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Rwiew of "America'


Ilistory 30I
Oct. 3197
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t' smiflr,in'4grdod*I$ger$ for a people
Ameticmgto behrdicrustysaFadulating

gcmusas hiFfor Amcricdrsto &hk hidrly of tbcmsclrrcs,

Smift is probSly consct

to scold"His offtre crffoffering of thernmesof scientists,

trtistq writrs,andrfietcsmen

I hewouldprcbSly beableto rccqgnize

suggest Americantalentif rny cxbloil Howorer,
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,i l- .
{f('- t Anericans4|q prop$,
ffi b rurrcrcrhcfoBritifi rna&irn* ard
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,' Americms,stnry xtor{6 ftr Smift's choicctoidge a peoph by 6dr ability,toprofrrce
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gcohncfrrm intftonl cfrrc,h an atr$lrd standardforjrdgir a denreicrdicnaticm
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totrGproEfiilofindiviftnldghfiBftungoverimmtF-{., L'^ '1,17'v'Nf'vt-{
uertu wodrs qn{';-'ffir6t
orgeiriru? **#ffi aqraHicdion?
\J ",rt
wmH wGleeErethemorgdsof Genghis
Khaqor thcvikirEr,if wedarc4trd ftey wcrg
fot4propt-i4*smrgasftc *ffiVtEuropc wGrc
',e) &dr p&yg? Ycg wc glmil4 if ffrtnrilnugncsrhad ur5rEriryto do wift a c,himto culfinal
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,ttt)- rryhirlicalirn ralhsr lhan lhir ability lo dcvaslrlcarrl dsrlnuyat will Smilh's own cou14r war
I'T " \'^-n' 1 for long known morefor ib brawn andnot its brain$ ad
h Nrmadawas a
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andclrracter aebeingunlwruio,smrsdrirg,ltut Amrft,ansprobahlytakepdd in, asd wutld

likety disagcwidr Ued, arewe not brarrct ftsy might ask Did we not dafeatthe mighty

Brirish in ordcr to hnvcou indcpurdcncc?Arc wc not infrlfiiorn? Is oru htrd wort not

I prroofwe aneanrongrtGod's choecn?Ycs, you arc all lhd, Smift sryF,hS your potrynecds
/, N
wo*, andilnuyou rc neiftef. Absurd.
Smithsayrftm lm to bc lhomoetlcftrd'fu most ffiff,ffio"

wemrntwurdsrif ftil bestrEprBGntB

lhe sourceof Americanprtr. It is pcftrps themost

vulnenatle tn atraclqif wc allow enliglrtcnmeotto bc ffincd otffilnily to meanfrcholarty.Bril

ttc ttdion ftat rparded ibef ftom ib mo&cr, did not do so bocf,rrc dro wasphf,istinc,bd

becanc dre wasover-bcaing. Amsricanswanbd to be litc, by ffibating fu Britislr, they

mt& deim !o bcittga cowrtry of ftee mc,!r,not neccseri$ mc of scholtrr.

If Srtiilr w:mts!o criticizeftc Afirricar$ ruggesfithn ffreyac not frec, asit is trcir
./' fttatfftsytakcryesidtridc iq pilfing somrrc,h
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of fteir tfuneandc,fiortthd Smith
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, j" ssol&td lhcm fir wrolir4g ctnslru$liqg a gu\rcnmrmt lo prrrla;l lhcir frectftm limilftg ilr abilily
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muchelscfor fcar it night forgetib dcfuing purposc. Thd ilreir uscof thir freedomhag
notyotrcmiltcdin trs proercdonof wodtssquslto ftosoin 6s old worldmsybc tnrc,brtr

hereSmift msyconsidorafiEndiryto fte thougfr8of a nriter of gcnius,ftorryhnotBritish,thc

FrcnchmanRq$seflL wlro not lqg bdore Smilh's time/suggp$sdliving cloceto nfrrrc, as
L,,j t
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Amricail5il{, ana mems to a bgfierlivpd life frranme flled wiilt intellectualachisrrmenfis.
,-fY)t \. Y
rr{d; I,f' This too, Amcricms will probab$ get aound tq but astrcy write andpaint fteir martcrpimcs,
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&owr Dw trmd hr' rd poruD.lffi, rc h rfuyt r!0p1;noh ft!fo fuodomb do

dEh woftf rd d.iil h ft* woft tmCra, F iddjtte 6g'n fu on nffic esy
rc rdyrpm$ftoc ddahfu ciftayrsld,

*t v laL -L,
1r^r'J vt&z k- \

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