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tanaza6 Pri Taco Filan experiment med bsinkemst- DN SE | Economy Philip Teir: Oddly enough, it is a relatively conservative government that comes with the proposal published 2016-12-13, Two thousand randomly selected Finns will get a letter in the mail in late December. They are all part of the government experimented with basic income, which was passed by the Finnish Parliament on Tuesday. Philip teir ‘The idea has been tested in the US in the seventies, in Canada in the 80's, in villages in India and small towns in Holland. Next year, Finland will -to the test - introduce so-called. citizen. As of January, two thousand randomly selected, unemployed Finns to lift 560 euros ‘ax free per month instead of their regular unemployment benefits. The idea is that the experimental group will be expanded in 2018 toalso apply to short-term worker, small business owners and freelancers, ‘The germ of the project can be found in the government program. The Center-led government wants to investigate how "Social protection can respond to changes in the ‘workplace." It also wants to reduce bureaucracy surrounding various social contributions. Instead of people thrown between types of funding, itis hoped that a basic ineome may be a more dearly defined form of grant, and in addition will be able to work without being penalized for it in the form of declining contributions. hhipuiww.cnsefekenomilpilip-tir-marklgt-nog-ar-dt-onrelativ-konservatv-regerng-som-kommer-med-frslage w rangaot6 Philip Ter om Firtanes exparimert med basirkomst - DNS Citizen, or basic income, is often associated with leftist polities. Oddly enough, itis a relatively conservative government that comes with the proposal of Finland. Centre Party ‘government colleague Coalition usually normally emphasize the importance of working, stead of raising contributions, while the True Finns hardly want to launch Finland, which ‘grants land. The experiment with the basic income has already ereated big headlines in the international media since it was launched by the government two years ago. ‘The model has been developed by researchers at three universities and a few state agencies, On Tuesday, parliament voted through the proposal ata first vote. The Greens and ‘the Left Alliance has long advocated citizen, but voted against, among other things, it was felt that the experimental group is too small, According to Professor Olli Kangas, who led the team behind the model, the project can hopefully be expanded in 2038, When freelancers and small business owners included, one can clearly see the effects of base earnings are at work. According to the ideal mode! will acquire a tax-free monthly income hen then "pay back" in the form of taxes on earned income, if income is high enough. It means that small businesses can be idle for a month and work full time next without base earnings decreases. According to Kangas, it would provide an increased basic security and the ability to take risks 1 the workplace. Read more: Finnish test state citizen SUBSTANCES Finland This is a commentary text. The author is responsible for the analysis and Positions in the text, Philip teir "EAD ARTICLE2 OF 8 inland test state citizen Others read. Kristina Ohlsson: Det magiska hjartat Politik Ewa Stenberg: Moderate leader wants tougher demands on family immigration isson: This year's Christmas present to the political cynic 9 Ihipulww.cnsefekenomilpilip-teir-marklgt-nog-ar-dt-onrelativ-konservatv-regerng-som-kommer-med-frslage on rangaot6 Philip Ter om Firtanes exparimert med basirkomst - DNS | Economy Finland te: published 2016-12-13, Photo: TT EAD ARTICLE 2 OF 8 inland test statecitizen month regardless of ‘whether they’ work or not. The I is criticized for being too narrow and too short. It will not give any answers, says the opposition. Anders Bolling Follow author On Tuesday, cubed parliament in Helsinki through a controversial pilot project with the citizen, or basic income as it is called in Finland. During the consultation met proposal alot of criticism. Among other things, the number of people considered to be included in the study, 2,000 people, being too small to be able to give some useful results, Ihipulww.cnsefekenomilpilip-teir-marklgt-nog-ar-dt-onrelativ-konservatv-regerng-som-kommer-med-frslage a7 rangaot6 Philip Ter om Firtanes exparimert med basirkomst - DNS Tt also thinks Haatainen from the opposition Social Democrats, She also questioned the selection: only the unemployed included. - One of the problems base earnings, said to solv is that people caught in the middle between the various contributions, but this effort will obviously not give any answer to itis ‘that, given the layup, says the former Minister Hatainen, who today are Chairman of the Parliamentary committee on social Affairs. ‘Those who will participate are randomly selected unemployed people currently receiving unemployment benefits from Kela, the Finnish equivalent of the Social Insurance Agency. ‘Neither the students, long-term sick, pensioners and other beneficiaries, then with. “The bill called it the seleetion is large enough to be able to “clarify whether the employment rate ofthe experimental group who receive basic income differs from the employment rate of the control group that follows the current system." EAD ARTICLE 2 OF 8 inland test statecitizen basie security benefits in the day, after tax, aeording to the FPA. The experiment is expected to reduce the Treasury the corresponding around SEK 700 millon, Far too little money has been allocated, believes Haatainen, She is also critical ofthe base earnings, not cut down, even if the subjects are employed somewhere, - Participants will receive its 560 euros even if they get a job with a salary of 6,000 euros a ‘month, ‘This is clearly the biggest problem. It also means that the experiment can never be expanded without making major changes. ‘The compensation will remain regardless of whether you have a job or do not tend tobe seen as one of the basic premises of a system of basic income. According to the government should the pilot als indicate whether basic income ean reduce poverty and social exclusion, reducing bureaucracy surrounding social contributions and encourage the search for jobs, all in a financially sustainable way. Haatainen do not think the trial will be able to provide the answers: Iitputww.cnsefokenomilpilip- ee ali nog ar-det-errelait-konservai-regering-som-kommer-mectorslaget/ rangaot6 Philip Ter om Firtanes exparimert med basirkomst - DNS - We need a much broader perspective for that to work out how our security ean best be adapted to a changed working. Criticism of the experiment designed not only has been heard from the opposition but also within the government. Finland is ruled by a bourgeois coalition between the conservative National Coalition Party, the nationalist True Finns and the Centre Party. Itis realy only the later two that are fundamentally positive to the basic income, But the proposal still goes through (a second vote later in the week mostly viewed asa formality), since it was launched by the government itself and is tied tothe state budget for ‘The discussion of an unconditional basic income for citizens is very old. It was made at the Thomas More's “Utopia” 500 years ago Limited experiments with basic ineome has been made in countries as diverse as the United States and Namibia. At the moment, the question is up to date in a number of countries. Simultaneously with the Finnish trial should « similar pilot made in the Duteh eity of Utrecht It covers only 250 people, but these should get more money than their Finnish counterparts, 960 euros a month. Even in the Canadian province of Ontario is the project _going.. And in Ieeland for now The Pirate Party, a party which advocates basie income, discussions to join the government. Last summer upped Switzerland on the matter. There wes no ‘The arguments for basic income is both economic and political, and philosophical character. “the later include the idea that all citizens have the right to have their basic needs met. An argument from the (new) liberal direction is that the welfare state today is too bureaucratic and that the state has been too much interference. Citizen would be able to EAD ARTICLE 2 OF 8 inland test statecitizen ‘A somewhat less radical argument is simply out of the welfare state should be reformed and simplified, and that the contributions should not be linked to paid work. A moral objection is that basic income does not meet the requirement that the person who receives financial support from the State should contribute something yourself. Alef objection is that a system of basie ineome likely to act as a downward pressure on the npat wages. But the most common criticism is simply that the basic income is too expensive. Of course it depends on what level tis on, but there are those who argue that itis economically “unfeasible even ifit is on such a low level that it virtually meaningless, Iitputww.cnsefokenomilpilip- ee ali nog ar-det-errelait-konservai-regering-som-kommer-mectorslaget/ rangaot6 Philip Ter om Firtanes exparimert med basirkomst - DNS Accordingly, there are parties on both the right and the left who advocate basic income, Among the supporters aver the years can be found Nyliberalen Milton Friedman, the Social Democrat James Tobin and left iberal Guy Standing, A Swedish advocate of basie income from the left hold the sociologist Roland Paulsen at Lund University. Ife has criticized the low level of income in the Finnish trial, Among Finnish commentators , for example, the financier Ijdrn Wahlroos for, while economies professor Sixten Korkman is received Finnish employers association EK is doubtful whether the basic income will reduce in Finland called incentive traps, situations where itis economically advantageous to decline than yes to an offer of work, but stands still behind the attempt. Read more: “Oddly enough, itis a relatively conservative government that comes with the proposal” SUBSTANCES EAD ARTICLE 2 OF 8 , inland test state citizen SA relevant. Rumors are not enough. We seek first-hand sources and to be where the action is. Credibility and impartiality are core values for our news journalism. Read more here. Anders Bolling Others read. Book reviews WG Sebald: Letter track Iitputww.cnsefokenomilpilip- ee elit nog-ar-det on relat -konservaiv-rogoring-som-kommer-medorslaget! 7 rangaot6 Philip Ter om Firtanes exparimert med basirkomst - DNS sponsored New savings year 2017 - so you should think ee | Hl concert Reviews ) Jenny Hval and Maria w Horn at Debaser Strand, Stockholm “EAD ARTICLE 2 OF 8 inland test statecitizen Ihipuiwwu.cnsefekenomilpilip-teir-marklgt-nog-ar-dt-onrelativ-konservatv-regerng-som-kommer-med-frslage m7

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