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Do two preparation sets for each exercise.

Youll either use a weight close to your

working set or the same weight (do fewer reps if that happens)

3rd set of every set is an all-out work set.

-Heavy Double rest/pause (pick weight u can do 4-6 reps, rest 10-15s, do 2-3 reps,
rest 10-15 s, 1-2 reps)

-Maximum Motor Activation (5s count flexing the targeted muscle as u go down, 2s
pause at top, last rep hold as long as u can, 6-8 reps)

- 6 8 10 drop set (pick weight u can do 6 reps, drop weight by 25%-40%, do 8, drop
another 25-40%, do 10)

Romanian Deadlift 2x6 Squat 2x6
Romanian Deadlift **heavy double Squat **heavy double rest/pause
rest/pause Bench Press 2x6
Wide Lat Pulldown or Pull up 2x6 Bench Press **heavy double rest/pause
Wide Lat Pulldown **heavy double Lateral Raise 2x6
rest/pause Lateral Raise **6 8 10 dropset
Bent Over Lateral 2x8 Lying DB Tricep Extensions 2x6
Bent Over Lateral **6 8 10 dropset Lying DB Tricep Extensions **max motor
Barbell Curl 2x6 act
Barbell Curl **heavy double rest/pause Cardio
Lying Leg Curl 2x6 Leg Extensions 2x6
Lying Leg Curl **6 8 10 dropset Leg Extensions **6 8 10 drop set
Str Arm Pulldown or DB Pullover 2x6 Pec Deck 2x6
Str Arm Pull or DB Pullover **max motor Pec Deck **max motor act
act Mil Press or DB Press 2x6
T Bar Row 2x8 Mil Press or DB Press **heavy double rest
T Bar Row **heavy double Close grip decline press or dip 2x6
Preacher Curl 2x6 Close grip decline press or dip **heavy
Preacher Curl **max motor act double rest
Abs Cardio
Glute Ham Raise 2x6 Leg Press 2x6
Glute Ham Raise **max motor act Leg Press **max motor act
Supinated Lat Pulldown 2x6 Incline Bench or Incline DB 2x6
Supinated Lat Pulldown **6 8 10 dropset Incline Bench or Incline DB **6 8 10
Cable Seated Row 2x6 dropset
Cable Seated Row **max motor act DB Front Raise on Incline 2x6
DB Hammer Curl 2x6 DB Front Raise on Incline **max motor
DB Hammer Curl **6 8 10 dropset act
Abs Rope Tricep Extensions 2x6
Rope Tricep Extensions **6 8 10 dropset

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