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Integrated Math II

Test 4
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date:

1. Fill in the Blank

a. The three Trigonometric Ratios that we can use to determine side lengths and
angles are:

Sin() =

Cos() =

Tan() =

b. In order to use the Pythagorean Theorem, the Special Triangles, and the
Trigonometric Ratios, we must have a ___________ triangle.
c. The definition of an oblique triangle is
d. The Law of Sines are:

= = or = =

e. The Law of Cosines are:

2 = 2 + 2 2(____)(____)cos(____)

2 = 2 + 2 2(____)(____)cos(____)

2 = 2 + 2 2(____)(____)cos(____)

2. Find the values of the unknown measurements by either using Pythagorean Theorem,
properties of Special Triangles, or Sin, Cos, Tan Ratios. (Show your work and leave
answers in simplest radical form).
a. b.

c. d.

e. f.

g. h.
i. j.

3. Use the Law of Sines and/or the Law of Cosines to solve each triangle.

a. b.
Solve triangle QRS if <Q = 37, <S = 54, Solve triangle ABC if <C = 62, BC = 4, and
and QR = 8 AC = 7

<R = ______ <A = ______

RS = ______ <B = ______
SQ = ______ AB = ______

4. For each story problem, construct an accurate picture. Then either use the Pythagorean
Theorem, properties of the Special Triangles, or the Trigonometric Ratios [sin, cos, tan].
a. Otto stands 123 ft from the base of a flagpole; with the angle of elevation to the
top of the flagpole is 26.67. If his eyes are 5.30 ft above the ground, find the
height of the flagpole.

b. Gary delivers papers on a rural route from his car. If he throws a paper from a
height of 4 feet, and it lands 15 feet from the car, at what angle of depression
did he throw the paper?
c. A lifeguard is watching on a beach from a line of sight 6 feet above the ground.
She sees a swimmer at an angle of depression of 8. How far away from the
lifeguard is the swimmer?

d. The highest mountain peak in the world is Mt. Everest, located in the Himalayas.
The height of this enormous mountain was determined in 1856 by surveyors
using trigonometry long before it was first climbed in 1953. This difficult
measurement had to be done from a great distance. At an altitude of 14,545 ft
on a different mountain, The straight line distance to the peak of Mt. Everest is
142,631 ft and its angle of elevation is = 5.82. Approximate the height (in
feet) of Mt. Everest.


If you became President of the United States, what would be the first thing you would change/add to the
White House?

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