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Nama : Elisabeth E.

NIM : 1208017049

Dosis dan Cara Pemberian Transfusi PRC

1. Setiap unit PRC akan menaikkan konsentrasi Hb kira-kira 1 g/dL atau kenaikan
hematokrit sekitar 3%
2. Hampir semua anak-anak mentoleransi dosis 5-10ml/kg. Dosis neonatus adalah 10-15
3. Digunakan dosis 5ml/kg apabila hematokrit <20% dan dosis 2.5ml/kg bila hematokrit
4. Transfusi PRC 3ml/kg akan menaikkan Hb 1g/dl atau 10ml/kg akan menaikkan
hematokrit 10%.
5. Lama pemberian PRC minimum 2 jam, maksimum 4 jam.

Sumber :
Pedoman Pelayanan Medis Jilid II tahun 2011
Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services
Professional Advisory Committee Neonatal and Children Transfusion
The 4-5-6 rule for erythrocyte transfusion for acute normovolemic anaemia

Consider a transfusion if the following occurs at an Hb < 4 mmol/L:

- acute blood loss in a healthy individual (ASA I, see table 5.1.3) < 60 years,
normovolemic, blood loss at 1 location

Consider a transfusion if one of the following situations occurs at an Hb < 5 mmol/L:

- acute blood loss in a healthy individual (ASA I, see table 5.1.3) of > 60 years and
normovolemic, blood loss from 1 location
- acute blood loss in healthy individuals < 60 years, normovolemic, bleeding from several
locations (poly-trauma patients)
- patient < 60 years, pre-operative, with an expected blood loss > 500 mL
- fever
- post-operative phase following open heart surgery, uncomplicated

Consider a transfusion if one of the following situations occurs at an Hb < 6 mmol/L:

- ASA-IV patients
- patient who is unable to increase the heart minute volume to compensate for
- septic* and toxic patient
- patient with severe lung disease
- patient with symptomatic cerebrovascular disease

Sumber :
Blood Transfusion Guideline - National Users Board Sanquin Blood Supply

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