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SPE 28803
Society of PetroleumEngineers

Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Fracturing High Permeability Formations

Jam= L. Hunt and M. Y. SoIiman, Halliburton Energy Servicaa
SPE Memb-sm

-M K=. CCCWd Pdr=+sum


lhlspap9rvamp+upardfc#pmawMbnaltheS= Ma PmilicOiihti Ccnfwenca

M int.%!kaume,
7-10Nwamtu. 1SS4.

~ Pwr W= SES=JdfLVPI=s.Y*ih W an SPE PWJIII C-mImiiteofdbwiw rmt.wd Inhrrnstion amtaimxlh an akrmactwbmmd byths
drk FWU, as pm.mted, hava KC Lwn rwimwJ by UM scddy d Pe4!deumEcg;nJMsac-d.. wbjed to comed!-an by tlw
anWaenWi b ~ neeswiiy Meet my@Um dlhn SoddyofFntmkum EIwInaem,Pennlsskmtow k rmmcred
notmweti!anwovmds, lllMratii mayrdbe c@d. Tlmabsrmcr slwu!dmntalncau@swm .~~tidmandtv
sE, mb0xs3ssx, ru,sw&m7x 75asx?&s USA. Tekx720SSSSPEW

Abatrast stimulation of high permeability resewoirs.

High pefm&bi~& formations are not usually

the realm of hydraulic fmsturing. However, reccmtly introduction
there has been a reaurgemx of interest in stimulating
these resewoirs. Reasons for the intarsst include Frccpackis the hydraulic fmoturing of high
fmsturing past damaged zones, sontrolllng and permsabliii (generclly > 10 md) formations to
preventing sand production, and generally providing increase wsil prOdUtiMty and control ssnd
batter oontrolover the wdlbore. pmdustion. Fracturing %specta of the fmcpack
;:;:~sv. been discmsed mcent[y in the
In studying this problem, several factors However, the reservoir engineering
need to be sqw.idered. One factor is the productivity aspects and justifisstion for fmcpack have not bean
imprOvam&t Aspect of the fraotw-ing treatment. extensively studied. The reservoir engineering
Under sartain conditions, fiasturing San provide a aspacts of fracturing low permeabili& formations
significant produstlon increase even in a very highly have bssn wdely ~documanted throughout the
permeable formation. Therefore, pmdustion versus petroleum Iiieratura. However, fracturing high
time is important. A sesend considerationis pressure permeabiMy formations differs from fmeturing low
as a funstion of distanse. This faster is important in penneabilii formations. To ensure the success of a
the sand productionaspest. Fracturing can dscrssse fmcpack treatment, the sandldate well neada to be
the pressuredropand gradient within the formation tiosarf sarafully with mnsiderstion given to rook
and thus sand pfodustion csn be controlled or even meshani~, resawoir engineering and operational
prevented. aspests of the rhspack procass.

This paper presents results of a study Generally, hydraulic fracturing ia usualiy

performed to investigate the effest of various thought of aa a technique to increase productivityor
parsm&ters on well and fratiure performari.% ina sstablish production in low permeability resewoirs.
high permeabilii resewoir. These psfsmeters However, benefds can be realized by fracturing highiy
include forfnaflon parrnssbilii, degrW_and depth of permeable formations that have formation damage
damage, fraoture Isngth, fraoture conductiv%y,and anfflor sand production tendencies. A well that has
frasture fsoe damage. Conclusions from the study redused permeabilii several feet or tens of feet sway
previde guidelines for candidate selsction and from the wellbore em be made more productive by
frasture design as well as insight into the effect of fracturing through this damaged zone to contast

2%. ReservoirEngineering Aspects of Fracturing High Permeability Formations SPE 28803

undamaged reservoir. Reservoir flulds are thus formations. Under radial flow conditions with tha
previded an unrestricted pathway from undamaged anticipated high preaaure drop near the wellbore, the
resewoir to the wellbore. The conductivitywfthin the drag force on the sand could axceed the cohesive
fracture can be maximized so that pressure drop strength of the rock causing formation failure and
along the fracture itself can be bald to a minimum. In resulting in sand production. This well instability
the case of a well with aand productiontendencies, a cauaea severe operational problems and a reduction
hydrsutic frs$ture.. decrrasa+. the, .prgssu~? $rOP of formation perrneabiiii around the wellbore.
neceaaary to produce the well at a given rate and Fricpaik reduces the sanding tendency of a poorly
changes the flow regime around the well such that consolidated formation by reducing the preaaure
sand production is minimizad or eliminated. Thus the gradient around the wellbore and by acting as a
well may be produced at a rate higher than the gravd pack that supports and holds the formation
unfractursd criiicsl sand pr6ducing rate. sand in place.

Operationally, fracturing high permeability Migration of fines toward the wellbore

formation is differerrt from fracturing low causes a reduciion in permeability in the region
permeabilii formations due to the expected high around the wellbore. Drilling/completion and
Ieak-eff rate, which iidluen- fracturing pressur6 as production processes rriay also cause permeability
a functionof time. In addition, be&use of the raduction In the near wallbore region. The resulting
desired high fr@ure conductivity,the CUflcaptof tiP depth of damage may extend from aa Iiffle as a few,
screen-out is applied. in tip screen-ou#, the fracture inches to s uch as several tens of feet into the
is designed in such a way that by the time the Production proceaaes, such as fines
fracture reach.% the desired length, the lading pad migration and paraffin deposition, are expectad to
volume has leaked off into the formation, ArTerthe yfeld graater depth and degree of damage than are
pad volume has leaked off, the presence of the drilling and completion processes. .Such deep
proppant-laden-fluid at the leading edgeof the damage cannot be removed by atidting, leaving
fracture infilates the acrean-out process. Contlnuad fracturingaa the only alternative.
injection of the proppant laden fluid causaa the
fractura to widan or balloon, reaching a greatar than Therefora, fracturing high parmaabiiity
average width and high proppant concentration (a formations requires the understanding of the impact
packeft fracture). During the packing period, the of some parameters that are not usually considered
fr@uring pressure ia exp cted to sharply increa e. when fracturing low permeability forrrrationa. The
.5 ...8
A typical Nolte-Smith plot is gwen m Figure 1 . first such parameter is the effect of a damaged
The initial pressure increase, shown in Figure 1, is ragion on fracturad system productivity. The
due to fracturq initiation and. the s@rt of @tire damaged region can be Visualized as an inner
propagation. The prasaure increaae is than followed circuiir ragion of radu~ permeabilii e%tendirrg
by a pressure decline that reauite from excessive rlom the wellbore to some radial distan~ outside
fluid loss as the fracture length extends. Once the the inner region ia undamagad reservoir permeability.
pad volume leaks off into the formation and the This is generally referrag to as a radial composita
proppant-laden-fluid reaches the tip, the tipscresn- system. Anether parameter is the presence of a
out process atarts. The response is manifested in damaged fracture face having reduced permeability
the rapid pressure increase late in the treatment causad by the expected high leak-off of fracturing
history. The tip-screenout fracturing tachnique has fluid. A third important parsmeter is the effect of the
been successfully applied in the field. Martins and fracture on pressure profile around the wellbore.
Stewart7 repoIt@ that tip-screenout succaaded in
more than doubling productivity of treated wells in Because of the high formation perrneabilii,
the Ravenapum field. Other authora2@,8 have if is expected that a ralatiiely long fra~ (hundreds
reportad squally imprasslve results. of fact) would be ineffective. Prats stated that
below a threshold dimensionless conductivity (Cm =
Many wells that appear to be good 0.16) a fracture may ba ineffedive. In other words,
candidate for fracpack are wells that are drilled In only the fraction of the fracture that yields that
poorly consolidated formations. The failure behavior minimum dimensionless conductivity may be
ofsuch formgtiona is different from that of competent effective. The excess fracture length that causas a


James L. Hunt and M. Y. Soliman 3

ffacture to go below the threshold dimensionless . Poorly consolidated formations for which
conductivitywill have no effect on well performance. fracpack may act as a farm of gravel pack
Thus a fra@ack usually invoives the creation of a without the aasociatad likely positive skin.
short fracture. .To achieve the threshold Formations with low cohesive force, for wtlich
dimensionlessconductivity,high fracture conductltity it is necassirj to reduce the pressure gradient
is sought. associated with the desired flow rate.

The fallowing sections datail some of the

reservoir engineering aspacta of fracturing high
permeability formations. Specifically, four topics are
presentd candidate selection guidelines, production A study was performed to gain a batter
improvement, sand control and pressure distribution. understanding of the effect of various reservoir and
A numerical model was used in studying production fracture parameters on well performance. The effects
improvement, sand control and pressure distribution. of reservoir parmaabiiii, wellbore damage, fracture
The effects of permeability, wellbore damage, length, fracture conductivity, and fracture damage
fracture half-length, fracture conductivityand fracture were considered. The study was performs using a
damage are ccmsiderad. Finally, conclusions are single-phase 3-D numerical simulator The
presentad so that spadfic guidelines may be applied simulator is a fintie difference mode! incorporating a
when attempting to optimize a fracpack treatment. cylindrical coordinate system and was chosen for ita
ability to model a radially composite reservoir
containing a vertical fracture. The damaged zone
Fraapack Candidate Selection was modaiad by an inner circular region of reduced
penneabilii extending from the wellbore to some
The discussion above indicates that radial distance. Outside the inner region waa
fracpack candidates may be loosely divided into two undamaged reservoir permeability. A fracture was
groups based on the treatment% primary goal, extended from the wellbore to various distances in
whether it is production anhancament or sand both the inner and outer zones. In an actual well,
control. damage (rsducad permeability) may axtend from
several i ch a o several tens of feet away from the
For production enhancement, the treatment
candidates am
Two general f#pes of data were generatad
Moderate or high permeabilii formation with from the simulation runs productivity va. time and
deep damage. In such formations acidting pressura VS. distance. These data were usad in the
would be ineffdive. sections on production improvement and sand
. Formations that do not respond favorably to control, respectively. The productivity VS. time data
acid treatments. were ganarated by assuming that the well was
. Formations with moderate permeability. produced at a constant bottomhole flowngprassure.
Casaa where a large treatmentia not advised Production increase was calculated by dividing
due to height or length restrictions as in the cumulative production for stimulated condtions by
case of the preaenca of an underlying acquifer curmdativa production for unatimuleted condtions.
or nearby injactkmwe!ls.. Pressure vs. distance data are representad by a
. Wells that have lost productivity due to pora pressure profile along a vertical plane in the resewoir
ml[apse around the wellbore. A fracpack vs. distance from the center of the wellbore and were
treatment bypasses the damagad zone and gararated by assuming that the weil was operating
subsequently reduces the pressure drop under constantflow rate ccmditiona.
necessary to produce the formation. This
reducesthe chance for further pore collapse. Data for the pressure distribution study are
represented by a Z4mansional plot of simulator
For sand control purposes, the treatment block pressures and by a 2-dimensional contour plot
candidates ara of iaopotentials and streamlines. These data were
generatad by aasumlng the well was operating under

4 R-oir Enginsaring Aspects of Fracturing High Permeability Formations SPE28803

constant flew ratecendtions. damage. Both figures show that production increaaa
is significantwhen the effest of damage near the well
Reserveir, fluid, and fracture parameters (akin factor) is eliminated. In Figure 3, the damaged
used in the numarkal model study are presented aa zone is removed, possibly by acidRing, and is
Table 1. Table 2 prasenta the specific variables usad replacad by undamagad formation. Actually, h is
in the pressure distributionstudy. The values of these unlikely that daap damage can be removed by
paramatwa ware chosen so as to provide a aoidkdng, but, to illustrate the point, it ia assumad
representative example of a typical well that exhibits that the resdts can be achievad. The figure shows
the effect of each parameter studied. that production increase ia significant when a
severely damaged region, or high skin, Is removed.
The production increaae, although much leas, is still
P?OdSICtiLMEnhancensatst signilbnt when smaller akin is removed. Production
lnoreaae becemaa insignificant at very small skin
In many wells, productivity may be values. Skin fact r values were calculated using
impmvad by a variaty of metheds, the most cemmon Hawkinasquationywith ~and rs.
of which are hydraulic fracturing and acidting. In low
permeabilii formations, pmductiity can be Figure 4 shows the resulting prediction
enhanced by hydraulic fracturing, thereby cresting a increase when a 40 ff frsdure tih 8000 md-ft
more favmable flow pattern than for the unfmctured conductivity is placed in the formation with the
caae. In affeot, the wellbore is extend@ along the referenced amounts of damage. Note that it is much
length of the fracture allewing greater productivity. more likely that the affect of deep damage can be
eliminated by fracturing rather than by acidizing. The
In the caae of high pemseabiiii formations, resulting production increases exceed their damage
fracturing la uaad to eliminate the effact of damage mmeval counterparts of Figure 3. Thus, placement
near the wall. For a damaged well, hydraulic of a fracture extending beyond the external radiua of
fracturing oan increaae productivity, swan in highly tha damaged ragion in a high pafmaebliii formation
permeable formations, by axtanding the fracture yialds a production increase that Is at least as large
through the damaged zone to contact undamagsd as the resulting production inomase for mmplate
raaarvoir. This provides an unimpaired pathway for removal of the damaged region.
rwervoir fluids to reach the wellbore.
Which treatment, acid~lng or fracturing, is
PenneabMy and Welbere Damage better for stimulating production from a damaged,
high penneabitii zone? The anawar to this question
Figure 2 ahewa the expacted production depends on which treatment can satisfactorily
increase when a 150 fl fracture with 8000 md-ft eliminate the effect of wellbore damage at the least
conductivity is appliad in an urrdsvnagad reservoir test As already discussad, acidzing may not
having the referenced fmmation penneabilities. The provide the required penetration to mmova deep
figure shows that productionincrease is aignificardat damage. An acid treatment may alao leave spent
Ie+v permaabilii, howaver, production increase acid or incompatible reaction by-products in the
diminishes as pamwabilii increasea. Attem@s to formation, thus creating an additional source of
incraase production by fracturing undamaged damage. Likmse, the fracture may ba difricult to
formations with large permeabilii (ie., greater than 1 create beoause of large fluid leakoff, howaver, a
Darcy) appear te be futile. The effact of fracturing pmpady designad treatment will overcome this
(w%h attainable high conductivities) Is Iesa at high problem. These consideration should be addresaed
permeabiWy, and consaquantly, production increase duringthe dasign phase of the stimulation treatment
ia Insignifiwrt Men highly permeable, undamagad
formations are fmcturad. Therefore, in high permeabilii formations,
fracturing trestmenta are expected to yield an
~, When fracturing damagad, high permeabiMy insignificant production improvement when there is
formations, a dflerent conclusion results. Figuraa 3 Mtle or no wellbore damage. Howevar, properly
and 4 show the axpacted production increase for a designed fracturing treatments are axpeoted to yield
100 md formation with different amounts of wellbore significant production improvement whan wellbore

. .

.,4 . James L Hunt and M. Y. Soliman 5

damage exkts. The degree of production mntains low permeability throughout, the objective of
improvement increases as wellbore damage the fracture treatment should be to generste iarge
increases. ticture length. Ccmversety,if the formation centsins
high permeabilii with near wallbore damage, the
Fracture Ha/f-Length objective should be to .@tur.e beyond the damaged
region. A p%p&ly designed well test sen be uaad to
Figure 5illustratesthe effect of frssture half. determine the fracture objastiie. Pm- and post-frsc
length on curnula!ive production for vsrious times testing of sempeaite systems is discusaad in a Ister
after frastmtng. This csse haa been simulated fara aaciion.
damaged formation (r$= 10, ~=0,05*lc s= 65),
and assumas all fracturas have 8000 md-fl Fticture Conductivity
conductivity. A sharp increase in production oscure
around a fracture half-length of 10 ft. This diatancs is Figure 6 illustrates the effect of frssture
alao the extent of the internal mmposite radius. mndustivity on production increase. This case has
Fradturea lees than10 ft remairi ii the damag&J baen simulated for significantwellbore damage (S =
region adjacent to the well, while fr@uras grsafsr 85) and moderste wellbore damage (S =13.5), and
than 10 fl In length propagate out 6f the region into the frasture extands beyond the damagad rsgion (xf
undamaged reservoir. It is avidant from Figure 5 that = 40 R, rs = 10 fl). The curvas plstasu at relatively
a large improvement in production occurs when the low frasture conduatiiitias. The moderately damaged
fracture is propagated bey6nd the damaged region. ssse begins to plstesu at about 500 md-fl whiie the
Figure 5 also indicstes that fractures propagated highly damagsd case plateaus at about 2000 md-ft.
significantly beyond the....ex&fna[. rsdius of the Based on inner region permeability and xf = 40 ft,
damaged region do not yield a significant production CfD for the highly damaged caae ia 10 while ~ for
improvement over .t~ose propagated orIly slightly the rnodafately damaged case is 0.625. For a given
beyond the damag~ region. conductivityvalue, the highly damaged csse exhibits
a greater production increase than the moderately
As Sstcd earlisr, in low permeabilii damagsd csse, as expacted. It is surprising that a
formations, fractures effastively axtend the wellbore greater conduatiiity la not required to significantly
into the formstion. Therefore, extension of the improve production in damagad, high permeabilii
fracture ia critisal in low @nmability formation. [n formations,
the high permscbiiity formations discussed here, the
fracture is a conduit between the well and the As stated earlier, [n the high permeability
undamagad portion of the formation. It is importsnt fmmatlona discussed here, the fracture aervea as a
to genefste enough length to penstrate into the conduit between the well and the undamaged portion
undamegad portionof the formation. Actually, this is of the formstlon. It is impoftant to generste enough
an important conclusionbemuse it maybe dificult to conductivity to make this conduit effactive. A
generate significant length in high permeability
formations due to high leakoff. m&m Considemtion s h* lendutiwi~
tYPi~W decline durfng pmdudion The practical
solution ia that, initially, high frscture conductivity is
Since the fiacpack should be deeignsd to daairad so that an adequate conductivity can be
axtend beyond wellbore damage, an important malntsinad throughout production. A properly
rcoommendation is that high permeability walls designed fracpack trestment should take thla effect
should be testad prior to fracturing to determine into acmunt.
extent of damage. A properly designad pre-frac well
test is helpful bacause it indisstea formation Fracture Damage
permeabiiii, skin, and hsterogeneitieq this
information indicates the necessity of a frscture. Damage of the formation around the
Also, an analysis of transient dsta using a radlaliy fracture may be .=pectsd when a high permeabilii
composite model may indicate the depth of wellbore formation is frasturad basauae fluid leakoff during
damage. If a frscture IS necessary, permeabilii, treatment is significant. Figures 7 and 6
amount of damage, and depth of damage define the demonstrate the affect of frccture damage on
desirsd length of the fracture. If the formation production increase and cumulative production. The

6 Reservoir EngineeringAspects of Fracturing High Parmaabiiii Formations SPE 28803

fracture damage was modeled by a zone of reduced wells is not reaikd.

permeability parallel to the fracture face axtanding
one foot into the formation, As expict~, increasing One of the factors reiafed to the potential for
fracture damage reduces the production aand production isthemagnitude andlor gradient of
improvement. However, production improvement is the pressure drop crectad in the formation during
stiii aigniticant even wth iarge fracture damage, production. Fines migration into the region
especially as producingtime increhaes. surrounding the weiibore results in permeabilii
raduction In that region duetopora-throat plugging.
Figure 6 shows that fracture damage has to As damage. forms around the wellbore, the tendency
be severe before irnprovad production ia aignlricantiy form a production standpoint is to increaae
iimti+. Figure 8 shows the cumulative productionat drawdown to maintain thewelis rata. As drawdown
two and twelve months for ahm~eof perm-&r6illty incXeis&., the pressure gradient aiso increases and
ratioa, calculat~ by diyiding the, ~a~ure damage the damaged ragion propagates out into the
permeabiMy by formation permea~lity (penetration resefioir, exacerbtihg the ptiblem. A aigniftcant
of fracture damage is 1 ft into the formation). The degree of wellbore damage may result. For this
figure ahowa that a permeability redustion of 10- reason, it is importantto examine pressure profiles of
times makea a small difference at two months, high perrneabilii formations under varioua producing
however, thepenneabilii reduction haato be 100- conditions.
times orgreelerto make adifferenceaflerl year of
production. Rate and Wellbore Damage

.Frariuredg_rnagaunless severe, does not The producingrati at the weii affecis the
cause, ~ignificant production problem~ in a high magriitude and gradient of pressure drop during
permeability formation with wellbore damage. A production. Higher rata$ yield Iargerpreaaure drop
significant dasrease in production improvement andelaaper pressure gradients hstheresefvoir. it is
occurs only..whamthe_amoUnt of_fracture @m.g9.e is expsxfed that there iaan upper limit on the rate at
Iarge,,that i:, yh?npe~ea~riwithbl 1 foot of~e which a well aan be flowad without any sand
f&fure is reduced to l/l OOth-of fomration produciion~ ~
pafnf~biiity or when frasture damage penatratea far
Intothe formation. Similar conclusionswere reached The amount of permeabili~ redustirm in a
in an aarlier work de ~ng with fracturing of low dama@d region also affects the magnituda and
permeability fommtions Deep damage extending gradient of pressure drop during production. When a
from the fraature may be avoided by properly weli is produced at a constant rate, as is the case in
designing the fraature. treatment to .minimk? figure 9, the pressure drop will be larger and the
excessive fluid ioss. For practical PUQOSSS, a pressure gradienta will be steeper through a region
properly designed and condusted fracpack treatment with large permeability redustion. Assuming that the
should result irr no productivity Impairment due to mechanic@properties of the damaged region remain
frasfure face damage. the same as those of the undamaged region, and
assuming that the amount of damage has Iittie effect
Sand Contpf on the mechanical properties of the roak, t is
expeded that a wall with significant damage in the
Sand production is a iimiting problem in formation has a better chance of producing sand.
some high permeability formations, especially those Consaquentiy, rate should be limited to control
that are unconsolidated. Sand production reduces pressure drop and gradient when weiibore damage
the effectiveness of production equipment, and if exists.
uncontroiied, may eventually besome a costly
problem due to damaged equipment. For these Fracturing
reasons, among other% many sand producing weils
have been completed with gravel pack Piacament of a frasture in the formation
Unforkmately, gravel pack may sometimes raetrict aignificantiy altera the. producing pressure Profiie.
production much like a region of welibore damage, Figure 10 mntraata pressure profiles for various
therefore, the full patential of some graval packed reservoir conditions. The figure includas profiles

. .

James L. Hunt and M. Y. SoIiman 7

already shown in Figure 9. The bottommoat curve, show small prassure drop and shallow pressure
showing the largest pressure drop, is for an gradient.
unfrsctumd, damaged formation (S = 30).
Progressing upward, the next curve is for an Sand prodktiori may be very likely for xf =
unfractured, undamaged formation. This curve 5 ft because the pressure drop is significant and
indicates a constant pressure change throughout the pressure gradients are fairly steep from the tip of the
reservoir. The topmost curvas were generatsd by fracture to the outer limit of the damaged region. It
aasuming that a fracture is placed in the damaged follows that the possibility of sand production is
formation assumad in the botfommosf curve. Note minimized when the fracture is propagated beyond
that there are two fracture profiles one indicates the the damaged region. Therefore the fracture should
preaaure profile down the plane of the fracture, and be axtended beyond the external radius of the
the other indicatea the pressure profile perpendicular damaged region to obtain optimum production
to the plane of the fracture. improvement and to minimize sand production.

Here, the most important observation is that Fr&dure ConducMy

the fracture decreases the pressure drop in the
formation relative to both a damaged and an The effect of fmobdre conductivity on
undamagad wellbore condtion. Tha pressure drop in pressure drop aftar producing tha well at constant
the damaged zone exceeds pressure drop in the rate for three months is shown In Figure 12. The
fractured zone by 30 psi at the external radius of the pressure profilas for an unfmctured well with and
damaged region and 1000 psi at the wellbore. Ah, without wallbore damage are included. in the
the pressure gradients throughout the fracture case fracture profiles, the pressure drop is greatest and
are relatively small, even at the tip of the fracture the pmasure gradients are steepest at lower
where the Iargast pressure drop is expected. Another conductivity. For conduetivities above 2000 md-ft,
important point is that the pressure profile does not the pressure drop and gmdienta are relatively small
significantly change as the profiling axis is rotated throughouttha fmciure and formation.
around the wall. This finding is verified by the
similarity of the two pressure profilesfor the fractured Because of small pressure drop and
well. gradient, corrductivitiesabove 2000 md-ft are most
likely to praverd sand production. Generally, high
The fractured well pressure drop in Figure fracture conductivities are desired to minimiza
10 is also less than the correspondingpressure drop pressure drop and gradient within the reservoir
for the unfractured, undamaged well. In this during pmducfion.
instance, the bast solution for limiting sand
productionappears to be fracturingthe formation. In Fracfura Damaga
addition, fracturing a damaged wall would enable the
productionimprovements discussed previously. Figures 13 and 14 ahow the effect of
fracture damage on pressure drop and gradiant after
Fracture Length producing the well at constant rate for 3 months.
Spacirically, Figure 13 shows the pressure profile
The effect of fracture length on pressure along the plane of the fracture, and Figure 14 shows
drop after producing the well at constant rate for the pressure profile perpendicularto the plane of the
three months is shown in Figure 11. For reference, fracture. As expected, larger fracture damage
the pressure profilas from Figure 10 for an increases the prassure drop and pressure gradient.
unfractumd wall with and without wellbore damage The pressure gradient is most savere at the tip of the
are includad. In the fmcture pr~sure profiles, the fracture, therefore the potential for sand productionis
pressure drop is largeat and the gradients am greatast at this point.
steepest for a fracture half-length of 5 ft. Obviously,
this IS becauae the fracture has not bean propagated The pressure drop and gradient do not
bayond the 10 ft damaged region when xf = 5 ft. All become significant until severe fmcture damage is
of the remaining curves for fracture half-lengths that encountered. For a 204imes reduction of
exceed the external radiua of the damaged ragion permeability adjacant to the fracture, pressure drop

. .

8 Reservoir EngineeringAspesta of Fracturing High Psrmesbllity Formations SPE 28803

and gradient are almost the same aa far an region. This also punctuates the nesd to conduct a
undamaged fracture. The pressure drop and pr#racture well test to determine the depth of
gradient becomes noticeable at permeability damage and design the fracpack trsatment
reductions exceeding 2004imes. signirlcsnt fracture accordingly.
damage, that is, permeabilii mduotion exceeding
100-times within 1 foot of the fraoture or permeability Anothar interesting phenomenon that doea
reduction extending far tistancss into the formation, not usually occur in fluid flow is illustrated in Figure
should be avoided. 16. The right hand side of Figure 16 shews
isopetentials and streamlines that resemble those in
a typical high permeability formation with a short
RaeerveI > I%eeum Dist?ibutierr r%acture.The isopotentials are sasentially circular
with streamlines moving toward the fracture. Near
The numerical simulator was ussg to the damaged arcs howaver, the streamlines actually
generate pressure distribution in the reservoir ss a show fluid traveling away from the wellbore. This
function of time far constant bottomhole flowing occurs beoause of the low permeabilii inside the
pressure production. A fracture hslf-length of 20 ft damaged region: The path of least resistance ia for
and a damagsd zene radius of 10 fi were assumed; fluid to travel inside the high permeability region,
ether input parameters are presentsd in Table 2. even if it means going around the damaged zone
Data are presented for a timestep of 0.824 hours of until k reachea the fracture, then travaiing inside the
production, however the general trend of the fracture toward the wellbore..
distribution remains the ssme over a much longer
time frame. The timestep of 0.S24 hours was chosen
ss a representative timestep fer clarity and detail of Conclusions
the various fsaturss of the pressure distribution.The
number of grid blocks were optimizsd to provide 1) Fracturing of damaged, high permeability
enough data points for a smooth pressure formation should increase pmduotion and change
distribution. In Figures 15 and 16, one quadrcnt of the expected pressure profile in the formation,
the raaervoir is represented with the wsilbore at the possibly prsvenfing sand production. Thus,
origin and with the frssture alignad along the x-axia. fracturing is a viable completion option far high
permeabi~i formations where wellbore damage
Figure 15 shows a 3dlmensional view of andlor the petential for sand productionexists.
the pressure distributionin the reservoir,while Figure
16 shews a sentour map of both isopotentials snd 2) When fracturing a high parmesbiiii
representative atreamiinaa. Sofh plots show that formation, the fracture should be designed to extend
most of the prassure drop in the resew%ir occurs beyond th6 external radius of the damaged region.
inside the damaged region. Due to the presence of Fractures that fail to extend beyond the damaged
the frsature, the pressure distribution inside the region will not improve productionto optimum Isvels
reservoir is aaymmetrissl. The pressure grsdient and will not significantly decrease the potential for
along the fracture diraotion changes slower than that sand production. It is unnecessary to generate
perpendicular to the fracture until the end of the significant fracture length beyond the external radius
frscture is reachad. In other words, the pressure of the damaged ragion. However, k is always
gradient in the direction of the fracture is controlled prudent to inslude a safety factor in the fracture
by the pressnce of the fracture. In the direction dasign.
perpendicular to the frssture, the pressure
distributionis controlled by the damaged region. 3) To properly design a frsature treatment,
it is important to run a prs-frsc well tsst to determine
Figures 15 and 16 indicate that the majority formation permeabilii, amount of wellbore damage,
of the resewoir fluid will enter the pati of the fracture and extent of wellbore damage. These parsmetera
that penatrstes the higher permeability region. Chen detefmine the nscesaw of a fracture, and optimum
and Raghavan17 reaantly raaohed a similar length and mnduativity of the fraoture.
conclusion. This illustrates the need to hsve the
frsature long enough to penetrate the damaged 4) When flscturing a high permesbilii

I 592

. James L. Hunt and M. Y. $oIim?n 9

formation, a minimum fracture conductivity Is h Formation thickness, fl

raquired to improve production and decrease k . Fomation permeability, md
pressure drop in the formation. Generally, high kf . Fra&tureperrneabir~, md
. Permeability of wellbore
fraotura aenductlvitiaa are daaired to minimize k
prasaure drop and gradient within the reservoir damage (skin) region, md
during production. kfi . Pernreabilii of fracture
damage (fracture skin) region,
5) Fraoture conductivitymay dacline during md
preduotion. llrereforti, to assure that production k@ =. Permeability ratio, fracture
improvement Is maintained and sand production is damage region perrneabilii
minimized over the life of the well, the initial divided by formation
conductivity should be greater than the minimum OermeabiMv
raquirad to improve production and decrease kfw . ;rafiie m;ductivity, md-ff
pressure drop in the formation. Np . Cumulative oil productionfrom
beginning of production,STB
6) Fracture damage Iimita production P . Pressure, psia
improvement and increasea the pressure drop and Pi . Initial reservoir preaaure, paia
gradients, however, the degree of fracture damage Pm =. Bottomhole flowing pressure,
must be aevara before a pronounced effmt ia psia
detected. Permeability reduction in the near-fracture q . Surface productionrate, STB/D
vicinity must be great or damage must penetrate re . External radiua of the formation,
deap into the formation before a significantdecline in R
produdion improvement and a pronbuncad pressure rs . External radius of damage (skin)
drop result. Deep damage eway from the fractura ragion surroundingweil, R
can be minimized by properly designingthe frecpack rw . Weilbore radius, ft
treatment. s . Skin (Wellbore Damage)
. Productiontime, months
7) During production, the majority of the w . Fracture width, i?
raaewoir fluid will enter the part of the fracture Xf . Fracture half-length, ft
outaide the damaged region when the frdure
. Fluid viscosity, cp
axtanda beyondthe damaged region.
: . Porosity, fraction
8) When a fracture exlends beyond the
damaged ragion, reaewoir fluid tends not to travel
directly taward the wellbore. Insteed fluid tends to Subecript
travel around the damaged region to the fraoture,
then inside the fracture to the wellbore. At some damaged . Indicates
points in the reservoir, fluid actually moves away damaged conditions
from the wellbore. . Indicatea stimulated
undamaged . Indicates undamaged
unstimulated . Indicatea unatimulated
B. = 01[ formation volume factor, res condtiona
Cm = Dlmensionleeafracture
conductivity,(kfw)/(iwf) Acknowledgements
co = Oil cOmpraaaibiMy,I/psi
%= Total compreasibilii, I/psi The authors thank Halliburton Energy
d~ = Distance fracture damage Services for perrniaaion to prepare and present this
csdendsinto formation from paper.
fracture face, ft

.: ,.-: :. .

10 Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Fracturing High Permeabilii Formations . SPE 28803

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5. Nolte, K.G. and Smith, MB.: Wterpretatlon of ConductivityMeasurements at Siniulatad
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6. Abass, H.H., Wilson, J.M., Venditto, J.J. and
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I 594
SPE28$03 .,.

Table 1
Values Appliad in Numericsd Simulator

Pi 4000 psi
+ 23 %
rq 1 and 10 ft
rw 0.35 r-t
w 0.5 inches
~ 25X 70:0 p.$i:
~ 3x 70-0 psi-
P 1.0 Cp
h soft
8. 7.2 res bbUSTB
re l&OO ft (f60 Acre Spscing)
PM 2S60 psi (for productivitystudy)
q 200,500, and 800 STB/D (for pressure profile)
k ~
k~ ~
s 0,4.2,8, 13.5, 20,30, 65, 104, and 330
Xf 5, 15,40, 80, 150 ft
kfw 100, 500, 2000,4000, 8000, and 20000 md-ft
d~ lfl
k~ 0.001k, 0.005%, O.Ol*k, 0.05*k, O.l*k, 0.2k,
0.3*k md
Note 1: Base values held constant during sensitivityanalysis of other variablea
are designatedwith bold, itsliclzad tti.
Note Z S was calsulatad by using Hawkins,Eqn.i 1 with ks and rs.

Table 2
Values Appliad for Praasure Distribution Study

P 4000 Si

26x f

7.2 res bbVSTB

10 ft

B ~~
r 0.36 ft
r f500 ft
h 30 ft
P 2500 si
k 100 md
5 md
x 20 ft
c 40
Note Cm value based on inner region permeability.


Fig. 1- Typical Fracturing Pressure Response Fig.2- Production Increase Due to Fracturing
for Fracpack Treatment (after Abass, et al.)

x,-150 ft,kr#.8030,ndll
... k-1.Oml
----- W-lend
I : ............. ----- k-immd
z ------- k-lCOQnM
,,., k-10D30W
10, \n; .................
1 :
z ..-.--...-.,.-,,,
"""""fi"'""" "`"''
..... ..............................................
. .... .... .... ...
---------- -. . .... .... ...
..... ..,,
. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . ..- ..-.,
i 01 I@ !qo ;- ,0.1 f 00 10I I@
Time, min. Ttme, months

Fig, 3- Production Increase Due to Damage Fig. 4- Production Increase Due to Fracturing

k.l CQmd
r.-le, k.o.m.ks.
-----,S-lr,k-msk s.@5
w k-i w,h-o,ol .ks. 3S0

! :,
102 ------- <A W,k-mz.k8.1s5
,,-t0,&a2.k8. IL15
r,-l,,h-ow .k8.lns
.-- ,A,,h-o.z.k$. 42 ., ,,-1,,k,-ol.ks .4,2
. -,, .. .... .... .... .... .... .... ,,,-..,.,,, ----- KuWabcf.-

I 1(7 ::------------------ -.-::..:

-.. .. ..
----------- . . . .. ....
-.. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ...-----7.. ..,:,,,.
--------- .- .-. _ ----------...>, ~...>,> \ . .,.,.. .
. . .. .
lW I@
j IN I&l 1O$ 101 Ica !@ i 0-2 lcd I@ lW lIX I@
Ttme,months Time, months

stt2M03 r

Fig. 5- Effect of Fracture Length for 10 ft Fig. 6- Effect of Fracture Conductivity for 10 ft
Damage Radius Damage Radius

/ L*
h ,. .
ii-i OoKdxi-40rl

10 20 *O 40 50
. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4000 1600 2000 25(IO 3000 SWO 4000


Fracture HaJf-Ler@h,ft Fracture Conductivity, md-ft

Fig. 7- Effect of Fracture Face Damage I. 8- Effect of Fracture Face Damage on

Cumulative Production

k-i00m4k, -6ti,. -i0fi

.... ... 2 m. il-40tl, kjw-8Wrrd-ltdu-lfl
--*-. e m,
--+-- 12m

Permeability Ratio, kf,/k

;O+. oxn

.-15 I

!sd emssaJd

,+ .0.0


ig. 13- Effect of Fracture Face Damage on Reservoir Fig. 14- Effect of Fracture Face Damage on Reservoir

Pressure Distribution Pressure Distribution
~.aMMw, q.mOmslD ~. a Mmh . Em STWD wt.: CH,lr[mllm
Nak mdmtkm u m m, Fm.lw, Phn9 a...
r,-i Oft, k.-0.l.k r.-lon..,. k.-
,,- .-.,./ . l.k >.. Frm?weW, 1
x,-40 tLk,w-WOOmd-11 m - -w. m.rr
G%-* n
m,,, w:,...,..
--.,., ~,-
,,,,,..,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,....,,*.,! ------4! ,,

,- ~owww...w ,,

& ,,,+,,.x ,,.
~. 34ca
~, ...... -
++i 5 ,/, --;-- ym#w#md
3:00 0 kti.0.0C6. k
s ,/ . ka-0,05. k
0. c1
./, kti-O,t .k
x ki, -0,3. k
.,.1 ./ M Rmhn, Skh II

23W 1
Iw Im lW 1 Oa iw ,01 t 0, I@
Distance from Center of Well, ft Distance from Crmtor of Wsll, ft

Fig. 15- Reservoir Pressure Distribution

XI -20 ft, r,- 10 ft t = 0.824 hrs Fig. 16- Reservoir Pressure Distribution
XI -20 ft, r, -10 ft, t = 0.824 hrs

~ ZO

0 10 20 30 40
X Distance (ft)

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