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Life of human being is compared to the two storied building. The existence of living being is in
the lower floor and Humanity that of upper floor. Education is the ladder to enter to the room of
humanity. The main duty of education is not only gather knowledge rather ensure morality in
life. Education plays the role of levers which uplift the life from mere living being to human

The primary aim of education is to sustain an individual societal improvement. This process
contains both tangible and moral dimensions. Educational programs and policies play a pivotal
role in this social and individual progress.

The presentation illustrates the relationship between higher education and development
particularly social development in the context of Bangladesh.

Education: The Concept

Rabindranath Tagore conceptualizing education-

Education specially labeled as rural education is not my ideal-education which should be more or
less of the dame quality for all humanity needful for its evolution of perfection.

Like Tagore, Kant also searched perfection into education-

How then is perfection to be sought? Wherein lies our people hope? Education is nothing else.

Knowledge is the true basis of higher education: its production via research, its transmission via
teaching, its acquisition and use by students. Higher education is a powerful channel for
spreading the forces of change. A change is initiated directly by preparing the students to cope
with life, and to solve new social problems through research. Higher education also causes
attitudinal changes in people.
Main Discussion

Higher education is pivotal for the economic development for any country. Bangladesh
government has put emphasis in the development of higher education. The government of
Bangladesh has formulated policies for the improvement of the quality of higher education,
which is reflected in 7th five year plan, perspective palm 2021 and national education policy.

Higher Education in Bangladesh

In the constitution of Bangladesh education is highly prioritized issue. According to the

Bangladesh Constitution education is meant for all irrespective the cast, creed, religion.
Establishing a uniform, mass-oriented and universal system of education and extending
free and compulsory education to all children to such stage as may be determined by law;
Relating education to the needs of society and producing properly trained and motivated
citizens to serve those needs;
Removing illiteracy within such time as may be determined by law;

Government Policy and Investment in Higher Education

7th 5 year Plan:

University Education acts as the engine of growth for economic and social development
of a nation. Universities instil necessary skills and technical expertise that expedite
economic and social development.
In response to social and market demand, the tertiary education system has grown. An
expansionist approach has been followed.

Key Strategies in University Education during the 7th FYP

Increase higher education rate from 12% to 20%

Enhancement of standard and quality of Higher Education; Quantitative expansion on
desired lines but no compromise with quality
Consolidation and strengthening of existing universities
Focus on quality, selectivity, and excellence
Guaranteed access to computer and internet facilities
Science & technology, business administration, teachers training to be given high priority
Rationalization of enrolment among various disciplines
Emphasis on research and training
Introduce virtual education
Emphasis on development of libraries and laboratories
Further strengthening of University Grants Commission
Establishment of accreditation council

National Education Policy 2010

The purpose of higher education is to generate and innovative knowledge, at the same
time to build up a skilled manpower. Autonomy is a must for the centers of higher studies
including the universities. But it will be implemented under some set rules.

The aims and objectives of higher education are:

To help the students in the acquisition of world class education; to generate

inquisitiveness /curiosity/interest
Among them and to help them grow up with human qualities;
To help in the unhindered practice of intellectual exercises and growth of free thinking;
To relate the realities of the country with higher education in all conceivable areas;
To identify the problems of the society and state and to find out solutions to them;
To expand the horizon of knowledge through ceaseless cultivation of knowledge and
through multidimensional, original and practical research;
To effectively introduce students to the knowledge of the modern and fast advancing
To build up citizens who will possess scientific, secular, liberal, humane, progressive and
forward-looking mindset;
To innovate new areas of knowledge through cultivation, research and creativity;
To build up a citizenry inspired by wisdom, creativity, human values and patriotism.

National Education Policy 2010 (Curriculum and Syllabus)

The curriculum and syllabus at graduate and post-graduate levels will be redesigned
/restructured to inspire the creativity and liberal thinking of the learners and they
will feel initiated to newer researches so that they can move ahead with a strong

Curriculum and syllabus of all levels will reflect the social, human and moral

The curriculum and syllabus of all stages of educational levels including primary
and secondary will reflect the spirit of liberation war, the context of liberation war,
its spirit and factual narrative, language movement, the existing realities of the
country, mother language, literature, culture and history.
Perspective Plan of Bangladesh-2010-2021

Universities and institutions of higher learning have been developed as centers of

excellence for teaching so that they can be competitive globally.
Enhanced opportunities for research will be created by establishing centers of excellence
in some of the institutions of higher learning.
The performance of private as well as public universities will be evaluated and monitored
by establishing an Accreditation Council

Key Issues and Challenges in Higher Education

Reducing session jam and elimination of politicization in higher educational institutions;

Introducing a fair, non-political system of recruitment and promotion of teaching staff on
the basis of performances;
Introducing a special salary scale for teachers to ensure commitments and accountability;
Increasing revenue of the public universities to cover 50% of their budget;
Implementing Private University Act to enhance quality education and a standardized
system; and
Setting up an Accreditation Council for ranking the quality of higher education in all of
the public and private universities.
Some Strategic Issues in Education Development

Quality Enhancement of Education System: The goal is to transform educational

environment in the country and to be internationally competitive by 2021. The
engineering and scientific pursuits and methods will be of international standards.
Students will be encouraged to work for leadership, co-operative zeal, and sense of
positive competition and will be able to express their free opinion on national and
international issues through dialogue. University administration and student discipline
will be restored.

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