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Video game programming: Game Programming Gems - List of contents

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Game Programming Gems - List of contents Tools demonstration

This is the list of contents of the Game Programming Gems series. Finite State Machine
For more important game programming books go to My Terrain Editor tool

Game Programming Gems 1
animation (3)
Section 1 Programming bibliography (1)
Finite State Machine (2)
1.0 The Magic of Data-Driven Design Performance (2)
1.1 Object-Oriented Programming and Design Terrain editor (1)
1.2 Fast Math Using Template Metaprogramming
1.3 An Automatic Singleton Utility
About Me
1.4 Using the STL in Game Programming
1.5 A Generic Function-Binding Interface Alex Simn
1.6 A Generic Handle-Based Resource Manager London, United Kingdom
1.7 Resource and Memory Management >> Experience <<
1.8 Fast Data Load Trick * 08/09 - 02/10: QA Tester @ SEGA UK
1.9 Frame-Based Memory Allocation * 07/08 - 10/09: Integration Engineer @
Electronic Arts Spain
1.10 Simple, Fast Bit Arrays
* 06/07 - 09/07: LQA Lead-Tester @
1.11 A Network Protocol for Online Games Electronic Arts Spain
1.12 Squeezing More Out of Assert * 06/06 - 09/06: LQA Tester @ Electronic
1.13 Stats: Real-Time Statistics and In-Game Debugging Arts Spain
* 06/05 - 09/05: LQA Tester @ Electronic
1.14 Real-Time In-Game Profiling
Arts Spain

Section 2 Mathematics >> Education <<

*09-10: BSc Computer Science - Middlesex
University (UK)
2.0 Predictable Random Numbers
*03-09: Bsc Computer Engineering -
2.1 Interpolation Methods Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
2.2 Integrating the Equations of Rigid Body Motion *07-08: Erasmus-Program - University of
2.3 Polynomial Approximations to Trigonometric Functions Innsbruck (Austria)

2.4 Using Implicit Euler Integration for Numerical Stability

>> Contact <<
2.5 Wavelets: Theory and Compression
2.6 Interactive Simulation of Water Surfaces View my complete profile
2.7 Quaternions for Game Programming
2.8 Matrix-Quaternion Conversions
2.9 Interpolating Quaternions Blog Archive
2.10 The Shortest Arc Quaternion
2010 (8)
October (1)
Section 3 Artificial Intelligence
June (1)
April (6)
3.0 Designing a General Robust AI Engine
Flaw in XSI: Skinned Vertex Shader
3.1 A Finite-State Machine Class
Game Programming Gems - List of
3.2 Game Trees contents
3.3 The Basics of A* for Path Planning C++ Code Performance
3.4 A* Aesthetic Optimizations Load-Hit-Store
3.5 A* Speed Optimizations Finite State Machine Tool
3.6 Simplified 3D Movement and Pathfinding Using Navigation Terrain Editor Tool

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Video game programming: Game Programming Gems - List of contents

3.7 Flocking: A Simple Technique for Simulating Group Behavior Search
3.8 Fuzzy Logic for Video Games
3.9 A Neural-Net Primer

Section 4 Polygonal Techniques

4.0 Optimizing Vertex Submissions for OpenGL

4.1 Tweaking A Vertex's Projected Depth Value
4.2 The Vector Camera
4.3 Camera Control Techniques
4.4 A Fast Cylinder-Frustum Intersection Test
4.5 3D Collision Detection
4.6 Multi-Resolution Maps for Interaction Detection
4.7 Computing the Distance into a Sector
4.8 Object Occlusion Culling
4.9 Never Let 'Em See You Pop - Issues in Geometric Level of Detail
4.10 Octree Construction
4.11 Loose Octrees
4.12 View-Independent Progressive Meshing
4.13 Interpolated 3D Keyframe Animation
4.14 A Fast and Simple Skinning Techniques
4.15 Filling the Gaps - Advanced Animation Using Stitching and
4.16 Real-Time Realistic Terrain Generation
4.17 Fractal Terrain Generation - Fault Formation
4.18 Fractal Terrain Generation - Midpoint Displacement
4.19 Fractal Terrain Generation - Particle Deposition

Section 5 Pixel Effects

5.0 2D Lens Flare

5.1 Using 3D Hardware for 2D Sprite Effects
5.2 Motif-Based Static Lighting
5.3 Simulated Real-Time Lighting Using Vertex Color Interpolation
5.4 Attenuation Maps
5.5 Advanced Texturing Using Texture Coordinate Generation
5.6 Hardware Bump Mapping
5.7 Ground-Plane Shadows
5.8 Real-Time Shadows on Complex Objects
5.9 Improving Environment-Mapped Reflection Using Glossy
Prefiltering and the Fresnel Term
5.10 Convincing-Looking Glass for Games
5.11 Refraction Mapping for Liquids in Containers

Section 6 Appendix

6.0 The Matrix Utility Library

6.1 The Text Utility Library

Game Programming Gems 2

Section 1 - General Programming

1.1 Optimizations for C++ games

1.2 Inline Functions Versus Macros
1.3 Programming with Abstract Interfaces
1.4 Exporting C++ Classes from DLLs
1.5 Protect yourself from DLL Hell and Missing OS Functions
1.6 Dynamic Type Information
1.7 A Property Class for Generic C++ Member Access

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1.8 A Game Entity Factory

1.9 Adding Deprecation Facilities to C++
1.10 A Drop-in Debug Memory Manager
1.11 A Built-in Game Profiling Module
1.12 Linear Programming Model for Windows-based Games
1.13 Stack Winding
1.14 Self-Modifying Code
1.15 File Management using Resource Files
1.16 Game Input Recording and Playback
1.17 A Flexible Text Parsing System
1.18 A Generic Tweaker
1.19 Genuine Random Number Generation
1.20 Using Bloom Filters to Improve Computational Performance
1.21 3ds Max Skin exporter and animation toolkit
1.22 Using Web Cameras in Video Games

Section 2 - Mathematics

2.1 Floating-Point Tricks: Improving Performance with IEEE Floating

2.2 Vector and Plane Tricks
2.3 Fast, Robust Intersection of 3D Line Segments
2.4 Inverse Trajectory Determination
2.5 The Parallel Transport Frame
2.6 Smooth C2 Quaternion-based Flythrough Paths
2.7 Recursive Dimensional Clustering: A Fast Algorithm for Collision
2.8 Programming Fractals

Section 3 - Artificial Intelligence

3.1 Strategies for Optimizing AI

3.2 Micro-Threads for Game Object AI
3.3 Managing AI with Micro-Threads
3.4 An Architecture for RTS Command Queuing
3.5 A High-Performance Tile-based Line-of-Sight and Search
3.6 Influence Mapping
3.7 Strategic Assessment Techniques
3.8 Terrain Reasoning for 3D Action Games
3.9 Expanded Geometry for Points-of-Visibility Pathfinding
3.10 Optimizing Points-of-Visibility Pathfinding
3.11 Flocking with Teeth: Predators and Prey
3.12 A Generic Fuzzy State Machine in C++
3.13 Imploding Combinatorial Explosion in a Fuzzy System
3.14 Using a neural network in a game: A concrete example

Section 4 - Geometry Management

4.1 Comparison of VIPM Methods

4.2 Simplified Terrain Using Interlocking Tiles
4.3 Sphere Trees for Fast Visibility Culling, Ray Tracing, and Range
4.4 Compressed Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Trees
4.5 Direct Access Quadtree Lookup
4.6 Approximating Fish Tank Refractions
4.7 Rendering Print Resolution Screenshots
4.8 Applying Decals to Arbitrary Surfaces
4.9 Rendering Distant Scenery with Skyboxes
4.10 Self-Shadowing Characters
4.11 Classic Super Mario 64 Third-Person Control and Animation

Section 5 - Graphics Display

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5.1 Cartoon Rendering: Real-time Silhouette Edge Detection and

5.2 Cartoon Rendering Using Texture Mapping and Programmable
Vertex Shaders
5.3 Dynamic Per-Pixel Lighting Techniques
5.4 Generating Procedural Clouds Using 3D Hardware
5.5 Texture Masking for Faster Lens Flare
5.6 Practical Priority Buffer Shadows
5.7 Impostors: Adding Clutter
5.8 Operations for Hardware-Accelerated Procedural Texture

Section 6 - Audio Programming

6.1 Game Audio Design Patterns

6.2 A Technique to Instantaneously Reuse Voices in a
Sampler-based Synthesizer
6.3 Software-based DSP Effects
6.4 Interactive Processing Pipeline for Digital Audio
6.5 A Basic Music Sequencer for Games
6.6 An Interactive Music Sequencer for Games
6.7 A Low-Level Sound API

Game Programming Gems 3

Section 1 General programming

1.1 Scheduling Game Events

1.2 An Object-Composition Game Framework
1.3 Finding Redeeming Value in C-Style Macros
1.4 Platform-Independent, Function-Binding Code Generator
1.5 Handle-Based Smart Pointers
1.6 Custom STL Allocators
1.7 Save Me Now!
1.8 Autolists Design Pattern
1.9 Floating-Point Exception Handling
1.10 Programming a Game Design-Compliant Engine Using UML
1.11 Using Lex and Yacc To Parse Custom Data Files
1.12 Developing Games for a World Market
1.13 Real-Time Input and UI in 3D Games
1.14 Natural Selection: The Evolution of Pie Menus
1.15 Lightweight, Policy-Based Logging
1.16 Journaling Services
1.17 Real-Time Hierarchical Profiling

Section 2 Maths

2.1 Fast Base-2 Functions for Logarithms and Random Number

2.2 Using Vector Fractions for Exact Geometry
2.3 More Approximations to Trigonometric Functions
2.4 Quaternion Compression
2.5 Constrained Inverse Kinematics
2.6 Cellular Automata for Physical Modeling
2.7 Coping with Friction in Dynamic Simulations

Section 3 Artificial Intelligence

3.1 Optimized Machine Learning with GoCap

3.2 Area Navigation: Expanding the Path-Finding Paradigm
3.3 Function Pointer-Based, Embedded Finite-State Machines
3.4 Terrain Analysis in an RTS-The Hidden Giant
3.5 An Extensible Trigger System for AI Agents, Objects, and

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3.6 Tactical Path-Finding with A*
3.7 A Fast Approach to Navigation Meshes
3.8 Choosing a Relationship Between Path-Finding and Collision

Section 4 Graphics

4.1 T-Junction Elimination and Retriangulation

4.2 Fast Heightfield Normal Calculation
4.3 Fast Patch Normals
4.4 Fast and Simple Occlusion Culling
4.5 Triangle Strip Creation, Optimizations, and Rendering
4.6 Computing Optimized Shadow Volumes for Complex Data Sets
4.7 Subdivision Surfaces for Character Animation
4.8 Improved Deformation of Bones
4.9 A Framework for Realistic Character Locomotion
4.10 A Programmable Vertex Shader Compiler
4.11 Billboard Beams
4.12 3D Tricks for Isometric Engines
4.13 Curvature Simulation Using Normal Maps
4.14 Methods for Dynamic, Photorealistic Terrain Lighting
4.15 Cube Map Lighting Techniques
4.16 Procedural Texturing
4.17 Unique Textures
4.18 Textures as Lookup Tables for Per-Pixel Lighting Computations
4.19 Rendering with Handcrafted Shading Models

Section 5 Network and multiplayer

5.1 Minimizing Latency in Real-Time Strategy Games

5.2 Real-Time Strategy Network Protocol
5.3 A Flexible Simulation Architecture for Massively Multiplayer
5.4 Scaling Multiplayer Servers
5.5 Template-Based Object Serialization
5.6 Secure Sockets
5.7 A Network Monitoring and Simulation Tool
5.8 Creating Multiplayer Games with DirectPlay 8.1
5.9 Wireless Gaming Using the Java Micro Edition

Section 6 Audio

6.1 Audio Compression with Ogg Vorbis

6.2 Creating a Compelling 3D Audio Environment
6.3 Obstruction Using Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes
6.4 Using the Biquad Resonant Filter
6.5 Linear Predictive Coding for Voice Compression and Effects
6.6 The Stochastic Synthesis of Complex Sounds
6.7 Real-Time Modular Audio Processing for Games

Game Programming Gems 4

Section 1 General programming

1.1 The Science of Debugging Games

1.2 An HTML-Based Logging and Debugging
1.3 The Clock: Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse of the Game
1.4 Designing and Maintaining Large Cross-Platform Libraries
1.5 Fight Memory Fragmentation with Templated Freelists
1.6 A Generic Tree Container in C++
1.7 The Beauty of Weak References and Null Objects
1.8 A System for Managing Game Entities

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1.9 Address-Space Managed Dynamic Arrays for Windows and the

1.10 Critically Damped Ease-In/Ease-Out Smoothing
1.11 A Flexible, On-the-Fly Object Manager
1.12 Using Custom RTTI Properties to Stream and Edit Objects
1.13 Using XML without Sacrificing Speed

Section 2 Mathematics

2.1 Zobrist Hash Using the Mersenne Twister

2.2 Extracting Frustum and Camera Information
2.3 Solving Accuracy Problems in Large World Coordinates
2.4 Nonuniform Splines
2.5 Using the Covariance Matrix for Better-Fitting Bounding Objects
2.6 The Jacobian Transpose Method for Inverse Kinematics

Section 3 Physics

3.1 Ten Fingers of Death: Algorithms for Combat Killing

3.2 Vehicle Physics Simulation for CPU-Limited Systems
3.3 Writing a Verlet-Based Physics Engine
3.4 Constraints in Rigid Body Dynamics
3.5 Fast Contact Reduction for Dynamics Simulation
3.6 Interactive Water Surfaces
3.7 Fast Deformations with Multilayered Physics
3.8 Modal Analysis for Fast, Stable Deformation

Section 4 Artificial Intelligence

4.1 Third-Person Camera Navigation

4.2 Narrative Combat: Using AI to Enhance Tension in an Action
4.3 NPC Decision Making: Dealing with Randomness
4.4 An Object-Oriented Utility-Based Decision Architecture
4.5 A Distributed-Reasoning Voting Architecture
4.6 Attractors and Repulsors
4.7 Advanced Wall Building for RTS Games
4.8 Artificial Neural Networks on Programmable Graphics Hardware

Section 5 Graphics

5.1 Poster Quality Screenshots

5.2 GPU Shadow Volume Construction for Nonclosed Meshes
5.3 Perspective Shadow Maps
5.4 Combined Depth and ID-Based Shadow Buffers
5.5 Carving Static Shadows into Geometry
5.8 Techniques to Apply Team Colors to 3D Models
5.9 Fast Sepia Tone Conversion
5.10 Dynamic Gamma Using Sampled Scene Luminance
5.11 Heat and Haze Post-Processing Effects
5.13 Motion Capture Data Compression
5.14 Fast Collision Detection for 3D Bones-Based Articulated
5.15 Terrain Occlusion Culling with Horizons

Section 6 Network and multiplayer

6.1 General Lobby Design and Development

6.2 Thousands of Clients per Server
6.3 Efficient MMP Game State Storage
6.4 Practical Application of Parallel-State Machines in a Client-
Server Environment
6.5 Bit Packing: A Network Compression Technique
6.6 Time and Consistency Management for Multiserver-Based

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Video game programming: Game Programming Gems - List of contents


Section 7 Audio

7.1 A Brief Introduction to OpenAL

7.2 A Simple Real-Time Lip-Synching System
7.3 Dynamic Variables and Audio Programming
7.4 Creating an Audio Scripting System
7.5 Implementing an Environmental Audio Solution Using EAX and
7.6 Controlling Real-Time Sound Synthesis from Game Physics

Game Programming Gems 5

Section 1 General programming

1.1 Context-Sensitive HUDs for Editors

1.2 Parsing Text Data in Games
1.3 Component Based Object Management
1.4 Using Templates for Reflection in C++
1.5 Sphere Trees for Speedy BSPs
1.6 Improved Frustum Culling
1.7 Generic Pager
1.8 Large-Scale Stack-Based State Machines
1.9 CSG Construction Using BSP Trees
1.10 Building Lua into Games
1.11 Improving Freelists with Policy Based Design
1.12 A Real-Time Remote Debug Message Logger
1.13 A Transparent Class Saving and Loading Trick
1.14 An Effective Cache-Oblivious Implementation of the ABT Tree
1.15 Visual Design of State Machines
1.16 A Generic Component Library
1.17 Choose Your Path-A Menu System

Section 2 Mathematics

2.1 Using Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics

2.2 Minimal Acceleration Hermite Curves
2.3 Spline-Based Time Control for Animation
2.4 Faster Quaternion Interpolation Using Approximations
2.5 Minimax Numerical Approximation
2.6 Oblique View Frustums for Mirrors and Portals

Section 3 Artificial Intelligence

3.1 Automatic Cover Finding with Navigation Meshes

3.2 Fast Target Ranking Using an Artificial Potential Field
3.3 Using Lanchester Attrition Models to Predict the Results of
3.4 Implementing Practical Planning for Game AI
3.5 Optimizing a Decision Tree Query Algorithm for Multithreaded
3.6 Parallel AI Development with PVM
3.7 Beyond A*
3.8 Advanced Pathfinding with Minimal Replanning Cost: Dynamic A
Star (D*)

Section 4 Physics

4.1 Back of the Envelope Aerodynamics for Game Physics

4.2 Dynamic Grass Simulation and Other Natural Effects
4.3 Realistic Cloth Animation Using the Mass-Spring Model
4.4 Practical Animation of Soft Bodies for Game Development: The
Pressurized Soft-Body Model

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4.5 Adding Life to Ragdoll Simulation Using Feedback Control

4.6 Designing a Prescripted Physics System
4.7 Prescripted Physics: Techniques and Applications
4.8 Realistic Camera Movement in a 3D Car Simulator

Section 5 Graphics

5.1 Realistic Cloud Rendering on Modern GPUs

5.2 Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow (and Rain)
5.3 Widgets: Rendering Fast and Persistent Foliage
5.4 2.5 Dimensional Impostors for Realistic Trees and Forests
5.5 Gridless Controllable Fire
5.6 Powerful Explosion Effects Using Billboard Particles
5.7 A Simple Method for Rendering Gemstones
5.8 Volumetric Post-Processing
5.9 Procedural Level Generation
5.10 Recombinant Shaders

Section 6 Network and multiplayer

6.1 Keeping a Massively Multiplayer Online Game Massive, Online,

and Persistent
6.2 Implementing a Seamless World Server
6.3 Designing a Vulgarity Filtering System
6.4 Fast and Efficient Implementation of a Remote Procedure Call
6.5 Overcoming Network Address Translation in Peer-to-Peer
6.6 A Reliable Messaging Protocol
6.7 Safe Random Number Systems
6.8 Secure by Design

Section 7 Audio

7.1 Multithreaded Audio Programming Techniques

7.2 Sound Management by Group
7.3 Using 3D Surfaces as Audio Emitters
7.4 Fast Environmental Reverb Based on Feedback Delay Networks
7.5 Introduction to Single-Speaker Speech Recognition

Game Programming Gems 6

Section 1 General programming

1.1 Lock-Free Algorithms

1.2 Utilizing Multicore Processors with OpenMP
1.3 Computer Vision in Games Using the
OpenCV Library
1.4 Geographic Grid Registration of Game
1.5 BSP Techniques
1.6 Closest-String Matching Algorithm
1.7 Using CppUnit To Implement Unit Testing
1.8 Fingerprinting Pre-Release Builds To Deter and Detect Piracy
1.9 Faster File Loading with Access-Based File Reordering
1.10 Stay in the Game: Asset Hotloading for Fast Iteration

Section 2 Mathematics and Physics

2.1 Floating-Point Tricks

2.2 GPU Computation in Projective Space Using Homogeneous
2.3 Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using the Cross Product

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2.4 Sequence Indexing for Game Development

2.5 Exact Buoyancy for Polyhedra
2.6 Real-Time Particle-Based Fluid Simulation with Rigid Body

Section 3 Artificial Intelligence

3.1 Applying Model-Based Decision-Making Methods to Games:

Applying the Locust AI Engine to Quake III
3.2 Achieving Coordination with Autonomous NPCs
3.3 Behavior-Based Robotic Architectures for Games
3.4 Constructing a Goal-Oriented Robot for Unreal Tournament
Using Fuzzy Sensors, Finite-State Machines, and Extended
Behaviour Networks
3.5 A Goal-Oriented Unreal Bot: Building a Game Agent with
Goal-Oriented Behaviour and Simple Personality Using Extended
Behaviour Networks
3.6 Short-Term Memory Modelling Using a Support Vector Machine
3.7 Using the Quantified Judgment Model for Engagement Analysis
3.8 Designing a Multilayer, Pluggable AI Engine
3.9 A Fuzzy-Control Approach to Managing Scene Complexity

Section 4 Scripting and data-driven systems

4.1 Scripting Language Survey

4.2 Binding C/C++ Objects to Lua
4.3 Programming Advanced Control Mechanisms with Lua
4.4 Managing High-Level Script Execution Within Multithreaded
4.5 Exposing Actor Properties Using Nonintrusive Proxies
4.6 Game Object Component System

Section 5 Graphics

5.1 Synthesis of Realistic Idle Motion for Interactive Characters

5.2 Spatial Partitioning Using an Adaptive Binary Tree
5.3 Enhanced Object Culling with (Almost) Oriented Bounding
5.4 Skin Splitting for Optimal Rendering
5.5 GPU Terrain Rendering
5.6 Interactive Fluid Dynamics and Rendering on the GPU
5.7 Fast Per-Pixel Lighting with Many Lights
5.8 Rendering Road Signs Sharply
5.9 Practical Sky Rendering for Games
5.10 High Dynamic Range Rendering Using OpenGL Frame Buffer

Section 6 Audio

6.1 Real-Time Sound Generation from Deformable Meshes

6.2 A Lightweight Generator for Real-Time Sound Effects
6.3 Real-Time Mixing Busses
6.4 Potentially Audible Sets
6.5 A Cheap Doppler Effect
6.6 Faking Real-Time DSP Effects

Section 7 Network and multiplayer

7.1 Dynamically Adaptive Streaming of 3D Data for Animated

7.2 Complex Systems-Based High-Level Architecture for Massively
Multiplayer Games
7.3 Generating Globally Unique Identifiers for Game Objects

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7.4 Massively Multiplayer Online Prototype Utilizing Second Life for

Game Concept Prototyping
7.5 Reliable Peer-to-Peer Gaming Connections Penetrating NAT

Game Programming Gems 7

Game Programming Gems 8

Section 1 Graphics

1.1 Fast Font Rendering with Instancing

1.2 Principles and Practice of Screen Space
Ambient Occlusion
1.3 Multi-Resolution Deferred Shading
1.4 View Frustum Culling of Catmull-Clark Patches in DirectX 11
1.5 Ambient Occlusion Using DirectX Compute Shader
1.6 Eye-View Pixel Anti-Aliasing for Irregular Shadow Mapping
1.7 Overlapped Execution on Programmable Graphics Hardware
1.8 Techniques for Effective Vertex and Fragment Shading on the

Section 2 Physics and animation

2.1 A Versatile and Interactive Anatomical Human Face Model

2.2 Curved Paths for Seamless Character Animation
2.3 Non-Iterative, Closed-Form, Inverse Kinematic Chain Solver
2.4 Particle Swarm Optimization for Game Programming
2.5 Improved Numerical Integration with Analytical Techniques
2.6 What a Drag: Modeling Realistic Three-Dimensional Air and
Fluid Resistance
2.7 Application of Quasi-Fluid Dynamics for Arbitrary Closed Meshes
2.8 Approximate Convex Decomposition for Real-Time Collision

Section 3 Artificial intelligence

3.1 AI Level of Detail for Really Large Worlds

3.2 A Pattern-Based Approach to Modular AI for Games
3.3 Automated Navigation Mesh Generation Using Advanced
Growth-Based Techniques
3.4 A Practical Spatial Architecture for Animal and Agent Navigation
3.5 Applying Control Theory to Game AI and Physics
3.6 Adaptive Tactic Selection in First-Person Shooter (FPS) Games
3.7 Embracing Chaos Theory: Generating Apparent Unpredictability
through Deterministic Systems
3.8 Needs-Based AI
3.9 A Framework for Emotional Digital Actors
3.10 Scalable Dialog Authoring
3.11 Graph-Based Data Mining for Player Trace Analysis in

Section 4 General programming

4.1 Fast-IsA

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4.2 Registered Variables

4.3 Efficient and Scalable Multi-Core Programming
4.4 Game Optimization through the Lens of Memory and Data
4.5 Stack Allocation
4.6 Design and Implementation of an In-Game Memory Profiler
4.7 A More Informative Error Log Generator
4.8 Code Coverage for QA
4.9 Domain-Specific Languages in Game Engines
4.10 A Flexible User Interface Layout System for Divergent
4.11 Road Creation for Projectable Terrain Meshes
4.12 Developing for Digital Drawing Tablets
4.13 Creating a Multi-Threaded Actor-Based Architecture Using
Intel Threading Building Blocks

Section 5 Networking and Multiplayer

5.1 Secure Channel Communication

5.2 Social Networks in Games: Playing with Your Facebook Friends
5.3 Asynchronous I/O for Scalable Game Servers
5.4 Introduction to 3D Streaming Technology in Massively
Multiplayer Online Games

Section 6 Audio

6.1 A Practical DSP Radio Effect

6.2 Empowering Your Audio Team with a Great Engine
6.3 Real-Time Sound Synthesis for Rigid Bodies

Section 7 General Purpose Computing on GPUs

7.1 Using Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures with OpenCL

7.2 PhysX GPU Rigid Bodies in Batman: Arkham Asylum
7.3 Fast GPU Fluid Simulation in PhysX

By Alex Simn at 6:17 AM

Tags: bibliography, Game programming Gems, list contents


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Video game programming: Game Programming Gems - List of contents


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