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BY :
NIM : 154012015017


TAHUN 2017

Thank God we pray to Allah SWT, who has mercy and hidayahnya to us so
we can resolve these papers in a timely manner without the slightest hitch.

Our goal makes this paper as an additional reference for the students in
learning English We would like to thank the mentors who have guided us in
completing a paper ini.Ucapan thanks also go to the parents who have given us
support. And do not forget your friends - friends who cooperated finish this paper.

We realize that the task of writing this paper is far from perfect and therefore
we expect criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of paper
ini.Karena falsehood belongs to everybody and perfection belongs only to Allah.
Hopefully this paper can be useful and help the learning process.

Pringsewu, March 2017



A. Background 1
B. Problem Formulation 2
C. Objective 2

A. Immunization Procedure 3
B. How Carrying Baby 5
C. How Laid Babies 6
D. Addressing the baby to choke 8
E. Overcoming painful menstruation 9
F. Overcoming Morning Sickness 10
G. Breastfeeding true if the child is 1 and twin 11
H. Knowing the signs of pregnancy 12
I. Counting pregnancy (gestational age) 13
J. Procedure pregnancy exercise 14
K. Good food during pregnancy 15
L. Prohibition that should not be done during pregnancy 17


A. Conclusions 18
B. Recommendations 19



A. Background
Midwife as a health care provider (health providers) must be able to carry out
obstetric services by implementing good management. In this case the
midwife role as a manager, managing or manage anything about the client in
order to reach the expected goal. In studying midwifery management in
needing an understanding of the basic - basic management so that the basic
concept of management is an important part before we learn more about
midwifery management.

Root or base of obstetric management, is a management science in general. By

studying management theory, it is expected that a midwife can be a manager
when you get a position as a leader, and can instead do a good job anyway
when subordinates in an organization system obstetrics. Similarly, in terms of
providing health services to its clients, a midwife must be a good manager in
the framework of solving, the problem of the client. For that we need to know
in advance the understanding of science in general management, theory - the
theory of management, functions - management functions, and even
management skills.
Midwifery management is a systematic method of logical thinking process.
Therefore, management of midwifery is the mindset for a midwife in
providing directions / frame in a case that it is responsible.

B. Problem Formulation
In this paper can be formulated as follows:
1. Immunization Procedures
2. How Carrying Baby
3. How Putting Baby
4. Overcoming the baby to choke
5. Overcoming painful menstruation
6. Overcoming Morning Sickness
7. Breastfeeding is right when the child first and a twin
8. Knowing the signs of pregnancy
9. Counting of pregnancy (gestational age)
10. Procedures pregnancy exercise

11. The food was good during pregnancy
12. Prohibition of what not to do during pregnancy

C. Purpose
Students can understand:
1. Immunization Procedures
2. How Carrying Baby
3. How Putting Baby
4. Overcoming the baby to choke
5. Overcoming painful menstruation
6. Overcoming Morning Sickness
7. Breastfeeding is right when the child first and a twin
8. Knowing the signs of pregnancy
9. Counting of pregnancy (gestational age)
10. Procedures pregnancy exercise
11. The food was good during pregnancy
12. Prohibition of what not to do during pregnancy


A. Immunization Procedure
Immunization services began with the officers to the location of immunization
services, both in the IHC, the school is determined, by first taking the
equipment immunization and vaccines at the health center. After vaccine
injection process is completed, then do the recording in book KIA, infant
cohort, and registers. After the implementation is completed vaccine
immunization services are still intact unopened returned to the health center,
while the rest of the container dumped into the incinerator.
Terms of immunization workers skills can be an educational background
Doctors, Midwives, and Nurses. While this type of immunization services
consist of routine immunization services, additional and special. Immunization

shall consist of routine immunization; Additional immunization; and special
Immunizations must be given on schedule, while routine immunization is an
immunization activities are carried out continuously according to the schedule
consists of basic immunization and immunization continued.
Basic immunizations given to infants before the age of one (1) year, namely:
1. Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG);
2. Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis-Hepatitis B (DPT-HB) or Diphtheria
Pertussis-Tetanus-Hepatitis B and Hemophilus influenza type B (DPT-HB-
3. Hepatitis B in newborns;
4. Polio; and
5. Measles.

Advanced immunization
Advanced Immunization is a repeat immunization to maintain the level of
immunity or to extend the period of protection given to children under three
years of age (Toddlers); primary school age children; and women of
childbearing age.

Types of advanced immunization is given as follows:

In children under three years of age (Toddlers) comprises Diphtheria
Tetanus Pertussis-Hepatitis B (DPT-HB) or Diphtheria Pertussis-Tetanus-
Hepatitis B and Hemophilus influenza type B (DPT-HB-Hib) and Measles.
At primary school age children are given at the School Children
Immunization Month (BIAS), namely Diphtheria Tetanus (DT), measles,
and tetanus diphtheria (Td).
In women of childbearing age in the form of Tetanus Toxoid (TT).

Supplementary immunization
Additional immunizations are given at a particular age group most at risk in
epidemiological studies of disease according to the specified time period (not
waive the immunization routine immunization.

Special immunizations

Special immunization is carried out immunization activities to protect the
public against certain diseases in certain situations, such as the preparation of
the departure of prospective pilgrims / Umrah, preparation for the journey to a
particular disease endemic countries and conditions of extraordinary events.
While these types of special immunization include immunization
Meningococcal meningitis, yellow fever, and Anti Rabies (VAR).

B. How Carrying Baby

Carrying a baby can be one way to strengthen the bond between parent and
baby. When carrying a newborn baby, it is important to always support or prop
up the head and neck. At the age of 1-2 months, new baby can lift his head
when he was in the prone position.

There are several ways to hold the newborn, namely:

This is the way that most people do to hold the newborn. First, take the baby,
who was lying and place one hand under his neck and head. Meanwhile, the
other hand is in the buttocks.
Carrying hugging.
This is generally done after the baby is finished nursing. Use one hand to lift
the head and neck of the baby, then the other is used to support the buttocks.
Holding the prone position.
How to hold the baby of this kind is appropriate when a fussy baby. Position
the baby on his stomach, while the head and neck are in one of the inner
sleeve and the tip of the baby's body sustains palms the bottom. Make sure the
baby's face was not covered.
Holding to suckle
How to carry on breastfeeding can be done while sitting or standing. First, put
your hand on the baby's neck and head, then place it on the inner sleeve.
Avoid Shaking Baby
Do not get shook when you are carrying a baby or in other positions.
Excessive rocked baby can cause brain bleeding, and even lead to death.

C. How to Put the Baby

Laying newborn Here are the steps:
1. Hold the baby with the body, the body bows, while one hand on the baby's
buttocks, the other hand supporting the back, neck and head. Put gently on
the bed.

2. Do not be too quick on his hands. Let your hands are under the baby's
body for a while. After the baby feels comfortable and then pull both
hands slowly.

D. Addressing choking baby

Overcoming Choke
Of course, if the baby is choking, food and drinks are to be stopped. Then at
one blow the baby's back, rest briefly, then baby disendawakan. Instead, give
the baby water with a spoon or bottle to clean channel until there is no longer
swallow food that will fit into the breathing tube.
"If it is still coughing too, rest for a minute, do not force the food that quickly
exhausted." Because, if adults, with only cleared his throat, food or drink at
the end of the airway can be removed from the airway. In infants of course this
can not be done.
When tersedaknya weight or get into the lungs, or there is a large solid objects
once, then do an action using bronchoscopy. The tool is inserted through the
nose into the lungs, the lungs cleared. The term, washed his breathing pipe
(bronchowash). Only the danger, there could be a reflex jammed, since when a
breathing tube is inserted foreign objects can cramps, spasms, and blue can or
can not breath. It can be fatal, can cause death. "Therefore, it should be done
in a large hospital facilities fairly complete tool."

E. Overcoming Dysmenorrhea
1. Lie
When the pain began to appear during menstruation, so you can lay down
in advance in a mattress or sofa. Usually, the pain occurs in the back so as
to lay the pain will be reduced. Use a pillow under your knees to support it
and take a deep breath and then hempaskan. Do this repeatedly until you
feel more comfortable.

2. Exercising regularly
Simple activities or light exercise will reduce pain during menstruation.
Mild exercise can do is walking, biking, or swimming. However, do not
push yourself if that is the ability not to. Just do light exercise regularly
but would be more helpful.

3. Heat
Enter the warm water into the bottle and then kompreskan the abdominal
area then the pain will be reduced. Compress the abdomen will make relax
and the muscles were not tense anymore.
4. Eat Healthy Foods
Based on the study, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and B1,
and magnesium can reduce menstrual pain. You can eat vegetables and
fruits with various colors, pumpkin, fish, and other foods that contain lots
of vegetable protein.

5. Avoid smoking or alcohol

Smoking and alcohol will aggravate the situation to avoid these bad habits.

6. Activity Relaxation
Small abdominal massage can help reduce the pain appears. You can also
do pilates and yoga to distract from the pain of menstruation. Relaxation is
necessary to calm the mind of a burden or a problem that no one can add
to the pain in the abdomen.

7. Warm Water Bath

How sedeharhana can be done in the bath. If I could, you shower with cold
water or plain water, then replace it with warm water for a while or during
menstruation. Shower with warm water will make our body relaxed thus
reducing the pain is there.

8. Drinking Herbal Medicine

Many women, especially mothers who entrust their health in traditional or
herbal medicine for eliminating menstrual pain with herbs are sometimes
shown to be very potent and effective. You can create your own herbs at
home with materials of 15 to 30 grams of leaves of the gods, 20 grams of
turmeric, and 600 cc of water. Mix the three ingredients to the boil. Leave
water until the half then filtered first. Water herb that can be directly taken
twice per day. Here's how to get rid of menstrual pain naturally.

9. Consult On Doctors

Last option when all the handling of no benefit to you is to go to the doctor
and consulted. Despite the pain experienced by all women during
menstruation, but if you already feel that the pain was excessive and
interfere with your activities hence the need for appropriate treatment.

10. Drugs
If you still want to deal with the pain itself, then you can try these drugs to
relieve pain. However, there are some medications that require you to
consult a doctor. These are drugs that can overcome the pain when you're
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Non-Sterois (NSAIDS): Most physicians will
prescribe this medication for pain during menstruation case. The types
of drugs are sold freely NSAID is aspirin and ibuprofen. But remember
the first question to the doctor, yes.
Oral contraceptives: birth control or contraceptive pills can relieve
menstrual pain. These drugs would attenuate the lining of the uterus and
reduce the amount of prostaglandins in the body. If the lining of the
womb thinner then the muscle will contract again more during
menstruation so that the pain will be reduced.
Other Painkillers: Not all women feel the effects or benefits of NSAIDs
that can try the drug paracetamol. We can use these drugs as a way of
eliminating menstrual pain quickly. These types of drugs we can buy at
pharmacies and no adverse effects were only slightly. These drugs can
also be used as a drug but with a prescription.

F. Overcoming Morning Sickness

Resting with enough because fatigue can aggravate morning sickness.
When it woke up, do not rush to get out of bed.
When you wake up in the morning, even before getting out of bed, once
ate a bit of dry bread. Also do when awakened during the night.
Drink enough water. Drink slowly to avoid nausea.
Drink warm beverages, not cold or with flavors and aromas that are too
Should not eat hot food because the smell would be wafted than when the
food is already cooler.

Choose foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates and easy to digest,
such as cheese, crackers, milk and yogurt, peanut butter, or apple.
Avoid foods that are fatty or oily, and spicy.
We recommend eating small portions but frequently than large servings at
a time. Pregnant women can eat a snack every 1-2 hours each day.
Eat ginger or ginger-based products such as ginger ale or ginger candy to
reduce nausea.
Avoid foods or smells that may trigger nausea.
Get fresh air. Pregnant women can walk around outside the house in the
morning or late afternoon to get fresh air. Do not forget to open the
windows for air circulation in the house either.
Stay away from cigarette smoke. As much as possible, so that no family
members who smoke at home. Pregnant women also should not smoke.
Consumption of foods containing vitamin B6 such as whole grains, nuts,
and seeds.
Consumption of supplements such as vitamin B6 with a doctor's
Do not think of morning sickness. Alihkanlah your attention to a pleasant
light activity.

G. Breastfeeding true if the child is 1 and twin

Make sure the mother and baby are in a relaxed and comfortable condition.
The position of the baby's head should be higher than the body, it is
intended that the baby is easier to swallow. Mothers can prop by hand or
prop up with pillows. Then, place the baby's nose level with the nipple.
This will encourage your baby opens his mouth.
When the baby started to open his mouth and wants to suckle, then bring
the baby to the breast. Wait until his mouth wide open with the tongue
position toward the bottom. If the baby has not done so, the mother can
help the baby with the soft touch baby's upper lip.
Position the baby breastfeeding is best adhesion asymmetrical attachment.
In this attachment, the baby's mouth is not only attached to the nipple, but
in the area under the nipple and wide as possible. This attachment is one of
the essential requirements in how to breastfeed properly.
Signs that the attachment is good that when mothers do not feel any pain
when the baby feeds and breastfed babies are insufficient. Mom can hear
when the baby is swallowing milk.

If the mother feels the pain, loose attachment by inserting the little finger
toward the gum and nipples. Then, try again for a better adhesion. Once
the attachment is correct, generally the baby will be able to suckle well.
Infant feeding about 5 to 40 minutes, depending on needs. Generally, it
takes some time for the adaptation of mothers and babies that
breastfeeding goes smoothly.

H. Knowing the signs of pregnancy

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Surely
1) There was a fetal heart rate (FHR);
2) Feels fetal movement;
3) In the ultrasound seen pockets of pregnancy, there is a picture of the
4) In the X-ray examination of the fetus seen their order (> 16 weeks).

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Uncertain

1) Amenorrhea / absence of periods according to the cycle (delayed
Not the advent of menstruation is a sign that it is pregnant. Strongly
recommended for women to diligently record the date of the menstrual
2) Nausea (Nausea), anorexia (No Appetite), emesis (vomiting), and
It usually occurs in the mornings and evenings even more often known as
morning sickness. usually begins between weeks 4 and 6 of pregnancy.
Every woman has a different hemilan. What is certain is found in women
who are pregnant already suffered sebulmnya pregnant or conceive a child
for example to two, and three,
3) Frequent urination / miksing;
The bladder and the uterus is located adjacent. In early pregnancy, the
enlarged uterus pressing the bladder so it always feels the urge to urinate.
During the second trimester, a cry bladder is not as big because the
enlarged uterus upward toward the abdomen. In the last few weeks of
pregnancy, it will come back often to urinate again because of the baby
and uterus have been a great pressure on the bladder.
4) Obstipasi (constipation)

This condition dikarnakn decreased muscle tone that disebakan due to the
effects of steroid hormones.
5) Breast tightened;
Feel like when approaching menstruation. Can feel the difference a few
days after the change. Because the hormones that affect hormone during
pregnancy. The pain usually subsides after the first three months.
6) Increase in body temperature.
If a woman's basal body temperature (temperature when just getting out of
bed in the morning) will increase by 1 degree since conception.
7) Smell is more sensitive
Sometimes typing feel that olfactory tanjam menjdi more generally. It
could be that you're "kissing" pregnancy symptoms. This is due to
hormonal changes in your body.

I. Calculating the pregnancy (gestational age)

In general, pregnancy is 40 weeks or 280 days from the first day of the last
menstrual period or commonly abbreviated to HPHT. And the doctors and
midwives were more frequent use of a matter of weeks rather than months. It
is rated for a matter of weeks can make an estimate of your doctor or midwife
about your pregnancy progresses becomes more accurate. Well, how to
calculate the gestational age in weeks can be done in many ways, including:
1. Count Calendar
Perhaps in this way is how to calculate the gestational age of the most
classic and has been very commonly used. But if you want to use this
method, the conditions are that you must know in advance about your
menstrual cycle. This is because the count calendar will be using HPHT or
the first day of the last menstrual period in the formula calculations. After
that date will be calculated by the formula HPHT known as Naegele.
How do I manually calculate gestational age by Naegele? HPHT plus 7,
then months menstruation - 3, as well as in the year plus the number 1. The
formula may be very simple, but this Naegele formula are more often used
in women who have regular menstrual cycles, ie every 28 days or 30 days.
We'll give you an example of how to calculate the gestational age in weeks
by way of Naegele. Naegele's formula isa also be used to predict when
your child will be born. Valid estimates of birth or HPL can be formulated

LMP-7 months LMP-3, and add 1 year. However, if the month can not be
reduced by three months from January to March alias, then add up to 9,
but in a year do not need to add 1. For example HPHT is dated August 17,
2015, the calculation is 17-7 = 10 (date), 8 (August) - 3 = 5 (May) and the
15 + 1 = 16. So the approximate birth or HPL is dated May 10, 2016.
However HPL are usually given time plus or minus about 7 days. So the
chances of HPL is July 3 - 17 May 2016. As for how to calculate the
gestational age for example HPHT is August 17, meaning 17 September is
the first month, and so on.

J. Procedure Pregnancy Exercise

1. Definitions
Pregnancy exercise is a form of exercise in order to strengthen and
maintain the elasticity of the abdominal wall, the ligament-ligaments,
pelvic floor muscles associated with childbirth (FK. Padjadjaran
University, 1998) This type of body work that is most suitable for pregnant
women is pregnancy exercise. Pregnant gymnastic movements in
accordance with the number of physical changes such as the genital
organs, stomach getting bigger and so on. By doing pregnancy exercise
regularly and intensively, pregnant women can maintain a healthy body
and fetus optimally.

2. Benefits
Benefits of Pregnancy Exercise for Pregnant Women Pregnant women
who will Melahirkan-- advised to stay put through physical activity or
gentle exercise can help pregnant women stay fit during pregnancy.
Exercise during pregnancy is done to keep pregnant women remain good
stamina, controlling weight gain, reduce complaints of sleeplessness,
reduce swelling, and reduces the risk of diabetes during pregnancy. Even
when entering the third trimester, pregnant women can still do light
exercise, one pregnancy exercise.

3. How To Gymnastics For Pregnant

1. Sit cross-legged
2. Rotate the arms and tighten the breast
3. Movement relaxation
4. Movement of foot movement and menganyuh

5. Lift the pelvis
6. Exercise membrane
7. Flex backs
8. The anti breech

K. The Food Was Good During Pregnancy

The following types of nutritious food for pregnant women in any trimester
(pregnant until pregnancy) Food for Pregnant Women First Trimester (I)
Banana Bananas are consumed for pregnant women timester first because it
can reduce nausea (cravings) that normally experienced by young pregnant
women three months first. Bananas are a high source of vitamin B6 (helps to
overcome morning sickness), besides bananas also contain fiber, vitamin C,
folic acid and potassium. Spinach Greens this one is good for young pregnant
women because it contains folic acid. Adequate folic acid is required at the
beginning of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects (birth defects of the
brain and spinal cord). In addition, spinach also contains fiber, manganese,
iron, vitamin A, C and K. See also: Sources of Folic Acid Food Contain Nuts
Most of us know that nuts are a source of protein and fiber, therefore peanuts
during pregnancy will help overcome constipation. Nearly 40 percent of
pregnant women will be constipation during pregnancy. Causes of
constipation include increasing the pressure of the uterus, progesterone is slow
down digestion, and iron supplements. Nuts also contain a rich source of folic
acid and iron. Read also: Abstinence Food Pregnant Young Foods For
Pregnant Women Second Trimester (II) Eggs into nutritious food for pregnant
women because Egg yolks contain choline, an important nutrient that plays an
important role in brain development of the baby (fetus) in addition to
improving your brain own. Pregnant women should get about 450 mg of
choline per day. And if you are a vegetarian or do not like eggs, other sources
that contain choline include beef, milk and soya. Avocado trimester pregnant
women are advised to consume two avocado, because the avocado is a good
source of fiber, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and vitamin B6.
Also enriched with healthy unsaturated fat, which is a "good" fats that may
help protect against heart disease. Avocados have been known to help reduce
morning sickness and help the growth of the baby's brain and tissue growth.

Food For Third Trimester Pregnancy (III) Papaya is a tropical fruit that one is
full of vitamin C, folic acid, fiber and potassium. Papaya is also a natural way
to treat constipation, which is often experienced during pregnancy, especially
in the third trimester. However, pregnant women should only eat ripe papaya,
papaya unripe because most contain pepsin in the sap (resin from trees
papaya), which can cause contractions. Discomfort peanuts during pregnancy
became more severe during the third trimester, it is important to eat frequently.
Nuts are a source of protein and heart-healthy fats. Nuts such as almonds,
walnuts, pistachios and cashews all have healthy fats, protein and fiber. Fatty
Fish Fatty fish are rich in marine omega-3 fatty acids can help support heart
health and strengthens the brain. Eat up to 12 ounces of fish per week is
considered safe for pregnant women during pregnancy. Nutritious food for
pregnant women should not miss out on the daily menu up to the day of birth
approaches, but should be accompanied by other foods, the origin is not a
taboo for pregnant women.

L. The prohibition that should not be done during pregnancy

1. Pineapple
2. Durian
3. Papaya
4. Vegetable
5. Grapes
6. Tape
7. Sushi
8. Vegetable young jackfruit
9. Fish that contain hazardous substances
10. Benefits of Fish Mujair For Health and Pregnancy
11. The raw seafood
12. Raw oysters
13. Cheese
14. Foods with artificial sweeteners
15. Foods with high sugar
16. High-fat foods
17. Sate goat
18. Food salt
19. The high preservative food premises
20. Foods that contain high caffeine


A. Conclusion
Midwife as a health care provider (health providers) must be able to carry out
obstetric services by implementing good management. In this case the
midwife role as a manager, managing or manage anything about the client in
order to reach the expected goal. In studying midwifery management in
needing an understanding of the basic - basic management so that the basic
concept of management is an important part before we learn more about
midwifery management.
Root or base of obstetric management, is a management science in general. By
studying management theory, it is expected that a midwife can be a manager
when you get a position as a leader, and can instead do a good job anyway
when subordinates in an organization system obstetrics. Similarly, in terms of
providing health services to its clients, a midwife must be a good manager in
the framework of solving, the problem of the client. For that we need to know
in advance the understanding of science in general management, theory - the
theory of management, functions - management functions, and even
management skills.

B. Suggestions
Students are expected to understand the English language papers tntang


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