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Youth in Development Volunteer



Youth in Development


May 1, 2017
Sept. 1, 2017
Jan. 4, 2018


Project Description
The overall goal of the Youth in Development Volunteers is to help Thai youth develop the
skills and attributes that prepare them to be healthy engaged citizens who contribute
positively to their communities. Volunteers in this project will be focusing their work with the
target age range of 9-15 years old. Most Volunteers will work with the upper primary grades
and lower secondary grades. Volunteers will be assigned to local government offices who have
staff devoted to education or community development, working in the rural regions of
Thailand where the need for Volunteers is the greatest. Volunteers will devote a portion of
their time to working with the staff at the government office, and may also work at one or
more local schools, public health centers and local community groups. When Volunteers arrive
in their communities, they will assess the needs of the community and identify the areas where
the most focus is needed. Volunteers will then use these assessments to plan activities that
help individual youth to strengthen their life and leadership skills as well as develop healthier
lifestyles. These activities may include teaching English language skills, which is a high priority
life skill for Thai youth; facilitating critical thinking and decision-making activities; educating
on health topics such as reproductive health, sports and fitness; and collaborating with the
local government on campaigns to reduce drug and alcohol use. In addition, Volunteers should
promote leadership activities and community service with the youth with whom they are

Volunteers will co-plan and co-lead activities with Thai counterparts such as youth camps,
clubs, health and life skills classes, afterschool groups and classes during the schools free
hour. The project demands willingness and flexibility to be a catalyst and facilitator engaging
youth and youth stakeholders. This project also requires someone willing to independently
seek out and engage with many different members of the community to make a sustainable

Required Skills
Qualified candidates will have an expressed interest in working with Youth in Development and
one or more of the following criteria:
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science degree in any field
5 years' professional work experience

Desired Skills
Applicants for this position should be highly motivated, flexible and prepared to work with
youth in different settings ranging from school to sports clubs to community leadership events.
Experience providing life skills training, youth reproductive health or sports, and leadership
development will make applicants more competitive for this project. Work with at risk youth
and any experience teaching conversational English are also desired skills for applicants under
consideration for this project.

Required Language Skills

There are no pre-requisite language requirements for this position. Please take a moment to
explore the Language Comments section below to find out more on how local language(s) will
be utilized during service.

Additional Language Information

All Volunteers will be required to learn the Thai language and will be required to test at a
certain level in order to swear in and become a Volunteer. Speaking Thai is critical to your
success as a Volunteer. There will be very few English speakers in your rural community and
speaking the language facilitates work and social interactions.

Living Conditions

Peace Corps has specific selection criteria for Volunteers site assignments that includes a
viable work assignment, supportive colleagues, reliable communication and transportation,
appropriate housing, opportunity for secondary projects and, above all, standards of safety
and security.

All Volunteers live with a Thai host family during pre-service training (PST) and for the first
month in their community after PST. After the first month of service in their community
Volunteers may rent a house on their own or continue living with a host family, depending on
what is locally available as well as preference. Volunteers houses typically are small 3 room
homes in a compound near other community members. Volunteers' housing conditions will
vary depending on the site and housing that your office has identified for you. Most Volunteers
will live in villages where electricity and indoor plumbing (bucket showers and squat toilets at
a minimum) are available. Drinking water must either be boiled or purchased. Most towns have
Internet shops and your school or office is very likely to have regular internet service.

Regardless of where they live, as a foreigner in a small community Volunteers will get a lot of
attention. This attention is often seen in both a positive and negative light. It can be
challenging to adjust to as most Volunteers may not have experienced this level of attention in
the past. Many Volunteers appreciate the increased level of attention because it can offer
safety and security in an otherwise foreign area.

The primary mode of transport within and around communities is by bicycle. All invitees must
be willing and able to ride a bicycle for at least 6 miles in very hot conditions. Be aware that
some individuals will find the heat and humidity most months of the year in Thailand very
taxing, especially during the first few months in country.

While it is possible to maintain a vegetarian diet, strict vegetarians may find it difficult to
maintain diets that dont allow for flexibility, especially within some social contexts. The most
successful Volunteers are those who are flexible and open to accepting the culture where they
will be living.

Thailand is known as "The Land of Smiles" and Thai people are generally patient, tolerant,
warm and friendly. There is a cooperative discipline that ensures harmony and the preservation
of Thai values. Some of these values include an importance placed on hierarchy, status and
position; respect for those who are older or have seniority; different concepts of time and
punctuality; indirect communication styles. Volunteers may find some cultural norms different
from American cultural perspectives and norms but with patience and flexibility, Volunteers
find they are able to adjust and work successfully with their communities.

Thais take great personal pride in appearances and dress neatly so dressing professionally as a
Volunteer will increase your effectiveness and credibility. Appropriate professional dress for
men includes slacks and collared short-sleeved shirts and neat shoes. For women, collared
blouses and skirts below the knees and dresses are appropriate. Some schools where
Volunteers work may prefer skirts only be worn. Volunteers should understand that many Thai
schools and offices ask their staff to conform to certain norms of dress and appearance. For
example males are generally not allowed to have long hair, beards, or earrings; frequently
tattoos are required to be covered; multiple-pierced ears and body piercing are generally not
allowed. Volunteers work will be in rural Thailand and you will be seen as a community leader
and role model for the youth. As one of Peace Corps Thailands core expectations is to respect
Thai culture, it is important that you are willing to learn about and follow the norms of your
work place. You may find in some sites, these norms are relaxed so you will need to learn the
particulars of your work situation and adjust accordingly.

Learn more about the Volunteer experience inThailand: Get detailed information on culture,
communications, housing, and safety including crime statistics [PDF] in order to make a
well-informed decision about serving.

Medical Considerations in Thailand

Thailand may not be able to support Volunteers with the following medical conditions: none

The following medication(s) are not permitted for legal or cultural reasons: none identified.

Volunteers who should avoid the following food(s) may not be able to serve: gluten, peanuts
and shellfish.

After arrival in Thailand, Peace Corps provides and applicants are required to have an annual
flu shot, to take daily or weekly medication to prevent malaria, and to receive mandatory

Before you apply, please also review Important Medical Information for Applicants (PDF) to
learn about other health conditions typically not supported in Peace Corps service.

Does this sound like the position for you?

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Learn what it's like to serve in Thailand

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What Happens Next?

View Volunteer FAQs

What is Peace Corps looking for in an applicant?

The types of work Volunteers do are ultimately determined by the needs of host countries and the potential of a Volunteer to contribute
to these needs and to the Peace Corps mission.

Learn about the application




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