the myth.

Part 2: Having studied the myth from different angles, the group
next creates a creative online picture book (storyboard) of the myth, by taking pictures of their group
doing drama-tableaux of each scene while utilizing costumes and props to depict the meaning of the plot.
Characterization person makes sure their body gestures and facial expressions reflects the personality,
thoughts and feelings of each character. The Plot structure person places captions on each slide. The
theme person adds the theme sentence to the last slide before the credits to end the picture-story with a
moral lesson. The WeVideo person uses as many modes as possible--Music, special effects, video-tape
additions, color schemes--to enhance the meaning of the myths presentation. The video is ready to be
presented and posted on Youtube! After presenting the videos to the class to be graded, students filled
out a reflection on what they learned from the project.

Why We Did It

- Alternative, Creative and Technological Expression of a

- Experiential learning through Drama is Engaging
- Embodying to Comprehend and Interpret a Myth
- Responsibility and Collaboration through having Roles in
- How Elements of Literature (plot structure, theme, ect.)
affect the Meaning of a Narrative
- Multimodal Presentation
- Written Communication
- Inspire a passion for Greek/Roman Mythology
- Real World Value with Youtube Video

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