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Acta metall, mater. Vol. 42, No. 7, pp.

2467-2475, 1994
Copyright 1994ElsevierScienceLtd
Pergamon 0956-7151(94)E0006-3 Printed in Great Britain.All rights reserved
0956-7151/94$7.00+ 0.00


~G6niePhysique et M6canique des Mat6riaux, Unit6 Associ6e au CNRS, Institut National Polytechnique
de Grenoble, ENSPG, BP 46, 38402, Saint Martin d'H6res, France and 2Department of Physics,
Construction and Engineering Institute, 634050 Tomsk, Russia

(Received 3 June 1993; in revised form 27 October 1993)

Abstract--Mechanical behaviour and structural changes, such as the evolution of grain and dislocation
structures and the formation of slip lines and grain-boundary-sliding traces, of a submicron-grained
(SMG) copper during room-temperature compression have been studied. It is suggested that the
absorption of dislocations into grain boundaries (GBs) is due to the migration and sliding of some highly
non-equilibrium GBs during the deformation process and is influenced by high level internal stresses.
From this point of view, the unusual behaviour of SMG copper, in particular, the high yielding and flow
stresses, the absence of strain hardening, high plasticity and low strain rate sensitivity, are explained.
Analogies of the mechanical behaviour of SMG copper with mechanical properties of metallic materials
at large plastic strains in stage IV are discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION non-equilibrium state to an equilibrium state during

annealing [2, 9]; this is obviously an important feature
In the last few years materials with ultra-fine grain for the strength of those materials. Another unclear
(UFG) structures (both nano- and submicro-crystals) but rather important question is on the characteristics
have attracted a growing interest of research. of the strain hardening effect in U F G materials.
Changes of usually structure-insensitive parameters Certain problems exist due to the fact that most
[1, 2], e.g. elastic moduli, Curie and Debye tempera-
data on mechanical properties of U F G materials
tures, saturation magnetization, etc., in these ma-
are from hardness measurements. Meanwhile,
terials have encouraged expectations of their unusual tensile tests of typical nanocrystalline materials
properties. Indeed, many enhanced mechanical
have shown that the samples are brittle [12] and
properties including high strength and ductility, su- that the measured strengths appear to be affected
perplasticity and damping have been revealed by
by flaws and do not represent intrinsic mechanical
studies of different U F G materials.
behaviour [10]. Furthermore, deformation mechan-
However, regularities of their deformation be-
isms in U F G materials have not been well under-
haviour, structural changes and deformation mech-
stood. All these uncertainties require further
anisms are still a matter of controversy. For example,
investigations into the deformation behaviour of
some studies have shown a material-softening effect these materials.
with decreasing grain size to nanoscale, giving a
For this purpose, studies of U F G metallic ma-
negative coefficient to the Hall-Petch (H-P) relation
terials prepared by severe plastic deformation are of
[3, 4], whereas normal H - P relations with positive
great interest, for the method of severe plastic defor-
slopes have been found in others [5-7]. The reason for
mation is capable of providing bulk samples having
this difference is not yet fully clear. Nevertheless,
grain sizes below 0.1 # m and free of residual porosity,
recent studies [8-11] have shown that an additional
which are suitable for mechanical testing including
annealing can lead to changes in the H - P relation
the superplasticity study [2, 13]. Recent studies on the
slope without changing grain size. It has also been
H - P relations in these materials [9, 1l] have shown
observed that GB conditions can recover from a
that they behave in a rather similar way to typical
nanocrystalline materials [10]. It should also be
pointed out that studies of plastic deformation of
"t'On leave from the Institute for Metals Superplasticity U F G materials can also aid the prediction of the
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 39 Khalturina, behaviour of materials during high plastic defor-
450001 Ufa, Russia.
*On leave from the Department of Metal Materials Engin- mation in stage IV [14, 15]. All the reasons mentioned
eering, Jilin University of Technology, Changchun above initiated the present study of the mechanical
130025, P.R. China. behaviour, structural changes and deformation


mechanisms of copper with submicron grain struc- 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

tures produced by severe plastic deformation. 3.1. Mechanical behaviour
Figure 1 presents a true flow stress-strain curve in
compression of a copper specimen with a mean grain
Copper samplers of purity 99.98 % were used in the size of 210 nm (curve 1). The test was performed at
experiments. The submicron grained structure was room temperature with an initial strain rate of
produced by using equal-channel angular (ECA) 1.4 10 -3 s -~. To compare with curve 1, the flow
pressing technique at room temperature without any stress-strain curve for a copper specimen of the same
intermediate annealing [16, 17]. During ECA press- composition but with a grain size of 30 # m is also
ing, samples with initial dimensions of 14 14 shown in the figure (curve 2). It is seen that the flow
60 mm 3 and a grain size of approx. 300 #m, were stress dependence on compression strain of S M G
subjected to shear deformation by pressing through copper has a different shape from that of conven-
two channels of equal cross-section intersecting at an tional copper materials. Typical features of defor-
angle of 7z/2. In this procedure, a pure homogeneous mation behaviour of the SMG copper are as follows:
shear is localized at the intersection of the two high yielding stress equal to 390 MPa, remarkable
channels and the as-deformed dimensions are identi- strain hardening effect within a narrow strain range
cal to the initial ones so that repetitive pressings can (approx. 5%) at the initial stage of deformation, and
be continued up to the required level of plastic followed by a long stage of deformation almost with
straining. In the present experiments, the material no hardening. The flow stress in the last stage is as
was deformed continuously to an equivalent true high as 500 MPa. After straining to about 50% a
plastic strain approximately equal to 4. small hardening was observed. At the same time, the
Specimens of 4 4 6 mm 3 for compression were ductility of SMG copper is high. Specimens did not
cut from the pressed material with the compression fracture even after the maximum strain of 83%
direction being parallel with the pressing axis. Com- applied in the experiments.
pression tests were carried out at room temperature 3.2. Microstructure of as-prepared samples
using an Instron type testing machine operating at a
A micrograph of the typical structure of the S M G
constant rate of anvils displacement. The initial strain
rate was 1.4 x 10 -3 s -~. copper just after preparation is shown in Fig. 2(a).
The average grain size is 210 nm and the distribution
Microstructures of the specimens were studied by
TEM using both thin foils and high resolution carbon of grain size is similar to a log-normal function. In
this micrograph, three types of grains can be distin-
replicas shadowed by platinum under a given angle
guished. The small grains of 50-200 nm are almost
(20). Replicas were obtained from specimen surfaces
parallel with the compression direction. Shadowing free of dislocations. The grains of 100-200 nm have
chaotically distributed dislocations. The large grains
of the replicas allowed for measurements of the
of 100-500 nm contain sub-boundaries. The fractions
height of surface steps formed as a result of sliding
of these grains in the structure were approx. 15, 37
[18, 19]. To estimate the strain component due to
and 48% for the three types, respectively. The aver-
grain boundary sliding (Egbs) relative to the total
age dislocation density in the as-prepared state was
deformation (Etot), we used the following equation
determined to be approx. 5 1014m -2. It should be
[18, 20, 21].
noted, however, that this is the lower limit of the
Egbd ~- khn density, since there might be some rearrangement of
dislocations during the preparation of foils due to
where k is a constant, h is the average value of step high internal stresses.
heights and n is the average number of displacements
per unit length. In accordance with experiments on 600
fine-grain materials [18, 20], k has been taken equal to 1
~ , L J. ak /.
1.5. Thin foils were cut normal to the compression 500
axis and were prepared using conventional electro-
chemical jet-thinning method, as described in Ref.
[16]. Two electron microscopes, EM-125K and TEM 300
~ _ _ - - 2- .
2000CX, were used for the structural studies. Struc-
tural parameters (grain sizes and dislocation den- 200
sities) were estimated using the linear intercept
technique. Dislocation densities in the specimens 100
were close to the maximum density measurable by
TEM. For this reason the weak beam technique [22]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
was used to obtain a higher resolution and a better E
contrast. More than 200 measurements on several Fig. 1. True stress-strain curves of room-temperature com-
negatives have been made and the accidental errors pression tests for copper samples with mean grain sizes of
did not exceed 10%. 210nm (1) and 30pm (2), ~ = 1.4 x 10-3s -l.

Fig. 2. (a) Transmission electron micrograph of a typical SMG copper microstructure in initial as-prepared
state; (b) diffraction pattern corresponding to this structure taken from an area of 0.5 pm 2.

Another important feature in the original state of angle ones, as evident from a selected area electron
the samples is the presence of extinction contours diffraction pattern shown in Fig. 2(b). The pattern
inside many grains, indicating high internal stresses was taken from an area of 0.5/~m 2 and contains
[23]. Extinction contours are often observed in dislo- numerous spots arranged in circles like those from
cation-free grains. This suggests that the sources of typical polycrystals [24]. Moreover, recent TEM
the high internal stresses are in grain boundaries. examinations of SMG samples using micro-diffrac-
Such internal stresses have been observed by TEM tion analysis with the electron beam focused individ-
and X-ray techniques in a number of U F G materials ually on each grain provided evidences for high-angle
produced by severe plastic deformation [2, 9, 11]. misorientations between neighbouring grains [25].
The grain structures of the specimens are of gran- Recently, the formation of such a granular structure
ular type, i.e. the grain boundaries are mainly high- in Ni3AI after severe plastic deformation followed by

AM 42i7--S

350 density was not changed during further deformation.

The majority of grain boundaries also maintained
their complex contrast, i.e. remained in highly non-
300 Theoretical Prediction equilibrium states.
Q=7OKJ/mol, Dgb0=2.35E-5 J 3.3.2. Surface studies. Deformation relieves
formed on pre-polished surfaces during straining
E were revealed by high-resolution replicas. Studies on
= 250 07KJ/mol
these replicas gave the following information.
Slip lines appeared after deforming to 25%. Only
one slip system operated in each grain. Slip lines
crossed the whole grain from boundary to boundary
Cu, da=210nm; e x p .
and distributed uniformly within one grain. The
T=293K resolution of replicas was about 2 nm. Therefore,
150 i i i J i J

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time (S)
Fig. 3. Experimental values of the mean grain size in SMG
copper after different strains ( i ) and theoretical predictions
for grain growth calculated using equation (8): curve I with
Qb = 107 kJ/mol; curve 2 with Qb = 70 kJ/mol.

annealing at temperatures above 523 K has been

reported [11]. In copper, due to a lower melting
temperature, the granular structure is formed without
subsequent annealing, directly during deformation,
as also observed in aluminium-magnesium alloys [9].
Most grain boundaries are highly non-equilibrium.
Only approx. 10% of GBs have banded diffraction
contrast typical for boundaries in well annealed
materials. In general, the images of GBs are charac-
terized by specific spread or more complex contrast
[9, 11, 13].

3.3. Structural changes during deformation

3.3.1. Grain and dislocation structures. Studies on
structures of samples have shown that grain sizes
increased during deformation. Static grain growth in
this material has only been observed during annealing
at 200C [16]. Therefore, the grain growth observed
in this case was caused by deformation. The average
grain size (taking account of the cross-section in-
crease due to compression) is plotted in Fig. 3 as a
function of strain. Some grains grew up to
600-900 nm after straining to 53-80%.
The distribution of grains of the three types is also
changed with deformation. The percentage of dislo-
cation-free grains remained unchanged at 10-15%.
The number of grains with chaotically distributed
dislocations increased to 50-60%. Typical examples
of the structures after deformation to 29, 53 and 83%
are presented in Fig. 4(a), (b) and (c), respectively. It
is seen that internal stresses remained high, as
suggested by the high density extinction contours in
many grains. It is noted that after some deformation
(E =0.05) the average dislocation density slightly
increased to 10 ~5m -2. Again, this is the lower limit of
the density. The real dislocation density during defor-
mation must be higher. It is difficult to provide
reliable statistics in such a complex structure, but Fig. 4. Typical microstructures of SMG copper after com-
there is evidence that the average dislocation pression to 29% (a), 53% (b) and 83% (c).

slips of less than 7 dislocations are not resolved. After SMG copper at room temperature: high yield and
a deformation of 50% slip lines became better defined flow stresses, very low strain hardening, low strain
and the operation of two slip systems was often rate sensitivity of the flow stress and high ductility.
observed (Fig. 5). The average shear in the slip traces These unusual mechanical properties, which are
were determined from the width of the shadow and not observed in coarse-grained materials, are
was estimated to be 6 nm after a deformation of 53%. caused by specific processes taking place during the
This corresponds to a contribution of 25% to the deformation of SMG copper.
total deformation.
4.1. Deformation processes
An important feature of SMG copper after defor-
mation, as observed by replica techniques, is the Experimental results showed three processes oper-
flattening of grains along the direction perpendicular ating during the deformation of SMG copper:
to the compression axis (Fig. 5), i.e. the grain shape intragranular dislocation strain, grain boundary slid-
changes observed is consistent with the sample shape ing and GB migration, with the last process being
change. This observation indicates that intragranular responsible for certain grain growth.
slips make the main contribution to the total defor- 4.1.1. Dislocation strain. Dislocation slip inside
mation. grains is clearly revealed by TEM observations of slip
The study of replicas also revealed the formation of traces on the surfaces of samples. Moreover, the
steps in GBs due to GB sliding (GBs). As one can see changes of grain shapes unambiguously show that the
in Fig. 5(b), for instance, that GBS occurred not only intragranular strain makes the main contribution to
along one GB but also along several neighbouring the total deformation of a sample. However, there is
grains (co-operative sliding). The contribution of no accumulation of dislocations in grains, although
GBS to total deformation was estimated by measur- their density is fairly high (approx. 1015m-2). There
ing the step heights [18] to be in the range of 15-20%. may be two explanations for this.
First, a small amount of dislocations inside each
4. DISCUSSION individual grain contributed to the deformation.
The number of dislocations which pass through a
The experimental investigations have established grain in a unit time can be estimated with an
the following peculiarities in the plastic behaviour of assumption that they are quickly trapped by GBs.
At a strain rate of 1.4 x 10-3s -1, as used in the
experiments, macroscopic deformation of 50% re-
quires a time interval about 360 s. Regarding the
grain size of 210 nm, this gives a grain elongation
of 105 nm, which corresponds to the slip of approx.
400 dislocations, i.e. one dislocation per second.
Second, the absence of dislocation accumulation
may be related to a recovery process. A part of this
recovery may be achieved by dislocation cross-slip.
Furthermore, the recovery must also take place as
a process of dislocation absorption in GBs. This
process is discussed in detail below.
The change of dislocation density, p, during the
deformation of fine-grain metals can be described by
the equation [26-28].
dp ~ p
- (1)
dt bd z
where b is the Burgers vector, d is the grain size, ~ is
the strain rate, z is the time required for dislocation
absorption by GBs and ~ is a geometrical term in
which the contribution of active dislocations and
the geometrical effect of dislocations are taken into
account [29].
The stationary solution of equation (1) is

P - bd (2)

Fig. 5. Slip-line patterns and GB sliding traces on carbon therefore

replicas from pre-polished surfaces of a sample which have
been deformed to 53%. The arrows indicate the direction of pbd
= --. (3)
platinum shadowing.

Substituting into equation (3) the following values d = M F p with p ~> 1 (5)
for the variables: p ~10[Sm -2, b = 2 . 5 x 10-1m,
d = 2 . 1 x 10-Tm, g = 1.4 x 10-3s -! and a = 2 . 4 in where M = D b/kT describes the mobility of atoms in
accordance with [28] gives z = 15 s. GBs and F = (f~/6)(2v/d) is the driving force for the
In recent years, a series of studies on GB absorp- process with ~, denoting the energy of GBs (the
tion of dislocations have been carried out [28, 30, 31]. surface tension of boundaries). During deformation,
The models proposed in the cited works have ob- there is an additional driving force related to the
tained expressions for the time of dislocation absorp- elastic energy variation due to the annihilation
tion. For instance, in [31] the following formula has of extrinsic grain boundary dislocations and the
been obtained which complies with experimental data decrease of internal stresses

0.03 k TH 3 F = ~ - d~--~ (6)

= (4)
G llDb 6
where o9 oc PmBD/d is the elastic energy density of
where k, T, G have their usual meanings, 6 ,~ 10 -9 m extrinsic dislocations in the GBs. Assuming that the
is the GB thickness, fl is the atomic volume and density of extrinsic dislocations in remaining GBs
H ~ 30 nm is the distance at which the image of a does not change during grain growth, the following
dislocation disappears, D b is the GB diffusion co- relation is obtained: d Oog/c~d= -o9. Since
efficient. It is believed that the value of D b is consider- og=a~/2E, where E is the Young's modulus,
ably different in U F G materials from that of equation (6) can be rewritten in the following form
conventional materials. Its value is estimated using r n{Zy tri2 )
equation (4) with the value of z determined by = -~ ~,--~-+ ~ . (7)
equation (3). For T = 2 9 3 K , f~= 1.3 x 10-29m 3,
G = 48 GPa, it is obtained that Db = 3.5 x 10 -19 m2/s. Integrating equation (5) for p = 1 with F given by
Assuming Db = Dbo exp(--Qb/RT), where, according equation (7), the following law for normal grain
to [32], D b o = 2 . 3 5 x 10-SmE/s, a value Q b ~ growth is obtained
78 kJ/mol is obtained for the GB diffusion activation
energy in U F G copper. In fact, the real value of Qb - = + (8)
may be slightly higher, since stationary dislocation
density is higher, as has been mentioned above. where t is the time of deformation and do is the initial
For the density p ~ 2 x 10~Sm-2, for instance, grain size.
Qb ~ 79.2 kJ/mol would be obtained. For a grain size in the range of 200-300 nm and
This value for GB diffusion activation energy is low 7 = 0.625 Jm -2 [16], the value of the first term in
compared to the value of 107 kJ/mol for diffusion parentheses in equation (8), which represents the
along stationary GBs in coarse grained copper [32]. contribution of surface energy, lies in between 4.2
This implies that in the present situation the absorp- and 6.3 MPa. Since internal stresses are always lower
tion of dislocations into GBs takes place in highly than the applied stress, the maximum value of the
non-equilibrium GBs in which the conditions for second term, which describes the effect of elastic
diffusion are remarkably enhanced. Other defor- energy, can be estimated using the applied stress,
mation processes related to GBs are analysed below. aappu~ = 500 MPa; thus for E = 130 GPa, it gives that
4.1.2. Grain boundary migration and grain growth. tr2/2E = 1 MPa, which is less than 20% of the value
Grain growth was only observed during the process of 27/d. Therefore, the elastic term in equation (8) can
of deformation in this study. To the contrast, no be neglected as compared to the GB surface energy.
grain growth was observed after a prolonged holding Based on this consideration, grain growth curves for
time at room temperature. Such a grain growth two situations have been calculated using equation
process is also observed during superplastic defor- (8) and plotted in Fig. 3. Curve 1 is for usual values
mation in conventional materials [33-35]. But, in the of diffusion parameters, Dbo = 2.35 x 10 -5 m2/s and
case of low-temperature deformation of U F G metals, Qb = 107kJmol-k As can be seen from this curve,
this seems to have been observed for the first time. grain growth does not occur in this case. Curve 2 is
Nevertheless, this is not a unique fact, since, for for an activation energy Qb = 70 kJmol- i. This theor-
instance, considerable grain growth has been ob- etical prediction is in agreement with the experimen-
served in pure nanocrystalline copper at room tem- tal results of the present study and the data reported
perature [36]. However, the nature of this grain in [37], where it is shown that grain growth in
growth is not clear. nanocrystals at low temperatures is associated with a
The kinetics of the grain growth in the U F G lower activation energy rather than high driving
copper is similar by character to that in conventional forces.
materials. It is, apparently, related to the stimulated 4.1.3. Grain boundary sliding. High resolution
GB migration. It is well known [35] that during replicas were used for the observation of GBS, which
normal grain growth the change of average grain size, are usually difficult to be observed under conven-
d, obeys the law of tional conditions due to the very small grain sizes of

U F G materials. Although the contribution of GBS to for the U F G copper. In contrast, a considerably
total deformation is not large (15-20%), GBS is an lower value of yield stress was measured in a
important deformation process in U F G copper. nanocrystalline copper material [12]. The relatively
It is believed that GBS is controlled by GB diffu- low yield stress in the nanocrystalline copper material
sion, although the micromechanism of GBS is not yet was probably due to the porosity of the nanocrys-
fully understood, as expressed in the following talline structure and thus did not reflect its inherent
equation [34, 38] property [10]. On the other hand, a flow stress of
about 350MPa was obtained in copper with
~ Db "~( tr ) 2 ( b ) 2 . (9)
~Bs'~ A \ k T J \ E large area reduction (more than 80%) by extrusion
This equation is valid when GBS is accommodated As has been estimated above, that approximately
and controlled by the plasticity of neighbouring one dislocation passes through each grain per second,
grains and the mechanism of the accommodation the high value of yield stress observed cannot be
is controlled by GB diffusion. Substituting explained by the dislocation pile-up approach. For
tr = 500 MPa, E = 130GPa and A = 1.5 x 103 [39] this reason, a recent model on the mechanical be-
into equation (9), an agreement with experimental haviour of nanocrystalline materials based on the
data is achieved for Qb = 73 kJmol -~. dislocation bow-out mechanism seems to be most
Thus, for all the three deformation processes re- suitable [44]. According to this model, the critical
lated to GBs, i.e. absorption of lattice dislocations, condition for yield to process is when dislocation
GB migration and GB sliding, the estimated values loops attain their semicircle configuration. The criti-
correspond well to experimental results when an cal stress required for this condition is expressed
enhanced diffusion coefficient is adopted. The esti- as [45]
mations carried out in this study are simple and
appear reliable, although they may be a little surpris- -l+ 5 (10)
ing. Indeed, the decrease of GB diffusion activation
energy up to 70-78 kJ/mol is significant. Neverthe- where M is the Taylor factor, v is the Poisson ratio
less, one can attempt to explain it by the recent results and L is the average dislocation length, which de-
on GB studies in U F G materials and taking into pends either on the grain size when grains are in
account the deformation conditions of U F G copper nanometer scale or on the total dislocation density p
and the large internal stresses. for grains larger then 100nm, through a simple
TEM, H R E M and dilatometric studies on GBs for relation L = I/x/p [46].
a number of U F G metals and alloys prepared by For b = 2.56 x 10 -l m, G = 48 GPa, v = 0.35 and
severe plastic deformation [9, 1 !, 40] seem to have M = 3.06, stresses of 357 and 427 MPa can be calcu-
proved the existence of highly non-equilibrium GBs lated using equation (10) for p = 5 10 t4 and
with high energy, excess volume and long-range stress 1015m 2, respectively. These values are smaller than
fields. This can be accounted for in terms of disor- the measured yield stress of 390 MPa and flow stress
dered extrinsic GB dislocation arrays of extremely of 500MPa, by about 10-15%. This may be ex-
high density [41]. With high internal pressure, it is plained in terms of internal stresses which are not
expected that diffusion is considerably accelerated in considered in the equation, as well as that the real
GB regions. This unique feature of GBs in the dislocation densities are higher than the measured
material under investigation is revealed by TEM ones.
observations: most of the GBs having very high According to this model, the strain hardening in
dislocation densities or a specific diffraction contrast. the initial stage of deformation (up to 5%) can be
Recent studies have reported results on a remarkable interpreted as due to an increase in dislocation den-
decrease in elastic moduli of the same material [16] sity from 5 x 10 t4 to 1015 m 2. The increase of internal
and a nuclear magnetic resonance measurement of stresses influences the generation of dislocations im-
an activation enthalpy of 67 kJ/mol for a nano- peding their bow-out and thus increasing the applied
crystalline copper (grain size 10 nm) [42]. Both these stress necessary to continue the deformation. At the
two observations can be rationalized in terms of same time, the increase in internal hydrostatic
non-equilibrium GB conditions. pressure in tension activates GB diffusion and, as
a consequence, facilitates the recovery processes.
4.2. Mechanical behaviour
This results in the transition to a steady state of
As has been pointed out above, a few unusual deformation.
features in the mechanical behaviour of U F G copper 4.2.2. Steady state deformation. This stage is gov-
have been observed, such as a high yield stress, a erned by the balance between the processes of strain
narrow strain hardening region followed by a long hardening and recovery in GBs. The recovery is a
stage stable flow at a very low strain hardening rate, process including the absorption of dislocations by
high flow stress and high ductility. GBs, GBS and GB migration. The flow stress in
4.2. I. Yield and flow stress. In this study very high this stage is controlled by the dislocation bow-out
values of yield and flow stresses have been recorded mechanism.

The results of this study may also provide reference 2. R. Z. Valiev, R. R. Mulyukov and A. V. Korznikov,
information on the nature of work hardening ob- Metals Phys. Metallogr. 4, 71 (1992).
3. A. H. Chokshi, A. Rosen, J. Karch and H. Gleiter,
served at very large strains in stage IV for other Scripta metall. 23, 1679 (1989).
materials. Some similarities can be found between the 4. T. Christman and M. Jain, ibid. 25, 767 (1991).
deformation behaviour of U F G copper and those of 5. G. W. Nieman, J. W. Weertman and R. W. Siegel,
conventional materials in stage IV, such as high flow Scripta metall. 23, 2013 (1989).
6. J. S. C. Jang and C. C. Koch, Scripta metall, mater. 24,
stresses, absence of strain hardening and low strain 1599 (1990).
rate sensitivities [14]. Furthermore, the formation of 7. H. J. H6fler and R. S. Averback, Scripta metall, mater.
fine-grain structures is also observed [14, 15]. The 24, 2401 (1990).
mechanical behaviour in this stage has been exten- 8. G. E. Fougere, J. R. Weertman, R. W. Siegel and
sively studied for m a n y metallic materials, but little S. Kim, Scripta metall, mater. 26, 1879 (1992).
9. R. Z. Valiev, F. Chmelik, F. Bordeaux, G. Kapelski and
attention has been paid to the effect of the structure B. Baudelet, Scripta metall, mater. 27, 855 (1992).
and properties of GBs. However, in the present case, 10. J. W. Weertman, M. Niedzielka and C. Youngdahl,
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Mater. Sci. Engng A 137, 35 (1991).
1. Peculiar features in the mechanical behaviour 14. M. Zehetbauer and V. Seumer, Acta metall, mater. 41,
have been observed during the room-tempera- 577 (1993).
ture compression for U F G copper with a grain 15. V, V. Rybin, Large Plastic Deformations and Fracture of
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