Anda di halaman 1dari 142


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To,oIs 1& Teohrriques for Sculpt ing Reali stto Figur,es






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A·, 'M·:"e,d·'-'·I"u-,m" for Eve ry-:-',o'~,~n' e

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Part 2 -- Figure ,Fund'3'm,entals, P g 1 0,

An Overview of Figurative . ode-ling'

art 3 -- Fu:'n'da,men~tal Tools - Page 13 The Essential and onessentlal Toof Kit

Part 4 ~ F,ac',e! to Face - Page 20 Modeling the Head and Face

P'art 6 - A lleg to Stand O,n - Page 7 odeling the Leg & foot

Part 7

A Sho_w 0[' Hands -

Modehng the Hand & Arm

'art 8 - Measure for M;e,a:s,ure -: Pag'e 102 Modeling hi a Smaller Scale

- Costumes of Clay - Pagel] 6

Dressing the Sculpture in Po,J).'mer Clay

p'artllQ Finis'll'in:g, T1ou-cJ1'es - Page 1 30

A~ding Details with Paint and Fiber


r am an amateur at heart. I sculpt tor the love of it .. Thar's rwhat the word "amateur" means-c-one who loves, I cannot resist creating: rH.~'W shapes in wet sand, new fallen snow, fre h cemen . r cold.mashed potatoes. I m :'d50 a pro 'essi 'Dal '. 'culptlng 1 ary

H elihood and polymer clay is' my favorite medium. ,0 other day is as colorful, versatile, Of' widely available. No other clay drives me to, .explore the possibiliries. No other clay urges me to.ask j'W_ha'[ if?"

What if r wrote a book about the art of figure modellng in polymer clay? 'What if I wrote that book with the amateur in mind? The amateur, in the truest

sense of the W91~d" has a love of art and sculpture, The amat UE is ready D tak ' the'. first step mto the artist's realm, This book is about that first step and those that follow, n will take you along,

a different path than other books on the' SUDject of realistic A\gure modeling. Wh:~i?B.,ecaus~e polymer clay is .3.. thoroughly modern product, DC)( bound by tradition. Nan Roche called it I the new clay." Why not use new methods?

Tak -1] as ~L whole ~ tbl figure is complex. -Why not break it down? Erial everything down: proportion -,1 ody parts, armature and clay" Break the body down part by part, and break the parts down form by form, I. eparaee par ts mean separs te armatures t,h·· bones of the rculpture, Br ak rh clay down, too, Into measured amounts-« '01 much for each form S() much for each body part, Break it dawn and then put it back together azaln, Taken as parts -of the whole, the complex flgnre becomes simple enough for the amateur, I am an amateur at heart,


A Medium for Everyone

[P' A IR,.T '0 N 'E

A· 'M'-'" .. '. d··1 . ~." "E-

.. .' .·.e-(um "orveryone

Polymer Ch~ys, are low temperature C~~lyS1 sensitive to heat, some more SQ than other .. s. 'The warmth of your hands or . the heat of a summer tlay can make them softer. TQo much

heat (above 902 F) over

too long a time wUffi .

partially bake the clay, but don't 21SSlUl1e firm elay bas. been partially baked, even if it crumbles. H: ln21Y simply be old. As, polymer clay age.s~ fillers absorb some of the plasticiser and the clay loses Senne of mts pliability. Clay softeners such as Sctdp.€y Diluent, Kato Liquid Conditioner, and .FUDIO· Mix Quick can extend the Hfe of these "advanced" clays, but often rhey ~US[ need to 1:;.H~~ kneaded, Once kneaded, they become pliable,

p.... -olymer clay is unique, a

. - !-e]mlrk~t~le cla.y. :tbat. requ~re~

no special tools, no~ even.ia kiln, Its wide- availability JU1S made it the first c~ay for amateurs and 'the the clay 'Of choice for many professionals=scu ~ptorswho have designed 'one "Of a kind dolls, modeled figures for the to}! and .collecrable industries, and crested miniatures and masks for the movies, There is no other day quite llke it

This man-made clay is at medium for the new millennium, Polymer clay is C0111pOSe([ of fine PVC particles suspended in 'a liquid called a plasticiser, The plasticiser

g~ Ives the clay its flexibility. Fil1ers~,

I .... ~l

such as natural earth, clays and

chalks, -add bulk, Pigments add color, Baking the clav 'at [rile right temperature (between 200 and 2759 p) fuses all of the ingredients Into a hard .plastic,

Cltl''lJ.rll- ,'#tt ouel' thp ~w:(}rltl iJilIJP'Y.(f;.te {lfrzu,:tio.n o_f the (.7).iops .tiPc1.lailablfJ. M'~,ft COTtl/Jtt'l'2tOJ 'Inal:Z'ltjattttPe INlth JmilU' block,$. ,fft.flclla1~ge. !Jf'i'(.i2J~ aftd 1:~Z{}Jt .offeY . a l';irtng~ o!toloi'I l int!:r!4inJ;pa.rtels~ /les:h b.lend./. a.'fl.d"iil:!S. WhIle l;tantiJ diff~~' if)' s/#ht,te ,w4'Yi, ~l~ S/:i(1.FiJ ()l~~ i2J~P.{)'4tr.:7Z.t ,trcCl#'---4hey ~/'fg(!j ,(Irt.itJ' to exJ)I()~~ ,th~ piolv<i.£l;ilitit.$ ,.

Part 1

The Perfect Polym,er ,Clay?

Eo"i' t11e a.ttrst who 5GlhJlpt8, the ]pemf€ct: p-oly.,mer c!aiY b>1 mttls e_;as,U;y. tts fbrm 'e,8Qttgh to' bo~d .;'~ fQll1l1'jl yet s(3:ft enough

£pI lit 0~e] ~[j.'~d (1t, :iD.~. T~- e pei£~e.t d:ay ~a:s. a lorl.g

.~1fkl:i'fl;& '~ffi(- IC1'l']'Q.1" Ja::ttl'l~ui after b",l~ing.··,

~ UJI'l ""~I 10;1. ~I ~ -.-.- ~_ v ~ .' . ~ ' .. j

a]ltrd feshlts' bfe~tkag~:, that's tlle perfect clay for m0d@illjl~g'l but, no br~l1d bas !lllH of those qualities, m~ ~a.y'~~(~'asie:~ .,[~t' blencl"S'uger I··culpey~ ,S~ulpey

11 4fJ.!d P]i;l~lO~ ~~d it@ scotCh, if bFl~ked '~G lpng", Tbe .QJIQg -flufljI:e .GI'ays·~after b4kibi§, -e-eTIlif arid M9clleiene~,

RIte djffim~d[' to blend.The .sarne is" true for tl1_e firmest GIay~ c~, ~]-TllefD!lf. T~~ most color f~dthful.clay,~ J{ato, has a shott w~r;~iJrlg ~tinle. Bec~US"e no d'ay bas ,iilU ef the' qllalitie~ artis'~s GieSi4'€ a,rtists' ad~lPr. Tlrey tho:(),se the .:clay that $"i'Cs . the "ii"ay til! y

W0.Fk. allld work in ways, thai .give: then'i. dle CC!JO'tlX'91 tliey need.

fj't!llwziJ;--A Gi@rman cla.y p£ized by dcdl artists 'Fer its pO'fCelaln te~Jtu:r!e and ;drunabtHty @einitre5pona~" ~~l¥Z~i;Y &~, Iftlre' beat QF yo~r hands, b~conaing·vleJf~r s~ft. 'Nlany artists mix thls clay with a lnOr€ blendable ·b~~.Q to 1If11p,ro:ve Jit.s wo'dt:abJlity,. Availrable ID,27 G;¢lpts.

1~(t'-p'Ii.etm--A -'V1e1"y flurtlda:¥', thiS pltl~eh.·prf)dtl(kt n~qldtes substantial kneadil~g befcrc it will' blend, !to vet .GiuJraIDle· p:ftJdlJct if baked as tHe nlanuffictui~er directs. Available in 28 colors,

1!J.'N .. ,f(';t~A c'lay fronl. Ne.w Zealand" I)uldt Jrjas a tdoe nml:ne'Ss~ Sl'il00Ul textura, and b~erim5, be·auUfu!Iy.

lDOClI-Kit baSI a long working d-me.After. b~klng it remains flexible making it a .durable clay, 'Made; in '25 ,ml~lis"

. i1)1,tJ r/ll'ms'S'ic-A Geflin~U) ~la:y prized by jewelry designers for its firmness and color faithful qualities, Etm~ IS fl:exibl_f! after baking and resists cracking •. Mad~ in 2A, colors,

P':'nfjl Si)h' A$ Sf(ft as.Its name imp;Jj;es',tbis siJ;:te;r to Fill10 Classic is not .as f1:exibJ.~.'~ Chla erig_ibal, ,~a~nIIJbll:~'hl 48 :daloIs,~ Fitri_Q,· Soft a\:L~;HJ'" comes in StOlle,; G mittel:; a:nd tCiLn;~hl(ef1t flu eS ..

§{/ttf)·rp;o/f,clja-.J'-])~61:gned by Deana Kato, tnms! clay ·h~J1(~Ue·s extended baking times vlfnlll0\[[ :€liangitJ.:g,:

C(!)iOl. It clay with a shorter working rime than others i requires additional kneading dl.1lTlng the modelir~ :p~0C~S,51,. After bn-lcin,gj this. blendable clay Is V~Iy flexible and resist~ cl&l(eking_ A;llilahle in 17 <Dolors.

M!if4pl~l.:e'--A 'G}a:y fiom; AUSUltalla~ ~Qde.eo'e. bl~dswUh ease, but has some of the heat,~i~jve quallfries of 'ielf;Q,j. ' hUe]t 'dadcens slJghdy-On haltil:lg:jl M'Q<deU~n,e reIil~,in&' fl~:::tH)~,€ aft,erwarclls" A:vaila,fw'~-in 1.7,'G'Olors.

J~p~a:Il~l~e~Ma:d€' 11\ Al1ilJe:rica, this clay .1$ ideal lor tile sculplor more fZQ~ceme(], with "~Orfll'aE.d ,teXt~l~e

[a:;h€l7 - .aJn eoler, Avaita·ble on~y hi b€ig:~ Super SCi;dpey blends effo:rtlessly- but can darken =if Balfed cOOl lon~.,

p.,timOSl;u'ftl~____:This ,clay blends efFoittessly and ha·s th€ longest workin!g. mn€ a:vaUable' to the altist

- .l~h It tends ItO· darken, when baked ioa lO~8, it remains Iny favorhe c~ay. Most of the figures in 'this b~! ., '~rJ~ ~lmde Qt.P:1!e~1J) Scu'lpey. Ava~Lal:-de in 3~~ Ic~19~'",

'-w(iSli~.~/$igp~d by a tloll ';llW.,§t f,qr doll artists, tcbi,s day is available.m three "ao1.o:.;,~-Gaucas1an E~,e5h,~, ItfUUc 81·0wn and Trao-lu,oedt White. A variety of.realtstic flesh blends are possible with this. soft, blendable 'alay.

·.J? la.w{ess/fiif/» liegt1i! l,{)ifh ~. MjO., Jhdi mp~~1J;r .the i4i{tt o!ihelig!#11r' yfJtl $tJdr;,i ,:A'fl '/Jl·,iie/. Xbf,te tfllliks illt£-Str:at~ jiw p(}J$ibiliii~~ ltath a b:fe·nd (J/ :tr.a;~:lJ!,ffli}1i .B'e~g~ tJ,nd. ,at twiJi ane ~que ti4y_. a) AJian' -4tfJteJ~ry-- 6par~'J. ./Jeige. +- J Ilan l3C:flt •. lJJI NrJffhertl Euro~ [mtJ 8'eige + 1 ,i)(wi Ba-t{, t) America.1J IndJ;an---8 purlJ t3eil}Q +

l' P~fJ R'al.iirSitmf.ll:l" JA/Mlirf Bf1f.ll~ if) AJri,('"a.1:'! Amtf'.ifi:(iJtz;HeYifl:ag~ 4 '-J;art~ ~EJeire 4- .1 part°Ftfllv S;en..rna. q) AjPicnn Aw,est~.J' /u.trt lj':ei§~ ~ rpart BarUJ. $.i(!B1Ja"Wbafwef' bfiNtd'1Jff~fl:;Y _,ou ."S&,z,&,~-, d.(Ji/t t~, f'e.~ '1~t(ld~11i!Sh 'C-oiors ,1hl1it· JQM'~atwity.

Hesh Ble'nds'

.ij~e:11f bt~'nd. Illf1~e& a val,nety, of 'flesh ironed cla:Y8 .. M~gt ~'re 'tu:anslocen:t and P'iFl3I(~~Jge a teaHs..ti~ .impire:~SiQn" b1J~~ ,hat same qualjr,yi.'tl:aJl_8luctanoe~, can cause problems. Tb.e sheen. of unbaked clay, e$~cj~~1 Ut'llOru!UC~flt claY'~ makes it: dfff1c.dl£ Go detectseam lines, fing~.fpl~mj[S, tOQlI marks, 'These ~l~w~: b;e_G-om,e nOJri!ceab[;6 aflrer 'b~"king.Wet sanding, sC'mping~ and wiping 'the surface with acesene will -ellminate most fin,gerprifl:rs :ma. tcol marks. bur not a phe.n·onleno~d caned "plaquiag, ~~ a. problem with translucent clays, 'The surface. w"ilI feel

. stnooth~but appear pocked 'with erescent-shaped blisters of trapped air; FOE these reasons, use'a semi-opaque flesh (Que. Aided by a bright Ughr" ycu'll see too~ marks, fmgel~prmn(8) and unblended ·s.eruns" After' baking, :Rla.-zing with acrylic paints or water mma6'Le oila willereate the illusion: of' translucene flesh ..

A.l!'6l#;J.1 'llid:jtn: ~ritntls' '"J2'~fa,C:l:tirlJ fl~JJ lQn~ 1~i;gi1J,g {roll!' t/e_¥1.cO[():tJ,'broiIJNJ lo>tb:t Pal'elj()f$~/;~:tn'.pjflk$ .. Mt)st ,a)1:l1!j)ti,'t#es mnkit:cJdy CiJJiditio'flerJ as ·u;vtJl~ .addittv'BJ $Y;J:ch ~&'(j1lt' or ·PiUifls· iW:ii:Q:ztiiR. CimaitJO'MetS p·ut 1J'8!W lifo ,into. old_, 'iJrjt l::jq1 ,~?l ,fiei" Ct·naaJierJ day adJw.g· II}. bak'8tldDiY~ a valtwabl-e tflthfi1.tqzlt.for i.JJ.e,!i:S1I.rJt tf!vaeLer.


T-at the c/g;Y/lfitneJs Ii» '1tJ,'oiMin,g .. RQ# the day into '0. ,baU Cl~t 1h,B -batt .in half !pit! then.pltt the .hal;lJCJ back, .. t()geihtr.B'l~nd t_he seams hy slroJaingt/'J,rJ Sltf'/4ce witl! yo,Y1' thllllih 'or ,fmger;lf jOtlcan ~'e4te.1.tI< Jf/J:fJotiJ btlJI',(Jtlt ~I~I the two' .h"l~ JifJz}ly by bien¢-. il!f1 .t~'e s_tltmf, i1sfit~ lIthe¥w ill shapei the [tais t1)(J .Joft. Mat~' the clay /irma1i/cllif by fP 'w;chinr "it.

Fi~ Clay' for a ,fi~t F'i~gure

Leanain,g t-o juojge d, e clay's fiuliess fQ( 'modellilg m the '$,ing~e most important lesson :you can le~tn. 'Co~ll.p{it:r~d to' cla.y fresh from the pa:ekage,. d.ay- fit for ~mode~~ masy fee~, ~llatd!" but it~wIU hold the 8h~pe '¥p~l, jJive. it and m:emam blenthlble wi~h:out' c~ckmg .. Phtn· ei,tlY feels ,silkler,.fesiS.tS'·dlit and fingerprin~s~,

'GET;TIING IINiTO C'O,NDIIT'I'O'N ,'AIIPQt~tner r.l~y's{i coniitioNing. B$ifjn by rotting llie:tlay ,iir YOH.1t hdlJdJto fi;f1Ib.a ,l;mg· tot ,Pol4 atftl til1iit~ then· rall aniithl!Y t,YJ4 t:J(}'i1/tf"~efql4:inl:f ttithting.- and: roilin:'g :for r(lb.ollt fivC· minfi,t~s until . the' day i.; Urti/()j1tj,J, ·pliahle. [he: this .techni.que to ~/ei;il"oj9rjf Joo; Oncs' ,tlie t(')/w::is 1m/form yqu . know the' ~,l(Jy. is t·r;nJi'ii:()lI~ ,bf# is it, pfIfir moJsli:ng? .Tl.frt it and_',/inti(J!ut.

MIAKINIG SOFT C,L.AY FIIR.MER M'lS~ /I'olymi# days: ·af'e t(1f) J0ft/Or' the tech'1liqries .Jescr.~beiJ, in. ,t,hl,i Mok; 10, lJ',: it

,firtJ2$.T; 'F(ill it int.o ibin. J-heetJ~ sa.l1aw/cA,. ,th<e t~ty. 5heeJJ biwPertIJ clea'fl. pieces tJ/ papl1:tt1Etrl plif4~:-a. :weight (J'S' to}!. Let.' it Te$t io,p s'eW-ttt4 ·h.01l,f'.J. ·T'hfJ;· papfff -will ··tb:dI/w' ,oJ!' le'l:e:at:h ~I 8X&tJ3'ptasJi'cislt1" foom the4:1:ay.. D~ ihe ftf,tl'rJSf'· I~est. If:it!j' JiilflifNi j~ft; l~it_ch it 4{!.ain,


F•. _ F" . d - ,_ /' - ,_.

rgurerun uarnentats

Before' you begin, take' a moment to learn about the modeling .method described in this book" ·]t~8 a modular method , -one that focuses on the' individual parts ef the bOdy and 'the sit:np.le

, shapes used to create those parts, It's also a lneasured method, .one that assures vou'll USi~ the 'dgJlt ~:t'f!o\~nt of clay for each body part. Still, 'tb€ leeMi'que:s are 'flex.ible. Xou~'U find. you. -can .n13kB cre-ative' choices with confidence, Later; if "YOU want to explore other techniques and other clays, ¥'ouJU find you have the knowledge to a;pply·wlF!a:t you've learned. Understanding begins. here witll. the basics, the' basicsof proportionand the basic' shapes.

ThiJ 'ifn~liill W(}IJ~ #lu.rt:~'tes a method./iw m()tkli~g the·ftg.u.1'e~ Th'e#ft #~ ~f lieF' ftfJ~Y ibows' ,h.e, ji1}~te jll~pe! ,that create, eoch body ~'41·t., The p.~wzJ COlfJff.ri in UliJil:e" rel1t8le,i/ fi·1Ill)1 f"Otl1lti'edfiortJ1J,. 'The

,'~ .. -.' ,,'I:' I •

~ ~U' ,",. '-,'h'" .L .: . ..!).., ... I_' fi ,,{,L_

gr:.ay atieaJ .tJ\~'i:f~f'¢t1! ($~PilqJt~1 trml (ndte tKlB SIJJj"tlct'l.4tAlres :O/lrJe

JiodY. TIl@re (l110pdttitrt.IS [or' tJ;dd#i'IJ.g_· ea:ch bodypqrt~ DrliWfi'to '.S5a{e~th~ fJltt.rtflA/({ the I·izlJ~ 'Shd_jHi ()f tac.h. aJPliijlt(J.. (J·i!J(.ll~'fj4y /MIlft.


Masterin,:g the Sa,sic' Shapes

"IM!, II,ALl,

" t/h1;11iu~tlif.1Ite4tal !(;nl~ ,b.e~~;rlJ 'ii/ilk a;mZ(},()/h~ JeaTldes.ib~lt iifdtt.J'" w,'fC fcYtm jJrB.f!ltre. '1O'o'1nlt€-b Pt8fStIA~ with {me h'C#ld illitE prut;/;t{,ce. a Ji-'C(me. iUlll/at' to' a toy J!I!F'. if t'/jati7,!ppel'l1" tse :yol:tf'finget~f to, jJltsb' itt into ti 1'Ol(1'lder J.ha,INI. then 1'.:ft-r,ol[/t0lotlj(.


To, ,£rwl:Jl (#2 ~gg, hold_J-out· p41ms togeth?r 11'1 a '~V~ sh'apc lm-d ~()IJ d' ball b?trla~fir~ll forth t'lflO t!rt/J/~~e tiJ1Ze..f.

Pa I~t 2 - Figu re Fu nda 11~'enta Is


Simp!]" ,-odS oj' ciay b), rolNn.g a ,bdtit o/cla" hack dftdjorth' '()It a fiat !,~t.;",ftt'8. Ii:x:~rt lMt1f 'hfesJil~ tl;j "IJ()lJ. um,ve <IfJ(J1(:r hti'IJ.J.s ,t~litJ,rt. .POI"

·l·~ £d ,J,~ ,rI' r

f_J1j(f(}f'JJ2r.(}dJ~ sse « shoot ~j ,plexiglasJ Of a Cf!J'llfJdc tile .i.m't'ecl.~ of

'YJ!IIi1' l~a.tlJs~

'THE ,S,MA~Ll, IAl,L

U seyOli,r fiHg'f!!" to ~"(}U .mzaller bt!tl,f in lhflhollvw (if J'()!~,..h;iI4~'(l

THE SMAlL E,GG Sbap:(: Ii JlllaJl egg 6y llsi:ng- ,),ou f;;lg'~~ to roll a . .fl,tull ,1,alt bark Clinr/ fortI:! if)" #;e. Uf),ll'ow qf y(J1i~'·,p{lJ;m.


BotA' the arm.£ aJltllegs use the tapwed·'TfJ.d. RoJt' a 1~(}t1 hark and' for~h (J'lt the toor/!. JIr{/lI.({J UJi.t~ ,h'e heel ~l '1(J.ftY .11antJ'18f ,rtea:r.,t~fJ fJ,~d of ,the 'rod. Ti?B 1l1{)fI! _PrBJJlf.nJ .'You ,Wie, . .tbt: lnoro ttll1f5,~~d'·.t~d· m(l l?:ractfra (;rl!4tirlga gtm#y'l&',i wd.,


~ Pa rt 2 ~ F~glll"e Fundamentals

I~, --------------------

M'easurlnlg the 'Figu're,

Artists use" iceJtaJa~ features ofthe head.and body as iMdnl'c!dlcs for cre'adng a nealis,uea:Uy propern(;~ne.d l]'gure""one wnh i[Ulll€osiqns ,oom:rect _fb~~ ~~,. ~pe: ,U1{)e' d]!.e: landmaeks :of a Clap, these fe;a:tuwes' ~~ pp'om·iQ~n.t, ¥Lnd r$X~cL The d~.sta!lce between one and another re:tll'ains aensta:l1t. These .distQ.'mJ~€;:8 are the keys £0. mapping and ,niodeling the .figLl1"e, fl;lles·-·,o:f p:1l:''fU()p liney~ry sense of the WOld. IJsing tbe'length {lria width of ,the he~d as ~1 nl~$u:dog' gauge gives you. <a standafd 10:r the rest of the n~~lU:\~'o


NIeaJztri:~g the e;tay aJeildeJ y(ttl"!:l .zlJl~ thr; right: ,a1~'J{)ln1t of t:iny far each he4yjlart..Wiibeach J,,1d'e ll(-lItjl!fn~ J'olllt find this :di6t/J,um~ It~ c~~#etllh(J_ 8.a1B' Unit. 'The ,(;i~I'Clerel!me;ms it ,ball of .riaj! :o/.d sJUtdfic !!iz:e. Tim line h.tnen:th the,

;;i'rc:/;e .is th~ he), to &'r{!ati~~ ,flA;z1!vPlJt Base UnirJ fro.1)'t rriilj ,(}j d~Yi'




Rf!I1.' tl f'@f.cj {)f~lt:t:i (ttn't.# j:t~ 'I/J() J.'d!1z~dit»fl~ter' aJ tl1f!i- t3id!~e ,fJn.i't. Sec a .dtvitiCft{) m~td~ ~h~ .#I'lB ·betffif,tb ,he dfl!Cl!~Prt$'s it aga;;',nft 1}l2rJ .~'Vd lfi~1(ifl.g .ttfl~· 'flui:fk:r, in t.he_· 't'dJ~ :C()fJ'tir~tttt' ~fl¥:~r~'i"nlJ tlie( 1'04 b-y;t'qjJ'.i~~g, &lr:h t;~'a'fk i1'l~() tIM j:irmdofl:s tttark., 'f:(~~eJ'.iY'('~1fc"ttt..the fO:rl, ,er;,?J/J, $l~c?' w·llJprodttf.B .et· bailie/day fljji.j-a1Jil~· di:q.m(t~~ ~·t}j{JBd!J;'i U.'fU~.,

.- ... : ..



'T' 'h" ',c- 'P' .' , · " ,j- ,-'~ ._!Ii -~, - "C' d F' .:.. - ,.' ~

- I, - 1 . . I I .. ',_ '. __ ,I, _,':, ,- I _" - , '" I " ,,_,~ : I" ' ,'~-- I

.. e _. ropornoneo t .Igure

1 Head Length

hf,em'iif;f;ing 'lUY(J21111oitel is th,q :'6')1, .to t:l "ludll/l:{)POFtione'(l~Jc.ul/J:t'ltr.e. M£k:tJ:1!Jire t:~. hwd i;f}1i/ ')!fJ'ti l;'a11:..~lZf1aSm'f1.tJJf1· body ()J!" the li1T,bs ,by tui'n'g 1:/;.(; 1~lJfditd 4 g~f1(1:. YfJtt'.ltjintl this' b,!u4.filt(j(hwith !}JKlPS to be{p Y011 fi.~d :10:1'1,'1' :u ... ~-y,. T~iJ:is l};~ ftfs,t:~ a figltre Jt~indlng'7 ~ h,&td~ tall:,

r,an: :s' - f- nllam'ental toots

Ill' ART' 'T Ii R E. 'E

Fundamental T ools

Y 011 a~f ·'j~td.y ,OW'R mha. mqst 8Q~~~is,til~.a[e~pfair of toqls. Im~gtnable~- ~

yOufba.n,cls,~ But you 'will need "Qdier t(D'~ls, t01o!s that can

hi . 1..,

t~ae' m bg.IJt, ,s,\pa~es~ or

m:uintJt!,'ulal€ ~"Glay in ways. ~tmtr· fi'- rs 0,8;01)0;t. While

J' ·1,J!mer-<4(~~:ay is 'readily ,av.,ailMj~ g~nld. s.~taible .. modeling' t®,ij)is' ru~ not MaLtdng YPW :QWll 00'0,18 selves 'that problem .. :bt:~kin.g y0~U'f' own tools also extencl,sj'Qur knowledge.of

Jf'mtrGlay and )OUl abiliIls' as, a~n ,artist. As the artist in ~~o.g;row's" you'll gain an

- - . -

a~8J[li}ne&S Qf your needs as

stulpt0I"' and havethe skills to

,,1\..., d 1L.. d .' '.

meCi'[ 'bn:tl'se lieeh8. IU:Y ,I estgnrng

~~)r ,adaNttng the ri;gbt tool for mh,€ task at, hand, _ Irs" a valuable .lilt 1@1111@; every' sculptor

:S,W.{lf ltd have,

Th.(Jf8 a'Ye' J()1l1f$ of. the ,essrf'lt~(J./~f- -,i',()oiJ fo,r the 11u),i(Jl~t ,and t()(}'111lalefi1~, The a€1J1/ ic rod r.oll- .. !m{mt/g meetI- of d~9- Tho diuirkr '1J't'ttjSJrtus'- the c,/OiJ ,ct,nd tfj:u .rrliljJ:tttre. The hlt:l£l(r anti';cr.'dl/t kr~ifoc'llt ,i~., Th~' brlt!h,,~~t)'i.Jtt. tajl, e'~iM. P/iUJ *fI1d wire Ctltte~~1 k:nd·ct.nclOl~t ~lm' Nrl'la:~,~,~ ·U)ifl(!J,., the bon~1 ()t:YQtlr'JCI;d,p'tl~'fes.i Th;e' 'U#)ad,l!laqt~'e IS a sCIIJ,pting lta7ltl The tqst of t:k{f ,kit ittchtde.l,(j ,t.t1be cuttltF.lIinJd.4nd' .itlJl1a'IU glial thr.ead and a1'J elJj'Qrt':l~~{j1'lt·(jf k"it#1~g O;tul .rcroi'ng. ne-edJe.r-&Tt/lplie.J fOr 1l1aking,yo1Jl'-OwrJ; tools.- ja.11CJI haflrllrJ.S ttnd' all:

• ~i1lit;-ei·i1(i. Nee'6tl~~:~ q,.ne ra·if of #t1 ~l_.O:'- #1'~ ~~:ffik~lti .. rtal:.,;~JlUltH~t1'um .~t1tlzt:rn~ m.tfrll~~ ',QM61#? a}t1d 'Qn~3'. i({fl. ... ~5l~wl;e~r1tit~~~~'YI~IfIJl1uri1 ml~~ti.Mg ,n,,~-e~III~~ i!two: t,o, ftJtln: VF7 or #~·,,~lllJminw.,~ k~'i~~j~l~ n"'~I,~a (,

• SP'.w~ri'~, N~~bll!:~ f~~~ 'lf1~dhtnf:i :~e.w~l1g M:~:tf;~J~~~ ~~ ~ #~~B~p,:#.,2(jrj;jEj1?'$t'~n:~~'I~J'· a~m1f! ~13E4}~rpe~t,~ ne~~!l~


~ rOGf~ i?G)J:" M1'akj'lltgj 'T'Oo"el: w:o.r.~",~utf~,~", "maUl -,~;~,milo;-t:ii~~;. We>, nd~l1in" ri'Cl5B ~iie-rs~ 1;?trvtOn thf'~.a:tlt~.~'8 ~t:1~ ~a.rPl;~~ ~d:rm J~J~~} y'~n~ tfli~rMveU).6l ~l:a1:iw,~, afiarE kJ'm!9 :bl~01@;,;(~. (j:I??I~!Q' '~,era[~,twr 'Clr r;Jay ;b'I~eI~)j taii2, cutt-ir f-a ~aJI~ &'Ie \Zit; n~~~~"'~ln~ 'Mr:~fft;;'~j"t!gn~~)} 6t&\i~<lI'f9r 'n,~;C,rtl~I'~ffi'¢l ,~~t1V11~11'~: M~:~drr ~S}, p·a~ mae;nh16 ~O'r 'ro [.left, 1~r-:I6:~W@!)·qi~tJ ·.~.~ft b~rIl Ollf r'Qwlt:i1e.tet1ljl~'~atJjl~)~, ~l.a6e b,e4~~@'r baH bea'riJ1:'i3~-si;'lef' "mr;n:~ 6mr,i1'~ '~m'm'

, '

,I) tiilWL&!!i; Vj'M.¥I'·:~,itJ'e. ~a:n~~ory:late, .(~t1~tantDgJ!Je:, h~~t"~iSi:'$1ta19~ ~pr~~\pl!J1;ty I~~rbn:al)

- -



YOu 'It lIeeJ 't®e tools to ItnJ~t~ .the. /:igiWes .i'fi ,thi.s b()ok,: ,e/. lit .,bJ.l/!he /' (I;~'l(l mediiuit .imitJing il'(j(Jdle} '1 #oe c-l/rited' tiP tool: ttlJi tbe [but ,zeedt(j,tOlJI; 18), ""he. ta,/!rut1" 1};cedJe JI!Hil; ,~a71d f) the hai1~ .fllt'loll, "'lade of k'ni.t1in$. Jleluingi ttifJd tap.est1J,f ,t~rMdteIi the~'e tOJ)b, '.;rea~te, j',}I'JOfJth looms

a' dt" fi' . J." "/

a_IZ , a_~(f,' me ,ctal}.

PREPA'R.ING lH!'E, HA.NDtES; Step. 2-ColJer·t.hc ha'ldles fOl' a better 8'1':ii!" l\tl~;ke tb,f!< ad:] c"dh'e,-e h" coating tttlin ha'fztlte 'lllith VhlryJ glue. Stit"fl.d .r,ve Dt1il'dJ'es ow' ,end"

.. ,

Step I ~St(l'flll,a.r.d {t:Lumi~ulm kn_'ittmg ,71,eed/Qr size: 10 ,a:nR larger :Q!ft ht)ll(iW. C"I tfJ{J li'est/lei· 'il,~ith( Itt i,xbe attm~-TlilOl. ,tools f~rf! th,fl pointed end of -th{i.'kl'j#til~g "t){Je(/le;' .,the ldf'g/1 ,zeedle: too!l it 6 il2'~h,(!J IrtngJ ii:nd.the Het.;" Sta1.'lf ,1!.4 il1d~es lorig. Use th~ 'rrJSt·o_f,'th,c; 'm!Biles UJ' '1IZr:tie{f /oller $h~ong handler at J~tI'" 4 ,iN(Jh~s. IQfI,g.

Stt!p' 3-a) Rl)lI ,a' tbi'~ pa1ica,.kr:. of cia}' iml.ef them th'eha'ftJle. b) Trilrt tlu! tky h~tt)' ,tt, refla1'J.~~le as long liJ'f! htm'dle an.d I:/' J;_'t.ll(N}'tm~e tha,'/1 .three tZ1JlIJ! as w.ide, It") Preu fi~'lJlly as YOlt '!'DJE the NIbs Ofl the f[lifrJsheet. :d) T.ri'T# ,t,he eaess rllc6 JJrt()f),tlx


Step' '4~tli:p,~ tl:Je

, grill. p" ~es~ 2 if) 4: 'f1it't'P~'f fJ,~tiJJ-ptn'dJ(.el ,tf} M)h o/J.M,. in,

juJ,1iHir riay:. ~'P hiJitl (h!Jm sl.w,.tJy., Set 1l:i2 ": ·_

t{it,l 'ml'dl~ ikItJIIJeJ)1J.' ,tGp IMrp."Cn.di(,NJ(J~' ttj ,fBi! 7~II.ttJill:lf' 1JilJdlu,,, UJe, -. ~f)J~,e; Ifejditt to #OIl tbtf "/:irmdllt baek it~M' ./'(Jnb. t}W'r t!Je /mitti'Jig ',Ieedie;.



.$:t,ell,(j-,itoll tl YliJ 6f pfJiymm; clafi~n1Jo\:a l'o~g r,(Jtl.:ancl/ill'(itlt;h /b4nllte~, Ta.1iJZP i't ,diiwit and· a.diI: ll~f)re· t:l.~Jl 11,11(# the /;p.fJ.df-e 'if [ttll. $C!,~,~''py;td2~d handles ,l'lSiJe·,(tl1ltprepaflf thc' #/N.


S':fiP?- To .itzlft,rt .. f4 1lhilJ~ 4(ld tlJ}iJ.'th"w. ,df,op oj irt$J~t . gltle ,t1) the. khot (l.'ftit. qZlick~j)l iJuert· the needle.· into th,e rJa,J packed:.. ,ha.,}'ldl:e. ,Ad:i:l m(tr6. dOl.,,; pack fF~"P.tly anil'nib J111l'J,oth. ,Bde~'fi. '0-1"

. .. r" .•

twenty to fhi1~~'Y 111dtUJteJ:.

Part 3

Fundamental Tool


$lJt,ep' :J-13'-t(ke .th,"e DO/ftc/lis on: a CIIJhi(J1loj cottO'll sUi/fing ,~" bt!1tJ,~g' 10,,, t Ulen1)~ 1?1.imlles af,' the' tell1peratttTrJ' reJJOmt),llf114fi;tlI2)' the 1)1/~.1l'tfl1t-,

' . .,~r.if1.' ql tlie ci41 ,.();I./ re. liSing.

TH,E NI,EE,Dlt5 roots ......... SEC,UIRlN'G ,A. 'NEE,f)L,E

S;t>e/J I-Ti7' prellB1l:" .needles fron~ jJ.t?lling l.~c~, th1Jeo.J. the' 12er.:rlJ~'

_ C,"'"

with btlfton Ih,rend ,(Iurd' wrtif!- th:e thilu;d M'Ou,zd ,t~, e:JIP flmzing a

krl'Ot. Add ,ft d""Q:p. of m'£titnt. gltlt!! ,and tri711 the· excess ,thnJatI:

's~ep l' - The 'C /i{;I."lJeJ 11.'<11' IN)()Jh'aJ multzple 'IltfeJ: mOdeling t.he ~J/~ luiIf .the sase, '11utrkblgc flJ'lg~" and' .toe ltails. It be.ginJ 'ltJiih ,(/ C(}Wfea drut .b,deea ha'ftJie. After parkhlg- the I!tc~ndte., sse 'fJl(:; or a latXfi/;c!l¢ ta :(i'''~te ,C/ di1lp/c in ·,~d; el'ltl'o/ th.e tvol. )\If,ake tUIO small egg! .:~{f;ch' es ,vide ,~-,t~'f1 did/Reter of the tool. ORle by one' In:;(J.u ,the. Isj,y,ge ,e.ft.c(-$ ,ol eac-h egg into the ,di:Jl'!pla d!t the L7ldJ of tbe tool. Bj~J'ld· t.h.e $IfletlitS,.

STep' 3'~Nl(;:tjle;JJ,',t{je' ~Qte(l ttJ'd "flJ~tI, tbel~' l!1'BiJ it ,(lgaillst' the ih:afl of/he ,tar!lt letl it.ting 'Ileer/le. The .i:ip .. ~ho/idd 're.r.e..?IRble a 'tVi'ilfJi' grm#j,' U..:.skcpi!d gfJIl,ge. Take care 1iiil to t/aJ1.1age ~if 'whi,leJ,tJlt-sba/}B' thi~ .'f11cZaill,'U1rvfffl tip_



Step' 2 -'B,'f!v,e,{ (rite md bj' ./"fJS:Jing £t agaiflft' the '~V;f}fk sl:ffftll:e..

$ tep 5-' ~ft?r baking,- ese e1J7J't"y, P'!liJ&r ,(twa '1041[el' to smut. h()th~ 'PilJS; Malle the"l J?llcf),iJt~ .,a,17tl the. ettgtlr .sht:l11~:. RZl/; ,6;).- ti;p~r' wtt11 tt:dt1l'lllrpOZ{,Jdel; Tre4t ,with l!'(JWtle~ tm it. r:~gttlar b~u:ii.


Step 4-L:i/!,htij, 'JJr.ok"e thl1 oth,II' .rmd/ tJ/ d£e .rool t(JC~ point;, tll,ois,ten. the clay (Ifill th,(fIl,1»'~-.U. it against liul1ajJered {md vIa il2 kt1itf,i~g :1J{!(JcDe: ThiJ t,'lf ,NhrJltld'res;wllote a teardYqp~!h'ti:pl1d g;otlge 1;,"Oader at the b.a,sc t'hOl1' 4,t :t.h~ j,ilJ:. \ii1th votb tips /bziJhed /;dJae t/JfJ Clf.iJ"b'ffa Tao.! 01l·tJt GJJhiOll' of attt(J,~' for 30 to 40 ,ninitte.:r.


Step' 2-The' otbflP end e{ the hai~" t:(}f)i hrJids It ~~tlatl j'Ptolj}il~ ./J:lti"le o/tJJ",]((Jl! ·'f}'JeJil/.71}; j~{!ud1lg ';'f1f!cllei that ll,ril:wj)128. d();sety. JjJ4tCat!l!#1UlJ iJ!I the day where .tJI~c S!f¥tJ~tP is i,7}~pt''''(lctictJl to $ae.: lJegc}:fJ.' bythrG.wfli1l;t!. atl thYtlD'tZ6'.f1d/&J tog~thtl~


'&/tojJ 1-· -'llJis 4~i.nch~lol~[g t'()r;l'lsm ·tic. p"iJifJiUtl.,fmil of,a wgp ,'/a1litting needir: (IJ ~l j()lt1:l6/atj(}1!1 for d statJ:zp"ThtJ tum ,fhi:; ,#iCG'Il;fC ;1bvuitfr;(J, /irst sJej)J of cm15trtJif:ti~n. 'T:.hfJ'.da~·k t(J(l'i o.n·thfJ:tr;jJ left has.beeJy. cou.~"W!1 wit'!, a ! . .o/ cLccy :arul &.ak(!dlor 20 l1lJhtliMs.. trhc JitJ'"u/#)'ftlighkrtoolha..If /;'W7, c-aPJU1{l, w;lt.h·O) t,!di'fli" ki'z~1,,~q;{la1~ .Jhf!et of /rn,h dtf~ Dr:¥fl;{J closely jp;tJce~llinBS i"fl t~fj cap 1~rJd£ating ptlXIJ1; ,bas.e of t!tNt {;t:~ptmt)anl: ,t{!Je jJrJirl;t:. Use; th:e Jfxt.ft of the l'l(!(J{lie, to ,iIJ.'l.PnH] tbff.f(J·li'J"'le!" fUi~ the' -tip: b' 'lviti leave."(f; line the J1di1}2~ 'l1ti'f:tt}j .acs the ll/fJYll.l1lJ~ t.~r:a'tin.1f, a Itam:p.,Ta&e ytJJt.~~ tilne 2//.it!J.J'hi.r: i'()ola'tlo 1 t ~&pill Jtt:;:tU,r-()J1 ./rJ'OltJtS of .tlJ()rk.~· iakt: itJr ih;'r~y 1}2'hzutfJJ.c


SA,ep .. ) 1?"4ck lhe l)/M,f:l, (jJiil of ihe;' ha1-'p iool·u.Jith a '~()d .of,day. l"lold liiil needl~f in 6/' pti~'s so frlRJy~ ~·c· n:ti~l1ie,cl ·dase tQ'gr!thi!r and secr{'re th.v:t .tlwi!t:l,d "{lith. i'f}'S/:emt

.. ' .. '~ . . ~~.. - _' ,,-" _" "_ ;

git;le.. Tt]:lJl tl9.ettJfrt~~ ;~ldii ,~'l?'{jfl,ti:' arrij} W g11~i! tij iI/he ~1j.~wtt1at~il'eJ!I~1 fliid .q1:tif,;'/aiy j,"~.ref~t .t.~.e Gr},ttth ,the l)~li~iJ dfl.Y. .s et.:ttf'e i~ttit:'h 11'i(#iff

, ciCfyand· b(t_krJ a.grab'!; for 20 ~ll;itU{tes..

lJ{)~vJ' ,Jmp~t/l: this ''/(J(j/ '!#:eJ #bn{J,~"t·(J hitlfl)1)i!h~{/ iif,~:lriJ~ kllt' ~~J,akfJ.~ it lifJssi ble tJ) ',f'rt1tlJ(C S1Jl{JfJtJ:J ioU (O;:c,f: .( sR.!!tl.r) for t.h(J bet:~d. lt~ 4 bzthii JqUfNc:e {/lltd~· ()f ~m i:tli:@' thkk ( Pres: a "UN!t .uJimel hall ()," r.Q:lznd :iO!{I:P id"lr/l""iJ into. tb(j, cia~i to fo'rJ'lt a ~h¥'lll r;t;{/ /Jou;;l. Rt!llwlIe ,tho' .ball Oil" tacite cj1:zd' buke for .1holN'".


Part ,3 ~ Fundamental Tools




'Tbc,rq. tllol41 h'egi'(lJ as a fiat /;}(),rk~plclay ,{/.pp~~oxm'Ar.ltet,! 1 II '(,Yir;l€~ 1 %!I, IOI~g aud it bit more tha'Q ~~! tl,ide,. P~:e!.f htl'!l bcm-hzg:i fP~ gin.!J beads rrtmgill;g fi1nll 4'i]')1/ to 8tmr; b'il-If w~, ;~Zi'O, the' clury(l1'fJlJen i~terMtlh Bcdie the stct11.i for 30 ?11i'lilJ:!C/ u)jt,h the b,;it;ut ttlZtl b.fJdJ.I'i'f!.JjliJ:l place. 'lfl h,t'!f. cnol /)OP the heati] arid ,/;I!(tr.ingJ uut:

Th S'" 'I .' S" 't' - d

, ' , , - er_,eu ptlngS _'a~n' '_

As 1011;1' JC1'tl'llu(,r.e l:}t:(jgj'(J)~~rJ y:r;fl.(l.,~eetla Jtll:tpti'l~g Jta7'ld/o,r /i"gll1'(JJ .tbat'Sir;/;.ncl. D,ri#cl.t ,tecJS{;',fG dozen' h~l¢! (tt,jrreg$lltl.r i?'lP!'Vw.lJ., liJing if,. ~ i~'l,:h cI1~j;JJ bit., The ,~"Zf,'fJllrJm ,ri'i"t'tt{;e~tif 'lIfe ,hi;'tJ 't~#l ¢/!:tr.;Ol?l'llU;:riMt,¢ :~~'l.()~{t ').r()lt~' ,w:m~'; 'The ,jtff'ay statui on tlie righ.t '1l.ktS lfl)ated ~'vit:h '1),i-XlYI ,gJlteart?! ~l,ce12' Cf_ltJtl1'ed :Ulith tbbz, .'ihm! of prJijrl~~e,.. clt':]/ /Jr~l!J(jd ftri~tly i» pl('lc~., After baking In) 20 '1J'tim~t'eS tbeholes WI.'1~. drilledWI:tile.

holl; ,tdil~th ,work' well t'be tiny .frJ'1!fJrea st~mf!ll .additional weight "Iake" it lllO; ce . ,t:ttIJlt:i

T'HE D'RYING & B:A'KIN:G S,TAND F (wb~tkirl>/j, ~j!¢j and' dI"h'tJ,f ji4iflt.&1 ~r "tm11~iSh~tl ,~~ ma,ke d' flat stand with q s1J'lall !;IOG/?' of (;!aJi;, Us« 'lhe".~'1i'tttli tCfP'eSt~i'jf needle 110 ,/Jo,ke p'o'kr' i~:Jto the. 6.lock at r.ef4/~kt'f !rite~u~'fs.

]1JJ"id6 every st:JIlptw~e. is. en It.tlr..i/hZttro, a J.,tjJjtQ.J t jtm.t,1.1t~1I 'oj' 9f)(!t~1 rotlj and ~'lunritJ,ftlll Jotl. Brew r"{j.~hJ 1rlj1' f,{Ulorit'f! ({l#il'i:t..r,·' ~iJ:ak'f1 f'r)f

Eh1il~ limlrs ~m" stiff r.phJf!<J. Ul:O ~-irlch iliIl:JJ!JJJ!te,,.. WfJ~' /(!1" Jaq:&. sC1JlpttJrt.t ;;1,,1'1</ V~ fi-iJM:/) rQ~ll f~j~ ~1#dler' fi§t~~~f . Pl()ritl m' /;(lad/i/~g u!:ire. j'1!Pldt~ ji,rlge;: 6V1NJ/i. cmd f.i'vi~ted trJg1;i~ b~(()li/£j t'/:tt Sit.PP~';I'" fo,' 't'J'I"111-I", C":y{J:lllJtKl'j'/,tJ;(t giu(!J. fir itutat1t g,ul.'I!J.b,etp' boll the J#1Ictll,'Ye toget.btr. Vi,flyi gi/teo" J/lc:h {'IS S OiJfJ'l IGrmlo Tar,. ~U1d Ailee.'l~ Tat;4JI' Glt~e tNa;ke t'hfJ ~la,,' adb"eJYJ If) ~ll'()l!1 furl :flu/ato"e, i1tcl1ulbl!£ bflt:kJ'ktlll', « Iliff di}/~ t/'q,t! }~iJ,"{! ,for' ,1.lpptwti'1'JR clay COftl.m.f.t!S. C l«tt PVC ~'(...1oJ.#e)# bol4J /Jtt&'tJ (1.1.311 "'~t'U' tltl)1 CIJIJl}Jo,tetl'l:.f /oJJetbtr

fj{J'lt!'eJ,,: YOlll'/l' a!.rl:Jlw_uit plierJ .. tvirlJ .(Jllters. toul d ''¥l'Ilel:, ~llh (lit beallh~g'w;J~e. ,r 'M,ll dipper llJ;()Pru betftl' .thtm (my wi,itt l:nl~'e.r.

Baklng Fundamentals

Your oven a fundamental l:ool, may be a standard g~~,;1: CD;; electric oven! a smaller convection O:]~ toaster oven, never ·:a microwave. M1C;11(),'\~'~lves \viU boil the llqutds :in the clay, causing it to explode; .1 use lny kitchen oven and clean rut regularly, hut In~H11{' artists devot . a smaller convection or-toaster oven. strictly to polymer clay use. What ever oven you select, use a timer, an oventhermometer and ~l ventilating fan Dediean ,tt pan just for baking and always prop your work.


The. ;'ight ba;kblg ,r"'~~~fiu:iJ ttllll. ,eI g(Jod th,n1to:nzete-r are essen.rial. G"lcJS'~akQwa:r(!, C"nres thrJ clay 1fl,Qf',{} (Jvl!nly t.han 1.llif!tl,l. Smooth ancl .Ilm~tahle~ ',6lJ, ccra1llit tile seroes as xi/ark and baking Jur!ace,'B¢t-alife ,the daJi ;f(}/terJ:f hefm1e it't.'U'r&J scttlptlJrM }led.ll1'()pping q~"Hll'cii'fJ.g to t"be pose. S,mtlt' boxes JertJ'I1 ns fhairJ"for 111a._tlJd figmw choslJ legs ha:l'lg 002JJN; C ot.t(;,f'l. ttil}jl1l:g (/in4 batti11g. pni'flicie soft ~1!tpp()r~' lot~ fiitlj,J';f!~ tOQ ftJil If)' . t(l,1111 i'fl th:f! (Wc,Z"

Part 3 - Fundamental Tools

A daub of paint can turn your sculptures in colorful characters: .. You,ll find two types of paint very use:ftd-fast drymg ·acmyUcs, and slower drying water mixable (i,is.· se the acrylics for those sharp edged details", features such as eye brows or Ups. Us - wat r mixable oils for softly blended touches Gif color. Wat,er-b~~s,ed wood finish s, such as Minwax's Water=based

Polycryllc and Flecto's Diamond Elite will add shinewhere you 'want it~on [he eyes, nails:"

HP§i, and hair. Apply these paints and varnishes with good synthetic brushes=- a small 00 detail brush and a broader ,;iF4 01~ #6 .flat (n~ filbert and mix yo. rnr paints con a SI11,l11 ceramic tile ..

1~ Or' 171fi' lhe.JfJtoolJ haw hflCO!J'tfJ 'J]'Jt!tJPetl.rabJ'a~, V.ut' /'d.F the illtw ,pr#Y- 1J/j,ygr ,day m-tist ,rhtJ!l ate S(OllJ.(lthi1'lg ,to. i1llf'ldre ,Of' ose t}1~ ,t11!O ,(1!J a 't.i1'IU&. T h'(J ptt/ttl ~~titchitl(!; 'rotls eo'ltJi.ttfin'tlj' thi/fl: (ft/tJ1Z ske;Jtl (1/ .ria:! tt ,'fJl.u.~.~-fl~t ,the cwtisl ttJhl) desi(1!J ,~'()J,t'lUlte! of clci)'. The 1'iot.a1"J ~O/}l 'Ittf. (trillf~ ,gri;r;tI$a1iiJ buffl a ti11Jt! r{i~i;,er t~t dO'f)j as mtl{;h ;J;r.()-~fnfi ,t!:J:e' ,ho&f~.:ctj ht tbe 'sludli(J).Thld' gZtlt· CtIJ'11S lIiin t¥f-YWJ 0/ c/"y liar.(l fJlzuIJj,h' tf) {TJllti,llAtJ 'lllorkingwithol1t having to Jtell' d/I.Ul' .b.aktJ-ft'ii:e jO.r tj!llick 't'eP.aiJ"J c.tftdl cldi,ll;J,f,l1'l'ellts. 'Tk 'm'o,~l(J,Linl1. If.)()~lr.~ f'rolt~ taj] to' ,buttom. b:ll-lzu/£ .two '''Jtbber ti'pJ.u!.ti cluy s'haper.r .three UJil.X :1ttadeii;ng :t;(Jo/:r, :0: i;:ntdl'JpuJ:l4.lal .t$ "'lnttdpi't.:k (i ,ftMthJe i;tlit ItyltiS~

i ,Q,'l1cl tWOI h'/111t111Utd'e t('wts--a. £(1:11:8 ha Ii ffjitztJ· ttc1·uiJ.lly a f?,otlki 1~' 'w.iua tb!!' nee.Jilu eye 1tt!J}'NJfISt/, a;"a ~ ~)'J(;h dHllb# Jet i1~t~blittin'tm ttlh.illg that!s ~Qnc(iri!eie.d' 'tuith ,mJymer' 'citJj.


p' A :R' 'T

F 0 U R


'C- - .,.' -, ,-

. ". . ,."', _-".., -'; " .r -, I '. • . ,.- .. "- - "",

'. •. .' ,I

ace 0

form, each had ,the va:gueb6;gtl1ftin;g5, of 'a 'b05e~, In1g]J:t:lf and

, -,

ct'lJl'\~ bp,t }ittl'e', else, ,Ft,at~eqecl~~11L's ~&Rd !(;ods of -,cl~~ ,cha~ed faint :faflTIS in_t<l p,eolpL~' wLth ~st%nct p~tsQn-aJj;U·e~. ,Simp~e


U nderstandlng the Proportions .. of the Head and Face

Y~l:ull use the I ngth and 'width of the head as a measuring gauge when you model the tor-so and :tIie limbs: Learning 'the Rvel~age head's proportions before you begin is. your real Brst step ..

oJ Race .i)nt .. tbe h.efJ4.1:1 (iggJhiJ:ped,. %. tM witk; as-itis lang. ThiJ forehead u/!z,d: crown' oCtJI.P:J. -tIM ,tIpper t};'ird ,of tb~.liea'(i; t:h~·· ~~ {jmws, (l;:tld. 'bridg{1(}f th¥t t2tJs:e 'QC~Jij rhrJ middle third. 'The ,bene a/the nose, "lJ)$,tth~ ,and chin oc.cup, tbe tOUJllFllhi'rd h) 'T'h.'8 blfl~ liu8S inclieate 'llef:ticnJ and h~i'z.()'fl,.tai mdli'IJ(!!, i~ this Pr.ofil~. The eyes li~ O,j' thehwizo!J!aJ midline. 'the. jaw lifl8' "i/i'Pi,deJ the' b¥_tfl:d i,ZtO' two, .I!"i':t!~ ,rmi face ,ami tJJ:e '-r.£ftli!lt:!1J~ The ·ears. 4rfJ Pd/rt of ,tb~ ~tanilt11Z, 'R,{)/: th:(! laci.

A '~lngle measurement, !,1' the 'width of the face, will help you place the mouth, the nose') determine [he eye' width, establish the' hairline, and position the ears.




.a) litid) lick of ~bi!..fqllari! '({(Plats !h' ike ~u}i4#!J ,flftffl;r; fate ttJ ~he'~ju'(l:lhJCi, (Jne~h{/lf.the :'t)i4t1:J · iiabo Ihe d.iitan:c(; bel1;;ue~' t/;,e, ~e:r .tho 1J11J11t/i b) Joiw' £<lLJO sqi#tr.ej Jot.!Pttl tl9:e top ,of one sq'lia're tfmches the miJ-lintrq,ntl tIJe~f)ther f'usts (Jl1-th'ft chin ,and 1}Ul.~Ti'~ h4pP'fJ11s. The baseof' lite rU)te # Vz 11M. ~ll;id~witith ab~ tke.· ~j),b:. "c) A #d a second Ilai,' if sq'ua.res: witlJ· !.h.~ iwttom .Jq!fan:. ~"@ti1'l;g rJrn t:hemid lim: ,and 'YfJJI ~t111 \"1141 ,rill ·Of the frt4t1.!{r~·, itI,dti:4ing ,the hfirIi1Je:- ~ the ,mid-·ulirlth aOI'Nle lh8..9,e$: Note the disttmr:e, betlllW.ll ,the '1Joftth .alld'the haJe o/,t'/;e 'f1:I}J£ is' IfJlj~f) Ih;8 of the 9.eJ tlie distttfj.CU bitW8fJ:l!t th:u ,ey.f{~ ,and the. dist.ance fi--om the eye to the side of tA, jam.


Pa rr 4- ~ Face to Face


1/65cale -Si'lle & Shape

Bas~1 Unit of Foil Core

" B

1 IB

1"his; is d Ih:I,#&nifo;" ?~' tb« hr;t1;{/' i~~ the ~,ie-de. Note the 'dfde'TJ~:ilft:k,~d ~, Scale' Baee ,on,it. It fiJpreJfm'JJ(I; qua~"tcr till/nt'S ball of day, 1V>.2 ,of d'I'J' i:nc.h in dif!;l(le~fir; The line be;zeath,..t!:m ci.,:e!o WUi',,/r;Blp yml ,11ttJilJ;zlre th? ,~lrljl' ,m.11-'tg' .the rlllJ1'hod' CX/J/a.i1uJd 0'0 Pt:l;fJS 12., Notf1, too, the fl~~/le of t:bej~il ,t1!f,e.. fl ~u.ill.helfJ the d&~J,1 ;)'oltl #J fiJ1':J17; as yot~ltJ'tl~uJ tide stejJs,. 'rbs, ,g,~ay a1"eas indicat;e, al,pliqllf!J ,th~d Intild.lip ,th(J fo.tlfures. if )l(Fti I (.tall' If, WfJ~'k bJ <I f/JlcdIOY"'Jcl:t/e ,I{)ttllfinil ti,prtlnd t"'Utcr..1'JS fo,· "luorkbzg i~fl th,£! nexr cbd/ltfJ) Int:£, ,r;he ,steps ttlzd ttxhnic[lte£ illtl,stl~ating how tf) 111,()(lel dJ~d ~1fJ1id di'(t b,ere.

B' ~ Base Un'it

M ~ MQ\~8Hng Unirt

.. §tr~ ~ght ~1~~~'fC!tr' yJ~~h'1l~ t,I~Y

~YGaw'g~ fbr me8~\Jlrin4 ~;a ~ivi~ai~11 6Qm'pa]6ij~ ca II j,~~; ,O'f.)'ie1~wiin'gl·Qe;)

• Craft;. kt:Jife,'

, Fine N.tlttdl~ Tooi (pa~:e 1'5) '1)1\p,t:l:~ty' N:~~~~H_~ Toql (pa~: 1~)

~'.C~u~e.lfTip· fopl ( 1-6)

,.' ·Gl7ati;, ~iri'Pp'er~ ,or.' neme's,tat .. teJ,eVl w.Ith fh~ttl- ·f!:t6W .iti"Jr-al's.~r

• ,:J.,.~:".. .. -v

,·M,ebUwm wet~lht alW11ill'hrm fQ'U - Ruler


~ ~C@r4= M ,,'Id .( p;a~.~ 4trj

, 61ti'ff meMI: :ro4 ,81't I,~a£it 2 i~ohre~ l:a.f,l~ a n61 , V,Fi Inqh J:rrtfiam?£jter-.



S)t"tP l-T~ hel}) th_e· hc4d l#etp it.r ,h'll/lc; 1luJ/ee a}1 \e-8g-Jbc~jMtl tJy;;niJ./iure fi~(}m a 9: itlf:b- lJy 6 :h i111:h shot!"t of l.f1.e6:ti1t'lll 1;msight. 4/tI}lthilcMm joit. (I.) Gather .nvo-sidlJi to,;the ,r.;ctlter' to form (J. /;OUI tie. h) ·G,(J;tbtr l(he '()PPOtitc .ridQ_s i;()gu~he:r tiD, make: d;' (1litfJy/l)t. ,~) C 17tmple t~ tvi~'Zg #/JJ I()'l,l~trd·the C{Jlitdf, {}1UJ pah' ott thoB triA ,and' one Pa.i,~'(}n $'hc b~tJ()tI}~ . .It' sh~:t~kl '''l1J'e.i2~ble (j, iO(JJfJ k'lJbt.

Part 4

Face to Face

Step' 2-c-Cn:t,·ffI{lJc·the ",knar' J{;oJ~ly ,($}zd' thrJtl· 77i.,()H~' tightljl. Tun:? the kmit i1~' 'rlit(Jd:i~~e(Jt;if11:t d,s,.JfOtt J.7:~'Ii'~2frte. ,P'im.JJ one end 'I}t;(Jfwfht!7ti)' ,thdrTl the otikw ,to CI'&(.tf{ the ,eg.$ i/:;cr;JJe.'o . ,

Stell. 3--P(dC~ tbefoil egg- it, "t:hfJ ,·(jrtl.II'lol~l; s,:rrJdll e,1td ,doum .. llse 'he palm tJfyiiii.1"b(:{'wl tv rol! it b,(/'(:k 41t,cl jrl.i·;hf.¥l.jii'!ttJ'; It hOflJd he the J-gl-tflti ,J.i' shape' ~M the fiJi/tiD,..e in e.he di~·lt'lm.


Wh'iley@l~ ~(kjtJ~ thlat· ,oor~;, ,ft(alke. mere, DDn~ j b1_st rilod~1 @ne h~a~'" Mo-d'@i th'r~ 'Or "fpl)r &rt:- t:h:~ ~ia~m:," . =t(rfn~. ¥ou II f,rl'ln;~ .Y~ur. te~h.tf1Jq~,e '~M'ffQitbVi,n~ .b~~.w~~., ;you',epeat~d thd_ §~lm'&;>' ,~tep's.? in .ra pid '6IL1C~~6iQn"


Part 4 - Face to Face


S t;6/1 {/-C (JlI~bhl(i t elm' Ba.i(t 1):ili tJ (tflt! !Q"11' (lfJ ,eg,~. C ttt the ,~gg itt half .le1~g/,ht{/i,n! tm~l flatf,t1~ eat:h' bedf. C f)'lirqr liN] foil. .~(}1'"(J.


Step' ,6-R'oll ~ of tJ hed!- of ,.Ioy i12tfJ ,« baJI t:meJ ,r:tlt it iTt fu~lf to 1lJ(;llie: tillO· d01ltfM. 'Plate (}1~e· d(ilMe: jilst b~t(j,~v th, C1"(1um t() {unit {he !hit,fa of the he~Ml~ .Blfmd th~' seam.r with: y,r}ln" t'htJm/?, s"ttrJ/ai1lg ,ttIl' fiY)I;'" th· .. dJ)I)li qtt& ·ont(}· the /J,fJdl,l

S tep8·-U se )Iom" ,thtXlIfb to .i:t1"oiJ.e th·r; It)liIeJ/}'IiJ,:ri~~ (If th,e [II('~ wl'rJ,king' it IIJ,rJget; and .l'rJflllJ'r tna'llthe IO~'OW., FitJ#h hy tigj)};,Ij! Jlint'hing the' chin he,twl!er.1 Y{)ltr hlaex'fing't's.

$t''({l'' '-Use YOltr t'hfIJ1W J,()' M{J}ul J'he

s,~a1?lJ ~(Jitl> ilv(t~'lal)'" ping ;ftrn-kilt!-. To M~~lite ~' J1I.Z()'f)t.'h/~JI cilf'l!ed egg jj,(!'ft 0/ finger madu twist lh,(j ho.lJl}tlJ ,of yO,U1~ htEntl ba.61t. a'11ifO:I,tb '{8'(lins.t th'fl egg. Y~il it' ''JWJ this t(Jfh~· nitpte oft(!}'! .1,0 keejJ' tlJe back rtntl sides of t:I?e. h,ed" Jl1Ulot:h.,

StejJI 7-U SIB ti;fj larg~' k12'lftr.t~g ,'}'cut#e to pr(j,Js .Gl j_ftfftl'l7(]' im'f) ,f;h;e Ckl)1 just below th~ 1ttitl-lin'8 ;fJlthe filCft.

Slcj.) 9'=-,RoLl th:e. "eI1u(,i11ing dome .imY} ('/ ~·(Jri. l1_iattefl 1'1) forTl,r. a str':t/J .a bi.t t(Jtl,f,fff thau th(j herld i.f '[tlltle. F l~lee the s.tJ'iP ¥.11i tbe/{)nmU-ld /1!,J/t:luttrl tbe hi"(}lI) lifJ,f; a'Nd th~ ct'()tlJtl ~r th.f! br:a:d. Blefla .r.icle Jq-~n'l;r fin:t~ the ';~r~~pI'1 oRt'/ the~,1 trnoard thr: bnnlJ Nne.


S t~P' UJ~· Diftn,~·'iht j{jtr line :wit/; the l(Wge .1!lcedie" Pla:r:e. rJJe. sh4/f fJj the ne1t/l(' at ,he Jic/.e of th.e hc:ad halfillay l;et~llllC(!lt the:

/flr.ebt(ti ctnil ,th~ ,bad~ fJf tht head., Preu gefltij dJ )lfJlt IJivat /.he "tedl" ,tf) the other sideuf fJ?t headfrml1i1'tg ";g,~e. V se your fingers to J~'()k~ the ,day rblQQth Jim. tach jide;fitht. gn!a~

St~p 12-To shape Ilia sides 0/ ~h8: ftrce~ pit1{,¥ the len:lfdde fI! )'(Nt., i"rzJ'ex fh'lgcr

, .

/JenMGh' the' j(l:w a,'Jzd

Sfro·ke. d(mm on the fidei of ,th.e faa1 wit'b y01i1~ .thttmli. jf,(rtJ(d'!id~ is tonger thctn tbe other. lightl)) press ,the

1_ ,I'.t· .

r;, OJ tl'll,au' flga'lll!!

the work JIlr/ace.

Beforey@u m~k th~:.f:a~\~~ ch~~~' IU; ~Jrne'I1';' ,'liGna. The h~a'd '~n@ula f1:OW !7.,~ 21; 81:6 wid@' a5, it j.~. Janel;! a pprox~rnate:ly 1 inc:~ Whf~t} at the ':rnfq ~to:w ~i1;g -1 Y2 fnc:hes !em:€{ flid)11 crnwn ~td. CiMih. If tPfe; fefr€1~h ofh~~d~ia,·too' [0119",'affla to Itt?, ,wi~t,hJ' I~U~~ _. ,t~e:,~ ,of' tb~ j,;nl\/]ri'~'~J~ $t; tl're ,watiK le~rf£ili}~. Iflt',~ to-O shofti II,i~lftl'y allr,-okt; ,dO'W!1 on 'th~ front and, b'OtfC'6itsi'Bfj, of·t.h,6 faG6.

, . '

art 4 ~ Face to Face

S't£I!' 1 I-_P'lat_~e,r;, the im€u:{ thi! ja'til ~'J l~g.htl~} fJN1ising the l!itljp 0/ thY! heds df)Wf:l €1gai1ut tl!J,(1 wq"k SU1'fol:lJ. P'tot' h· t'foe hM-d Jligh~ly !o1·ul:,n·d' as J:{)o!./" fl'r;t~t'fm t.1;~ jtJ:1b,.

,step 13-Pollf)'W ,bare stepJ'f() 1l1Aj) ,and"'rlark tJJe la11t/:fIJ.t:lyr!eJ of the fo(a: 1) Score rh~ ,1Ierti'cul .and h(}'ri:arti',1J(~1"li'2qs~ 2) ,Set )'011,1' gau,ge.. to :f1fjIJett the ,distam;e fi-om, .ddf/ rI rhe fate tofhe. cemC1~ line; ') Scoe« ,cl. li'm! fo,. the liwzah 1;j the mid-'UJJdth' bBI()'w t.~e: ~nid-li'!1{j., 4)1

, ,

SMa. a lim: 1m- the nOj'e- ¥t thr! 'f)zid-'u)iath ,abf)w the chi~. j) .t\IleaInre

:the distance /;'fItween the mOltf/; d-.1zd nose-ithatJs the eye will-toll


THIE 811\,5',1(: 'NIO:SiE, S tep 14~Btwild til) the ~('J.fe ,ulit'h(J' short 1'()tl Q/ doy. U~',e 1 lVIoci41iltg Utlil M 'lId/i.e fi; 1,,~J(flllU;1'l; IS tl~f,e. V se 1 !4 ,,,,nit; for '(1 N'!¥("1'1 :i nose. P1ct€:£ ¥fj~' "od on libe fet~tedituJ Irm:},l ,tiNt ,br(!W' line to jllJi ,c7Jif)vC the I ()u)e-r iii,. (See ,tbe IJoe dij'mJ .li~tJdeiil~,ff V~ii:$. )

A IModeUt:lg lJnit i6 V16 of a Ba:'se ,blrlli't., to'OttlB featur~:,6· of the 'PaGe-the 6y8Ii~~' for '~a1empl,~-u~e fr~c.tion!3: 'of th~ Mo6i_eJ~r-1~ UnOit,~ ~ort~on5 la:e; ·.@m,l:;ill ·a6 Yiv, of a Base

, ir-

Unit;. r:hat~a har~ teo me~;5IJ,rB,,· In~te:a~t

'etart by, GtltJting a ,(1)~~llZl Ut1 lit, ~n~1 _qua~' ter5. Rial II each quart6il' j'n'to- :a. baH ~ahd 'flattet1i fii,if3htJy. :~_ut .sach into lour·eql;!E!I 6eG:tioM~~th~6e~~~ctk?,"5.8t:t'l' VfJji.Qf a Ba6~ Unit or MOG1.6hne1~ U:I'1it5. Gu~, tni6!11 ilt1,ttr Sim~·ller port,.ic)115 ~~ y@u n-ft@d ~h.f;m.. "The B'y8r~:B·h~ad·- U~G, e: Mod¢llin~ Unit,@.

Step 15-Use' the 1(/;~·ri.(1, k,tlitti'Z/J'

~ ~-' - I ~ iE:)1

'1Jeetlle as t:I -roil(fJ't tyj

lJlttitJ tl.;:e J.e:am.J ,elf ~t/je top, iiiles~ o,:I1J btl.fa· (1/' the' nose.; ~le1i(li'l1,g ,tt)#h "be 'itl~ if ,the ~UJf~ )1 ()l!,"" !lttge.t:, Cort.e&t the /fntJJ" .I ilZ(f. -with f~

gent.t, ntbf;,ift/i at1.t! 1'epltfce a"l'JJ,/ '(jJ t gl1>ida lines.

St:ep 1 t;'-P'.ien.-e the o.a.s:e oftbtt ,",(fad luith :the L~rrge l«P.e.vt't)i tz,eedle. ,l'tier/' ,d ,itlff me/Lit 'I'lJti. or lise a t:{lJJ(JJiry 1.Uledle. t'Q,O./ ~.t (Jl t;mlj)(}t:ttry Ipirte lima cuid' tbe rmlltttte1.. It i,{; ill ,mpport the ·head Ulhilc )f()l~' bl()rk in~t1d nzaiet the '~;i t of ,tIM fi,(!#llm.




a) J 1J faces 0/ Alital Ik,ecril¥:/:ge the fhili -ii £;; line 'lit;"l, th _1~jI"(~heatl knOWll us '(1-. ~!CJ'tica' fod~t.lln~gle.. 1;1) .Fate! 0/ Cauo If iAll htffit\tt;ge hat!1! ,tt "lj(fJ'~lifai to 1lear :fllJt·t'i(ala"~gt~. cJ ,'Pai:e,s eXpnJliSlrll!. ,tt.n.' i'1fi.'!k~l-rt a~.'lte.#~"J s/JfJuid havrt a ilighdy ,t.iltdd /adal a1~gli!. Us« thc.fe dfd;UJhzgs .fIJS (l' ,gltide.


II:A' CE'S--=- O·~ IF, A'F--=R--c'IICA-N' H"E'R,'I'IITAG· E

(";. , _,_. , c ~. .:,..: ' I' - I , Ii 1.".-=

~f~h.en jl{ffJ'1JlUaet (f fare of African ,heritager sa c1, Jiig/!;,tl)1 titted plci-t7J ~(flile:b'f bll,;IJiw,g (J~p thit chill and 'fJ1TJ!tlh u)ith tlji4tUf{fled disc .111~tk 01"% /ftw/.eJi1i'g Unit. BiClltl a~IJd'J,h8i'J 11~tt1"k ,tbe prJJ.iti(JfI nf,the m:Oltll;,.


Step 18-8 fft ,the JlzedimJ'l tJ.rJ.etlle t~ lit.tlfj. mmie IW'JtfiWlJ ,/;etlueetJ; the tJp:pftr lip and the rip oj chip], P tt'sh ftjJ'. R,{)s,h4tl~e t:J1t btlSJt of t/Je,ja'l(/ "m;d chin if ».1JC£J'Jtlry.,

Part 4 - Face to Face


,tel' .17-~, :P.i"tlCfJ' ,the ,meciiUJI't knitli'N;S J'Ieetlte &/ li~t'l'm(jii(l th~ll' h'al/way {;;rtl7llJ(%/i 1WJ(t (;;11£1 lee tip o[ the chi'fJ. p,itsh !lj' ,gf/rt~h/ to the fll()lfJh lll~lrk to U(H,~k it}: the ul'/Mr '/tl',


Step 19-~131til:il1~j'J' the ,~ye sackets a'lid m;/jit, t~:e b(J.ny /Jd:~t Qf th,e Jkl<tJ./cnvlma' the .wc;ke.lJ., Plact a !111-a1l. jl~(,t t/i-J'. {m #te,h "I'i;';/d rJj the /n:·idge. ,of l/[)Q tJOJe jztJ.f: below !th'e htm.v .!UUJ.. UJe y.;, t1 J'V!rJdliij:tig U, for «lcb,clisc on t;i' w.rmUtll's /'at:J];, Use 1 Mod_(fli12g U nt,f;,jrir eft,h diSc em a 1tlan;r face; Blen:ti I;jl IIsing tha lct'fle; knilthtg ;ieedlf{f(I d ,fJltfJI:;, and then /il1i;r.h ;j~JZ(}{)!tbi,~IJ$ 'i~ith 'tnl1~ fingi1l;~ This ad€led ,day! helps /(}flfl Jh{l brow.'i and builds YIp thiJ ,rhlJfJ~l;ontJ.


Part 4 - F2Ic::e to Face

Creating Llfe-llke Eyes In Polymer Clay

You can use manufactured gJass or acryltc eyes, butglass eye- arc expensive and acrylic eyes may crack during baklng, And, too, eye' fashioned for dolls' sometimes exaggerate the sale- ef [he iris. Her . s a brush free method for making painted, polym er lay eyes .durable .enough for modeling, They take Ilttle time to make, but they do need varnish, and the varnish should cure for several lours. Cur, d varnish is forgiving; you won t damag the eye .as YClU work .. You ll need '[he eye mold and stand descril . d on page 'l8 in PartThree,

Always make extra eye s. Nothing Is more frustrating than dropping a 'tiny eyeball, where it's lost in thick carpeting or bounced into Db livion,


- - - - - I - - . . .

• .A §m:aJl am·Qll.lnt of' l~ghP 6c>IQ.ned Idl~y ,~, "Sh::.:rl [tSlW ,di-$"~ wi-eh wa,t~r

,', e.:t~u1Iea@r;yLat,.e (h1G,j;,a nt)' ,~.ltJ.f; '# A (3tn~r! I j.8.n~· iii 4

- 5tra.lg ht 'p'i 11e1

" Acrylio ,gloss' vanr.iish '~p'age 49)

• ' l\:c.'tiYHc' . ~a'ir-it£i~ Whip.~, B1~{;k~ DD~.4Q:lt O~'

r . _ .... _

UI'tr8,rt1ar:i,n~ BI:l)~; R,aw. [)'ft1wct''' ~,n-id iK~w

'5h:~w~i1a~ or Sap ,G't-e,el1 &Hq6! CiaDim.ium Y'eUow M~diUim

,,' :P~Jnt bru;e;l1l (for mix;inlg~, not .p,alntine) ,.··SIrt1:alH .steel er@6;~&t hodk

,f P'ah~t, t:ray, or Jar lid:s;· , 'Wat~.r-



St~p .20-R'olt "h,e'eyebalL doy into J'I}l.'( ,batts; tlip i'11 lilatat fftfzd thmipre:u /be'-l'U'jr'O lhrJ_·irye 11mi'd tl~at is 41fl.111 in d;a"'_eteJ~ The clay "hot/ltl he ¢'lir(n .'tt'it.h J;be top of tbq_ "m()td. p:ij; t/;'f1 ~~ad' (if a Jt<r{;t!ighl! piJ~' inte i.ll:Stct.n:t gli/.e, arid' theil In"tss it into t.he tYJIUer of the" eye6ull: Wah ~~ IVII- S«f}~2'tlS ftw #Jcgltl8 to Jet ,~8/f)ffJ ltsi:ng thepirt C/J'(I /kfllld:,irJ to lift Ihe'tOICl)"aIl"71It of the.1JJold. Set the jJi~i iJIJ the /)dlail.~ Jtcmii. /Jt:"kf!. ,the eyes for 20' to 30 1'lzh1tlt,~ at'4c?5tlF it,1ld let ,CfNJ.! in .#re tkmtl.

Step Zl~Ui/j the jJin' as« h'('/)t1:dl:e to dip t'he ,9ft'S h'!.(J uJh#e' &1t:ryli6 jlil#lt. Locki1?>g hQ,ee'Z.i;,~! &1"' .hc#'.l,(jitltts a'l~e .per/ect .fr),y hrll din:g·..t'he -Jti1~' • Let the eJ~e! dry in the £tafJd ab(mt .3-0 minuteS'. Dip···into gLQ,fJ' vantish~ tapf1.i~g the /Ji:n .trl nJmD11e ,ell'lJ! fJX{;'(!JJ 1I4,',1,}:;h. Let ,dty for t hO$/J~

The eyc' width·.finQt?lmpaf3~6E5'. th~ t;orn,~r;f):· of the:: (f:y.eir5~ ~ ·featurB.t;hatl>~ p~tt qf the" Uda. 4111m re a go.o~ 1?·jzr3 fOil'" a Y6 eeale ·he!j,:d, but·you O~U11 U!fref?lt1 ~ye,~~H a15'lar~e:-' Blei' 6limUl1 aMrd 'Bet it ~Hg ht1y -, d;~"~fier

. .


rhf$!'(}.eyrer ilhlJtf~{.tf4 t'hep~lfi..1.tJin.!!. tfJd::miqtlr:. Th'?J,als(J' illllslr.:a.te .the ;riZ_B .fl.! tliJe i,ij-·~ to ~ tbe; ,eye .u:iclt.h, a} Th'(; 'ClCtrni.i;hed cy.~)/!Jl ~it}j -it's '?itOo1;h ,f!d.ry ,to 'JJ.(l:1)~p Jlit1:!a€e. b) The dark (},'IitlllJU ]"rJJI "th·i.r bizI8 tty.a is blend of bltu-k tt.tu/' 'JIJle, c) 7'1')(: ti.n.'tod h'if: isa lightel sjJ:t;-tdf) of bllie. ~l) 1"h'(J "~t:pkf)t, pupil is ~ hle1!Jd of black .d.l'ld .the.ottJ.'iin;e :rhade.


ftr.ri) 2,j-~'U S;"G thfl·ha.ndle:, ()la It&el tn;Jf'huf, hrmk ttl ~ ttg}~ll) to P.a.i12t· th'e;iris. .Dip the J)a~141e. it'lfO, t/~ .f!:rtitrt' j~isJ' 'f{12fJ!!gh to coat ."tIJe tiP, .

. '.m'ln_,p ,tbe colle}' o{ thtf c.yc~~/l wi#, ,the clt:lrRcr (Jilt/ilze. co/ttl': Aftet' ~h"'()!}lt~iJZe .I.:olor dril!f. tJil~' th:e bar/die ,oj the' .t'Y{}&hf!t1, hiJok j;'1JtJ th~' tighter .i(iJ I?lt~~ jlls t- l!.'!lfJ1fght,O t'att:h (~ be&U~ tifpa#lt. TOlle/' th'{~ h'C4d r! P';/iint (not' t~e h.'tl~'lclle itself) /(J t~'e O1ttiil1t ll:wlr;t. Thtt I'fli~t s.bmt:kl Pli'iA-a ()rlf1.:h~~l f,'l:Ilj_e blt1, lte~ ~f}}~le of #;.,1 out/ine 1J#ilJle.

Face to Face

~ --



, I

'~ .-

""n;-.::; __ ~ ...


l~ye Color


SI(1) 22-'Ch.~~().fe {Ii B.d_#c Eye Coll!II-B·ltJlJ; 131F,(Ju1n or ·G~f:e~.n. ''1"1;(1. ,olttline shade is thll hdslt i:otm' dark.,fJtl d -r,()ith ,J to:l/ch. of.blat};,. Tbe iri_.r s.hf/;de is t! .lightel'-lnle of f,h.~ bas--it; t·()t():J~ Pm' Elm! e)'ei. add \flhite of- C(wI!Ileq,'Jl .13htE.. Fm~ Brrnll}'l cmd' G rw1J, ty~r. a:cld Rd'UJ SieJltld; Yellf):!~ (Jf' YeilfJw Ochre to tbe bCl.fic ro"lm ... Ad::l };fUJ1'e .Black to tbe ()1l"fli'flf1 S,'hade t()j~'Q,lntthi: Pttj}it. U se jl'lJ.'t eXl(mgh 'Xl/diu)' tv ~l#tke tbe !)tr,·zru. the ct}}uiS.l&lICji of l;'f'e'a1Jl',

Ourline Shade'

lris Shade


Step the. i1'ii 1mB ci1-'ics;, Ii/XC the poi11t' of a 1)tt4itt}J~ lej~n-tin:g r./(f(:fc&e to / tbe l!UI)iL Dip the u_eedle 'palm ;'m~() fi j)'l'l(idle:of I?·"t!.ii! color al1,ilhcn jU]f. 'F(}.ti:ch the /J'()il1t· to . the t~ter of t'he·i:r-b .. Aft~r .the P"IP:il (Iri(JJ, dill the ,eya h1 iJ.{Uwish. Tap to ~WjllJ'UC artjl' exas: .a.nd: let Clt'£.(J /01"1 to.2 /)01/Jr or 1llrw'C.


P,arc4 - Face to face



.It t~k,e~ a ~it:.~ pray1t16e to' 'set. the fOC'lH3; 51~~Jm:,etfm·.~~n?J' . ·1r;Wi.gtilll1g:. 8f1@,y.ebaU wiU ~ril'9l{~t b'otih into ~Hgn'~1'n~l111 I\rl()tHer 6dhJtlon~ 6yfJ:6 t·hart; I],bok tOt one 1';j:de. or the OtWi6W' •. !t .ad~~,a~'p;?Jrk d.r .t;wva:reJne;~:~~ ,~~11~ t,H,at~'fi·. p'riGe!~.e15.,


Stjj_ll 25-J\l!ark the J'.(Jdf,(J$$ one. ~£ ,[llicl:Jb fnml' t'lje (:f{N.teJ· ii ne', P ie.~'c~th!n)#gl) .f,I!f(1 d~l' i'R.trj tAN: flil~( th(JS1~1·a.ll k{'/J'rJst'l1, J.'l(J(fcite •. U ~u,' the la'I'!:,'fJ taf:'N!iflflJI }2.~tJdie ,ci1:2'd a "',f't~ld(:t r tJmti'lJ~ t'Q ,~lJl(jlml ~h;e' J(}1.:k;fJt. PiCH'e .u'f,ai!.t '11/1111 ""de ;'T'''t,atl tq,/nJJtrjl needle ta .f'tt .thrl jiiCtfS of lhlf t;re:s, P:iprcit ;rtraight for ~,1e.f .theM took u:raigl:At <i~.h(fad O~· tI!;t, Jligbr. tt~if;f/;ll} for ~14 thai; h;.rJk; to' ()~.~e sidit or the (J,t/'Jet"'.

S t,ep 27~ UJe #J.e i~teltitl:Jt!, kn#th~g nrte"ttlB tiJ !~.dr~tu/·· (/ J lu('toth., fJV!miy-clq_J!.1J(ut ·/iortier ,(WOt"Ml (;:flC.h ~yq.

Step 26-Cllt thf;:ftIJ"dlght pin t.l.{)se il) th.e ,rr}£balJ. S~t, #j,~ ,(!y~ ill their J(}'ck.QtJ. AIE.(!~ {,'ffrtt:~in f;t)th lf701z ifJ t h.r,: $'Cl;WftJ .d';Jc~t-iO.~2 hejM8 11&.i~f!. the !?£'lJ,/:il C1'.,;t.fv.r $0, firml}? pllsi~ th~ ~les .-i~:z .1!Jlttcu. Luok, at. ,i,lf!(t ejli&J fl'Vl')t; tiu}' (.:hin IJ/.I to mal!:ft.rltint theJ'·te le.tkl.


S tel) .2:fJ--Add d,11:'d ble.tifl (1,. j2tlttC1i:'ed !Mill l}~(ujJ qf J t'W fJa(Ju:ng Un':t iJlaafd on' .(j~,h .C:/;;,fJek. Bland '.thfJ jit'w .e:#ed -tuitb ,rim- fi·~·frg(.'rJ

/i'1'J,i,'. VJIJ a lcpr'Jl krJ.ittj,),1g .fie{J(lI~ as :4 n4ter ll.(ttr tl!J.fJ' I'NJJi: ftlltN!(th ?l1i.£l lro~. S{}/tf.m ,~n(lJltt(fot1a with' ,o,ttr lh~gel~.f,

Part 4

Face to Face

Mo-defing Ethnici,ty

Yeti 've Just n ade th basic face. Bug-eyed and laughable, It's the beginning of a thousand faces made by Just as many cholees, U nderstandmg some of the ethnic distinctions will help you make these ct oices, The t~l;cia] angle descrlb d on pag 26 is one example, an ethnic disrlnction seen in the skull beneath the Skill. ~Oll rr ay wish to. represent others.



a) Asian

b) African

c) Caucasla n

,d.AJs'jaii4 li7ait'J most o/teJ:t seenin peopl(t .of"a'~~lr:e:rtry »ZfIJ)' indu.cls (j~~ tJ,Whfltl {N~'{Jrtt)'~'J (~,#l ~"e flitrti(Ji/lj)iO/ile i/rml'ilJed ()J1, jiage 26~ A 11'8;'&;'r:6d. a1uJ biTI,nt r;hbl e-ni:Jalt'£Y!s the effit;t made .hy brocJd mul P?,i:o'llJ.'inefJi cJ.jewkb(WeJ fl!i:ttlH~ that ."fie,'t. ·mort, light ~tJd ,add 'm:itlth so th,eiac(f. A Jhm:t 'lidsed hfir:lgc. '1nt~kes the nose Opplitlf 'lIUJrlJ :tieUr:Cltl!ly sc:.dpt,~ ..' o!t/,itdc,t;'vJ fi'fW1 t/:Jil nose mak,fllQr: (1-.t1flfm:d-ihttp'Ji/ eyes l(].ok lllk/e iet. Tbe eyeb,'"OwJ tent/; to be strai$6t ·,·ather t.ha'J:7 ,(/'n"h.tLI ~.,. n}~m4

bJ IVdcan: Poople olj~l;,·iea:n IJe.rit(l,g~ mit;' b.tfl.INJ ,a 1{1~gilt:!;~ fiCJtteJ~ CPOZU'Ji}.r rqt~zd{Jr at th~ b:n£A f;f.:tm: l#!a(;l~, sJ:ltil'ht.,tiltCJd /lrofile' tle!G·,~;bei on' page: 20.P11()11lflllmt ch£'ltkvtJ!JfJS r:lnd.o shf)~I·t tUlial b~";dg'O p~'vdtt(:e It i{}ldel~ f/(!J1fJr atul ,t)#~':f! IO/tJy .lltodellJ~i mMe. dnd' the, 'r:Ollnded rccta1lWl,lm' (lJ'e:r mtJjl J,6eJ)l 'tl!itle Silt. The/tJ"UJ l').l)ic-al of Molt',i,,? dii:JtiDit h'tlI d fit!;, layer (1 ski,n' ttn£{IJ,UfSc!e 1f),tJe,- J'»l{J()th b01I,t:S. The iffiCi'i:J a 'roY/.,Jld, J'.1JJtJlIth fo~:e};'e{I~~ ~fttll r:hceAr .Cf1':ld fiJll~,'·I!I)1 ,t;tbfJuf!.o ,fJe.t"tu'tt/J bilmt ,·bbt. The e'1ebflJ:t(J! ~(.ril .oftfJll ,y)~tJtd(J(I~ nltheJ" f.bfJfl t'l;n:heJ m Jtr~g/r;'t.

v) IC,(J,:IIC~Uitl1Z': A ~'(}#~7d t1'1tl~tJ; fI4tt'tNe't,l t:a .th~ b9ck' :Jh4),~ "lq.t!'s/?;tt# of ~t' INt1'S~t)tl ifCal'(,C'f<lSian ;;//fl(;esti,J. T.hY: Jl~lihtl)l t.ili'ea fCWeiJlMl;d, pnmzi~

. .

}zelttlJ~ rm l~itlgi1 et}'1taJL.y Pto,II'ti'l11J1'lt: ~·hi1:~! ·al't'd "e.'ttdh~'g cheeiehf)rI;fI ntalit! th'e ftu;e ajJ1)'Qar flclrrOw, fl. lOllft~ 'hig.'/; nasa] h.rirl§e: J)'n)t/uaJJ. ,tt JJla1'j)'ty'dtet:/' t2~ethitt' tdt'i'l 'liln-ki; tbe·~')1(!.f ~ee1ll 'Jt/1)1'r/; cI{j~"b~ .ret. Tbe ,iye/(f'OU!S' /;(1 C41';r:hed, 'I"titi:/:w:r tlJ(J.n rO'll:nd' m' straight.


Part 4

Face [·0 Face

~- ......... - ............


Refinlngthe Shape of the, Face

Adding ~1pp1ique$ to. the cheeks or jaw. will make the. basic face fuller, or rounder, or stronger. Appliques also strengthen the perception of ancestry and gender.

b) Aslan

c) Amer~can II ndlan

T/9(JJ~ (lr~J!llJh~gJ· shoZIJ JI01J,' the size CfitJd shape. of aj;J},li4xte:s tb'-l1 en!J;atlCIJ; htJriJ?I:.gc Pjl bltildin:g z~lj the theriklNmw ami t:)be jtl/uJ,a) 13:zdld' liP ,'Jetcb cliw:k:b{}1iW on« face Q{.Afi"i(~(trt d'e_fl~ll.t wi'll' f4 O/.fl M.o:tleli'fl.ft Unit. Roll ~ "'1 acleling Unit int(} a hail" flff(,tf.f!TI and t14 hr jja.if tf) form .thif~Pt,LitPlf1; .h) lSi .c) F m~ . th.'{t t~1i;()tttkr, 1nrl~1J prff!1tirztnt r:heekbotJts of &i&:/,1) dr" A;lttrit:.~~' lnliitll(, ,if/22"t'(JJ1¥Y1 poll ~ olMotieiing' ,rJtlit~nr;'(} r;(' b,ail./la#fJJj, ,~'t,d.:f;·l'''t itl ha/:fi t) lrli'dt'l th~'

- . ,

ji{.;l~orJ, /ac'l:S oIAinqrb.:aw, 111;aiR'fJ cmre.;rt',.y ulliA a st1ri:P tl!4de of % a A~odeli1~g' U1ZiIL

'BUIIL,'DUt\l:G UP TIHE ICHIEEK:BO'INE,S Y't)lt"# fb~d ,i'hr! /t'Wf!.i ~t'l.itti2ig lltie(ltr; .is .$be bi.{~' .trml f~' hl~l'l:tli}2:gthi,r tJ.jtfrliqllfJ, bttilG/~ ,~l; th~ (l~dkb(jnrJ$. 'fjse th'e !!1&rt.rlle as a r()Jl(fr f];}2'li fitdlh bJI rtdjb:i1l!l 5rm}i)'tJ~: ! jf()I/if filiJJ!ll]'~ RqflN' f,() ,th~' lJ'tt~e~'}~ 1m" ,thee elhnicJt] of ~/)e fig!l1"r4 yttlt'rff m(u/r,din;g' ..

MODELINCi A STRO:NI'(i JAW litr:itdfl,p the chee'k};on~{ ,br:fot~ yO}t clad t"hiJ d:/!pti(f({fj tf) l.'rf1~tf1 :tJ,' Jt'1I:rJJ7g icm,tI:. ~ :&1'ait ()/tflN JW1:Z b1! /aeGJ of Al'1lerifalZ blJaian ctesC(f.'J!lJ.'. Use: yrJU~'tJiJ.iJ1r;J or finger'! to' I'bLet7ICl tbi1 ajlpliq'ltel a Jf,wip :Jl1aae of % o{a .Modelh~g lJ7J;i~,

IMOIDIE,LIIING THE: P'lUIMP FACE, IjY'(jlt -tlk//fit' tf) liltXlql a f(JJ fl't~¥JJ I~Jc(f ~1l.fJ~~ day,,/\ 12 egg ~jhap~d ,d1!jJlitptfi (if " i11tideling U:aits I;JN"fie{ fot a .natltf<ilt:Jil prJ' J~&e fl/ith p.im711) th.~k4" jaU4$(I,1uJ d~',ir;',

MOIDEL~NGjTHIE EY'E'SAtND LIDS, S1;¢'I) 2:9-itl,~{kl ~'/'J~ eye 1;,15 ~vitJj ~14 oj tt. Al['fJd~1i~lg Unit fo_r'et,1cc!:'ltP1Je,ff lir:j..t/:ni '.4.j0r ~{h .lrjUJf,1· lizl Roll 'U~'tf' o{(mgaud C&~>[. lijr'dtr!fl arul1lJ"iJH i'lJ pJ~t"f., Use. the targ(l :k1U1Jl.1.1g 1]."dcrltft &ltJ:a 1'(}llcJf to l,lel't,cl d~'f1. s~ams.

Part 4 - Face to Face

b) Afrh:,an

I·hI?J,f141rtntJi.1'l'gsrh1l:li/' th';c~ d:isti'1u:t oeye ~/Oill!eJ~ .(1ilrb itJ'l: ec~{) oj a7J;te.M,,'}. _d:J "r~yt tjrialf~ ,gltl,(/ll~ CartcitJia1i S(j~,t _/jit6e/uc.?S a tj~iafj.g/· fI'j¢ ~lJ:i:t:1J the ~JjlJ«. of thrt-tri:~~~gt~ J#g.h,#y to t~(t" itiJi~te; TJrifi ,tld ;.tp)·fJ.'t!/ti~tiJ}iJt, b)' T"b:71 A/ri.ra'!'l cy,{j;r,f ~i 'rert,i/,n,1J,~lil'1"t(lc~~t~ ll1-tA{tlilg_j~r fie ~~ft.~.'r. 'iJ~tJre b!P();retl., re1lt!tlljl~Jb#l!_.e'il: e)l«. T'hi'"(-kttr lle('iJ, {jij. J~ 'JI';b# l1my 1}(r~;t,idPlj~ {(i'l-u~fai' t.b~ ,#4. ,f) The c{'/"'fumil;l '~JU( ·of t:htl lifit.t1l ilei)pl~ rej1tWfis. tl#~' (Jviil .rr/j«jJe ,r! tAt Jdl.';~Bt,· ThtJ I&plr.ll>iatljaljolil c()1)i&al} .the titl ,a1zd ~,'fia.tcs ,(#1 l/'IJ,!ua~J, .tintlt..


, . _,'.. ..- -

l_. .. - ... , .__ -;--0 __ . _ ~--:: - - _ --

... : . i. I •. ). - .~- - .•.. ~



{If'~j:iltt#jt sl):ajJes ·r;ttr i!JI8/j 61,/.t .67tfUf,'iflfJ'S l!'X&,d .tib.~#. (JllI11. #lift/lend/s .. 'T~ d.rucrib~ ',eyes tl%tt "U;.o;;/n,'r#.r ,(fJ1Jlit.i01't~ ilt.f U/f$ll :eM;Pt.)~ d;.e!4cippl;qilleJ. cd '\Vhf'l'! 1~ Jmile~ gri1i;, ltU{;g_h, and. sittg.; iJle (;JeuatrJr ,1~Ud:el({fj ct gff/t¢· iitJl71jzed'la~f"-I:h,eir 61biJ#j! to .lift Jh'e ~J~(}/tth, ,d!fetl.<· t;h(J .flirJpe.l#tbe-'~Yf!.r 'l~ ZYfJIL. Ther{;! m.tJJ.t:/eJ,f;C./J·at the chei1k&rmft,J (ltul4U th~'o.rbi_t. \V:lJen d~r t:f112,i"tdCt ,th'e.y 1!lJ"sb' ,u.gtli1:tJ.t ,tbe' iOt'Wf tkl ,Ii JtJlfctli (}'lIdl 411((f,,,tfl ol Yh.!if) Y;'il nI a t.~~,~t!Jiimg U,d2' 'tJtel1dcd IJen,{!cl;tb the ejile. 'u'e_ates the ilif!,l81za Ji!Je$fJ ~'_lN;f.rlCJ hfl.'vs. b) Negcloli-ve- fJflUlliO'fl1 tl.:rlJf ~',() malee l¥'J/tJ;t.,:uJ'ul oer !J~'VU'J, (()1'ACf%{iin,g j)c{;~:~t i( the tiel, .Itd.d·,tft lIfnU(Irl(Jl.l· NltftJe. oj Vi,,, to ,~, af,a '1'~(Jdiafh,'lg lJ 1ftit. IUa;ce. .it justtItbolf(J t-he eye .aJzel,blend to lS.n?itU:e tliis eft~ft.


;Pld~ up _~iiny . ~ ~,~nq.UlB~ w![i;_h th~-~o.ei ;)n~~~i 1'1 u§e·fi~r,fr~·. i¥Gi'i!fiJ b~ al;;d~' t~$r 'p;8e:W1,at ·$tOu!'rf~Ld~'i'n~'. JUcP:tW~~~f tb~ t'b61 tt1Sl tho(!§: olay. ~f the c~ay ~,~fG~' otto thrl·'work BUl"fliiliCCtJ 'IO@et~11l11 it> .WtltJ~ ~ ~~:a~~ pln.~-th;~~. ~h~~ i,t·up with th~ t.~Qi. .

'l',J..-/: -"'nTT ~.J;. ,'1'1" .,"> " '" . ill

.J~,e:p' J>~-~U)~ toe Jm,,~u tttiHitl;"y ,ttNfYJ,.f1',t'(),

d_e$tJr~bt rh# iJih;{lP'lJ~f ~I?:~ : ~e,. ,:lJ."fJSt .1rhe·· triP of I~e: ,1:~Qdle #gh,r,:ty O'n" t'lM ~7~dill i/J }o#

. -

dr;al.tJ the '(}Pe'iing.: Tt"lt~i1ig. 47:1'4 ~~'?'i!a #;~'

l"l/J/PJ" .'tiil fn'l:tit J'!J.~'Ofltb. De the sa.tlie fiw t~' jOttle" 'itll),e.fifJ~ 1/;M.' tf)1N~¢;~ fJ/ thif C)I;r/$ ,by lj~u-h.b~g ,e-he lJr;"h~t (/. /:JH sl~~g,1l .i:&.p&R~1 Il6~(jtlJe imr; th.y tYWliJfJrJ',


Part 4 = Face to Face


M,ODELI;N'G, 'THIE IEYEl,lliIDS Sr:eji' 31-Se, th,,, lo. ~~'e et;trlJij toot (j't/;' thfi, tipper lid a/iovt! t19Jt ,"nicldte. of the ({yeball ({lrut jJ" fh'L~t ti; .t;_he. i nskle (.11~~1Zer oj thee eye C/J,ttt' tbe'Zt(} the fj$jt:;ide (.'YJ~·It.S1~~ IjYfJ'1t 'xiJijh~ ,tt:;eib.e;fi1'J(; I~eet.lle to 1nark t:~. lid:"Zi.fuJ" ~!,J' ',a g'$lici'e fm~ J,etting tbe tool ,hI plal;;e,


11/ pe,()j;l'c of ll/,iati, {ffltir,(}'lJt,elilnes A)J:l:eric({:Jt l/:uiia1J, or Alr~i,a'1Z .tieJcrt'llc. ,(I foldbi the' Jkln' hitler the ,flpp~r eyelid. Sltgg~t jites,m:t"l. ,oj the' l¥ppeF lid .a.nd the rll.if(t1tdbc:d foic! c012ct!ating.# 'bJ1 d.r.a'llJ.t]'lg (~ fi·n,; ,crtcMe at ,the· inl'l1l{f (.{)1~}1ef ()l.tJMJ e}I'e;

Step 3.2-Refi1:lt ike shttjlfJ fJ[#,.8 lid 'with the ./i't:f'lt.e t~prutJ')r ,fJ;ti!Jdie t:(J "~fl.f1{:1 ttltte'Jt'~''Y Cjrlcl ~}2-ha72~Yl ,t1.nn;(frtit.r:W ,fJj' t'her-yG;~.

s j,~B;P l3-PtWJ the lfft.~"JfP at'i .. t;f;(jdtlp~(J()t .jZAst I1tilofi) t~t lm,Otr tid 1~~l!iiipiV{)~', {Wit 111 the l!Jl':fide ,ror:,tfJJ"cnul thC1i to r:h8 riJl,:t..'.ddfi.

If theJ e&eR~e ,!3~e;mtoo thl~k~ 1U6e: tha m~~Jldn:l' ,ktlirtt;~t1€f n~edJe a~ .. a :r:e,1 i,~r a,nd m'ov~ ~t ;g;~~'ti,~ ;ach@6:~ -@be lita, ir"i'm ~.w~~ ¢'J;;·6~$;$ QJ~~·"wrt,h.~ lor?JFt ·~t1'~f~ a,nd re .. .d\~fI'~'~ ,tJh~: eha'pe .elf eh~ lid,6!it tffi~~ $a'm;a j;;Jrne'.,


Step ;'4~A.dd,(lII~tt'te'2;'!,ti (lfJPj mtl.r!e' of ~ of it A1«/f:littg U,I# jl1St . ah'()vet/~e l)lJt(}t' atnler· {{ the ,(f)ui aflcll)(!:ln.~u t:he. ey.,br(m.!. tbe mf!..dittJl.l k12itthl;!J }l{,!(}dte.t H ,'~!ltJ~~

St;eJ)' .3.5-Jl'Q1l the mccliztlf.l Of targe k.Nitti~'lg ll(twlla IIF jiy;:tJJ t,he t~t~~~i£ f!/ tbe liii to.l'{ ,«,nl the Yf'fJlti ti:fJ,~' W/0rk cti~ 'fftly ah'(}w thueye and l/irrJ1 ~~I em tt}z!,!:l(t t,{)'fWl1-d t:h(f osser come: of the ,~te.'· F iJ1iJ/g bjl ti()Jlil:~g th ltccile.drmlfi jhml the 1IJidloreh:r!ttd re/'aUJl'J.' tOUJ&wd the hro:l1llhl,e.


Pare 4


Mf}& f.l(}.~w<l eye' Ollef ~" IlnJhaked ,eyeh£ttl. Pt)J·~tj(}1:l the. ,~pjJliqrieJ' tJ..lul the,t I(.rr:e the'C7JHlitd t~jJ ,11ml ta 'Illctrk r:he CTUaif! of the. flPj1lfr /14. So/Cetl tb, ereas« f(; ith tiJ,fj large k.1:1ittbzg 12&t/Jf! and bleNd l/)'(l njIpli'1!fCS". PCol) clUellti(JN t1)' ,tbe: (;o:nzerJ of tlJlJ 9J6; as z(JIJll'is t~ rJd.tll.p:a/ (ttrVB. :1~e-.defi1'N: the ljd ibulJ u.ith t((){J JjlUlll' tapils.0'Y lleect(~.

Mo,a:el f1orm;s1IIy-~'hafe'd browe, fir5t. Then, when ,you raif7t;,.q.r-' !qw6r' t~~,mr t:~· ~:x:p~e6:E?' a part~QuJ;ar ·,~.'m(~rt,i~.rh ,YQJJ' n b~t~~ Uft1~'Dr!3~n~ the:. MthhkitJe alt1d ~f:jOW when to

t·· ~ .~. . ..'

5' op. 8ln'~ a:~Q]~ :e,xa9~Sl:r-atlOnl.,

Part -4


Stepl ;·,6-P~'rJ.:J.r d;e' rapfll~(lti eTta of th~ mti/ltaJ'J ,'k>N}t.tilJ:1J J:I&ltfJe jtlJt b.J'{)&V' tA~ celzte}' r;f the m:JJc{t t'Y) form th~ pbilJ,ri'tn'. thr{ JfWJlJil!1J, thitt .s/9,'al,.fJ.t th~ £J~pi,~s tjmo.

MOIDIE.LINiG THE ILOW'ER: LIIP St'l1/J 3f)--G~1#iy dfNi'tl .Ih~ N[,()~It~} .ti#!'lg. ~he S({lt:tl! tJtQt/JwJ j;i)It' ,!'xrii' ~() i?t(J{,:k ih thi: lrnwr lip, R&jJ'1'ie' i;~ Slk{'P'~ by jJ1't!J;ing t~ .1,'l6rJlille at £1 Fligbt .aflgle au et,~~h' sid" of th.e /.'071llCr tifJ.. V se .the' nerx.ltediJ a roller (ti ,'Oll'r tlHlJ'l!lt, to l"fJ1ll(Nm ,{I,'!1.:Y .~r'w.Ye:f ai .the Ji(;ies' vi thB ,J1f,Of{th"



S tep !8~HfJ!d: .the slIlatt ,f,U/!a.fiJ,~'J nC(i(lle det d Jlight ttfl{!.l~ - ulz1&h- tb'r jJ.Oil'lt (}1i (J'tle (;Q1"fle:j" of tbe llU)ttth allrt r(J(k tIM J;~'(jjJ aoum" 'PliJe jJOil1.t 0/ tb;f! 11r(Jdi~ 'llJiil t1"eette. t'he l'ornC'J' of tl:m 1ti;WJltth while ti:w ;-hf'(/t of 'the .'I1,fjecll'e lvill 11lt:lJ':k. .h,al/f)! lh~ til' .thze., 'l~eJ7eat lhis sl" ,a1; tl')(J ol!/~,()Jite ,,·Ortle.':


Stell J7=Srln:hfJ Jlledirillt kyltt.i1/f; tJe~clt& jtJJl alml){] the iill timJ to ,{me .sitle q{ the phUtti.!lt. Lighiiy ~"()Jl fhl! ltertclte d~a,l,fl to thrA fJflf!COl1lfJr of the 1Ju)ltl:b. ~elJ&'t thii .Jte,' on /;hf; rJthr:r side. Make t.he' L~l!j l'afg~J' hy lightl, .cb"GGr,lJIlll{ oj~ th.ei, lip' ''h the ie/ega ~1tiftb[rg .lleetlle, \VOJ~ fi'{)IJJ2 fii'Ot!:l 1m tlff,l1fer 'to the mnwrs (}/IM!? JllfJ1tti?

Wh'e:M Wd ~mile ttl~ '@:J'~Ve:it,ir mu e?S le~ Itfit1l~~: the tb6'{f~'~ ,a,~p~~r' fu 11~t:. eern~~r' 12ui I~ i ne,:

I!.I p' th{; G; hi'~~'$' w'it.h, 5.t1fall rou'niJ, app! ilq l:J fX6 t1fa~:e ,Of 1/» ef .i:

Mod:~ii neg Urdt if jou mode~ .-a-·51mi'll~ng ft:ietl<


1\, n 1!~/):mJJfoi;e. 1Jj'(Jt;,'f,h J' t~tt.f' 'wl,,(Jfl. J'}fcl Sfj1; the ltJ' Jhie .. A~'CUnt tht:. Ift?fl~C'r.K ,r( th.tJ I/.ltJ/ttb tttld ti?tJIf d"ttfl,t) IA'() li/) f;'tt. (:l~rl!t th~ Cf)'n.M.~~J NP' for ~1 s;}1iie. D~'~w J.f'~~(tight a.('f~fl~ fl1' /.1- ,lft!,J,h' l11()rlt.~ ~'r JmJl the ff!I"IUJ'f'J ,dO:lon /r#' i,,/rO'<l-'i't; lYbeI2yt)'tt btack th~ It)~lk'r lip', .. it; u)illI'Ollml)' tbe iiJz(f y(]~i1j(j, ,~ifJ$f~~;,betl..

~; ttjJ' 4 CJ-..-P itrce ihw 'll()strr'i/s UJith 'the '~fge h:#):er.ti)r 'lJ;(!lJdie. J1i!fJ1M :thc 'Hf!!.Itil(J ti.rr.h#)1 IJ} ,t/!;:(J. Jciclt! d}1,{l th.(1J1' liP to CI~f!(jte the ~all, '!lar.r(m,~ 1'l(}Sfriis jo,' dl pef:sml vf €tIN€rlSia1'1 or Asicm tJ1u·es.t1-"t lVJ'O'we the Needle ',hi a J1N.all dn:£e/;ff widrm tb:(J tJrJst1'ib: jor :1$ lace 0/ Afiit,'cm 41'1C(utry.


St;ep~' t-U ~c Ihf! lm1!.~·":$t1"'U!Jd ,&,l/J ,tr;.r# ,t1) 1:n:4te ~i ''tItV;~' ,J:J~()(Ju8 (j'tl ,~&tcb Ji~le (1/ thl' 6o.~fe of ~:hc ,i:OJe.. The jleJh. that liitll:Jur the iJ_a.~trih ii ,c(,~ll(jil ,tm ala. The "lr0011(1 is the ctiw ,,"1/1;.


PO!}"-,d,./itt:fJ ~{ AsitJ.'fl ci1i(;!&Rt1~y ,g(mel, lrr(JJJ t~ nos« (J.gtiin Jf t.he. face· t~ fO/te-lJ; I:he j,wqfiJe.

Part 4


Stet)' 42~:1:J.~'"fJ:J§ ti8ht~" ()'f),' ecu,~h ;r.i~lfJ tJi{ the" ril) of ,the rlJ)JC ~l ltD tbe lJilfJ£J'i1l:Jl1 knitib2'g llwdle:. HI}/eJ the llrtL1tile ,at .an tmele' /rn~ tl 1ll0rl .p,o.i1:lteti'llOJe.


A_ face 0/ t\.fi';'a~};;; -ciasC(J};lt .ffl(jl,(lct hd!!l!l1 .rival ."'J}s/rib .. C'~eate thg 'f)vnJ shaj)c' ,6)1 pr€Jsing 'clmmt a,gailut tbe top qf,(!ii'tIJ glt:t rltlith "hi? tar!!:e k~'litt'i"g 1'loed/e.

Part 4 - Face to Face


- .;; ~~Jlll. __ :;_II~'.I~1 ." ,I' 1,,: .. '; -~,

C h,ttrt,gr: thr1' V(fry J t1'a'ight l1>f}~e' to' ,l'21{_hbrf~11~()j() b, PJubitt.~ ."J1P ~{n the tij) Xl/it/' yo.ctu· ji,'Iflger., }tUilttle the brir{f!.(J by ~1:olU~,g tht la17.~'tJ k'}?iii'titlg ri(J(!t/lJ,e ti!liNt}fa tl:ie 1!J'r(Ju).


C/l'~7-t:f: ahqa/${Jtl ,«by stroking ·th'e1'ij} (f!O'tfJ:}7 u;ith YfJln"fingf!F. P~~~$lr(:1~ FOrm!! tbe lafg;r lffltitting r~~fJi:tlll1 Cl,t ihe tOJ/ 0;( "i;" bridge {1.?:Jtl jt'/,s$' tlbot-fiJ' thr till U!~l! i';~Wlte~1 ,b$fmp th~l 6J:zhCf,illm t;h,ft effoft.


UJ'(t tl;,e lo;~~(1 lalliui'l'~g 12'(Jetlle' es a T()lter if) le,}'1kf;'Fl!l~ the lip 'ol t;hr: nose by J:·(Ji1h~g clOU,trlul~f,d. Phl()t ,l,he 1}llJ'llizf..1Jl knii',ti1Zl{ ,rterJ~1l11 ail the Xlkly d:Pr1l'lfAt/ the tip of JIM l#}j(! to CffJCd'e t:btt limB)' ..


6: fep 4"4-Li'J'i~ .~[,p tljvJ. 'llj(!lti'lNrt. ,kltitlilzg l!Jef..ttli:e 'lu:ith' IJ2,rJ sideJ' oj" .tl?e "!1.f!.re find tJie;llpifvot tjg,eflt{f(llt .C:J,crossth'f!: rhi~; ~·Jc:rJ~!f;i'nl?" g g~'lf"J,e ,t,,~yc~ S oftrm the &.f'C :ll1,#h JPDltr jlllgtJ1! P'o,ft/Jrm'fJ I.htJ SleJ)1 on ,"I; :f'/lCul'j' fife tit/til ji(}N'~'JJ.ll,'dtJ:,hangqs t(J th~brf)tus, 11JI)uth mIXl j£lt(}s .. 1~ ltJztlef.flaJ1d tht}~f(J drJ:a~7,ges;. fead thf4 ,text ..

Stet)' 4 J P:JW:J t;j.e; 'f.h~ift '0/ tIM k"~~j{f!c' klllitti;'fI;g 'It&/1iJ. a&tf"i'12'S1,' e.tJJ!h .side rtf lbe /'0£& oJ .th.tJ' ~>!Nttur' n,J,{J. This :rte/J (Hlj,ldI J'tiJ}'" thft z:Jlg{)C)1.u~ti,6f!w,~ the t:~rt:h($ct bone at ti)lJ' of ideo/the fr"rn tlutt jN:(wicle;r lm)jJpi'~,,(}I'(JF the jm'Y "~Wlt.t{t~r.

D'efini:ng Gender

Thou/g]']1 yelm may have used rl~ji'· amount c f clay recommended f( ',;1' ~1]odeH:tlQ- a nl~1:L1 s


face, tha rae may still hav

'same ten mlnequaliri es. You n~e.d t,o 11.1 He c"- adiustmenes, push rhe clayaround ;-4 bit to emphasize a masculine ,Uiel1t1e~.. Before y .. ··{JU do rake ·u

... '

moment to und rstand Vir'l, ~H it Js ~1hou[ ail~IL~U1'S I"mce that 119;'tl{r,~{) hi im s() different from a woman: \With [hat understand][1~ yo~l..I "n I iave the confidence ,tf) 11lRk< the necessary

'h'loges [0 }foC' ur sculpture.

A.1l women ha ve something of the child still in them, F~I~'r hon~'5 al~e. sn ~lH .and smooth, Her chinIs pointed j' her jaw found and narrow, Her fore-

- - .. - - ." ,. .

he~l'~: appe :&lrt) . vertical an 1

(;)J 'en round because of her small brow ddg_e_ Her eye:", r~ p~ I1llIY seem round, soft. and h~}; because of the smoothness .of the bones,

rhese are childlike features that remain as a .girl becomes

a WUI,U,~ft A nJ{1l1~S skull ~~ llQ~~ robust with a ruggedness ®f I~c:~n€ that. supports larger muscles and thicket skin. This

. -. ~ .

l· .. 'p;e ano muscle growth gives

1n :ang:lIhu;ity '[0 the features, ihd~ding d~e ~y.e.:"

Part 4

Face to Face!s; t'l{l() hdllC the SatiN: foatftnJ;f" yes on€: face is deady Jllal~ ~m~l t/je ol/!;tW foll1~Je.. Tbe (lifft~ .. - esa .lie.r in tb;: /;fjJ1.f1J. A 1ltfl,1/J skltll bas tbioo(t}~ nlJ~ghe·r brrllll.J t:hm'l' &;. UJIlI#tI/}"~!JJ!J1:;i1~1!. hi~:J. a illJm'S jJ'J:OlM.inrmt IZO$e dml /tI"OU!J. :a Jrq'il.a~1e !:hbl ctJ'ld u,JJtI~~· ja,'f,ll,r/~ 'ZlhJ.71i.m'l.f liar<t'Ou!er j(-P,lij uncI mtmd" fa~'fJ makes h.el~ ~feJ": {f,ppe~w iaJ:tter;, He« {'0imtlll fhl:tl md;~IJJ,thc m(mtb'tl)()"?~/t"lle~~ \rthi'l~ lirrt.h jJfJJJt1iJ th.e. sallie nose. hi:'i -1s, Jlig/!Jtl)! ltlrgel~

W~at~8r'~~h~ tr~nfl~r' of the 5.CU Iptu re ,;yO.llr6 "trea~tin:eI~ tJJ,~ ~a5f(;, t@lG"hniqu6§ remai;r1 the :!.?am.e~ 'Wl1en modelJI1g: .a woman!~:' f~;G:eJ work ge:l1ltJy ~n~· YDur wor'~ Wi 1!I~how the f;i11@Q;tt;] ,~:kul r 17'el1&ath thlf; s~in. Evg~ rthro'w,glh ydl1ve: f', the 'f~!Jtfudart~:w'r1' ,cif. a maf~I'~:£;; nos~' EHJtl B)j(;f§J i~ocke.:vG.~ ,wo.rk Wi"th the 56lm,{5 I ~~ ht "t;-QUOn. Thees not ,quit.t ImaE1.GtI~ in!!} f~:at.ur@~ will be'oQfn~"a fOlm~atiol1' for the- '; Ghang~,~ th,a:t'.~~@at~ a lT18,11'6 f~~~." Wh~n ,Ycnf m~&1,~8 thcn;e ~han~e,~ i:'d


p~lcl., A~p;p;- pfl1 at1l,gul,a~r ,;tude., '5tra~gl1tg:n the:

,GI.JfVatw r;e;: 'in thd'"~~U?U5$ the' Moat; .. tne,I11.'Qu'Cb ,at1~ t~~ ohlin. U56 €It:roF1Jg ·~tf.):~ke.?5· tQ mD~1 a 'rti,a n~'§ !'i:~,dj~ b6gh1nin~ wi"ttl tPie brow,s..


Pa rt 4 + Face [01 face


CbtU~f!.(J ·a fimziF),im!fitce b~'ttj r[JJ2{j iJ$tJt is .d.fJrldy "ut.S(tJJi'fJ;C~ Bttgi~~ 'lollit/:) fry ss inK )'J~l)re /?'.WllJtl1¥J as Yf):N fiJlt' 11-#1diu.t}2~ k1litt.j.'}~g t4~ztt{lJ'(l IJ.(Jtz't fo,rgr:t to rrJll the lJ.led,iti/Nl ,hiiuing dloUNt fi'n1n the fonJh(!~ct it,ukmd ti1:1J ~7e ,b:rOUI:r to .IJrJ!i't: hm thG/it: p.rnlJ- (1rl)l. '1~he 1fl(j.l'C J)r(J;rJli/);re y(J:t~ tlI4)1-),. .the 1lUnYj J'~'(}minem ! he. hroUJJ.


U$.£ll;rfjJ~tJ.wJ nwd';C/. slight l;olii1:lK 7llol'~()JZ t# f:he sides of tB·c /m¥Jb&Jil to :fll,$g(!:fl the f;eJ't~jJl1J~(lj nuade. l.a~'·g,eJ" in }]' 'f}'mJcieShlbili:ZeJ th,fj jllJ'ft

WlDIE:NIIN·G THIE .JIAW C~~Wl~:9a'7nCte Jc'~lt)tetl dot1e.kborl.e ,(nItI l();~rJ'cll the jm'P /JtftJit«t' by ,1)tl1§'Si:'J'fg the lhtt,/t (Jf,ff ia1:g~ k't}:.itri1~g ~;t(]{!.(ll(l, t2;8,v;i1:lJl.' tb.e.dde of th~J;tt"(}~ .fJ.,()JLi~'I!g the '!lMttit! di{)UJlllVJJ.Vtt,,'t.1 tbejauJ .elt {t 5/ight tlmg.lrr,/m" L'h'C;;(JJt-eff8C:l~




USlJ.' ,Y{)Rr Jh'litlt'l" ,,' ·to blur the l.iilIJf;! 0/ thaboU,f)m· Up It~~#·:flr~ nJnU1F~r of t'bl! l'}ZQ!lth ·61.ntl·cirG'J'll·· "JWtJ.,;tfI;J~ tOU!if:N! .rh'fl j~t,liJ.

~SHAP~NG THE· MA.SCUL!IINE 'C,HIII,IN Li::;'1"($ .~tjJ $'b~ ihafl ,of 1'11:8 J1tudilliJlt k1Hi;tth~g JWJedtli'rI't' the to't:t:i(:J"l rJ/I.l(JlJ '1}~o·[} ,1M/ore Jf)Zl i1ii}{)'t' ,th~. ]It(J8dl~~w:rO$s the c:bhi. P i'fliJh b]Y' jtattrn.~ir18 the lm.m-. oj' the fhil1 a I~;t .JtJr.ikiJ'.rg i~ l)lOn! JllUdl"fJ.

Part 4

ace [0 Fac:e

ModellngThe .M,or-e' Expressive Mouth

OniJ~e adult face, with the features ·so widely spaced, YO'U have room to rna] . changes ~eat,'8Uy and In an¥ order You l{D,o\1.t how t l make changes 'that alt r the shape of the nose. It's time to open fbie mouth, show a 'b'i'l: oftooth and express delightwith the grin and the laugh.


Step A-:l}tf7!t e iJzto d gritz. Pl'CtffJ th . /loin;, of tb-e .l("~'''8C taplHt'11'leedle itl tbe iiOnlfJr of t/je, ~/JlJll,th,. Pi-IJ()'I ,tfJ-e ttetltll'f! hock ",'adl:r the lip .Jimt R't:p.e-at (j1'] thrtOPf)'OJ#Jl ,dde'ff{ Ina lliO,'ttt!J" T. his' step 0l!l!}'l5 the ~Ju)l'tli

:it(tl! D-R,(Jlling. the l}~edi:;(J:'t1 ~'J~if,#~'tg lliedifi .ttC1f)J:I ,f!i.iJ' b(tttom lip !(}Jill erase ,aHj' ,,,eetli~ marlax"

St~p B-Vi'f1 ,lbe tajJf!17U1 ,E'lid of the '1Jwtiimll Imitti'lg 118eille to place a til'l) nul' ofUlhite dlty itl .the open. IIU}!lrb'. P''eH it flat with th . JlI'Hl(J ,mOiif)1l. yml tlJcd' Xl) tJ'jJeJ'l .the· 111(}tl.Jb. C 'I~t atl'ftt1 fl'lly ex~eS!&{)hitc(;lc{:y' and flrro a s§1-aight lh~(!. FIJi the Imtt(}~J'/. ,q/th.'fJ teeth with a cj'a/t huffJ..


Whg:n the. ~ rJi.r1~ek Ef)~b8tp,~ tbm3,e '~i,de ~y8:t? i1~i:J ~OJ?l~r~1r

~.+- +.-IIX J<' . < - ...-:'. ,.' .Jf.· f

J !"IVulrl'8-- I~a!:o&;. ,'ff;ty I'1'Oe..lc6· 0

cla,y~ poh;.~f(]~e~ ,.on: t~~~ lowa:r. J nt{:a $C):~v~~' t.h9.{;t pr(i~+e,m.

SIe.jJ C 41rJ'arii () t1)8 teeth ["ith thr; .Ih£lji: qfrhe fin,fj ,"!iredle, l3egi1l i~1 .the (/(!l'Jt(]J~ D'()1ir. worry i/yo'l.l ~lUI",~k tlJ ~(),ttr)}}t· tij),

T'UI-E-= W'ID' E' '0" '·PE·'N'.· M--O:::'UITH

_ n. -' ., _, ,~' --=.1 ,_' .... '.' . .

P,h!Yr6 the amtfJl" of thf!. 'i.}~tJJlth_· "tlith, tho l.apes/I')I ·'!If.fedte. I\Ijltll.e itill-~' cirde ,tP 1Je.'fi1.1 'IjNfJl?'Jg the ilJOllt!Jal1tl the~1 ILfe til Ittl'J!;e k.nit:th1.g ttdfttlle l~ ~p~f1·t/~ .ma'l:ith d,J "lif'i,tA. es '}Wt w.i $~'.


Part 4



A Tlmely Touch


f\s Ute !!;~'oU' otclc'f. am· skill tOJ'(tJ it's etcl.r#r.:'il)'! '()¥'; JmtJet~ 1(1~f,~ Ui~e~ atld t)ll,"'/7(U/Y to::i'f:J fut. ,(ft Lir.w.f m' WI~iflkteJ (;1.;'#1' {int, Uie !Jj,e Jh(~ft a/ d,Nt Jm~dilu# m~ ,rilla-it kllittiJ'l.f!. ~uf(!(lle tf} JJreJt tAt re t't'lltr.!lj' IVllt7Jes i11t,Q .lhr! ,,12.'111 all ,the Jidf;,"i 1,,/I,lot Jaf,if1, ,ttu:,jrnt4., .• (lTIlI forehea,d.


.:lep A~l lJ '1!ttY old.cq!,e, h)JS of fat efl(Uls Ihft a/JjJeantm:c. .f!:YCJ. on.ce fl'lshroflta b]lj}('tdJ alfal. sinla Jlightlj" Sel tbe {j'ye.!~ a leeJi(zf. Use the .I if' of the lIlflclillJ.1t ImittiN:gm!fJdle to ile.Jc~,·;be t~hc JO(;/ael kllea:th tlJ eJ ,1.


- - -- - -

u ~ t"h'tJ small nul 1m ~a tepess ,',, 11.ei1dJeJ In ('.'ftl'lt$a the. }}l('lte /J'l'fJ1ftirleJ}'f l~fltg,h '/;IUJJ all)lIrlti tin ,n?,u,II'fh ""d WlH ry IhllJJ acmss til(J flnehead t:md bri'{lge" of the nose. Use 1I~t. ·J1;'f'I;ft ~if.t'hl! linti f:ll1uilll. jt),,. the m,fjfr; ,ielktde :Z'/ri1.2ok.le. .•

s top B'~A ~T(h~tzla,t(! Mch cheek.'h·fn1C with .£1 Jl,2ttLl disc 'I c!r,IJl. Ilse ~ ,of ~ lYlndelin:. Vllif/W· wtf.b. J)1011' ,with a /a"8 or IJi'.lclilt1.~l k"til'lmg }llJedle. P1lJh the ,fhi1l/"(J/~(j"td:S tl9tl fJOse to xhfJuJ the rflin.:t of !,f)jf) ~'8(!t.!J'.

Allan ~,. Ultjjlt(tltp young tlJ· oLd, "he .fJatten1 I~i' ilt()Jeling the fleck .i$ .lh~ SalmJ,

Step' 45--Roll :rt hal) of 610)' jj'ollJ I Base UllitffJr an CI:lrt1t~t1:'C:e fill/Fe .. } M lmit.{ fiJI' d fat /iglt1"e. into a WJti'&'lJii:h a t/iltJI1Cl,er of:4'rhe length v/ iJt8 11M,d. Peess mUJ efJtl ,at ·mil cJ.l1gle (~glJ,ifJS.t rbe ~1J(Jtk smjat-e. Tsr» leilf!.th'U'ise~t't'flt.l fl({t/~t:l :the othg", ,end (,lot' (Ui' allEle.

m. :::.:fj-.::. ... "', .'( .. ," the N·,:·"·- r ·k····· -:;:- nd J-" -- ~.c., l'.e.Jnln,g ~",e . ,ee,. an· . aw

fe!J·4l-i\ Pl!Ulerfitl' 1}'{l~'te{.:tj the Itl!.p1!r .i~I/U' to t:h:~ br~/;ff/'Oft'l i.r.rJd ,Ct)ll~t" .b'rJfJ~;r. Crec_ttfJ this rmiicie· /;JI .~(~i~lb~g c/.'flitl r'lrii . t'(J ~i'cb .sieJe, ()f thi;· .r..lg'C/i.. ()~fJ t'i(i() /'IftJflei.i'tt;l!, U1~itll~lf' etlch ,'rfjc!, Plat;q ,~(tch at fiJI l'J_J~!!.I.J; hf:!gitlidi~!f' .ir#t "behind/' ,t!Jtj j~niJ (tIKl:sloping tI)lvttl:d f~ -bfilt ~uil.l be the .I1J,t (I{

ti1tt hc~~k. B'letlcl t'lJ,eJi!~tmJ by jf;F()king'U.! .]Ili/'" jinie::I' or 'life the 1'1~(fctiltNl, k,t#tin.f!,' t}'upiJl(1 {of I ,(I '{Jlt~,:

St~'P' 4B-ll"sfj' J)r~Slt)-:e .fi~(J1ll t/~(J [(ffgC k1l;'tt1.1~g ilet:rJlc to· ,,'iKkl the llrl'd.errid of f'h:,; itl111.1.l it's ',Qc. 7:Jld.ji~r bead. }'~U}iJll the ~etlk tv .t'lw; Ji"itJ ifif,¥uijir It) ~iu;i$e ,h,fJ j't:n.t) ':luitlt}f; Ge.lltly f,linah .,t/J.fJ. mill throat .tofoJ'JU the A&~m ~r tipple.


Step' 46-·Piei'Ci liJ~ "zet.-R; llJ.lJh "he JlJlitll t'lptStr1 ,llllt:llll! .. 'fh,"e(td ~h(j 'lfJek (mIt; I~ '~~1I.lli#il it jitJ "wgly ,1~~' ;1'iNJI lhft bo..frJ ~r i btl htati. Sh«J'1J' iJ flat tritJt)'gl(}·"cl1~d.fijl ()Nt lhehrueoft!.J·tt-j(iW, Us, 2~, 11110(1elb~g U'»ih 1m' fl'lC Iklr,{f! 4 a 1,l'61l1f1;1'J,J jtn.t!, 3-4 fin' ,~i md:1ls~ 5-6/01' t{ hecJl~' j(/U~ Bl~"d /frJ1lI the ~~IJi:k.(Jnt"(j thiJ.hcarl, Fom thY! bClle lif the J"' rmtf) ,hfJ lltltk and !.btll {)11tl) tbe j~lm


art 4

Face to Face

Step 49-11 only takc.f "j1till it'rQkel u #11 tht Icrrge ktihtil7,g needle t·t) !lz(u/~! tbe ear, hfltt it ,h.llip:! .t(} lkf,1/Q g pCf,tttntfin' 111,(){leILn'g. The hi~u;k titles in: this illllJt1~a'ti(JtJ iruit 'a,t~ tl)f} /,rml JIllro&NJJ' ,'fIN !lld~fJ to ,r"Te~tte $'/1)# jWt/.:5 41:lla GtNH!S h'l t't IM{,.i1~ of,({t.W.f. 1; Of I. -tl' begin mIn'}" (h.c J~i1ll «J2d ,llJm-l3 Y()'ft'J· UIGICY imtNl/rd.


Ilf yoU! h~;ve 1(11'''~.IJ~I,~ tn~~;e:lii1g-~';~n'e;:that matc;nr ·nu;.lder ene ear ~Irl~ ~e;;' U:I'?- a, ~mall tfttdlrror".go

~ .. n-:.- .

tha~ you call1 Se;B ,1~6 rM"it::ctiol4:. U~e it a:a·:a

,rMe-reUi1~6 for· t;1r;',e 'S~OO'Fla "~.alr. The ori;enta.l~IOIt1 will L7.e the, '·e.

St'e.j} 5 j -Raise the 11,ftl ()/ t/C)j] t1m' by /Ii'lJOl.i1l-g the ;}'zMiltJ}1 h~1ilti~g ,'lJJedl,i ttt'ulmti ,19,ft r~p, ,biitda.· atttl base oltl!if! (JelT.. UJJj the rho{t olthe 1ze:edle It' tllJj' .th~ l&t1m sllt{)()th~ iGe11t:ly jJw.!u the,iobemcl doseJ' to I:m .head.


St:ep ';O~f}(]1l'IJJ: $'W() (fl(JJ5. USi'll1 Y:i of }1~orl(tli-ng Unit fY1l~ ~t1ff:bFlatteR JI1IJ.'htly 'l.()ith yom' fiNger, IlSb1g Ii liUle p;~:e.f..rlinf to ,fonll ,,~ Jhhll mo .JepPe!.JiO'll.

Step' ').;Z·,,·····:n"lu;:e tWcl retract: the !/!1allo'llJ C-.fbt,t;p~tI gJ'"(Jolle I#}a~'· t/~" 1tim ,oj the £'1/,1' tvith tfJ'f! ld:rge lef/ttl-itlg rzeed/(J. USC .1I1;(JN!' ,/It'e! mtJ' .(# the top of the e,ar {l'l'Jd tbefl t.(~pqr offal .the base r;f th·' !~CIJ.,

In a N1ew' Li.,ght

On ,~ different daY~ll'an:()ther Hgh£, 1 IJL1JJigbt see other posslbillties ~mnd make miler(':..-l anges, 'The mood striking m Ul[gJ)t strike th-:- 'In. 1 'Or' the' moment, these three and several others ali.

Iht1()Sl finished, They need bodies and lim.b&. ,clothing and hair blush QD th ;heeks; .. and rouge on the Iips,

S.telj~) 3~rn~l.aJ(l 91)z6ltler·C -~h~/'(Jd ()peftillg t:vith·. i:!:M lctrge ktiittuzg 1xoedh. . GradltallJ.~ PftJh to,w'clt:i the hadt oj tht (JrJ/' .tQ ~'r~ltfJ l.htt flMitt tbfJ Cd"~, If ;rlJlt ~'Oh(J' f{ simj1J e,clgc, lJfjn~ly rttb· Slll(1(}11il 'f.vith yo:ltJ·.p11'!1eJ::

'\1,1 (/ ;UJ'l;l! light thiJ bt~r;i.J/'J,~yetll'ttd.yl !Jrm(lS UfiN~l:rm hfgh(lml ROoftrit. t()~ ttl'FgfJ.. It took, 1i!J~f P}~esi#jie' ,a.b()l'#J' the h,c()'tuJ to lml'Mr tj~lfl.· Pi1Id1,[,1%g hur l1a:rflto ,dOJ(J hef' noslJ'ih 'll'ilde all #u,,r;/iffitJwul! h:J the UJ(wtd.,

Step' 54-U'$tt the tiJi of th'C lJzedi'lutt l"1z'ittitlf!. r.loe411J to }JfI;/.f:i the v..'.rh~~/)(!J ,g"'(JVQ. 1te(tf tbe iop .(1 the /fJlil The j~.l:.J JI)t)l(tl/ 1Z()'~lJ ~' a 1.1u"tNlt/lr:


Par 4

Face to face

.' top 5'5~P hlot th,1j, f11,u(;/i/tJ'Il .kn;#tht/t l,",'Cole . ~r.otlljd. tk f'f"fJrt ,(t,m} itlto the· ~Fm~ ;,tg of the Ytf.: Tl;iJ'l:tep raises the emi' .ami' ptIJh#.a bit ·,;.:iayt()welrd the ~{Jf! oj #1(! aq;t fort)'; fJ,g .the .fJina.

A:Fter:y.Q.u'·~~fini5na'~. ~~~yo.ur 'WOlt ,Eleiide. fot,d~y. PPSt1(i:f;i,Ofllle: time iintM~ r~,1 wQrld, o,~~eirvJn~ real peo~le. NoW' ,~vutre' l"e~,dy 1?D ,,!,~~ ~t WO,rK ~n!~ trf1W l,i!Jf.1t-: a ,~ri~ht :and !&.rjtJG~~ l(el~ht7. LbQ'k, W . bar~l1c.e ~ihd,$~~,t;. etu~ it upsi'dlt'J'down anddt1 :a'mirro~G~tQut ;tOll .i£f~lJ;lel6~ a,Ji1,d ,C,h8~k'~ fo'r feartt:lfla3:r:itkl,eat rn~0-ht ,~(} to.e l~m6 'ttr 1iQD'''6m~II~. 'Yo.llli firl'd, thl3'~~tea'olay aool'c:r ana 6rme~ ~Iw't yC1u·.o~n ~aaily.~ch~tia:f$ th(j;· f521tl;.l~eti, "feu II 'nn'd removing nic~~.~ :!?far8tGh~ fi'nge:rpr1jq~.ai1~ fl;:{W6<,~an ·ea~.i~r ta~ik on-Gaol clay,

Pi"iJS5It~ .a/;(}'l!ft: t~ eytbtr!:lt l·t. lth thet

lr:ltrglt 'mit.tit~g ,mJ_tft#e ,mncde tbi: lJUlJ~' S hrO,UlJ .l({;'fger ,~:t'f.1t:lI(},tl'JCI':

The /1Ii1/Jiou! Jl]elrJddjtfJ.t U:~}(ll p.ighlt~ iNI! r:/{)Jing_ hir .1l-1orttb ,ti hit~ ,acJdecl 'realism .tt} his e"/JI'c.uircm,.




e ·0

,,;" '.'



Parr 5 - The Body in Question

M'apping the Torso

'[he Sian)e~',ohtlst growth seen in a ruan's skull exists, in his. torso, His ribcage, made ~)f ~al:g~r bones ,ri."' .. n ~l woman's, adds b(!e~~~d·~.h to the shoulde:l\_~~lnd produces a sUght (l,ugfe in the 12oUarbo.r~~es. The Ji):el\;fic gi.rdl:€!:l'rnore cillosed and uprighr than .~~. woman's. rrrakes f6i· narrower hips and a flatter -ap4:It:j]JJen., smoother bones' comprise a woman's and shoulder girdle. Her .:ronar hohes l~e' hOrlZ(JtltaUybecause her ribcage is smaller .. Her pelvic girdle, made to cradle a growlng 111f~nt,. addswidth 'and roundness to the' belly and hips

II - I

Serratus ObUquQ\S ' Abdomjna~s

I \

11. J, V~j


S:r.e.rno-mastoi d P~t of the Ne,ck :Shoul!d~'r Une'

, Breast-S

P1lit of the, Stomach R:ibCa~H~

·C rest of t t:J e Pe'~vi.s Nave:1

FQrlk of-llheBody


Tht!f~: tWI) figlt1'es Jj~l/vt ·t~aIlstiC/lr:otdld£()]ls:-{t i'(»'J(} 2 .~ /Pead .ie}fgth~ IO'll:fJ. ThfJTiPi;fJ;r ~ttld iOulllr. torso ,(:flY!" 1. bt-ocl tfl''Jg.t/) l()n.~ joirl!cd' ~)-r 1ft 1lzitt lfJt'nr.m % ,qf,'l hMlllftllg.,h lot}.g. Thi!.il~' Ulaist/inru C{:rfJ ilYNtgill, the J:¢f1tZe~ ~ littLe '1N_cf),c~thtt}~ .1 hertel J,,ngth t&ide. btlt tAr]. Sbitilaritt01 {j,ltl th,f11J.. it :!WOJIZa'f/r chest is 1 ~ hecJlllil~gtl~$ u}id~l o':f~'C1 h~r b~p~ !.tlgJ.1tljl ~l)ld~,; al)ottf; 1 % h~rl (i1?tgt!Jl. ,1\ 'flat; /Jf.l\'~ 'f!.(f:J;}'lJt~er hips a.nt! a .brw:t'ilel~ tl:m.f~'l j1ftst the oppOJitr: of a 10mll.a» .. T/JtJ

flffJ,lf8J you. tnt/;he' shQi;tld 'rejLYJ"Ct.fimiim" p~'f)pf}rti(tlt'j. l{»o;t{)ing f./~ fJUl:£ctt!Sf!lI(llJone.{ (jUi!}'l t/hfjb~ tY)?lml():t'J #:t7.1t$ttS. .~'l'iil lljit,/?e JJzockli,lg ·thtJJJ; I1a,Jier.


Part 5 - 'The Body in Questlcn



SerJltfi:(}1N ,the siclo JOIl tari. ee h(tUl thr; bt),t.1BJ ;0/ tho 'lono dil':{!ctl:y il/fect its shalJ:C, 'The 'I1#I.I1J lJt'oa{Le,~ l:he.rt ~'·eflectJ hi, tt'wgej~ ribcage; His u:p,~ight pe{l)'iJ makliijOt',r:i' J't1~ttight' bai:Je;,/l Utw#mrJ:r tiit'4tljJffJ.:vi.r p11Jttrtc,o,x ~t g/,,-mtel' ~trrdi Th'f32;r1,rJ .iJlz[strcalu ,t_he dupth if the tors» U)fll,J)(;J,'"f1a .. to itI 1uidtla-raltKbh ~ t'hl: 'iuidt'h atJ (tl()~ig iti Iltfigth"

Part 5

The Body in Questlo

7th Vertebrae

. Medial' Furrow "Shoulder Blades


Laterals ~ ...._. ....................... ~=-"

Erector Muscli,es --~~ ....... ~ .............. -

Crest of the Buttocks Crease of the Buttocks Buttocks

T!Je-:iCmlegril is ,I,()tl.r 're/erenc:e :ntodeiillg l:i!J(lltmdtll(,z"ks of tbe buck. The In'8dia-t !urr,oul Xhfitt(dc-f hiall4 tbe ,(IFscwr IJi·u!J;Ius'!. ~trld, the cn:s.t:ancl C!'CastJ ,{'if th'e}cks am '_}'1oti,f;:~thle 01'1: eWr'J torso. StJen.a heavy /Jf)'fS(J 17:U~y sl,(}u' t.b.e lift';" of tbe l"tiui'mtlJ a,z{l the ttalJrzzilJ5 .. lJZtlJri'eJ 'J'r1f/)-on .. IibJe for- the V Jhap~ "l i,vihle .below th.ft rholddflf' I1L(ute;.


Parr 5 ... The' Body in Question

~undin~g The Body ,e '1118 ,ths' Bo'dyArm,ature

With ,~ bal{illg time of 20 to ,30 minutes for every quarter incb of cla Y, using a fbH core for the body makes practical sense. A {oil care with. abody-like makes modellng sense, It gives strength

and shapeto the figure .

• Work '§JJJrf&iGe , Ah"H1"il~LM11 'fQi~1

", Tw@;l.vci~,i'I1Gh Iruler

" '~O ~p .. 28' UrHt~~m'·fl~p'h ~'Ie;,nd olay " §t~~i~Ht.- b~rachi:ffO,1r'~DiJtI~irr~ ,al~~,

f' (9:~"u~~; Oit"; ~livl'd6~S

# L;af~l? ~1r1rd i9rfn~n ~'?f~e~tf;jl n'~~d:I,~~~~,o~ C.Pa,~,~ 15,) ~ La,[~~ a~W;dm;~di um a,ltJm'f.fl1JIFM kn ittifllfL f1ettile.~,

,F'j,t1iehin:ra Matttriall~;

.. Two y~ ~11 oh ~iB:~~;~r ~'F~!B.~ J'ods or QDat hahg~r6

'€5 V2,'he~,di leini€1]jh6 t~.I1~'l)

, ~50ul, Stand 'pai~te 1BlJ

'f Rub1birr~ ~1;C;Qh:Q:1 ce1~o, i~' ~et:)i)

, 'E!lie:a'~ 'p~jn!t~ l?'r'LI~nl'-' ;a' #.4 Q.t' 1'6 fi[l?:~J1;, r;~ i~~&l1

.. r~h:;tlm :pp:w~~r .

'# B8!~~t1et ai'§h -& fj:i7§rfnr

Ii Met'i,Jum ,and 'flrh'f W:6tl dlr.y §~ t1:elpa~e'r ,~~a wa:1ie{r'


" ... I ~Q

Step J-Thl!.ff! l:U't! ,~,sttl)! fl~'11U;{~i1'J,g the (re:tzcM~~d crJre: "a) Fvld ,~24-inch by 12'-irgb l()t]>g J:4U1t ~}Ilb,i/ i','IJ ht4f I(} ?}~tf;e: it 12 b~(."17es ;ji!flt~tJ~_.

CfttlSe .the lJ'at'cdtr!1 f:(} tht_fi: (Jl{;/5ilU;h&J~'llqJ once (j)'l4 Tbis lui,JllM' the UI$$slline .. b)P()ldowf!i 2 % i'l'lcbes orf the'.5 lti(,'h luiet~ hffJ ,$~im'f'

,J:' J~', P " u J',

~~~i4'3 ~A hl#)(J:J of tiJe 7 ~:r~d:)',r:lmr lflttioIZ" t) lJoltl fJtIttj~ % of irtn b~r;l~ (}Jt, .the si;oJ>teJ' hJp .:rect.ian ,~'t!'#l J ,~ inc/:J&S mz the. b)1~gtr .chest; .ret(tirm.lj

,t'h~,fi)'idddJ1Ufet 112WcSZtn?J 12 .h~t-hej; by 4 %'i1u;hru:~ J"()!fii~ve d{):}~r; tt., jtt,,:! '~~ig/:1tj: d) G.€ttl:Jif;r:./)iJf:'P~zdtf'/tta,'· t.(}t'l)(j.l'o~{lt.The JM[!;{lldfed Itljl81~J a/fiiil will ~l'~;;{,ttJ ~i a)~"e tbi(;/e.r~r·,a.t: t/,c CJ2t(;=· thw; ,cheJ"tundhip;s-atJ.rl thiJ2net'~tf;be "ZlJtiiJt.


--~~~------------------------------ ~


Step .2-Por ,moriJ., Cm'lt'ff}/j }tlttke.!1l'ltl,U, to(JsrJ/?'ielttt:r befm'e, J01l f1cd::/Je');' tbe fl:;l~


s t"(:l)~A{(clljlt~ iii rUi,i,th ,~h,rr(j 12' x 12 inc-h. tl.rettJ offi)'if. ,(3tttflgt lir,t{;h /(J ,(.~ uddj:h of titt'l~ tJj,01~~ t:hhJ'i, 4 huber" l~(jll ~th.f/ eare ill .~hfJ &~th~~~d ;f~f,1:J ottC .f!7{fe~ ,tl: {it 'ti1~le. P tlU tigfo#jl, Stop 1U)UJ "tNlet t:h,~ tfJ jRn:d'J. the./fjil,aJ th,e ;£Wtls:,. il'lak~ (,:e:tl.r;tin Ih(J Itltftj}jJij,lrg i$ tight.

Part 5 - The Body in Question


Step 3'-'P'i'!~~A t1'-OutaiSi: to 1Jlq:k.o' -it ~tJ~,W"e rom/J:acJ;. Ttl/iIt' ,Ot/lt:rut! the/ w~,,i,Jlr. It .rrh()~"ld fwe:tJ.~ble' It. 17Jp;rit{f1ti h~w tJe t#i littlil .t}~(jreth.ft1~'4 btc.h.e;r kmg.


St.eF 5P:res! the C(fre "'1.(/'1tI3/ ,tt h~'ti. sIJ1'PU:C uilti~ ~l1e:-Pt:dm qfyrut,1' hand. The J,()fillel:f O/J'fj1tf paitti; .ll;'i-llJ(}rm~ c~ ~"Oi/;l'J'ldedfi't)'flt, ;f'htj~rf!!'tl f{!ork J-t.~1itc~ tl~illfl~J:tl:l!!j'li the back,

Part ,5 - The Body in Question



Step 'o-f3(Flf,td iihtJ,J#Jo1/;l,/er Zilta lry t}1~eJJi1~! th.-e chiJe ift'g:al1IJ'f" ,~IM;,;rd J~~,ftt{,tJ, Do the Sal1"tff to tbe Mppmr (Pack,;


S.t'tiJ) 8--/\ ~"Ch the lMt~"b.. ,If Y,flU ,plan t'O pose tlJw; lw.dY by ,b,f!J'lcli~"l'J; or t l'l)i_rti l~p' il a,r 11'28' 'u:JE.~iJtr flex t/be(()te .frJve~~al ti1lle! ,fJ;l1cl then' ,,"reb. thl! Itd~tk. ,MO;dlJii'flg C.i !t'r:aight hotly (flJ.fJ.~' ,~"fih~l (..'{}regi'lJM Y(}pltlfJlJ {)Pt"~()fl to jJ,QJ/(J the ,h{ld, lttt,e}!


St~p 7-Taprn" the ,hljJ jCJb~t"I hy. ho.lclirtg the C()'l~fJ at :{fR (tll;fJ,le , /1mJi1'lg ltilt'/~ ,b,(}ttMJJ Cf!J'?lMJF ttg,f/,i1liSl't{,. ~ilr~l JU~fo'CD.. P~'6SJ hard' enJd llS? t1 l!)'i1uiing 'mot.lot7 to jm~jlt S1}2(J.f}th~ :{h'a11Ji'y ,ae/irtet;/)).itJts. ~rhls is t'be 1m -k. ,qf tbe h:adJ'


Pa rt 5 - The Body ill Question

S'd' . l,e'


rp~ % Sl,'lf,jf bodj core .rl:Jfmicl':l1.atch this.tli&lIf)llY$1rtfor sizearJd,sli1aJ);e. Ifs.j1l'J.t ~~igh.t fi#' :a,filllif(! 7 ~ h:e{ullfJJ~;fftliJ.f t(JI~ ,b~it ci'fi:gt~-t Ih$1'ulitJg @ !1 headr tall't'ith' shorter torIO iSjlLJt as r.(!tlIJJ;til~_ Sa" too" is afigll.Te S1iltldi1'lg 7 * headr ta#, ?J}oft}j, (/, tors« of almost 3 htsil tt!J'lgths 1000j. If yoltr/oil t;(Jre is ,co,),}ll)ar:t· rtnd tightly u/f£i;~l)e£4 ,d(HJ:~/1.[JO,f'ry ilit j d bit longer {j~~ Jhortf!;Y thai;; tipr! jJ4#ern:.. This is a: litj{)(..'If"'Se 1lNn4d uJ'/;;fJ1'ie 110' ,hU6b} . is. perfict,

12-,16 Base Unlts to Cover


• I


Part 5 - The Body in Ouestion

k~, ------~------------~---------

St>ep' 9~P.ill SNdJlttwictzy In the .ctwe ~vith s'1ll41l .:Ull()fJ;i];t.f of clit.y. YQ1~ :thf)'ttidfz 1y; .1ltoorl mo" -than lint BI(lse Unit.

. .

'CO'VERIIN'GI rHE: CORE WlTHI (iLAY Site!? l'~C O/lJ};ilNJ 1.2 B4lt U'1Iit..r fM ,a ylftJaw hody, 14/01' tp'n .a1NP4gc ~fMdjlj, d;J"jil 16 f€1r. [l, Itockjr I;r;dJI. R ( thg d4.1· iflioa J~~I2(Jth! s,f";(J,mlf!!£ ball" F:afm.rIII 7'fJa ~ t1!)t l~ti:g'lh t()i .th.~ core; P lacfJ .the eagrt af jlOZtf hand (p'l8-thiy,·d'.tJ!the 'l/J.(}J'j ft"{{f)1 the gJuloj ,t.he fod: and .'~~f}U tbfJ rod /;rzria 4:..t2£l frdtb i{,n:tililJ a$ /rJ'fla' ,a:J;' ,the' ,c>o,-r. It s/).()tdtl fieJ,tm{#(!~tt ofjiet'hcxl!rgtars.

Step 12-$tmil't.ut,b tne tYltfJ betWiJlm the tuo Jbeetr {J/vfayeo P'fr1!.F jirll'J/y, $,eta1: the s~ 8tlJd' ,r_Mb S1>lJi{J(Jt:h.


s~~p 11-· e:rtt tbt: day ho:rffg/~JJ in hftif lrmgth wiJ,c, ,F la't:~'.en ,(Jar;h ./J,atf ,tl!:ith ih:e pt,d1lt Qf YOl!tI" Iwn:d. ..rJs e d f-o#til" $tJ. tJl!1~e tbe tf,()(J baLm lin"ge c!}fJttgh .W CQVW' balf.ri the ,IDve.

S,tef113-Yoj!!lllfh~dth.e foller be.l/)/lIJ fur crea#11g a Stlio'(}:eh k,()djl, 't" C{)~und. COJ'6 Sh()lild ~ltat,h t®, BrnlcBaciy Pi#:t,tr;z.

------~-------------- .......... ~

These 'appliques will blind up the chest, upper back, buttocks, and correet the width '~;if tile shoulden; and hips.


'B,···.lJ·I:ld·.,"I·:n--'g.~ 'U:, p the Body

I ."., L '.. ,I, L--=-'I . "_ I,"' I ~ I . _ ' - .. ...:_ . _ - I _, .. ,:

2_· '~. D :--.,J Dl

Part 5 = The cd-y in Question


I II l' 0: '/.2- .D

116 Be,ale 16~,~je Unit


Part 5 - The Body in Question


$ rep' 14-.8 ltit~tttp "h,e d;elt, 'u):ltb ~~i ()~JMI j)an,,~lefJld(t)I' Us« I Bese lh1Jt fit· et t,t;OJ'lJml Intc! :2 rtnhs j~". a :l'IMl12 •. Add ~ 1/;,7.# f()f' (~ Jtodr:.ier /igl'l;1ie of e#:/?erg,#li/e:r. l~oll ,.be clay into ttthick;· rad, m~c! .tm!J

Italt'l!rJ, it wi d~ :JItJli~' /)tti1tJ. t"~,,tiJ i.t ttUltd'Jits the. ·dXJt t3/Jpliq'tc if}; .the p,itt1Jr1l. .l3leti'~t the t-e¥tl)'l,f ,by .,-:ubbing· /rf'lm the dP,/diq:f,tfJ Of)./O t;he tors». U se. ,({. roller "to (,"i:(f~te t.I. J1tuMtiJ fi:fi."iih,.


.. - - . . . ~ .


~ . - - - _. - - -_- -

S_t{jIJ' :1 "-Add Il/tatJ;en,ed ,rwal O/d6'Y to thTd l':l!l,e~' :~~i~,~cl itzid /)(!'ck .. Ute 2 Bese ,u1ilits for ~ t()f}n~;a1J; _and ,2 Vt ,il~~itY$ fot'r/ ~~t£f;tt. Alja ~ linit to "fi1a&(1 t;1 Jt'{Jcmi(w fii,1rM'e of ,(Jit'hrJr :g:e~7,d~r. B'tl-iidl}'P fir).!] blJ.t!o,ckJ' with a /iattf!J1>fltl egg'f}'t.ftae· of J ~ t~·w:its fo~ /1I:J,th thfJ slima(ff' !{11ula"l!i}JI't/{;g~ bJJiLd. Atltl 4'fu),th('1~ ~ mt:it fol"·~~ ttfJiky be){ljl. Bi'iJNltithe' J(-d!!l'lJ ··(1,nd t/MJ'J Il;;re ~t' 'roitfJf;


Step, I 6-Cjet/;; tbe rrimrllc!ar tfmd biJ) 'illidtftl.., J3~'();od~rl,a maJ~'f'e:rs to J Y2' hettd 1(J4ftg~"~ wicltl 'UJith· fltAlt{JrlfJtl e.sSJ ,':llil'aU (if I Bsse UJ~';'t ,&O':t(:I;J, Use. % ,of It BttJ;f! U nit:./f)r ~. ·'J,Il(JJt:u:m ~f ,J#udltJr Jl1fllzi"" d(Jn·.. Th,ty sbfJ.'/J.ld Iw 2 .[18(tti '[:lii/th,s, t1.,~l'l girl1l so tJ! mat! j hips with flll.~1 tlrp.pUq lteS 1lMlti(J 0/% Bos« Unit. VJe 1 .?mit {trtr.t1 fQl~· tt 21}O"t({//:Z:r hips,

THE PECJORALSAND THE N:AVEl StejJ' 1 "l~. ESJab"ii/~ Z'tuo t",ndrlUJirleJ. ,tbe /M,se of the·ptKtvutl$€lclNJ ,the :f1/rl"wt.. Dl1izJ,le the rMf1J.Bi l' h(1~tctt~1:1g,tba,hr;'l1(1 tl~;Qfm'k a/the bilti,y., Use "he It:l'"gt lm.i t#ftg .1'lueaie to III WJ (f hrwir..rJ'iJ;/(;t.i'g:rQO'llfJ iflto th.e d(tya li;ule t'JOf'e t/!klilli I kr(J{Jtl teJ:lgtljbelo~~J ,th~ shIJukl'ttt lb2fJ.. T hi! iii the: ,~~,e of the jNif.'t<Jt,(Jb"


Step 1.8-='J'ltt~fJj'i! th.~tJet;t,()f:r:/;'IJ ltl#h tJ gnjfJ'[J{j (},'I!;.(,ch :fit!.Jj ,of tl,c -, ~~$t- u)it.1!; t'lJt1 mffdiuN~ ./;;ltJt#'J'lf!; tUJe.dt&~ Fo,- ,ef,tth, tt:roilite~, JIJI.' ja111'· .?16f!dle (m .t{~i i:J'I1JtJl'J;ie litle' ~¥).~itlr!ft .. b~g. tnl£ .fl!()_'f/'I,I11~' to t:~e .1:lfldld(jffjc/ p~W!. Rott}zd. aU t/)ecorncers by pi'tlo,ttttt!: lhr;; 11,et(lle.

Part ,5 - The Body in QUEstion


S'tep l(J~.l~e*,(!J~l,l;.tb~g aJl' in.m:rtfltl,U ~ t/:J,fj' (f(}~~, of tb 1ti/;li(Jge tiey O1l I'll,f) b11?tgbutry lines fromtiJe ll!f:J.iJJ:tii1te 1i.~fl(J to tl;ftt ~i(m/~r ,of ,e(;lch .brec{st. Set the: large kl'Jiub'2.~ '1te(!dle _JMtl)ulLel to that j;~uagi11arjl 1"1nl(/ ,t:UI~-l p#'Jb tote,an:! the Jh,()I/;ldfJJ~ItmJ}iJ tlcte 'fJeedle' is aitmJJt on' tbg ibl(!. R;tb /lwtq any Jha:YI! ,e4gef with ,m,t~J'fb~/!/j'}~

'THE MID' .. L.NE O'FTHE BODY St~p f9'-O $(1 a tm!d;ti,'l~' lmi:.(,tiug },reedu!:', to jN'P. J d; 1flJl·tkal g,P{UWe ,extMdit1;~ j;wll jltS~ GtQ()'tIfJ .tIit f01"k~ almoJt if) the ,pit oft:he. fl;e,c:k, .It! {lee/J,r:I~ iuhere. the 1mls-des are mo,re ,dfJU.Cto/JeJ.;.-jtllt abrme llni base of the pet~#)r~df (;{;nli on tI~)(: abdol11l:ft.

,J;tel)' -,~J'-Th _ obiiqlle.", 1.umlllJ for tbfIir sIIM~Wt,gq;;,.gif!.~ j~; mk tI~ tors« tt~ldfrmJtfJ the, f/Nlo:lIlillais" One ,bead l,_ idt/;, 1(..riie. the (~T;iJfmthl'(llj r:~te't(lfi'()J'" "he ribragce it) t.he 6Jr~ of thff. bu.d" taperi1lg bel(m.~ the navel. 'C,~~.ate b(J~j,) 11t-ltSrie gt1Jtl/}S by jJfl§J.Jiflg U(JO gf!frtit' gr!N1VfS ·witb a llutdi;J,11J. k11ltti"zg rIm/Ie. SofteN by .Itrok;', OlJ1',/i1zger lip aud rtfJlt'li ;~'e groo'iPl.. Use ytmr fingeJ" £mtead :ol d. tiJOl all 'tt ;1:f(}111tJ.ll J mor« J~ftt" J1Jo.cjpied Wiy~ Qf ()11'fI, -si(6Ck tt'!fcl.!'tod.~y ht)d:;~.


St.(1) 22'-Tend:ol'/;O{iH hat/tis aoss the ~O'fflni(jdJ'., ,(I;,ldi.71l!. !it"ffl.lgtiJ by tlividi11gtk work', T'ht: first [U!:'i a: little 1J;U)l't tba» I IJ)'C Ulidtb abVfJl1' .the'J.clvel. th'r! sero',ullies M ihrt mid.-uJirdtl' ahove lhf! lint USrJd. VJe .the shc.t{t of fix J1zedi1l1li k~itli:1l;g. }~'(J~il8 .to .rio/tne the jir"fl and secolld bOl1ar in ,tt usl! tj~,voi{)ptd 1f1cJJC1tlb1ll torso TiM third !ilnui, jflJtbe.lvu! t/:/fJ 1,e.ctlJr#.ds~ 'is seldoltl lJisible. .05// il lrh:t:f! Jmittitlg 1JUCla ami light preJIlfJ'i fl:1' t 1JUJre jl(j:Juule{tl~ yet ,tPeIl ,Imitated: uJ()'1llanl' tono.


. top: 23----S:fJt the Ihctft of the JI1edi111Jl Im;i:tti~2g }l(JfJct/e. af' the fii/q, :f;/.t11fl l){Jtry" ,f11 Ii tU} ,with t/,e .fldtN!1 &md .tbe~J, Piil)O.tth ,1'Jei~le' t' ,the fm-le of t,l,,(! b,f)i{q. 1:'hi! tint! Bch()tS the, (t1~gle ,o/(he.jlellJ1.i:r a1NI u ill ,hf/~p 'jOtl i~u),tl{jl ,the lNttJ,'()l:b,J.,


Part 5 ~ The Body in Question



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St~1} 24-1?ltb tbt 1·{jJ~t),f1Jlq(l.?e~~g~ o{t!:w. ,chest antI !(thdfJIJt.iilals s111,1')(),f)b., l::t'Wll~- n, SJJlcdl: fnnwU? tit thrl' licies (If t!rJVJ ,hljJ t' UJi1(o ,(I 'Jltedi:iIJ';t-li1,'!;g l~fJQdL't!. Ti?iffizrh)u)~ #;'(1 lftluii7fg edge _ of thff deltoid ,~1{'UiSi:l(J,. tuiU 1!)liti(1 JWl>f. 1.vmnzy.OJ!tadd'· the c}rjttJ 1'a tl~ bmJy tf/fJIL model rh,e J/;)1)ldd~f;! •.


. St~t), 27-Thetzi1;.plijj He J h'l.Jad lengih ({IM~1' itl'lld 1 1!}(J{t"d !.(Jrtgt:h·af;{Jw th~ i'}~J. U s,eti'lll:' val/.j of Ckt1" 1:0 jafJ11 th'O t'lipples Yw 6f.(I. Allot/~lil~g U i'2 it fltwarl~ f,}:J" tills. ,f; lc{,U:tn rb:ght~,,; J.weu h2 plf!tt4·. tuu:l bteYlKl the ·'rJilgef g81}~:ty u1:itb fht laigfJ /'mitting ~l(18'€lJfj. ,Uw:.l!(j '(/: J'~n,ldl., r'Vt'ltul tJ{Jdk a1ui ,tightL", .rtf/rft/a" {Jrmtftct .t~ ,(idle.

RIEfll,N.N'G THIIEPE_C,T'ORAilS SJ,:ep 2'~Ot'l ({{ ,t'(~lL }~~tl£,clCt~; .1ua~tJdii'lQ f;()(,(jlj th'O p,edru'ltl.{ ,dl!lh!a~i' !"k~i'if,J,~tr '/fogethc:ft· ztJhere .th_&y fit/tach to tht bff(,{~tl;'On4. P'fi:J,f ,~:hl;Wf V-Jh.n_jJca. g~1J,f}Vf/;~ lN~ eft"/; side a/the 'l~'l:iJ..li_1:tt~ klsl! v/..:zy ,bC/lUKNll1 ,thee ba.n~ of .tIJ,e t;haft lft1J..fde.f C~'lul~hfl J/rJo!llder ri'f~&. .us,e,~ ?f~()isJ fit"J!;er trl :tlJt(J.(}t~i ,:Jj}u ff{:m :ttlg;e:t •.


S'ftej)' 26-S71g.ges:t 1ib:1 by ge~1-t/:J pnJJs,in/!, ti;'~ilfJ(/ tJ1'lglecl ,lf1'iJCJWf ali: Q.~t;h sida of tht f'iht'a'ge~


Pm:· ¥J, J"J#4lt br·ea.#:ucl W(),'lMt.'I'J_~ 1'QJJ % (if' C{; B~e Vn# ttnit n1!.tfl a /JaU t:~i~'ll:l ell! ill Iboil (% 0/ .til t:t,~it fQJ' '(k'ft-h, l~}'''lUJt) :'.f,.J~,t the'q. JJre.t:I h,(;d[ if} ,lace. For la'Ylte1' In'C£lJJS1, l¢''J~.twke. as fmtch 'l<la}~ . B.lmrl the, J{Jg;}}1J;I 'dJ- tAt 1!tJ_t)' f)ftltJe ,bfMst· !h.'Jl' bj' J'fn;ki2~:g from. the cmtCf( of tAfl bmf,fi:1t (m,~'() t:_be Jl;j;JlfN!' c.h'eSt, tbeJ'l t()'ltJardJ. tim Jh(}t.~l-dml. HIe t./~f1 ~}2;~ctill~?li b.,~1itti1tlfftfMdteJ B'Btllle /'fexJ:7t1Y1ttnti.(t l)iVJrJti~g '1lUJtiC01'li GO j&d' dina {lefor/.e' the ~'Ou't7cl'nf]jJ ()'tt the b'tlftJ ,(I,12d s.ides of th'e h.~·r1ilJtS. Mrt(/eltht 11'fppifiJ m~itlg the smJUt tf1c/:r,l'l'itpteJ· j"fJlt "u,J{Ju,Id,' NJt Q'~1 ct .1J1tJn ~ che._~t. 'They should _pob'Jt ," Jip~ilattl Cf,nd outwa;I'rl .Lrtrgf;Y breasts ha'PfJ, itirgcJ"-nijJjJle.~.,

Part 5 - The Body in Ques[ion

Posin-g th-e Torso

\~e can '$1 'rug or 1 urich our shoulders, arch our backs, bend or twist at the waist. This ~s, the aver= -age Iffll1§;e of motion for the torso, easier to model with most of the work already finishe:d.

,tet; tlE--_"to hend or nl)ut the torso tit the -'lllafJt QtJhion titN] hack Tt:i'tA tlw: jJ,zim of fJ1:1q- hmui _while Y01/, lil!ntl t~ . tflJ"10 forward, ( 11 It to one side. ChI!) Itt. tbe ",! "}c'AY a,C:l:rt~tly b~J.t;k'~ ,'/. l}~Qb.l{]Jtl '~l'Jiri1~~ "fjw$.t 'with -g?f11tl'e P~·(lJ.;flltrJ.

Stct}' B=Cia:J1 in: the. .hack fHa) loosen or tear. Press tlretl~f,jl firml, Ci'g",i~ut the foil t't)re. Pattb, u,';,th, small l}i(!t"I!.fo/ rlay tma hlf!,1Jd Now, use the sem« t(Jojj- fmd ,t(Y;h'lJitjtlflS d.eICdlifl.ti Im- }}'If}4e.liilg ~Ihe .{ tr:.aigln back.

SteJl C-·Pr$!;f fJ,tt)1 ,bNcklccl da,' fi'~lJll;;Y' (l1;'lJi1'lJt' th,e fl·iJ sore:

R,e-'l'-UJd'e! th£tttJ,aOJllhlo.! 11lcUJcirtS, if }'t;JCRuclfry, (md tlt/tl ,ct flw folds in "hlJ_- .Clt fhe. tlkZist' ..


art 5 - The Body in Question



tep 2'8;_(;j"e.rll"Q 1ft jitri'~(lU' aJrmg the ?IlidNne at the lm,~:k by lttoH.blg It: l~n)'wd()Ui'1l the Jl,ine with t l.uedirt11t Imitting neeclle. U)fof"~ IhtJ f.,1"~l.t~ tJ{ thtIl 61ft.tork.r1 prtlS tl:J'(~ ,lJ~(ft ~f tire 'II,6'(Jdl" deej/ int() tlbe ddt,., t' t13'c j~rk of ,tho Uf/dy., PWO.f .the JNtcdl,j fnmt 1/.1# /drk t,{Ju,t.ttrltbc b,'lt:b., Jt.'oppitJIJ,' ~, ofo blZ."d ,tmgt:h "b()l!f1 the fork,

'tej'J 29'-J1./ib· the fi'l'hf'()U .r/~u}oth u,ith Y"XU}· t~lf.NI/) by ~t"ff}kittg ,(tltJdY frt;m' the gt::iJove. D(I tha s~t1l'le ,tOI the ti.(gc '1 the bfitltiOl..-hJ·" U s~ f,tlJu:at(J(/ fi1:1g,r;,r J"t:rokeJ c~f ttJq s:olt111 (Jf th,e lk/~-k~, 1 l, t"rj 1(J}1gth ,({PO - 'I ,the l~"'e:' of tbfJ l~f}tly~ (t~ill t;t/ ,f,/1p jho1t~(/~r lilt(!,

lV/Jere the erectm~ Ill1titcli([J lif dose so -the fmfolf.'e~ SfJlleeza the hil) ,fr;h:ltr ta', Cl()1€1 r/J.e (ft{lse af the b',,'tor:kr,~


Step' 30-Vs(f .1fxmtl.e p,rtjJ'Ut"(} my.!l the Jhaft ,of the 'llf:di1(1IJ knittirJ,g 1]£IJ.dl to illgg(lJt title $fj(J,~d(I(!f' blct.dYlJ. SlJt tfjq ~lfltl~tle st aJJi a1~gle tlntl jJft.fJJ ,it l(JWCt,'~il.a'fl in,viJibl", li'lu:.' f?;"r:tefldi1'J:g from; tha ,lft/foe, of th(! neck to the side of the /;'(X(i}l' t1i'Ill()St .at its rmi1At.. This is the .iOJJUJ terh'flitj.tifJ'JIJJ/. ttsed to creede the rib ta'.ge"

!~;!-:- ........ _--


U@e;· lemdm,?,rke, 'Of ~~he' Qh~~t; 8l1_Mb'f, ~,t? gJJ.l~r~i~~e.$ for l11b,deHnr8 the ba'Gk~ The' .G~BEit, of th~e' b'U1}t.@,~*p if? in!' line wiFt,ll the, J1aye~", ~h:e, ~o.t;t;@m @f "tne 6houlder blad,e:(6 an' in nn~ Withr th{~;' n jFP1e5~, aJ1~ >the b-~~& of the; lWap'eiiu~, iN Iri1~ with the Pd,ctora~I,e:

Step 31-Gh;f! ,t~e J/:u)J!l&irfr bl:ad83' a ,g8~f;fly 1tlm;nderl V . hape h. ,I PffJJJing {'iT/' ~mgl6d l!l·t?oi~ rtf }7-,~U1},g fi"fJllt ,the /;~tJ;e fif the Jht)ltldar bla$ier t-:(} the sbm'll(lc)'i R'llh ,th-e iJ;clges ,oj the s:holt/tlra' blade.! SWlt(HJth.


SJe'/). 32~Tha (;'J~lJ.ft 'af t,/J.e btttroc-h is 1 ,bM,d lttngth almtlfJ th'lJ fork oj -the/;rxly. Sot the point of.t:htt la<;~gtJ k'l1.itth;~g'·"J;€JJttte at ,t.he ~l"t~J.e .(1' 'lire ',t{)(;-ks itlltl t/;lfll pitlOt ebc 1~eedle btck it] t/.I:,~1'/,tle ,firft(Jlllard the ,~j~ 'ii,tIe. You iltay J'f3.'I,Jt, l()_ f~Pt!itl tb is Jtej}'.,

Parr 5 - The Body in QU@!i ion

Step , 3~A 'UJidfJ V is (vm/end' at ,thefll!.f:t'q{ t.ll)i) ~,(n(JtkJ, It of c/J~~WJt· l' hra:cl 'u~i{,tth ,wick, R'u,D'c.fJ],al1;ulol' t~/th'(J ,blltt'iJdfJ ._mQ(Jth.


Step j4~TIJe t·r~tpe'l.iU;fj no(1,'Hie'{/j{Jji' #s gl»}~ll;/t'J:.k .fhajie~· I/~rcach like witt,.f{J ,rJV'{!I' t!)f!' ,b,l.tcn:j lfeCk_lJ,1i;4' J/101dc/erJ. ,N cr.cqi.'fJJ ,t~e V.fJ!Jc'I:jJe· J6€f1t 1ie:1U!otiJtiJtJ sh.o{drl(t;· hltuiiJs..The la#sJitttllJ ,lQIIS;. 11a»u:d fol' tbetY J:iz(J (~fld'/Josjti{m ,()1'lgil1tlJ1! et tlie'/leiil.i.r. afl(/':$lt:tach hemJe"ttb tIn: ("f,liZ. S ~~ggerf inc j;,-aP(!zi':!($ ,,~ /JntuiJ'JR ,0; Jig!:)'t V itlto the tt/J/Jel:" 1M",,.k J 11eo{i lelifj,th, /:J(ttyt{) J.l~ s.blJJ'lltier ll.~le., Sll,[!,ge!~t ,~h'(! iattiJt1Il1,1,J ·u.dth t'UmrJilkleclft{,n~{)u.'!iJ' 1)1lfj' !(},1t et.tch· side 0/ :the ,btfuk 6,oglm"lingd;;(j,lJe ,th'~,tt.tJ.or:h {"Iut el1ding .at tbe £lfl'litpit. Use the Jen:ge kll,h'lling lleedlejuf both, S(t/trm' Illl of the mJlSciru, eJj"etl$/'lIy OllfT ll)tllJktfJ:r h'odji1 iwith a ,gffl1:tiC. ..

Part 5 - The Body in Question




Step' ~~5-Pi.m~,:e #ae t:m"'W't:lt the censer toll u. :irh ,the l4J~g~ tc':l~lJJ'I'r)1 ,'I'leeclle" I 'ttJel;~t thr: t"od .f:i.ll tbe neck' sits /if'1tti" ,d'flcl ,bte1~'d J&1J"i:I.S,

Step ~ 6--S{!tun~ th(! rJeck' diU;! v1!ild tl}l ,&he t'rajJezi1'lS 'lI111J-drs ·witl, a fiat t~()liay' .clay nmdit of 'l£. of ,tt 'Bo'B Una "if the fign:re is c{':man


S.tep J 7 --Cf'c:cttfl the /;:ollmll ;11' the neck abor;e the c(Jlla1~ honeJ wi,th the Shdft of the laf..g~ knitting rl(j(j-dl~. Ilse the point 0/ t;be lteedtc .to 1C:IWdtfJ the pit 0[ thlJ 1.,ltJC;k Y2 .tAc 1llicl-lU'irJi·h beknlJ' tJ,.(J ,d,hl lit/hen .the hwtd is lewl. Ils« u; ~I"oltin s .stro,ke from the' d~tJt:

Il.pul4t"d ,lou/a1:ci tiJf! ICoNar hones .to tlll/Jhdshe tbe tol/dr' bl),~'le.f.

U. jC ~ fJ[ Base' Unit fOf' 'hoc "o.Jit;1/,.. If) let~{f~' a itllJ1Jl(I/M~ I~.eck. 13/(jJfd the Se'l',illij· (J,~'ir/·~~~m'Odiel the tet'l"~'1Is of , the .~'Je,k .Ri neqdca,

'Stell" 3,fj,=Use ytJ.U'J' fingfJJ" to so/tef't the pit 0/ the' 'fleck tl1z,d tbe ,t;olJtl1' hones 'iiVuh ,gf1.fJtLe. dOUJ1z'U/cwd Jt~"(Jkru.

Part 5' -- The Body in Q1IES ion

,F:f1"~ dje head lh.a~ looks tlf)um~ 'f111/1mNl the' 4r:JJla'Mre 'f()llfro'1:~ the head anti 1-leek., heml it" tmd then plaie the roc! in t.he bodjl., W'bm ,YO:ll (JIZJe' the ,neck onto the,be:n'l ~·(}.dt thet:/ay ~llill ".:R1wa., Blend the :f{!a,'lrl!i"u~d S,(!&1l1:C :tuith a collar ~lda:y: o'1ldtrhcn blend ,an'd 112Qa{!-/' the 'f;()tla~" lj{lf:J(~J tl1'u! ~7ffl.fdru~. ¥,bl, ttt:li still ,UtNl tmB' head frr.rm Jirie to side J~ightly.


_- - - - - - - -

,ADDIN'G A :8,I'T 'O'F' BACKBON,E Step 40'_""_:-1'hi'J;ir ,fJ'ft.~ oj' floo' ttl.Jt de.tails. 1i cld (i- ·bil ~f /J,{lt1e Q{)1Hl with (} .f:nlttl;ll 'nYC' of day. ,Bletitl ehe' !fMi..1fJJ !lfin/{ ~ knitting '1lec4te as d' 1~(Jllf.r.: 1;4 of (:f l'ltlodeli1lg (hz,it is jU!! ,eTtf),tgh day.

,teft 3,9-l'Cit'li blWe,~(j difficulty tU,'~fl:mg:r:he. hBrlel to (m;q Iitit! 1)11' !eJuty tilt:b.'lg it. rhe. fll(Jt;leled lIJ:iw.;ies ,ill the ne&. 'lui/l al50 Iltrll t/;I_ld stye!d) 'very 1ld.;fZWa.U,.

Step 4:....-.U it! ,the 171:edI1l:r» k'fJitJing "~dlfl tr.u'Jla~e- 1'U#J ,or #n"sc :snza-t/ gf{Jitl'eJ_.

St.ep: 42'-R.tfth, ge-ntl" llsing, ~ ri1ccldttr m,()Jion ,;Wf)ttnd ead~ ra'ised.'.nodtda frt!aJi1?g the ,t(fJPear:n:ftce of the, ,ba.ckbrJ1Z(JJ.


Part 5

The Body in Ouestlo 11






~!: ·B··'·

, :2 LI

Upper Trapeziu 5,·'

M"d' 'dll' ,cT . ' ... '" . IL' . e I r,apeZlililS '

Iinfraspinatus '&, Teres JVlajQ'f

B;;;;' Ba~e Unit

M '-0:: Modediln~ Uniit


116 Scale B,aa-e Ulnit

,A.ticl t htJe ct}lpliqtt,ft$ t;f} .t"~J ,,!b>8(Jd1~ lJU)af!.je.d /Jack, . The tOl~'er l)adt~ rcrnu,iu!J free' (if r;tftPiitj'Lrrf!I" bttt 1m tlift.'Jtl()J'JrJ'-;;Dwpt4 1!r"~J1CzittJ" of thrt ttPIJ~r INtr/.a mid tlttx:k .tl:l(S "tltlt ipl(J .rtJ)pliq,tiffJttJ.ld tClktH 1Z'Q<if) fln!iJ.f as d~uj}41" IJmsci(!;f of fIJi back. .,me! ruck ebrt thrt.i?' aum .i'~fb:i($l1f."8. l:ltJIt.,~/; bh:.mfl{fd: f,I;}(1Jt1 'uJi# ,~'(},mt' titre bOli,r}.{iCl1,tJ;jt~1,tHiJ,rz t.hc d~!(fj),ed J1I.'ifilt:'IJ . mtlJt:/'rm arl(:l. tOti sttb'tfy ,difvl¢tr. tle8jJtr 1m~fcl(jJ.

T/iJ'l$ if tk .t1tl'bl'Jjc~i(",~I, J,J!fe giadi~"$'o?1 thct/$·(tCm2, j'1a.y~I~ tt7,i1itltl9c ItillVO. IJVIJ.J)ltJ21lJ,t/Q if ltt'f!;et ;a'klca

. .

,:tha~1)11 deft,fiJll! ,fiit ~l~a-tle' ~, tltItZI''ft'g n;J2~{ M,Ui2~ti11f.'

I1j)/!ltq_tleJ tf) tiN] ilVer~ 1,taie: J;t)l.'JO. N:o,tirc t'h,t; (fltlttf¥t !1l.7J:ldtJ& 1'(1 ~be flU'!;/;: and that (l/xlo,'!pi1ltljs

• • I •

~I"em;#in free .~ifrt/~pli:qtle:r., T,j~ .d!!YtfJ !(Wlt.~lI :fl1":its at

the side ,beNtifl.'iJ th:(! ij'1wi a:re 't"~'J1ee 0/ ti!)(/ P1.;Vtc j'1inge,~l'r of ibe Jcj<'}"ttt&.J., T.!bft 'f!:¢1'~1jr~1 tatfJ: .jfO# h,fJ;W 1:ltr)C/j ,,,:la)1 [.t, I~e /flt (ftfiJ,ch. hit" J,()Jt (at) dQw.blcJ, r»' 'lIl~}1<~ '"if/ic the Hlmr:rlnttJ of day te ~'eplic~tte #Jf! fl(}#zi:r /jn(!k, ll'l:per ben}, Thi.r is ,ri'G bbtdjiJplfe. B;e: br;llt"

1/. n .2 Ii)

II B·' E·L2···· h IS; _ I·ac.

'1/' '. 3j, B •. 2·tO>l'1' ..•.

'THIE CHESTANiD' AB,D,QME,N' .A,-PollflU! I;btl heroic j)at:ulfrJl,' to bttild It} the flntb'[l tm~.f,() 'udth 41/J1,)/itpie:r. B'l1tt t'lJf1l1t. ·q;g{ti.i~1 (>!£Ic» ,r}_t/.JI!r. ,P,~eJS ·clf)lmr ji'F'mi],. U:'ie .I~ la~:ge knitting },'lCl!l:IJe to bie}ld t/!Je edges. t{ lIM appliqll1fJ to the hod" :and.' tJitm ,to 1.,l(JdJ ,()~h,f!.r.:. iVf.(jt.lel the 11.14tsd"'eJ hi' pcdr! or ilhll'k aN (J.~t(; .sic/e·elt!:(/, use itas rofirrlRl:e'/m" rJjIJ:flth,fl1" JidrJ.. Softtm &ViJJ'Y t();{)lltroke I;(:1,lt/:1 l)(Jllf thtiiJJlb ·m fitJ:g(J}~

IJ-Tb~ senat!tt i11t'in·;~ t #11 f:IJe 'rlIJti~71~,~jalld the tlVt) ,aj}j)flCIi1'" DI;ahlett ltJ~fJt'htJ1.: IUtfJ:n~at:e fin.~fJra'fld 'M} sU'O/!.,el I~ ~r~lttt ot/:Ji,r .e/ftc:t.

B~N ute Jht.( additi,()f1cd /m'k' of the sternfJcie.i,lrlmlf/stiJid (nj thu t2f!c.k cttJd' thrt aJ~pl;qJles 1/;£1:1 J~el)f'g:r:tJlt t/;N!. ·.r;e1"J'atlls I,ie/,ced on to;)' of the oMiqlte.... UJo. tlu ltialJJ~a:m ~'{J' /}(}J.ltio.n these 1mJJcleJ .


TOI THE HIE,ROII,le'TORS:O n:-\,Vith ,aU of the .J.ftall/J blr.mde.d. examine Y,()tl1' u:;""k in a new #ght., Look f01" roztgh drear., .flit/' «J ,rA'fJ-j;e obtiql{:e5. ,Roli {)'P Jwokc t1J,~/7:~ SIJ~(j()'tb. Cha,,.!: #,., t.m~JrJllo1· 1M:l?me'e~

Part S

The Body in Question


. -

·C~·llV'ith· IJlJ€ siile' l~'INtl(Jed~ JOlt (ttl]' see hmu alr/JIi'lI~e.f qn t.he., neck' (!'fMt "the 'ltplJi!!}' ,r;AfUJ mid' batA S!~,~ge!tthe. ({t::ej)fir ~7!J:'ltJdtU ,. Btiil{li~g lip thi! :m:idback., bitt lea'vi1'lg the l{)uNN' back fi~rlt o/aPld;,cpfex 1'1!~ps to '~ffectql trim t"",,,i5t~

P·-IJJe prent/f'e fi .. om. the lq;r:gr: lfll ittiJ?:g;to' ~ultl emp.ha.rix -WhCl'(J m()1-'r:. IhlJ1.~l tUIO ?{J 'f1l-a5JeJ meet.


Part 5 ~ The Body in Question


S· n p' 'IIN- -G' TI'-'H' E 'FAT C'O""'R'E

~_. ~ui. ",J _'_, ,nil. "-'-~'-

Stei? A~1tt~.fo1' O:Qlrty ~'(jt!() ·ttfl.~ ,et sb,~p'ler /(}ii.:t,()'f.'tj,a)PtJld a 24 x J.2 j.ri¢~" ~fh~et'{)lfo.# inlad[.111?l:k#lJg ir 12' 'i'l'u1wts ::ftf2l:arv, t!lNul thEll: i1ltv f/:;l:~:"rfr~ 1J2"{t'kf1fK:,i/ 4:>.r: l2' ~!n~~be;~. 'bj ''\f.1~&p fil~et-eI'lt.{jr fJrt'hc tl1Jd ~&#td I Z Qf $2 .il;l'f'h s$ett 11#t'tl&,i'eti ~o ~'2'.x 2 hlth!fJ. rht-$' wilt adit ext.7:fff ffi/J.tQ ti2'! ,11li;#tlf~' ()f t:h~·leoi!y;, ,0) 'W1:"a'pagfliJ'l ig{)it~ Jt1iJ() IfljCPJm" ,l3 i{' 12 lliiw;ts •. Gi,t.,htt" ~cl(J sl:1ett ~f!;fil it~· tl1(J .IerlgtiJ'rtj't!ft'fJ .t'8nt'i~Z'tJ e,a1!f1. tini'l ~7lf:P the ·(.~i~. ti!:itltJ lAfJ8, ,fIt'ltlfJecWfd S;J.eetti;t a th~zr!, Piftcl,~t-h(J' ,efti~r -'ti~k#l'''i jl,(7~~ ''l~;r4rp,"







-'~'".",.',","',',',','-,""," .. ',,"-',-,-,'-

- .. --_ -. ~




:s'tep,- the hack~ b,~vet t.hf J'bozdder$~fiJ,'w.~ tfp~ liijJ jQ.i:}~t'!., a.1ilti tn:ate (1/12: 'i.trrh, 'Jkfi'fl'g. th/J ttt);nt.qttfM tkit~",jbeJ ()11l /MAge, .5 J""':5 j~ It· .d1fJZtld' ,~lla'tJ.;·b rh¥J rizi1' ~'m(l.fha~ o!thiJ ,j)'dtl(ftft.

I I '_' -

Ch!es_t z a

13--'15 iBaiSe' Unlts 'to Covet

I '

IlJlp1~e'r' ,B,~ck ]!S

Part 5 - The Body 'in Question


Stel! IC~Ule 13-,1) Barf] Uniss to,routr the an,,, "tu,.,e.., Btlii'tlitp th,e ,i'los,'. tipper b~lt:k ,-1,nd Jhotd4e_r:r alld hips, tisbzg the' Jd!llZ(t a11101t'ttis o{ "illY at J!~()I' UJ(}ldd for ttll ,df)eJt'~lt~e tal :to, Add H '6it 'I}'lore fm- the hut'!«ks',

Step' D~)Th~ /oilc(wt, b) l:htJ ,basic fat ,b:iJd)i 'L~iili u,n app.t.iqii6 to ['ittten thelMtly hll)lt'tL~ (;) _ nel ~/:JtJ 'llltJt/ele-cl.liott.YltJe 1lZfJtho,d-iS J'Ol:1 ab;e.~tdJ' k1$O'l{). ~ftfl~ Iltli{.tlittg' ~tl ,thfJ'the.rt! backJ ~lj,:'ltf,(lr;k .. ~, hips cl:mJ' JhOltlt(er.'i" blend the ~fJ.d1m. ,Uudei ani", the P~I;t'()t:Js., tile 'lIla:ue/ aJlti ~ha )jill ti1NA Pq1J't' ~m!d~l tl# tihd'tlfl"hJ,tt:IJ" or' tl'J-e ?'li~l~lifJ(1. bl~t ,;10 J~pa.1"ate the W(J(lJt,s.A4d tlnel 6lrtod ,t~ beliy fat with: ·.(1:12 lllial ap,l~qtl.(l ~Jla.~e 0/2-4 Base Units. Use Ina ~lte(liltllj, k,ti#in.g 'lle££lle to/I"'''l1l: rfJ'mil(jdip:,(),(~ in '/.{:;f:: dr.IY- ,creat'iu.g th'c iLlusion of a fat ,!Joll)' "lvh{)~ft l.o¢ighr,a1IJUJ t/;.fJ;' lk.i'n tUMllttlcierlyi'n'l. fl~1 /o'd:rape itl ,flli~-.


Fat C,0I146.~!!? L:a',;" iQ"u,c:,h a·6, the

~ I " _ ~

m:us,t;i,B'e;, of;t,he neck, .t.he cellar k;lonee,.'tJT6

g!1ou Ide·j1 !?I!a~e@~, a rtdl t-h:e m~~fa,1 IlllG:

. '

~rreu ld 'be ~Qft,Iy' '111 odi9'1e61 ,



The Body in Question

,$trtP ···4','-Uof.t; ,tbtJ ,l,ttl'~g~ t:aiJ{;J1J'Y tl:tedle :f,;() rrea4"e stt,t'rtt:l" ,ro,e.ket.f J(jJ~ the .1 bout, I" tJ)t'~i: will siiPJ)m~j t/:;lJan~u u,'lld leg.t Pierce .flatter' h(lies ,deep 'I)ZtrJ the .fho1~I(leJ· auti Ih6' hip:jriin-tJ. Witll!iz .the hiP' joc.kiJts ~ st7trliy 1,m! the ltlJ'I.lf1 size tIS the amlatttJ'IJ,' fot/Yl1.tiiJ sse to Jfippm·t Jh'f1 .legs. or use ct driil bit" tIM. saJt:te $iz(J {If the ,a-11nr.ltJ,11'fJ rOll.. Witlell' the lhoilider S(JCk.~ etsso dhOl-tt ~ qf a.1Jd ';:flCh .di(i/)'Jltter" uling fJithep' CI ff2 k.1i#Iii'flg f!fP1tlte. en . m"llUtt.m"e rod. er dt-ill ,bit.


12 ~·;auge ,co~t franger Ifli,re e;ft?e5~ w@rkfor the Vs eGal[~ S"t,aln:ding' fiB'ure~~u;; Y811,l7.ra,6~ 'rp~5,ar:~ .,6trb.n~ er a n~ !@~,5.· a;j9t t~Q ~i~:t1i.d . ~im,~II~r yt i.Ptyjr?l:s~ rQds are 6trol1J3 ·e.·nougl1 far the '6~ate'd fl~ure.

Preparing for the Next Step

As you've worked IOn your sculpture, you've used water to help your fingers gllde over the clay and mastered the skill of rolllng surfaces smooth with a knitting need le; 1 wo techniques "burnishing' and 'brushing down, It WiH help er-ase fingerprints on larg areas such asthe fat man s belly, or soften tool marks in : hose hard h) reach spots, such as the tendons ~rl, th Hero's neck

SteJ>. 44~ .fJ1.f,1"nis'i;ng1 cit it.h a .mikl ahrtl;Jtw~' Jriu:h ~J taktfJt7 pr.wder m'· ,conl s~a1~ch /;-"1)1 UJ re.tlJ,(J'tl(J' 1'1tild hlzptrfirt Jum. 'Year a -latex glove m~fi1lgrJf 'C'Ot.f (gJ"mJe:f fiw the fing€!:t"s)' tm the b("rld~im(, lite to IJo.l([' Jour f,um"k. Dur.t the figtL1~e .tt11d tJ?i:n .hurni.dJ 1100 s2>i,rjrlc:c 'with ')IOltY",b'~, fillgfJ1~ Of pahN of _YOlt1' h4nd. illite catv: ncar th,1! nose eyej",r)-arJ. atul. ~JZ(}$tth.

Step 4j~/mf!rt .rtijJ rodi ,/eel; .i1;,tO #:J.s ,hip" ;rx:kets cmd staJ'lcl the fi!!ltn! mi t:he .1,{l.lp::i."g'rtanr1. fl.BrllS!J dOUN1' th€! J."l{;1fa&(t u;itlJ 9'1 % r~tbhj~galtoh{)l. Use » dettm Jy,iztl:mtk hnfsh t7:11d let' .tbe ,elcvh().l drJ the ,uJt)de:. Apply the (J.'Lf'Ohot sa .t'hctt' if IlulIJ!" tigh,ttYf but ,d(n.f.~j,'l.t, d~·ip~ [)(rn1~. "de tf)!) lJuld, 0" yOlt III .dry fJtt.f the dC/Jr. We.a1" ~~lml~ M'/i:tl!!IJ~' '·(lls. Let "jlJ'J,-t'r .fC!I.t.pft.~(,r$ ,f".(J:J:t .{ttl ,e}()lt1'· or tJZ(n"IJ hrffo:fe tOlt,{;iri}l. ·it.

The Body in Question

7'0' 8' ike c ,.- N' '0' 't'_ t .. , Bake

"J •·.• .. "~I-·e".' 'o:'r ',,'_",:",' ~·-'O·-' "'~ ; Ie'

t. .• ' :.Q~'., ~'_'''' ~., ,'., .... _',_ ... .' . '.-: ,,": .. _

A:dclJng limbs calls for a bit of manhandling. If the: clay's very finn, you can simply let it rest. and ~oGI before you add the legs, Q\1" you, can bake your sculpture now, a technique called, "Series, lIBakillg-.n There are advantage's, to both choices. Working" with a baked torsomay feel awkward, <Q1fle.f'" i~'s baked, the pose If.J set, but mishandling won't damage 'well wrought muscles or fine fm:a~ul~es: Achieving a strong- joint is easier with an unbaked torso, 'but mishandling while msnhanci:PIg CAll damage .a Iet of hard work,

B,AKI,N'G 'THE: HE:A,D' & TORSO, II'Jo1t' decide to' bake the figtlre ,at this jJoimJ follow th'fJ; dirediolU /01" ihee. brand o/ilay YO'llt:~ l(Jing., The CkPJl thi,!ee,y/; ttJ,', ttlt' ur;ck".~kter'Jl'in(JJr ,{ b~ing time fienliien 40 tlZ.imltes .10 an hOlt£ ,,use a kldJ'S liCill. or a large cr:ra1ntct1'ie. £try, thor! {igtlt;·e· on (I, "r;l.fcsh.ion ,oj cr;1,'1o'fl; fi:'berfitl Ol" .b.cluing with an additim'll:"l t:zflhion iJeneath th,e rlllck ,ancl ar~ of ehe ,back. To plok"{,~t" ,frr)If,~~corching ,;o1J,fJr ,tke jigJlf,B $fiith, ;2 .to J ,da~}'1;p'Paper li'r!UNds. K.eel} (J,ne' 'eye 012" :thethermo#d't «41d thc_ otherQnthe 'Ii/mer.. A 'UJ6trm J['uljJ:tttrt; is.a UIM"k s,C'Jllpt1n'B~ ,()1Jt.' that tden ,r;;'k-.l(i/:, it ,-riot ct1mpletel, ,befrwtt h~'dling it"

. .

1he'tfi'8Jl1re~ fm ~hip 1~'6(l)'~ wete ~~~t;~ ,t1118trylY th;n~5. 1lfi,~~, tethfr'lJirqUe; 6~He~ ~~5~rii6fi 1.Q.a~in~,~~' 1,~5' tt0tl

~u;l'I~d u~,a ~~tlllf!Vume i~v,~IY"part~~ 17b~ part, 'br' I~ayer ~'·Iayer. He:fj-g; ~'~~~'v~@m8, ~i'w'~ t:Q'r ba)~i'!i1g 6LJ.t;:G~ac8:

• Ue~ t.he :1':~kin{11 tl.a:t:r.1pr£:r~:tu·ry a:l1~ tifitl1~ r~c:Qrnllitjtm~.~d' ,~, t.ti(e ,rriat1ufiict.tli7~r-.


.';H ~irfli~"y~U :,~~,k6 ,~/:6GIdJ'Ip-~turel 6'1'" part ·ef ~ne~ 'JiPrc-op it-. it nt~y. f):lt~n~ t~JI ~f1' th~ ~Q.ri~:~t}n~~,c tnit~ nelt lri'1kl1e. dtf~t1;., Wairt1J' ila~ i~ vultle~1a!:~ . .cj~,'-.~dft a,n~ w~~~Ik •. ~2I~~~' tir~J( :wilJ ~:6.Qft~I1~ t~Q.

, Let ,:your ~f!.ylpblA,rl' ,o;~@,~ h1 th~e':Gv~l~ f€Yr @1M 'n.OIUF;O'r 'mQ~(li ,Bjl1d~ th~l1lt}t, It &W;ol to' rolD'mbemper,'&rttlre., IJpn~~: m,~'t~' It· '.lJ':~~U ~tJr~ cll1,Y' o.,rG'15( Nt1'O~b1g fJ wapiti ,!Si~.urp:~u~, 1~;;ad6 :to J~U6a:5t~r-cra:GK~et, n~Cik~" 19'r:o~dn ~rm~ a.n~ tt"aC~lIr::8'eI kt1,e~~;

:','If~a &£ul:pturtv4o:~f?:'Qratf$~~ 5t:azt. ~.~el~ j~n,~ ~'6y t~~ 6~ulp..tLrrd .oQPI. fh:e ~1\uC6. Y!C}U ll ~'fliiS to ma~e r~f:a)r~itl6:!r8,1!q1:t. £tfU~$. 'f~r,l?m~U er4p~~!! ~Qi~'mfl:r Clay for I~m~rf; ft:it6t.:&1~re§~ ,ait1td .pve,'~G~~n~r1tJp,r m~jQ~( kl:J1e&lk~,~w~rk l~,~et a~~Q'm t'~m1peratur.eo.

" 'lf1ihe ,G~a'~' 'te;,n6l,~ tio dian"l~ei1AJr' EH~9~,h~ alr~p~ tJl&- 6.QJ~.IPitu:re With ~et pBJ,p$Tr to~el:~ t;lur~'t1'Si the

t81:5Jt 'h~lf _of the i;?a,~in;~ $im~.' .

", Ifp';$iU~;t:, :of' 4i :5:GLJ it1tk1rB;,~(;}"8'CG:t~HJ.'l ta,kl~' f1e~"rlt". Cl£i~ th~t< ,d~"rk 'GJ~y '8l'W~,~ . .'tra~ ~' inew f~yc;i.~r

f14W no~tt:, or a hew arm. 'riU~., ~ .


P ,A R,' T

5 11 X


dance with astonlBhing ~g~iUty. Work to- suggest that 'b"{lrrtbrn;atiotl ofstrength and jHin~ry and yoqJl create the illusion I~ff 'I figur·

arc 6 - A Le'g to Sta ld On


Landmarks of' the Thlgh Leg, and Foot

Powerf d muscles shape the lower ltrnb, T,lle Gluteals add roundness ~() the hip~, and buttocks while the Qua, lri "11S add fullness ,0 th" thigh. The strap-like SarlOf]O'U5 enhances that fu ll ness' and visu~~Uy cHvides the quadriceps fr011l1 the hollow of the tl igh, The Hamstrings create a flat, even appearance ~n the backwhile the Hamstring tendons frame the hQUoW of the knee .. Th ' knee joins

I h ' [Iugh '[0 th leg. The inn', r margin c f'w tihia the shinbone.Js a visible landmark on tb front of the leg, On the outside of the 'I e.g the thin Ilb ~hm produces the gentle ate in the exrerior muscles, On the back of the leg til - Gastrocnemius, or calf, extends from tll' hollow' of the knee to the midk:,g where it atta hes to' the AchlH s tendon, The ankles, th 1 eads of the fibula and t]b'ia, ~tivi~l, 'he leg from thewedge-shaped foot, The dorsal arch, top of the foot roundness of the heel and the toes are three- of the landmarks within that form, Ihe arcl on the instep is another important landmarl ..... The outside cf t1'.H~' foot hugs theground,

Hollow ~~, of the


I ~/
~ V'
I J ' I
I I'
1\ I
I ~!'

~"" J
I ,I
I, ,
, ,
J !! \,
'~ The litllb fil:r l:!' fi:gm~ '7 ~ lie:d£t ltmgth.s ",Ill :Ntet:!Sf'll:'C.f ""in'l()Jt 4 % he-ali ICIlj!JhJ/.rollt t/J'e crest of tbe h.ip' to lh~b,(Jttt)llt of the jfJo.t, ~,ltd _. '~,head tl.mgth.r fhml th~ioj'1e (if ih~ ,fjQ¢y., 1 'h-(w;gh the' ~"'Otlum') timb,01'l the' r:lgh,t iJ(.lif' 8 .fi1Jwf),tileJ'":ml}l!fi ,tUft/.'.iI JJ:J~Oi:l:der lJJthe: .th~ll'~ thrJ P{),;fl'{f,Oii of l"md1JJt:l'rks on he~' litN/; is tbc' Jdlf,lfJ ~lf the ,ti(J,','C ilJale limbJ on the lift. Tbe baJe of t~ B.1lt:toch lif!J. in line UJi,t,h t,blJ fm~k of tIle body. Th S';rh'l~f'i()m· f,~'()Jifi,S thee :j_·m'u~· #jigl~ ~ of a he~d tfJ."Y.,th',fiw1Jl .rJ.Je,j(}1"k. Th,f11Jti'tljJoi',ti oj !he linih is i'lY clba~ th:e1 klt(J~, rtf",d ,h({,bttse oj'#!JI!' tit-l[ (thfl'gt. M"<OClft1ltlltlJ tit:; J head lttl~gth belo'£{;' th 1}zidjl(}l11_t.; with t'l:lf! b(Jei 1 hrttuli'ength belm:v J.b'(! calf. Haa sh~~ply yOlt ~:h(}f).f,(j to d~fimJ the: mit J,cl8.f' a1!jJ$JfdJ Of" II.I2'e /)(uljl tiP"- '10ft, u!.m/t if) dcft,h;J'.


, G:~uteaIs'

HoJ1'o'--'" .. - , ·w

ofthe Thigh

" Ankle

, A·tch,oftne Ilnst€!'p

BuUdin·g Legs and Feet of Clay

Again you'll combine simple shapes to create complex fOf01S. Again yc u n use armatures eo make these FqnDs strO:~;:tg~~ stiff meral.rod wfll replace Lilebones in each lirnh. Instead of foi] you'll use clay. cores. "asi"" IrQ craft than 'oil cot sbahed clay cores reduce the baking time of a partially or completely fbllshed sculpture. '\Xll i out a core, the rhickest component of the limb needs to bale 2 hours, That much time '-to the ave '1'1 can icorch one of the' best polymer modeling days .. Smaller

I nients in a sculptur ~nose's ears and roes will darken. More importantly, " hes CPft!S help you to· model llmbs that match,

Parr 6 - A leg to Stand 011

Patterns for Buildlng the Lower Llrnbs

, I' I







'" ,





Leg Core 'P:atte·rn~·.5 Base Units T.NE .B,AKED ICILAV 'CORE

Q1'J[G bd:k.l1dand fhrffocie;c/ atJtol the '1}'J.etal !J.rme_'i .. the dtJ,Jcm'-cs '1l1.ctclfj· cu,"{::ording to th'es(J ptlJ!.'t!nM UJiJl gille·YOtt.a Jtu.:r.c!y mlflpo$1eahle fl'Jt1zdatto1J for..'ll/odeling. ceres Ite.gi1'f, CJJ elongated h'iIC:01lffs, rod :t£1/Jtre.d at .(!J;iCh end., (lCt.rh f}l(Ister ,em'a in hal/at a 45 dfJ,gree Cf,'Ilg& 'i(Jill c;reaf.ct NfJ() 1rttZ/r.:hi:,IJr. thigh, (uul two 11$dtch'i~g J~g eoees ..

Even if.:)tQU ohODf'e -to coetu I~ne: .~O-tl r il~_u reo with IQ'9~~~fit.;tii1g. 'tr.ou@er~· or .all Ilon,g. ,goWn;;. thofile; e£~Wn1"~ntB; ,dC!5~rve "?i1figure. that 6ta.nda on :rthsdlf5.ticarU:y mo6l,ele~ 'Iim·b:a. D..erJ+t··6k~p. a"he21ra:. S1;a,Y h1. ·g-tep' aWld le'41It"h to mode:! "t;he war.8, !Iiimb .. the: WBIIdn~6£7ed; 1i"l11b wil'! follow eoon e·t1augh.

~O,U'l. .. L N:f.ED' THESE ,fiU'P,Pl.JE5

'" 6tra.ii~~ht blatt-e fqr C:~~Jtt:h1Ig tlay

" la'~e: .ana r~ t.a·peetry

ndedletool Cpa·ge 16) "

_, L?1ree e;lnd m.~ium alurnlnurn knitt:i"ng neeu.iJe5

_, Gu:rv8~ Tlp Tq~ql.1 (pa.l1lolt 16) _J Cr~~ k~{f~

iii $~flt;Un:~ -n:gul18 &llrmature,; t\l!{Q Vi" inc,n ~'f~'!?!$o I-;"G~~ 5 V, hea~ ~'~ngtih~' !ot\r~

'f 5~e&trff:eJlJre ,armat'U'r~: tWQMI&" ino1f1 ~.r~6 ro"bf~ 4 y~ htQd len~:th~ lonel

,'.four t6fr1,pO~ry rod5.~ ·$Etme di2rmetdr 2Ht5· art11latur7e rod6· 5 he:ad len~th$ lonel

.,. G!C·uJptiflg ~tarM~ (p.~g,e" 18) ". L~:r:fj~ p:~f~iMlg".di!5h or ceramic t;lille ',{j,. Fil1~rifi'il ~

- - . .,...

'111/ 2'/1)) II /'2- ','. I\,,JI

Base U nits: 'to Cover

31/l- 41/2 (6) Base Units; to Cover


1 ~,1 ~/2

('1' 3,,/" le,. 8'

[ I -:'4 I ,

, I



P:nmli the h:ng,t:h of the 4;rmaha't nJ(,1 to ,he size atul' p(J:fit;fj~1 tJ/ the .appliq}('eJ" .th.i J'~dt6rN fhou);, JOtl ,hOUJ to ,~nktt(J e:Jfi~illeg' w;t-b ,JI11/,fde.r;, jtJin,t.L, nJul feet just J~~ght lor 1/;" ' bod)' [11J ()1' g(ffli::ler: lPith tht '~l'Pliql.le:l pJ:i pla'~j anel the lim:b dlsJC'mhled.toul' altd/ingr;r stroke:.', t/fJ' thY! rest: 'TheTtlJ .sa .patt~rn fiJf the ftl1~ si'IJtpiy' /;(JClIll.fe tbq"'lBSO (MJjl to m~, 170J!'tle llUl:j~tenKl the ['af'e.l1tJd the i:(}rs(J~' ,JOtt can flU/iter thtj~fJlaJ 'lllCll.

y~ Scale:

Baee ,unit

,6 ~ .Ba'ae Unit (#) = fat fig ure meaeu rtJ:lTJlrBnt5




Stet,} J-CfJm/;-il1~ 9.Ban! lJuitJ It/to ~ 5mof)th" sC_1m/es,f hall ,old""",. lloll isto 4 !11;~1z r()~i ab(}ltt hti,{l'd le#l4/) h;nf;,., P/(;lce "M~'" fllbNS sa th en.J.' a,tId' f.,'(JJ1;thttl6 ro,fli'IlJj,., (,t/!plyhll{ pr« '~ltri~' uJi;th Y()l#"jJOrJJl.f to ta/Jr;rt'heeruii fl ,rhOlJet f:;e JtJfJ.ititr I'rr l!jfj f¥ttt'B-nl tm l~dg(! 72. il .hi,amI: du:t(JJt j v.r lirJod If;lJ,~l{thJ Im'1I~'

, Far very :~trCl:ng leg'6 for ~~he &tandit1tj. 'fig!Jr~ use an eJpoKY putty for the I'eg' and thigh ooreEh, % tea'e;'pocm pf p\.ltt'yequfl~$ the B~6t;: bJn'lt in voluh1~. E?1~:l1a-ft:;he putty acc.Of7cUn€l to dHrectionf;, and· rt Bet, up fOil" tfi1 ~O.ur or two. llee 'W&llter.or petro,leuI14IJe:llyto keep the PL!'ttY"'from Eit.ickft1~ to' ,your hal1d§ arid your too~~ ·ana whe.n YQw clJ~t~miz~. _ the thig,~ cores. Fo!lo"Win0 -the: 'cote ~irectiCII1'6 for mode,~i'Mfl~ but ~er;ere 19aJdn.f]1 .. , thrtla,~ I?oth tne thi0h .i'll:I1,~ ~'~~I cordS 0111:'0 each of the ,armature rod£; ar.nd ,gently, bond to.g~ther; Le~ CUlre over 'ni~ht fOi'grBa1;a:r 6tr~n'.3th.

" If .YOLJ have tn:.:lu.b'l:e raRing aJ core ·th~,t:~'~ twen"ly tapere,at, 'you~re bl6in~ more p:~~.$$ure wlt.h on~· hand ih~lflI the other, Let the n~nd 'thart caU68,d the ·~.rop~em correct the

. ~ .

pro:blem-fl'i f' t;h~ 'Qqr~ leng,thwlg,e ~rnd

,ISO t1ti 1M UB fro iii n g,.


'Ste1) 4-U.rre d' Jllel~dE1~' ,f .t'~1J rod m· long m'it'Cllf1 to lien:e lelich' tfJf(J.. S,~i:N y(mr lfJlJllik d ttrH I. (11Idll!~lrk tf) ;kecp it reltJf!J'f!i. After pi,{JrdJtg the rores.'(ut cad; em fo (f tel:fZl),()rt.;f~I'J' rod the .((lam: dicJ:lltetc:I" as thft 'UW'l(}= lure nJti J'ou'll ns« bl tlJe finkhe~! fiwJ;I"(!; %

, lJ!trh t/:;kk /rw {I Jttmabig j~glt'"(j ttlld VJl'i of an h/fh fhi -k' 1m' i:/ J'gcltelJjig{Jfff,


Step' 2-U.w. ,5 B.t:I;:J!! Units ta ftWJ1J th'e lcr,g cores. 'VS{t yOff:ff fiJ~g(]n (md ilt(iN!. PI '(]j~rll re H(J,m· tbrt ends f(J .crqcltt a .!h'tt/m !p(l:.tooing the JJ.dtterlJ! ,t' I:1I0r:/! t.t'l.per,fjd bi-~;'w1fj.3 0 .I:Jf!.tui ltm.~tb! im'lJ!,.

Step J-U;re rho lut.fl:erfl wddlt'(»J Iltl!!,t: 7,.:.. ti) est etch ",,,lIter ,thigJ, ami Ie.g f(j}'l! IN hl!.f/ '1J d 45. tie,RnYJ dIJJ,:if1


Stet, )-F/olcl the leg t'IJ~ ~'I the. knee 'I #h th~ k,,~~~f;(jc(J ,elmL}Z ~md #t1)/efl it' at- the' d1tk.Je It.1'ltil th:~ c()re,~ lh~ rigbt t~"l.f.hj I M heu.d JimgtbJ fo~'" cat ll/lllN'YJ.gB. :O~~ lW:J:fl ft1fP~'r } V4 htkrd leflgth~ or less for a phtlnP/~gf,t,t-y, G, lMl, pre.sJ .fhl: fwmt ,fJjfiacb lcg eor« .rtgairtst the':,wm~1a ~Ul1folt;f1 tuI/alterN it Ji~.rhdyrJ.'Jld 1/;":li ff)llilld o.ut' ;/J:e/nmt hy '''I}J/hlg zf,. bdek emd forth (me in- times, Tbi: .rteJl con;(!I:lr the length ,t/~,i"J$tbe rmb.leJ. ell'lll alig?:it; the ;vb.i:;'J/Jon:· dO!J{! t(J.the iIff/a,cu.

OIt;1,C~ the' Ger~s 6re on thE!' roti taHor th"m 'tOI euJt tfie5t,ari>l1re of :Y:D,ur e5'C~ljll'tureJ' fi,b'f;t~e :pattern. Fo.r-2?l:ve:rag~:Q"r Ie:tfhl figjJr-e~~ stretch Olr VQmpr:B,.65 t.h~ tht~1t :0 &rfls' to"- eq~al th~ ,d~t.alt1c;e' 'from the th~' .bo~ t@ the .. b~.~~ q;f tha Ft8.cto~I6.~. o',r" ~/4 h.~.d 1,~t1.eJtb!a ttlU m.ay have- n1aJ~ .8 'taller orG~Qrte:r f.i~nH~~j ~n61' craiti\f'i1(;I cOf,'ee,~h'~,t suit the .6t~lture I:~ mOm'e, if11'por-tan~ th~n faH'awifig the: 'pattern Bxa,ct;,ly. for-f~ct fi.~iur8~ ~ .. t;hi'elh.'fd1orter that) .norrn~I" 1 Vi he'aa ien~th.5j, will e'mphar8·iz.e th~ :.bDaY6~ plum~ "p'pM'raJ1C,e,.

rt 6 - A


Step (5;_blW1"e ,,[. good fit of tl,g tbigh to ,the horiy. W}th tl1£. thigh' cor.c on tiu: te.mpord'}'j' rod. inset;r th I~(jd into so:ckel it'! t/ge tm"J.(). ·LigbtJjl jn;e!l the lhi.~h,~tg~tfmt' I'be.blpjai'l'l,t til im1l17J it fi.t.f "/J(J OO:{/,)" . BrtrcJh ·,the ,hip job'lt :~tJit.h 'ttJal/e~" ,(ii' {lfJtt~def .to' keq} t11~ core ./1~OJll Jti(k'... lng. This .p:{)sit iOl1. in lh,e with thft /j.(}#y. stsits tl-i .rtcmrlhzlj POJf1.


.le)) 7~B.1:1J~e' ,all !uzn- L'01"fJ$ on I~I CltJhim~ offi(;erfill 11, a ,,~tfl.i;~ pttl1 a,C((JI'(Ii.,~g. ill I}arkagf! U1S.tt7'ICtio.tlJi. 11:M! dd'j~' wi# In: ti)lckf.:ft il,. thE thip/h ((jr.,f{! (,uirl that thick128J:f tietcf1f1h1eJ t.hd b?d-tlfl.}!; lh}'/f:, r;lfJjJeI'ld~ ing r}1'l tbrt d6tl' fi om 1 .to 1 0 h{Jt.tJ";r.. lflhile t,hese ,C01~fJ,.f bwiee. mode:! the/ret.

nd On



art 6 ~ A L g to Sra 11 d n


'slej')' 1~-lJ(l(}t:k JtelJ hy .fte/I' to ct'Cate d psir of fecI., ~,Iwt one t# ~i ti'me. nj,~ I ~ 13"'J~ Il 1J'itx lor each fUf)'nMUI.,'j j():ot. 1 :4 B'-~Uf·V nits IiiI' ~(/,h IJMn/s fiN)!' "n1(I' 1 .~ to :_: Base U ,db for the fat/aot. 1-:0 ,rt&l(h j(jlJl~ roll rht! tillY to /onl] 61)'1' el()}~gate&! ~g~~ 'ahout' M! of hetld·trfflgd>.

Ht)itt the ~g~ /;)1' r/Je JIJutll.Qlul, tho /jfJel. as JI,(J1i, Jtroke; tb« other l::nd. ,~)'.i(j toes. to flt:~'tu';l rhelJt. 1"i. if ·u ill LengtheN the foot to t.l· littlt! more ,thtl'J1 ,J l'{!.atllengr:iJ.


'te/) lfJ-.UJ(f .f/Jl.4 tt.n1,(! fdPe.ftQ Izct"'dl· NJ rf),ttit,d (mf the' tiJel,{tl1ii (;jitha",~ff! th,e delf~ or 11{)(:bbi~.t:..; 11tflll«1~ tk",rb t~)q,

ORIE,NITINGITHE IFEET' AIND MAR,K~ING 'THE TOES St'e.jl 9---CJ;{tw(!.. f}.t;tchI(ifJl tmpwfitl/rWf#'ilJg ,(I' ,~iglJt {l'lul' left fiN}(" '~mrl th, ,rill tlM~ ,,(Jl!fNil,, sptu:cd "toe:" with ~~ (;}'tJ/I' krlij~. Split .tl)(j .t'UJlj. (Jilt r toe, ~ l~ ith thi knift to ,}j:~l;b.f!i(}lJr' Jrmallcr toes .lW~1 ot1lJ./?ig toe lJ1t

. /

,r:~{tb' f@()j.~, .


S·f,ep 11-011 the h/)tI~i)l if .the fOfJt., P~'esj' !UJ,() ~lng'etl gJ'lmv,fJj j1llto the rldJI---4lI'11! belmv t/pc J~IJ'(.,1l tUlJJ. emf" tl.Jo Jllkdl .$'(MJ' {Nltr #~(J ni1edle ,ctfi~(jr )ION ,'IC(J'ttte this gnJm~.


St"el' J 5-U.frJ t~ 1~~1Je 'airflo'cl tip ,ti; ;''1J2pf-int thY: (JAW!, of 1//':I) l1e1'i.! 1)}1 J'tJ:r; ,big tQt((/,tu/ the .f1J(tI/t ,r:1l:fWtt tip ,tt), 'hli/Jrblt ilall nt,zil's f/l}, l1J.rt ,s;J,uaLl :$tif!J".

-- - -

Parr 6 - A leg to Stand QI~

FORM IN-'IG,_" T'H'··E-;JI,',IIlJIC··.U'

'_ .. J __ ' ,,', ".'._ "hn· .. _1'1

Step .. 13-C:rfitZ.tfJ. the arch· ,~~~ t{1e nl~rl!JfF:U).it:h the 19rtg~ tc~/J(JlitrJ }t(Jwllt1_ Roll it Mik dJz4ft1'th .t~ hit 1'1 fft1W~ ($ n~i'{}.vtJj c/,7iJd 'lY:cilir~ t.ict'trti).



Step ,~'4~"t7ith_ some j)rlJfJJi. tht! :bt}tt,(}11~ of the foot is ''l'i!jbl~:. p()I!".fJ .kil'fJ.t!.liug or .r~tif!}tl fiKtf:re. Clitld ..tEu J;lep: Selu./,nrtU, -. ~(!lfh t(}(!with the llit?f# t~rp,t:Jl,l)i ~/{/e:dle clJ'M1 J:ha,j" ase db, lCll}'~ 'ml!dfm~~ lal.litli~ig ~Eeefll~" tf) ,fJl't;f.,f Cfltlltlil hulen:ca#(m IMtUHJ.(!1l fJ&i€h tr!£;

.Fn~U'5H~'N-GTH',E :NIAltL5,

S.~ep' .16-DejlwJ i»e iiilrtJt if t be ~'1aiJJ 'wzJ/!llfiJe J~llatl1!tllj,(!.ft~,~ }~,erdlc"





S tel} 17-1~(:1J1()1I'e the tCJ11paf'c;('1Y 1~odr ~ml r:mJ6'1' 'W'lch t:or.e with m (fl!t!Jl JJJee.f;. q{ clc,y. .P 01"/;11 the. r.,"IClJl iJ,llJto' (:/' shw;j)c. 1~jembling ,the '01"(;:,' Fli'/ttY!J1. ,i<l.~iljj .. tt ~'(j,IJer lmtil it j' 3 .ti1i'tr:J OJ :ulide (tJ'lcl d bit lim;:,:er than th > f;ore. Us' 4 M B.a. fe U1'lit;s tocoser €fItch 'fllate thigh" 3 % ,llnils /m' ti./fh /ultJtde thlgh~ tf,1u16 Bese Ilnits for ctlr,~h /rJJ thigh, U:W(j 2'B.dS.i! UJ'lit.f to {.f}~r vtl} (tach- ma:le leg, a1~J jYl, Base U~lit'S. l(~' ,:tJ'{)(fJ' :(Hch/cf}1ate leg. U,~re:) BaJ~ V~'iitsj~r linch 1ft! leg- Cm"fi!}" t'~/~'l1 ('Qr(J ~'''{)11:11)!eifJl)'.

Step J 9- BliUd JtP th'8 ,t~ltIlJ6'les 0/ #1$. calf. ,the G:lI.Jt.1YJCll,ellJim, wi,th an m~~l opp,(iq''UJ" U5t? Yf' vj ,t/. Bt1jfJ. U,Zit' rn.'l .rtfima-l~' teg~, Y.i ~I BllJ,(t Unit (',~ il J11(_de leg, anil % ,t(), .1 'mit (Jr/ .s fitl le.g. ,BieJu( /rQ.l11 t hI;! (f,ppticJlJ>rJ: ltI#O t'bft leg.

IM'OD'ELIN'GI I'HE LE,G ANID ATTA,C,H~NG THIE IFOOIT Stet)' 18~eI t/:ut.afUeWFri thighs "!lsid& while; yau cqse:Jltble'lhe leg mlfl fOot;, f.?'J::(J1{ the base oj" the .lf1,t~ iJ1;/.i() the ddJ.' foot. 'rh~'f1:tJ(/i the itrmllf,llf~

~~()d intr) tb.c leg dud' p ifm:e t/:ie foot. S &7('Y(1 tbe /(}fJ1. ,(t'lid' 6~lilcl ItJl tift: ,d(},'~rt:d c~,r;h .ll'it-h ,rn {JVot t/PllliqllB IlM1,deo/ ~ t( d BtlJtt U'flii. Biu/lt! #JI/ JeaNlJ b" ft~~t Jtr{)kiJ~l, rklj' /rm/l the ,bite} lIP' Mit() the '~g ,~md fi,'fPl1 the' sides (if the foo.t B11to· .tbe leg .. Bj(Jlld the djJpliqJJft OJI Jt:l"ok,'ltlg/i'o1J/ the ttppliqltrt 1~1~ OIztO' 'h.e sbin ,(mel dowN onto 1& fUllt. Rttb SlIlo()tJ}'nitb YOIl,·jlnJ.!,'lfJl" ,C'tl'U;/ }'ff-lt,oJ,d,' the' ~n:h 011 tJ:u: inJtfI/J if 11ea$Jary.


S tel) .2'O---S.t,r'll/e:u lip'wa1,t'1 QJ~' 'C{Lih side of.tD,e bJc/a of JW: 16'1£.. B {If;'; )!'(J:llt· Jtn)kf.5 jffst ai7{JtJfi the h(;!€l. T!J;· J rep rreate. ~he A chi ties f,r!1l.d~n; ttJ"d dJrJr ,tI'ore d.t1D' tfj t/;c· IlutJde.s of,t.lJ.f1~C(tlf. S.t'Jc'OR.t mort [il'1ltljl' m'J' the imide of the /yg; .t/{;"iJ' .itmf1r belly q( ,th(jg~.\t1/Ot·1~(J1Jlit(J is s#gbtlJl h.i&heJ~ If Jho teJJ.dfJJl '}~{)ffttJ tn' ()tle JiJ~:i ,f(jjj'f,er it z.rJJth (J, fb~'f;:et' s..t.ff)klJ' rn'i .tl18 f)'tbef side.


I tep 21-,U£ OJ.U{ l'ligb#y j7atte12ed J'OI'l f[f d~$Y'fo~' learh ankltt. Use ~Ii ,0/ II, Bp:je' Urlit' /OW" a :i't'OYltnt rtmkleJ amI 'W for a ~'1ui}l~r (;,·mkles. The btt!e of iluiel' (J,' .. /ie1 just ~i;e the tfJjJ ~fth,e fi?O'I ~mJ th~ fJllt(J.r cmkLf: fifJ.f jlt# beJou!. Bid1!d rlj'_ ride tt,'ttl top. SedllTl Jtr0/.'1i-11g ltJ;:tl:ard :wiih cyfJ1tr l1t1:~~qn;


- - -

Step2'3--Sefy1'i_ tke jOh:lt T!-11d bliil,cl tip' f./j.e Htl'tl1!S,tri1~gj 1;()ith' aN of/ill ,appliq!l.e. Use 1 Base U'rti,t on ·{;tr 'llJOtII:a1i J li?k6 1 M;e' U ,~itJ on (t. m( .ib).,b, and 1 "% OJZ d ['at liiJ~6. l~tW:s flnnljl in' l)'OJ:itiOll D tljtlot lt (qt1(lf'J the· hollow. of the knt8~f3I~J1~l th# .Jw~lrliIr{)m the'.oJiptiqlie liP iN'It(} the thigh (ltui cioum ( the calf ttnd tbe» the Jitlfi.,


rand On



5J ej) 22~T".n! 1/)'8 t1;Vf:red #iigh ont» the ttr.lNatlif>~¥t l'fJ,d'i.vit}; tbtj ,~,"Ijlt a/tho.thigh tm ,t/;A- olttskl!J ... P'i{shf;r~/" to ll!(Jirt th,~ two,partJ}.·{)!thtt I~g trJ[!,pt/lItr. 'The k'f:1Cf'S:bfJttltl ()tJf!rJ:a:P thr: bllt_~ of #.1(; t{ji:~h" .BlrJ1l>fJ thft k~llliJ'.,


Step 24-Suoke the back {the. kll(jf joi1U (JO'Ujtn'lMJrri:r to crean tbe' ttmJmu m'Jd the ,hvlloU). o/the knee. Use ,~ejNat{}f:1 'f:rokes retber Iha,t:l mile' fi'N}J; 11rfJh. Fin,i.rh, hy lig/,ll), piwch£ng the ien.d(ms trm,v.pfd wu:/, (Jp/


Pa -t 6 - A Leg 0 Stand On


THE QUADRIICE:PS ,AND THE, IKNE'E ,I-t'ep 2'~B{tihi ,It!} Ihe' hmJt! ttfu;/' QlIcr.tI,.ircps lrit!' en O-M d tl4~Jliiq1le.. V$(3 1 V! B(t~e Uf:lit:f f~I" _~ U/f),l}Ut;iJ leg, 1 VI BaJ_e Units j(U" ,rt ~ltlItl J /iPg I Vi to _' /rw tl;hrttl~Vjl leg., Blcli'dthu hott(#tl seams ,car({/tdl)! III (lJ NO( to lo,J,e, 1i'(1 i;g:"f8 (if .the /a;};r:e. Blend the JM?fJJ 'by Jjltoki,ig /f'iJJN f.h~ d!,pliqtuJ ()l;_l.tfJ il~{! thigh~ Whe~,l /inf.fbei,l, .ft-1'()lta ~d(JfJg tbfMJ~'Q ollhe tlPpliql!t.'fJ {J1,1 t./:)'C (lifter t'I)~f!.h'. T hjJJ: ,'"1#)1 ,)1U)d~lq,(l gr~()M! is ,/'/91.! illi(}~fibjolli{uul.

THIE: QUAIDRICEIPS'TIEiNDO'N Stell 26-"V-"gKe,rt 'h" Q1IRtt,jt.'f!ju 1111#'/0'1'1 u}ith, #gh~ jJreJJJI:re. fiwm t.he la~ 1~~' ,~zlui11 N. :Needle OIl, t.h.e i.llfi,fie and O:l/tJir:/e (J/ ,the I i1llb jli~fl clbove the ,km!t!., 011 ,'(I. 'i - 'f)QJ.a,/s moreJofily lfl'{}:tJfJlt.~ li!}tb a~"I,d o,~ !I'l]' fr;;t [buh" sse 'I(}tt'~ littln ji:nger lio do thir51ell_


. - - ~- . .. - -

Ste/J' 28 ~% o/(;? hca't<llmgJh /rOfJl the top qf t-f:l(t j;,l,]'{ller .thigh.. '[:fe' the shaP of lhe /fl1:f{t: tmlttittg 1Refldle 'topn1.fS a clia[!lmal IJJ'oove (Jxtt!I'Jtli~1{ fi~om the inner thif!.h to ,the hi-p, [offbl!!. at th.{!' hit), Tbis is th(J .m~(:l;p-:l;kfJ

a~rtf)rl(jtu:. Sofre» it 'It it/J fil fi11'..~"Ji· J/m/eQ.


"'fep 27~SItg_f!e.Jt the kruect:l/)/ ,1',1'it.mgIJ- 1m!' :rhaj>e- with JwtJJlf-re jr"tnJ1 the 1111'J:,f: ,/i'}}i,tt'blg mIcelle. SO/ti:J:l tbe Jame d(J#til~ wit.h your j11Jj!.er


~'tep 19-5tro,ke the buick' of the lSJ!.'jr{J1}i illS!" (lfhrr-ll'£ d:Je t'lZ11fW tt'l'lk:/e M t:he b~H{f of t!JtJ fmelft-ajJ. U~f,~ (I}lOflgh jn"eliltn: W' Q JHgl;J ddge~ the; uirifJIe 'f1,l'lge Of 'II¥!J1J,il~' (1- .thft t ;l~,ia'.

Parr 6 -A Leg to Stand On

The Heroic Limb

tt[k the heroic torso the 11l1lS,C! . on the heroic limb stand~ pro KI an l W(~l1 defined. This pattern will help you pla,ce appliqu, s 011 th already modeled leg to produce muscles befittmg a hero's stature. Eac~ fracdon L:.")- t,' rar pa rill; of a Base Unit,

Add uctors v B·

. /1'6_


......... ~ """""""'--+-:a;...-l/s B each

.__. ~.I--~. 'lJ16 B

BUII,l,DING U'PTH'E HE,ROle lJM,lB s.tet)' A-PnJfS ,cdt of tha n;jJpliql1es firml" b~ jJUce. .. $troj(J (dong the ..sea:ms with Y(J1'1fc' finger tt) blerJt~ cotJxrJ{Jiblf( .the Jea'fllJ :yet' 1l1a'J1i'JlJ:g the tilttJ'des zwli cleft-ned

Ha1mstriinlgs Ya IB each


1/~ B ~---_,t--





tep B'-Roll h£th,·thin' ,-oJ! of daY,'tttl..6l.p,·~~~ bl place, Thf!.1feinsC'tn·'lIe hl (m;¢ alit like .t¥1'1 okl ~~ifle1·. bram:JJi'l1;g ,at th,e" Itllt/-foot tow:a'itt the big .:dJicllittle 1.'mJJ. Drag .t'he tip ,ofth:c Id1''f/l k:lzittiltg alon15' ihtJ edg'c ~rf;he "};{tint l()bt(J:ltd: .F.i:l#jjj, u)ith ,tt Joft h,i'lJ!'" and a/t-o/Jl)i.

B = Ba'Be llntt

X Scale B,a:ee U n it


Parr 6


At Last


Step 3,O-jl.ttacb(;;f;~{;Jh ~lu}tl{Jliti,g tach lim/; .()fZt: ~l' a thfl,~. Begitl .by covering . r.,"f:b hi/! join,'! 'lll:lth tJ"{,"~' mlal (~J~pt;t["te: lIlt/dfJ' of·~ to. ~ of a Base V'iit' .. JJ"dJ fi!rmly i» plat'''' )-'("'1 Jho.tlJ~l·h~ra(J JU) t1'olthle .felJitlg .the .pi(!.t;f;e.-/ Jm::kelJ uthfJfe' .the atmatt;l1~fJ i~od' i1lcsm"ts into the hodjr., P iene tlbe socka agctin.

S.tep .J3'~·I3~~ild .up ,each of the IJl/Jf,ocks'h a l.'laJfd~·t·le apfJ#qlllJ l}U/.(/i. of~' .Base U 1dt. DiU;X, o/.(I Bale tort .t,} imJl'{#Jn l htlUOCieJ ,'/,'Itd lImit 01J a lat /ig/~re~

Step' 3: l~(Jp'n the ~ inaow.f! 0'1';, take tAl: ifJgJ ttT/a ,the to(JG (jltt:fide {or this Jte/) , The' fYe.rt method for Je,r,,"lt1"V2g iCmbs tf)'. a t(')i~!o ,hi! Jiz(J, it ZIJ()Y/es with bol'/) .bak.ed or tm-bahd dtt'~~PI)ly tl: JlIltdl a1:Ju)zm.t of clear PlJ:C t8lJl'fJNt to' da.e 'cetltel' of .th.e hip joi-n't 'lIJ#h ct.· tottill) s'Umh.

Step 'rf--l3'I.e.1zd' the J'WUll! by lwokJ.,1.'lg }i'0111 the «ppliquc onto tb.(t bctcle. t:f;71d thigh. b'lt /a;/u cafe 1101 to lo:.m the. fold ,rd the bfJifJ qf the htltJ.wkf, r!.m· tbe ~~-CClJe.

Step, 32-Qttickly atla("" th8 ,Ii'f}:;/; bJ i flJ~er'li'ng .the prlltail(4"e Y'(la d8f4/1 in/a' th'e body~. at.lee/J't: l' 'b'ead l(!-n1!,th~, ,tl'lldp,':eJJ the Hmo lir1.111y in place. ,8olel the limb firmly ag"t~inJttIJe torso for fiw /r') Un tJ'ti}Utte.;r al:ld thtm bLe.1'la' the J·ea111S.


Step· 34--Sel the pose. Hold thefigltre by 'the /'ips ant! burn'x thee ,(1,1W'la·t11'J!'e '1"()(i/J iI/to fam boieJ in the temj)m~ry base. )\ftf11·d'ete.nJti1~';I'lg "'YO!tl" /igmlfJ !landI TJtfl"tit'(JilJ,r, t~J,tsh dimn:l .gent!, . It UliJt tNJEl) sf¥mrJ. J~fI(d,: Let the figJl~ie stet lId j~t seveJ"ltlhlJ:t{'~f inJ'll.l' hzg the' gfiti! tb'iex ,t:mllp.letel". §Inti' the joiflts ~t~·'I! ~'iT'()jtg.

S t¢:P A J>',~e~J;"lfJ:tI:rq· Cfhce in th.~! I:jp.ricz~}ltttl j)oJ/'tiim: will JUirom(}i'lJ· tb(i.n I~ttt p(}se-Jitti,1~g fwkn{!l'!lingbar.1e. or;, oBis heeJj',. [J'tm; .Jh~ 'bfli Joint :with con'] st;a1!C:h ()It'

,,~"_,-jI'".. H J:J ,1~ ...... ,. '.L

JJuame1: ".' (}t,(j 'tPJ(J -€/Jt!e'. J:n'l)~.'ltt().n. ag'riJrcJ$J tfj~

jiJ~nr .~(/ithy(iM' /ing:efI (lfiia ib81t' iviih "Otlt· ,pa:litJ ,f;{)(fI,X r.!M I~ into ,thrrdgbt l)rJJitiofl .. The ,(,:'Ui'rJ ;fhfJI.tld eYiJr!ap 11qc; }'(jh;,~ 41 tht i'tig(tiiidJ line,fl1e t:h7t? .~t t/j~ f7lJin~ Th~ leg, COYCI i_mi't

• " L"t........c1' d' 1.

reql:lf;i"f]: ,c:Jltt()t:J1,JZi-tz_g~ oltt' ,w.~~ l' eu) 1lee to. 1),'8

the ~:i!1ht; ,'tell,gth'. :l~itJrthe $hi.n& f1:tig:il(J;(J:

Cm:f1fi;ttljf p/llP:ce (fiL the co.t'tJ, t/J~¥:ad ()lJt() ~~"lnt!t~~ sized wire t,(liW01(,:t.distz't'rbing ihei1' '1l;apeJ lt~u,tl b~fj~

'THE, BEN1' ll,MB,

S.te!J;:'.B }\Ilud,el ,the· leIJ1 joi}m"tJin;g all'of tAt]! steps thti't, S!l;{gg~1 the 1)'t"ISCt{!Jt~1Zd j(}i'}z.tJ~ lftwd t:he1j.itientltie J@i'"at' rhek,:lMlf. The Irmoo w,ilJ /os:e lis shape :and th# ,day may (N/;fIJ".Rept{i:1i" tj'e1!l'isiJJ-alJ(JJl th-e tY2tJe by ,5tl'Oking cI~tyfro.J);i, th.t k?~ee tlf},ll'1l t"fH:U4:Pd Jh.e shi12't/.n~1 lull:1e ,(ltl1() r~e tJ)igi~'. Rt!jJ.a'i1· lh~ ~:r)t12 k1ilte 'with' 0;" :J:f}j-o,ll 'nf.J' .oj' cl~y '/}'k1de ojVi~ f)f.a i34I,e U)jd .a:tld ble:lld:

,A Leg to Sra nd Ian


fhe. ··e,e:at;&d ~(6)e ,~. ..~ . ~~Qf?!Oofii?~~ ~@;~,~ 'w~tM'th~ ;~:.~H .. '.'

Ii \,:-- 'II;, ,-I .r:" '-_'. -.I--"_., J - L '. ~." ~J:

rdl$1Un~ aFt th~ b?lut1wGIr~ ~I:]'dl

¥L.' ,1"'& F·:1;;0 ","L.~''''i.:.-_ \'J.~u ~f.l14\lr~.~., . er"vr'l~4.:' I"~~ SiW;f1J -u'~ .. 1

, ~'~1r1 U'~:y ;~~dl~Jrtt~r W6i~~l1t rn ~!I ,r@~ il~ tlfte I [m~ii?; '~6' i%ll~l1 lPra~;et, roet@· .ZSJ! r.e. ~~~~~L r~ eM;re'»f}1tur~~~, . ~~1;i'tv b$,n$L {~~ ·aV~Jhaiv,l~ ,ii;Jt;. m9'5t '~O~~'y ;$.flo~~llh!@rD~ doe~'t:l~t n;e,ed to ·t?xt~ntd Z!J er~~

- IF

rl1V.~ thll? ~Q~Y air "~~:JiG"~ :th~

::~sGle 6ft~hB fd~cbJ"; l<Jcit it §)hQJ~I6i 8m:1,;~"~~i'f4W t1ltie' ,f"Qt.. D§ni~$,

... \,Ij No- - '0:'" "'I .: '- I

'f.a:riel~ t'Q l1r1lf~fi' -&~~ ~b~~m; Qf ".tJf:te fQet· w~t-h" .~~ 111 ~u~h iiaFBd8l6 vou m,odt:1 'the ~~.

Ji!J'. - ... :.~ rr

Step' IC'-Ar/tach t'h,fj.° ttJ,&$·"llJi~!lf;. th~'.sa1ii~ techn:iqt.l(!:j yfJu. W(j,1.11{J m,e to secmYJ'.(!J,' iIttI/J'l'di'lJg leg. Bititil !LIP the ,btl,tJ,()'ckJ mhh OPrll £l;pplitptcfjJ .tiM Il;lm~e t't stn'l'1{Ji~rg ./i,gttff1, UIrt: .~ J3cLIe lJnit jew 'tit l}'l.aJ.fJjigurftJ % &/

·tt !J acre UIJIJit/m" a /C)l!1,ate 1;:!{Jt~tej 1 .B&{se ·V·uit .O'l'J, thejJalfigm'8:. Add/ia:ttffl'fJ:ci n)ds 1J1C1<de 'II %. 0/ ,a BltW?, Unit' alpll[l #iJtJ tl1f£zbi7Ja! Jim. Blell'a /thtJ· !eml/J.

Part 6 - A Leg to Stand On

t?,rrlNt1~AC'K ON iOIN:E"5' H,Ef',LB

Wi"t:h'~! ptJ:ii~~9 co:m~~~*, a.'J1~ s,a+f '5u~p~rth1;€t. ~6lU ~IO n'1;

ttY "" - ,,-

"nee ' rn~~J red~~ i~t ~Qi4 ;wj1.1

H:av~,1t(i rtJark~, ~iQm¢' o'haM~~!? ''00 mo_d,el t'~l'E5 pCfB'e r6'a~~li~tJ~~ :9~{~Y! Q@'~ h"rs;wrre'- t;h~~ thi'gh caroB} tCJ)fit the' P'tEi~(;i' u~i ~~_, th~,'t5a~c ~~Qhfll'1q(J~ you .woul:~i IJ$I¢' for- ,~. ~jtting f,j:gI~lrtl. rh~,

",,",1_ .' L... , ..,...,+-,I!... '.:I', .iJ:l-. "

'vfa !~ n I~, 5ml@u,~r l a rib'! U f.ilt~,@.)t,m':"

1(he:,n~ ~r~M 01 ~ P P ~ [~lJ~6? btrl; ,Y~ll[lr~.r~e' €:~r~ ~'r~y WI1:¢H1 Y~lJ

cove~the tM,iah 6o~e~


Step A~, -To 1m)del t'Jj,e "'~ighs, t(j~t~r {hli t}J:iflg tares using ~hP S(nlt~ otNtt t()rd;ftplt2g' teclrniquet l?llt [{Je' "t/J'ftf.(J C!,;;~{)ilt'i'ltJ: 4 % Ba;J~ Unit:S ,to cmJfJJi' ,fft:~h'l~tlutt& thigh 'CQrr,; tlm;i ($ ftint!! to (J01J(Jr .eaelJ 111:;tle t/J'FgiJ core. nt!b ,ehe day .J1'}~o'(Jlfh' :a.1zd dt~'~acht~hf1 thigh:r ,ta ,the tl~~~SfA S&Ciic"C' (Md ,,~"},(),lft;lth,e ,Y1JttJ!ti?s i trl§lng t~iJ Ja1Jlce techniques ',~ if !or.,trJ. -ser;d(Jdfigum ,Bt~ild Yip J:h11 btIJ1'Oc&! wit), ,ot/til' uppliq'Ue.f (}i 1 to 1 }4 Bes« U1Z#S each.. 1 for a .,,~. antl

J ,~! f~~" ti 'liJmflaJ'j. hi otJel .the .ingJ:li'lltt/ folet 'llJi.t:~" flatt.(fI1t1d ,1~o:dl ~JXarl,t ,of~. FJdtt(ff1 ,the batf/ttr 'Iqf ,~'~ thigh$: '" 'pf(MJ.i,f~ft the li8~f"i7J d~wrl t'lgair,i.J.:/. 'tjl(j).;Z .fZl~I'fott!, Tlbis will

ulitkp l'hzy ~~ri(Jrt'h~f!/~!f .

MOe. '-D' Ec...:lll' N#'"! "TH"IE L' Er-:

, >'- .. ,~ .. I -~ ,J, __ 'Ul ." ~. ~ -j~U


SttP ,B-f;ql!,iJ~ thf1 l~f.!,' t'Ot¥'l !/tJing :1 Y$ B(l.Irt U1iitcf for eqih ! leg~ ll:fUI ;3 'Y; .Btt;fo V nits lor ,(Ja,ch 1~1.ate' Iltg. Thi .. ~ t:r ,~ thicker wrtJl)~ b;~tt there 'arc PH), alfpliqJl1l.f., 13lt.1'tfl th~ .feamJ; Str1Jk.ethe ,/;tty fnmJ t}ju hasr: r! th,e leg .lil; fJ.ft'to tIJ.e calf. iijnde.l the.finfshe.d flf)~' lor :t.biJ .l.Jv:J:~e., :tt-ttach and .rCCl/,?·e f,vitn all OWl! ttpptitj//lft. :}lztttie of 1;4 of a B,(1;Je Unit' .. R~eJ}l;l!mher, tJJe lelfir C,01Jlf!r,eJJ"OO ,by the uleighlJof t/:i{! Im.ttY(J;1la thet.bill/) .~". tlon "1' btl>ild Itp the: (ja.ftW(}(:n~:t}'li:ttS \(}rl thf! batk of the, ('ai,fi bui~d, .it Z£jJ {).,.'f, the ()${..tef.' t:t:/lj''lbith tll1 (jZJ~t crptJ.ti.q~t,_, ~.,tcJ'(~ of Yj ,()f (t .BiJJtt, Uni,t anti blertd iJlI(k4tl t~r:1;''J'_"lJ.ld, ltS.:i1ii!. jt~'iP'j 1tl£tal1 of ~I~ rJj t/, .Bafo Un,it /,(}F IJric"',4J'lJle.

Stet) D-P"j'{!:J:j the 11W'lie.tetl l()wr!J~ l?JJ,! '!ffai1'JJZ' $_h.1J bajft oj" .t~ tJ#gb,f, Pilt~htJ ga1JMt' the' kn.ell joint ,~'lJitii wCilges: }}u$,tlIJ.qJ Y'i B~Jj,(: CJtJiJ,' (i,if;), a

t/iMrl ,blend alul

, I'

,rnwteJ t/)~ k'~(Jtt.

T,oo' T'all for th'e Oven? Baking Techniques, '/0'" tl1e Standing ,and Sitting Figure

Toe tall to stand in most ovens, the 12 inch ~,~11 hero wlli bakela ytng on a oushlon of .ijberfiU. Laying down (li~tri] . utes the weight more evenly and prevents cracl ing at the JOints. A sturdy cardboard box provides 'II. temp ~)hu:y chair for the seat d. lady, The dark brown lady illustrates another seated pose and how to. bake her; In aU of these figures, 'be day in the loot is the thickest unbaked component almost a h~ If inch thick, These figures will bake f<r 40 to 50 minu tes ;. I nd cool for 2.....q hours before they're moved, A blanket of damp paper towels laid in place halfway rhroughthe baking time wiU prevent. scorching,

Part 6 - A to Stand On

'Ri~n1em~e·r.~ invne Ov.erM: ~11~ fr65·h f,r.PtM th}3, .. QV$n, ·strong.;H~.~~ ~t~;· l¢ul'n·~r~.kHe ~eul·lp.11tJre.6. :Pelynttlt .Cb~M Ilpa'~J3:a @'r u;·M~aked,~ expeu1til3' a.trd !$Qft~r.Ha .. wi'th he~~~ In the 'pve-rJ a'ndr'whn~~ it, cocd$J) ~o'lJ,r 5G.ulptur'e: lt1e~t;d:~~ ,,~I~e~uat~· -pr9~:p.i\rt~ ~Iga ilh:Eit, the. >eff~c;&1$Of g'ravit~" ~e:5pec;i'a,lly,&ltthe Mjeiclk~ M,ipl!?;. k<n,ee,6, ·:and ankles" ·Fq.r ·ngpre5 thl6 ~l2le. enid we-f.ght. :adm~:~i·;a pp.~,I1d1J" 'tn,~ cl:~ i~ "tf.l,6 lirnlis C8'n ,aii\1d witi' era',ok' if t:J11efi,@U1t13 bakea 1$1 .~ .~~r1d'flt€f pos;iJti on, (E.orlfpve'.5$ftid - by i\;~ own wej.g 111;, th e 6oTten:~at ala'y ,wUl :~,I,~'~ th;>Wn too· $moothi <,a'rm'ature: tl?~{3 in th~' Jtl~~,. That~~why laying 'th~ f1g11ltr~ ,,~loWfi i!5; ;G~Q i mrpOft.auit.



- - - -



F.!' ART




. - -



we have, ~frset by an am' of adequate streng h

is the ltwn~ll1 hand .cf!.pajble of .. the delicate .

and delfeacy.we possess an unparalleled dexter-



, . ...._._--


M--'- "'-". th- I,"" L: '~'d" .-.,~ rks r f the H': rd l and A·····~·· --.' .ap.,plng ~'. e ,~an" m,ar,.. 0, _ e _ a.n I, an _. __ _crm




Tbree vi.@WJ {Jj thtftJ)l(tle ifn1l' oil d~je left (m:d on;e ()ft/~e '}}icaLe' at"}1 (Jrtt!te:_ 1~igh~ sbO.w J'Ofi bozlJ !i'1.tJ:iLtJ,·~ ,Q,1z,1 jlQt Ji'ItJglttit~~ the ttlH) are. FtlJ1Ii .fho:lddc,· 1;0 j;:rlge,' tiJ] 1/1 ~li(ll!Jq.n'i cinll iJ 3 ~ h'(!Q;.ti lengths long, wh'ite a fit. jUriJ- arm is i'm'lgC1', l.hnos~.J 'il head leI1gthJ,. 1:r;; Im'th. t'b-e dlitarx8 f"01J1IJ:Jf1tll"'~jJi.J to tbe ellj,(),UI is J head'tell;!,th. an,d 1 ,beat I irmgth _fr(}m tl1e ,r;ibouJ t(Jji~Jt n:htJw' th.e 'UJdst hrme. Prom th_ ;ulris/-' bon,e ffJ,th . tip ,of the: l}tid~lIe jingel', a ~~Ut~'i..J" h~1:lt:1 is I h.ecl-d l~'lgffh tai/1ft mz~i W(»l,la'n j. ~ J~{ a httad tt"~f.thA The' ji'}'lgeJ"s an: sllghtiy l~$s th;au hall r:h,e fettgth of tv:!! /:Jl'tml itJ~lf.


ii' Work' ·~urftfll"e

,', ·1t}-1.2' '@a~& U 111t6- of. o~y

-- '$trOli~ght. ~ladtl, ~qr ,cuttJfrlEj 'c:~ay #. S2t'Ua~- or d'ivider&;

,. Lsi:;g,e and em.aU t~J?esthl fi~fd['e"~D! (p;&I~€I:6r 15) ~ 1;ar~,e ~na. m,e.dwum alumin'umkrl,it.$,ing' nlZ:~~Ue.B

," CUI~VM Tip To9'!~ (p,~cg,e 1®)

- e4~del

, Wire IGUltters or natH oUpper$

• Ten Gl,o;t.h-·lIo.v~red flohi,~t wrre5 , Vinyl ·g:lu,B.

fJ'!<f..?r.rral'l 'o-6ra;ti1'ictiie'

,I' sc.tJr~t1',fllg 't-and (pa~e 181

.' l8r~i~ v'akin'0': dish ,or ,cei:rt:rm[r6 t,ile & ee;rt-tofl f!"b·er' ,or- :ba~;in'~l


-- ......... ...--..~ ',,.,


Use tilxi /Ja'tt.'el'J~ es a ~I!;uidef()~' 'll'ltMkling thfJ hand., b~giltrl,i",zt.- ttiith tip/: t!/r!J/ft:ft!/.f'ij an~l ~ridi1j;g uli:th a finis.hedh:(tfJ.cJ,' ,(ll1a e~' bit o/INltmiJ'iry. N(}tiCfJ -th.r{;$ J( 1~l{)~tel tfJ" fir.f.t~ alit! thet'! bl!t':itJ tbe hG,tru4 tina rh"flJz the .a'r!lli; 'this i:s ';(1: 1JJ;fJ'tJl'd;1'J,JJ .htt12'J~i~{J: lutiit t:r¥;/ of.:! hQ£ltl.i(!.),zgt"hfi'Y})n tille' j~Jf,g"¢rtitJi.l:J1 :tfi. ma~ZJ h~nd tile UJl!"tJtis 1 h(.la;d lerlJ!.th /r¥JJt2 lhe/i;Plgr:J1'tips.

Part 7 - A Show of Hands



Fm~ fig'lltfl~ lvJ).(j;j,e ti:r"IJU are i'tl./J:e-dthisllrotl,gtJl' YfM'Si{)tt sses #)8' 5.ame.. fi~;~ct.t wtfrJ "1{}rild~p¢d(J;ff}iU",J ,et ~r, .bwh t'/j'irk hrc7JJ' rod. Pm' etl;'L1;' dtl1~t.~ t:u.t fi:im wiirt.;f 4, M head teJrlgtl~f tOrtg, .l .heacl ~ltJidth fi~{JJ1Z .th#fi1zge~~tijJJ/t>l(jiJt~ t.he 'lVfI'OJ 'together f:-r,(;i} fil11"e.r al~d thlm li),l~a/J th,em t igfj,t:ly a-ro;;mct .the ';ao. 'Use. Cl 'J:(.xj' 3 ~ he~ul trtJZgtbJ tOJ~gfor ii, :W{i1:1/tliliJ ,a'~lll,! 4, beeta IctlgtfJJ for (J man/s itr'l.ll.


Step' 1 ~Thu is, tho I.Mt..r;h" itT'lth:ttlll'e use ~tt/(Jite.. (;:t(}dj~c()~~~7td fimi~rl Wit(Ji .Por wu:b arm, ,(.."1ft j£lI.e 'llli-rlfS'4, 0 b.1liJ.JI .krf\f/.t.h:r tong. :lMal'k the. torist; 1 head' lm.{J}h fiYJ1Jt (m~v; {mEl and twi.J t the :r.vius t'Ogr:the1' th,VlJlii!;!:J to thf! (}~her ,f!llMi. ''Prl''11t i1ge f!ng(trJ tUUl,t"hlt7.,,;/j. t~, llail dippe,,' or J1JMdl $,eiSJors ul'ltJ"kj' beJt;.

SIS P .1-. . C eat thfJf#zg~" '('I/l'2d t:h1ttlifJ "U)'ir:eJ '.u}ittJ fi'i'flyt !{btc (S(}h(;~ 'G,611~ Tm:", Jewel-it) .rnul. iet' tt~",.. ;Apply, ct JeCf).tul t'fMlt (utili tfit' t:l~,'Y d;ge('iw.

'l;~m~:m~er :~~~:t'ti~tJ ~l11it~,~'

~,A JlL." "",,,,,,,' ' 1"it '.0

l!>ll'acite 'flY' 'eilJ;~'!~ln~l: ;(j1- ,~

6a$@ IU IT,it i't1itQfQurth~~, theJl ~d ~~L?P 'Q ma'k€l~ than 'GU~Lrrr~ cl~~ Jtl'td y;g ;,~n~ 1164., YGtU'U l~eeJd'·6 t-v.,1,O; raua;'h, wn~t~i WI mb~e.~ "bh~

frM~~rj",. m'Gr~ ~ ~~ln~ tn~ ki1'uakle~ al4fl2 fl~~~h 8'Ut

'ten ~ plSl~1 m.

5J;eJC) 3-USf! ~ t,,) j'!1(jtieti11.fJ lJJ#t'lm' e!~ .i1l&l@r, ,-J~tid~lte tmtl'ftitl{ fi,i~~tJT (}11 .a ftJo1i1~#~rS /M.1tct, 1f1;'ghtl, leu jQJ/"tha lit#efi~lgfJts ~e}ll NZf)1'f1 jilr ,C(IiJ) th.~~Y!}lb. 'P,a,,· a 'm42j~f ha1Jd' Ji.$lf] I j\druJeihig U1l;~. ~tlm"e fm~ th'ihHl1th .ami less 1(J~'· t'lw lit:tie fi'lg01'J. 1 ~,to 1'~, lJwJ.u JltitpjU~lip jiJl88Y.r,. F mWNJ tt:l;jJered ~~Od ~ the 1)~id-Ul£d~h lOfj;g. Fla1'J'rm ,C/itJtl,' press .fii·N~IJ" ($l'l)tl~'ld llvl! 'lllh,'fJ' H}~l£!'riulk tl?c tip.

Stel? 'i'-OmJ. fb,giJ~" (J,( a. time gmztly mil tn.a cI~lj; J;;1J2(}(jIIJ. Fold fhe 6thei' fit/gel]" (Jut oft/r;e Uk'JJ' ,tn't¢ l'l!oi'/e rm ,ct :utt(](Jth. raised Jm1a~(J. A tiJ1.'f:U}'JiC' tile iet (m ,iii small b:(}x or ,/Jonk "MJOt;ks 'We.lJ~


Stej) 7~Ligh,tly Jtr.(ik~ .the top of tht fiUg'f!f"J t.o jictt:tf11J slightly.. Use the mu~.ll aU'1Jflti' tip {(mJ .to forJu ,tho tUli/s,. earl! a.t i(j(;J"J:f as Long as the fruger ls 'wide.

Step )~Tt:Jt ta'C tip (Jj,1 li;gh',totiChiug it 'U ith yo.ul" /h'lge}~ ¥{).u sh()'ttld/rei' nJ,Jista, 'lIthe iftWUltlU'1J Wi1'tJ bItt rlf)'!; t.brJ :unre. i,ts.elf. l!#i8're~r ~h{J mt,.d~ '~:'Cl,,1 &l,t theEi/! of fiw g'fI~': fi;lll it l}€ic.k (Il' p,i1'ttia it off ctn._d' ''11-' roll tl,"e. ,fjnflJf:dtl,., if ,tDfH'e:r too ii/:tle. jtrok'(! ,thu jirig,!1" I?(} 'Imx ,mor1J clr:t)l ouer ,the

t,lp t,f the wire. -

Step 8--0J(!· the fine t!cedJ~ to :Jlzark '{'he iiCles arul .tip (if' ~d)1UriI. For a .Jl1U)!)t.~ &:tj)jNttflln'CC I'J~ j»~ejJl/;n! fi'oJJ'l the st:Ja/t of t:h~ ;~'eed.lfJJ rJot ·'.

A Show of

.Step 6-0~l tbri p'$tbu .Jid(1 of en,;,,1:J.lit?~pJ'; .fllggelt thttcm~slfj' of the jjjbit:r with the fin tleedle. TJ;'t} j:oh'Jts (/i1)UI:e the fi,'tzg/1,·j into "I;;;rtl£," Eath. thi~~tl is r.rJu"b/jl e:qu:c_d' to t':wice the width of the finger.' /lr1~6:J:Urr:.j1Y))!11 tl,~ tip ,of the fi:"",tfi' ~() lnm:/e. the:f(J crease:

Dj/i!:k/~ t/J(! th'¥Mlb in h'lfllj.

Step 9,~Ge'}~ tly Ctf.,1All8 ,fJW:~v fmgel~ Juggfjt,iJ~g ,it ril~;:(]J l~d~fI. F'ro'TN, ,g1'a~~d .nueep oj" Ihe.Mflli t(> slight shrug, ,{the ,rdJQ}t/,let'S, 1}7,'OJt gestm"!! dep~"d' (fI/' 11l(J"l!f!'mJll/~' .at the Utti.Jl, elbuw- tl)'J'{1 shoultler u; 1l1:al?e the hoim.

. ,I!


Part 7 - A Show' of Ha n s

Step 1 o.~~~ .. ·OO1'iJ),m·g the b!Jt~ J,fJJs r! /i2:Jgers for J)'m:l:J'ltlry. Do they mi1"tOf' Ooru:h· ,other? if SQ, bake/or 20 mimt,teJ. lOTI ,f.{ 1ishio,11 Qf /iMfilt., ,if ~U)tj make i.;()# reciitms.


Step 13,~Us~ the 1i2etlillm Jinitti1tg ~teedJ(J or ,the' k"/l!t.J'try rlqf(lle to' J(!,r:~tte thl fi~g8!'I anctnlodtJ/.' tb(J; uJd;(;mg. Tim lOIt.gtijf jhigcr il slightl')' Ie.u t"ha,n hcdf .tho .lellgth()/ Ilie };,and: 'Vark alr~n'i'C.lttJIJj (In the jJtlJ1'" and hade; of lh'f! l:Janel SJOp '120UJ a'l'td t:hfdt to hJe11.ret c.lt3!)" O1'tM' th"J b"lJ'ld' ,{ stroke til. Iidfd of the fiJ'JgfJrs r..uit/tJ1 .the large ,t.a.llft.f,tl")l 1ie~ite., YQtlll 'mM!tl to nJ/.){.M# this $,t'P ,a:r·Y(}ll lJclfect Ih,e h:cmd.



S rep 11~' P larCe- d jlatten(!d (Jv~tl of cla), fm tl~'e· /!-(JI1,} .. P1'fSJ li:tml:i and place q: seaJltd fitktl m,~ fh, hatk oj' tbe t;and,!J;a:f2-d~. u iching the ·, U J',fj % of ,(1,' Bes« . Unit

]01" qa,-h m;a/ (mil li/tJ1!trnt'sbatrltl !.4 .of ri B,~IJ'e f(.'f!il/'(t.r ,fM:ch fiN' d i'iU/:ll!R hr:l1l,d, t"md ~ to' 'h,for a fal/(f!J",ls h,md.



Step J 4-Pltsh tAe rhtl:lllh ,down helm¥,' th'ft htJri~oJ~ of tJ?tt bt!tlld, Place ,ct1i L-,hapet.l flt:t.t! rt)t/' 11~6t(Je ,of %. to Y4 '!f " 'odeji11;g

Uni: {}11 th,e I)a~k (}fth~ J,and rJtt· the b(.{SiJ of tbe fi'llg:e:r .

St(e-j) 12~Ble1uJ t.he :Jtci.mJ(f.rt61 tId) dR!)i from the hack of theh.and .rmt(J' the fi12ge.r.f' 'anri/nntl tl:l,(1,'JI~/lm O1'lU) tbe Ib~gm~f.

MOD'ElU"G TH,E IKNU'CIKL.E.S s.t'ep 15-Acld sm~ll .halb to f!lldJ .k?iur:kle aftd a f/att&fU!tlrod to the' heel 0/ the tbll1n'b, Use ~ to % of .it "\~(fdetillg V }:lit fr;1~ t:4th ,~ll'ltl bleTJx4 fh? Jf1t:1JJ1J III ing the It,rge kfjilth.~g needle as ~l r-o-ltCl~. Use ;you,;' fiflf(r;r to jOfi",i th,e !ijjzl£k.Le,J rlotl foi, ha~'/.i:1.


Step 16~P(}.re the fingers .Iry b,eJ1ttin.g ,tbeNli at thekmiCklc._r no: at the jt,i~ltJ" .lIfo,:#' PfJ'Sltlg, t/r;c fingers- "tIe ,a soft brits,1; to sh~oke ,th,t hack of tho hand J1111N)tM.


$ tell } 7 ~--PlaJ;t: CI f/?1Jtenea yoel 'nade of Vi of a jV[.or/lJting Unit onto ,the ,palm: 0/ the h~t1d(l_t .tin· base ef ths,[i11gerJ. 1"h'is is the billi of the little ji12gel:! a JctJ'1fe Itflitt i11,g ,needle to bJerui ,tho Ji(jQJ~?J aJ,'ltl ~~tain fhis aJ1ipl iq:llflJ thape.


-H--A' NID'T1Hft,T HI'O"L- D'S

- ',.. ',,_c. I n I . _.'. I-c.,

Step' A-After 1llt:l1·I!.i'1tg tIM lille.r of .the joints. ben,a t.he fiJ'lgerj to 1fl4Uh rbe o'ojlXt .the hand:s utilI ,hold. Y011 ,call '1JiOJcl ~'hfl fin;ge'~J anJJl'f}.(i the' ,object" but rk it ti}ith, care; Alfod'el the 10'hztI he/ore ,Y()U' mark· the naib and Ihm .httk~ j(Jr 20 11];i.fJ:l#tM.

Part 7 ~ A Show 0 Hands


S:tep IB'~· Use the SllUltl ,t(l.P~My neeclh, to ,define .tho IblJil.F Qf 'the lJcll~1JT l-l(jld' tlu tle~'l(J (l/:mOStl pa'r.wJlrt/' tr; the tl(~J/ as ,}r}lf, score thflS(i "t:i"rJ.r-ll'e.J., U. !<e' jl'Ol,,~~ OM; '}.'l. ha:rli/ or ,the' ,ilitt.Jtr.~ti;;'n (m: tb,fj jmtte'-'l' "llid~

Stej) B-/dqdet' the hClli,la.nd then set r/J'I{ grill tlsing the t)l;J~J .the hand'ttJUlhvid. .Th.B h'and holding fhi:r UJi'Za~"ci~ stet/! ';fJlt;1 'ii6VJd 11Zinet· reJJa.i'l:~ .after ad'j'llSt.i71g the· fingf!j'J dna the fJDU1}'Jh. The jQi1U(f '"/(1-1 Cf(lC/e. hut they t-ttll Ibe 1~et)aird.


part 7 - A Show of Hands


Si ep A-T"h.(f ,,;lctlxhrll /;antil "'&J;~h «; dif/'eff)m dfJfldtJ.W(!too uJintf,each 9 b(iad leflgrh'J totti, tU1ist(Jc/tf) lt1#JJe~t IOQP' '.fI;PJ)}!·()xiJJu~teJy ~ 1/r;(J 'll, ,oj the, Coes th." loop! 1.' ill~ '!llo)d gltta a1u-llec dry. Coct,t t:lgain. rmd Jgt dry.

SteJ) C-·1'he peale of tJ)fJ ,a;Ngi e is tbe knl1e:kle of tho im.ifix Jix,ge,.;. 'n~"ft t:he h:cuui to l'Jlacxl Jb.. /J'f!ala. on the rIght or left. to p~(f(.ttfJ (1 righ.t bn.'!Id' ora lrfo ,h.,'l'ncl. PU1"m {/ rit~g~dy Jittttcnetl 1"odruzd pl'6tcr! t'( fith the .tCilgled ,edge. T hi J-1'ar/. ~uiU .J>I'Ovide the rlflY jor /i~fS(Jn< Use 2 lW(jclelh~g Unin j"m't ·lllrJf.I/..{U! '.. beau!; ~- ,hl(Jdeling UfJit~f /1).1' a 1JlJ:ms hmldl :3 (,0' 4 :mr ~:I- .fat. h{{(,~:l{l Bl'etul ~dlIJl~t th~ 6()UtJ'}fj seultt.


Step'.8 POI" a t{)()Jllall:r fist, £.411th.:t1lch tlf}.e' JrJoP'Ulithill :two f!tllteJtct/ weds ltuul;/J r;/ 3 Made/ing Vttltr. F(w .61 .11>'l.6t:1l J f.utl 1;{S.'fj.4 " od~li'l1;g Units fiw l1a,~l:i'. Use 5-'fJn a lat htt.'ful Blend the J(1a111%1 '(;nft~tirtg ,~flatte1"Jerl egg the J'l?ldJI (;fINl at the 'l.vri.Jl:. Pta,'C yOll1" i1ti'CX' firls,«r at OtZf1 J"ide and Jtr'()k" r};)(l' top ~r rbe' e:gg tmril'lidr :YOit1j> isde» /in1fer:. forming .tll/'U /k/.t tJdge..f·, one ·Vf}t~t.ict:iI.{-f.1:ul OTIC .(;I'f!tgllJ.~i at A -:- .1 ..

~ )f'.(Jgt'tJe:f.

Stej1 D'~V se thq td/Jere:l (Jlil! I(J/ t:hr mecliltm k.~.itthllf ,zredla to·/ltuh t~ i{ little fi~f!.el '. fJnd it~ at 4 .r.tighz rIl'ngl " reJl;e't't.ti~tg t.he hQid o/t;be ,h!t'md.

Step' fi Sf.tggt:S.t t1?c ;.11di i.ithlaJ fihger.s utl:tb tIJe·latg,e tafJelh"j fI~etlle, Sfff fhe'pI)J'fl1 ()/ 11(ied.l, (nt· t~fJ qfth.e .thll' .k1'J11J11- les u4;.r:r~!' the UJfJbbblg brtgi1!iJ ':t1ul.pii lIt the fJ(!(Jdle,' ~l{),wJt i() cut" !h~ clay, Thre« liqlJ:aliy spa, ed IlttfJdl cutJ fJJtt/tt: fimr !iI'l1tll:r.

I. ~ep p=. \flith: 'ilia ttlJ}e.ft~JI ll(ttk#e. rottncl (;ff.lh.fJ j()iritJ u bf!I'tt tbe fi'1l'J.,lftrS fold Wip,clinst tl}'ep£tlm~

St:epl-l).il.ilcf 11."/)' (lr(1 lall'Nddw; ii/fIJ' /(Jll;-' s.rlultl.Jlatt,.eit'itll¥llls if c/t:(jl. VJe~. (II ~l MflFll!#fI:~ U flit f(;~' ,(lad, kflt.rckle orl a U)I)IJ1(1JY'$ hdfld. ,4lta {I., 1 if a l.j,f~it fi,,·· ,eacb lenlictele I)'tJ a. .fIl~m .r h~"il,d.

SteJ)1 IG~E'I~lJJlu1sizc. tD,(j J'oi;'~tJ.lfy Jtr(Jkb~g th fiJJ;g(Ji'1 d()l n ttJj-kltle11e d:;mlol.rtigh'tly,.

s.tep, }~Bi(m.J the ~f(;.cJ,ms (Jlltl') tho: back of the hand and tJ_j(JJIJ (mto· the Ii J~ge.l"J'. Usea t,raft kn.~fi t:()Jepa~"'ctte ("''flY /i1'1;g{w. l,lunried. froge.thet:,

p~ r 7 - A Show of Hands

.S'tep«_· -:rIR a)idcx: (;"'1:2'C! ~~be ,pin./de ~"feetl $1$($# ll#(mtifJ.'fi;' thY1Y' r(1 lliiible fi~rJJ", th,f}. ·Ji4~s. ,Adl/ thr.; #P tt) .the ()[ tbe i1'lclex fi.nge}" l'iIit:b a Jmtdl egg (if ,.if!,)' llzade fivm ~, 0/ a lWQdeJhJg .. ,til for ,a tIle:I:!I., a. tit.tle I(!sJ for a !rU01Jl;,t¢f2'. 6ffld 1}~'f:),1l;e f~r fhe I'Nt hlr/;1ttl B:tena th'f1 ItJci1JIJ.tmd ,,-,.k(j care to' ~·(jftJ';lIth.if ~ll.t.ti!}"(J ..... ( the :ti~ rf)fthe fi:'i~i{i"(,.'1"

-'," ~'-. '9 .~ h' i" If".-.I '., .." ",t';i' , ..•. II;

,-..~-- ~."


Part 7 - A Show of Hands


Steil L--ildd thrt .tti} to thfJ litlle jltl:g,flr f,'J,~th 'a small ~gg Jtlade' jP()11.1 V:6 of a ,l'lfltJJoeliJ,tg O~1li't, less for a 'W01t2a.'fl and ~'J(JrfJ ftJr n b.f!i:Jit;!ier hI:I!nd: ,,13 lend. ttJ.kifJlg, ctt're to ,fc/tab1 the Ot~#i"JiJ of th,r; fingm,· tij;,

s.tep A!l-_.Ji; the fiJ!,g~?s ,/;e;u/1 ehB ikin folds i.tJ thttw:u:leriJtic f,1/41. .T he folds :'tJC'J1,zhl(! .f~ .tree 'wiih, t.hretJ f;t'l:trlcb.e:·, tinct the base of:tl:Je tree begins at t:he palnle" Ute the Jl.Jtall'tc/'p,fstr} needle 'tri ,&.ti'dW the/olds ttl ,the ind,x ancllutle fingers.

Step' O~"{a.r:k til .jOit2t anti bef,ld the Iblilli/, to' thf1. desif'(fd /laje.

SNt/JN-a) Ro,1l 1 hIodJi'ng U1Jit ·to fiwm aJI. ,egg. iJ) Flatten' the bose 'n! ibe .thmt2b slightly. t;) ~IodeJ ,tile 11t:Jil. "Vle}\'i uf ,(/ l\~();del;'11:f!. unit far a U)01?:U(,~,1f. shand 6md 1- ~ fur ,,, h.eavier htl'lzd.

Step P-,Pin,'ce the /;a§e .of the th1f,1JZb belou! t.he hultx ,{i1zger ellzd. pasiiiolj the thumb: Bientl the /mse uf thtt' 112{;i1Itb, only. ,;ih the iin by sug_ges.thtg ,th-c C'JfJd of t.h.e tijeli7le near th'(/' base ofthf pahn"

Fo'rea.r,m Core

Y$'5c~le B~i5e Uflit

,,, S' 12 , ".

. ,I - .. -, .

11 lA' B to cover

Part 7 ~ A Show of Hands

1/' B~ 116_::.




'This is the patteni fw ,th'e';i1'14~ .artJz., I ts s~;z;atlt', (ifid nllao/lier ,tban the 1[10;[(; .ar)?'}, !nJl' 6otht/~ ~1;,ale anti /e)11aie' £l1'1.tU ttl/: the sarJ~e .r-iZd ii"Or'~ t:J71cl folll),w '1fa,ny ()j the Ja;nt slop!'" N Q:tc tbe IMke.d., cl~ ~;ores tlZ6lke, th,e. ann jJo;fe'ahle.


Part 7 - A Show of Ha ds

Arm Core

Forearm Core

v." S'ca,l~ Ba,~e. Unit

1, 18

1 B

(1' i z B)

" ... 1:2 ,_'."


21B to cover



'I!~. B _.

P/2 B)

V'St1?g IJ!J;or(f,,(.:iay so ~Wf lh~ s,uml (fJrftf gi~lf.i J'()t~ the ,"[(let! flf!Jh [ol'"w4eli"lJg ,the la'rgQ'· 'I1ZfJ,lrt ,f./J"'m. Using .ac/clitia""d ap/}/iql!J(}s gir'IM 'J,0ll tbe ,added :mllJtie. '/YlJll W(f.1lt tv cre(/~ €1 'l'Cr"JI 11l/ISm'.,,,; lWJI'fJi( urI} . begin' u)ith (hi., pattem .a"J'ltllJ.ltild ml it.


MO'd' -·I·n~'· .the A' -.- .. ~

.. ,. ,: ' . - ,c I I ,"-' , . ' I::

aeung ne Arms

C~,"~/ft£1'lg the ,Cm",(j~~

Step' l ~F()~~ "a,/)- ,a.''ll/, mat¥ two dt~" forel. Vie ~ I;f Cl Base Unit /01' t.i~"tt:hl(}'lletl~ 1:I.l •. F orm ,tt ta!JfiJ"rJd 1'od I h~ltd leNgtb l()!}~g, II re 1 BtIJ(!

V,li.t Jor the .. 'llJdJtlr ar.Cl11 t111d form ttlpen!d ~~{')(Il ~ hutd lengths. 'ThtJ J/Jvlild1Jldt(h, "h'e tYJ'1''eJ ;11 t/o;e./Ja,ttftril J{uide. Split-oath' t"()1~ almost i17 hpllf teJ1f,th1.· ise.

Ste,p 2'1'~Fltl-tt~n Both ,day (J/rm:cltll'r'eJ Jttgh-tly. Tht!y JhOldd liZr:ltfih the (;()ri..f hI the pt:t'tt.en'l' on PO;K(1'95.


S~ep 2'3-Add ,rmscLe ittlt! flesh ttl .rIga forett~~Jm tJJit:h !4 of C{ 'BilS U'1lit./rtr (#~' "h ;ti1(l111an t fitwanrt, J ,B:aJ(: U riit f7l1' (faCh j'OhJanli,

"t.fld ,l % .u viIs 1m· tl111 benvier. tf.1W:l. ,P()"~'IIt (1' tape:r.utt ·,'"(}{l 1 bea:d:' leJlgih' h)1~g ,([Nd fL'ltt(.,"/'J :liJith a rot/ero, ,u Sf! 1 ~ ,Bclse Ut:litJ fop ,ettth :l'{I(}I}'lt{'n;'; r4~p,-e:r (jwm. 2'~mit.- for 'en.t:/j ?ltt.'I'l'sJ' 2 ~ for the fat /igtlnis ~n1n', F(}1"J1t £i' nul .I ~ bedd ltttJJthr·- f,(il~g ·.t-uJtl/itiJ.t1Jll '~l;iih' ,I/l 1'(Jl!~~


A Show of Hands

StftP20--'8,(.I.giJl1',(#1."'the /i»'dat'JI1, Sdln:cttl.lic/1 ,the /'luisted u)b·e.r. in the ,.rpt# rl(ty '11):d j~/JI bdmlf tl~ ~(J~iit (ltHd blend tI;e Sf!llltl_. .D6 tb« .f~}/le tidth the' I~PP~/' (W~li lr:£1"vhT-X ,(I sma.ll g(,t/1' bet'ive .l'l die foniq:rm t:J.72d arm,.

Step' 2:2'~The cxpruf!t'/r;vir(J C{t .the shol$lder lhotltd aft ~ to 1 he~id fwi4th·/ on!;.. B'tmd it CIt d 1 ight ,angle' to t/Jr!. anJ:l

Yo.tlU h~~s tid 'ttoYJlIe 'rno4elinff the ,arms Oh!Od th~: Gore: G@\(¢rea' srm&rtlJr.8s_ ·have: been b,ak~'d., Wh~my6u ~aK~"tih~m. ,Iayth:e;m i?r1 a fHierfnr cue;l1loll1,paim ~,jd.8 LJpt, ~,a,ke fot 20 'rrnfl'U~e5 ,a~t the: r,e-DO·t.rJ11l81'lt4e~ tem-iO~r-

- Iff

atUl'Ie', tet them cool oornp[ate:l;y p.~~fe;

\IOLl a#li m,ti~c"le: EHid flesh.

;J\ ,


Part 7 - A Show of Hands


S tl1P' 2 4-lf~''lIP t.he !o/jenny Cflf'ifJ J'O that the !(!cPJ1JJ meet (m lhe ltflde" J~de r;flhll a1~/ll, th~ S~tlll(! side ,tiS tbe Pdt"'" of ,the .h(~flll. 1?1'Bl.r fi.rml) tmd stroke ttl~11.8 the len.gth of the. ,{,(JaRl !fJ:I'Ikf,1cWl ,f/attcni'llg it .slightly. Elend ;-Jay t)}'Jt() thee hand.

MOIDEtlNG THIE UPP'E'R, ARM Stel) 2]··········C,(}'Prtl" the ttpl;fdrifrm tlJith the Sa1tIe 'UJ.1,' tpping ,rmd hlfJJltihlg t,ecbn:ilpleJ JiOft !Med em the' flmzr'J1" Ag'clin Imc$J fi',tlnd J't,,''Ok,(J L:tlf1Jig ",he lllfJ/f}h, I(}/ tb« t/J'J'I11 witi() (J'}!J(){tgh J,ye.,fUtN', f,O'd;JJlliJ"{J a; $ J.mi"'afll O;'Il"d tI".rtrrmg bm2''!'. B.lelJd'to the l()t~ctrJJt Sf) tlrNl't na .IWJlflS sboux


SI't; 25-· Sllggclt tDe h_,(J(t:tlolrhe .u'hZcl'} the ,visible U)~'ist bone;, 4~lil the m'l/J"ld of tiHJ O1ttftr fm'ett-1!--/~~ witii a1~' ~1(uzgate4 ~gg~rh:aped aPJ}liqltfJ 1 heRd 'wid:t:h {Ollg. UJe of ~ of .aB,tIJf! Unit (HZ a WfmUm~J foreaf'lll' cU'ld, ~i of a Base, Unit ,on ,4 ftl(l,r;, J fo"'e.£'lr1}'J" % on £thoavy fOJ~enntl. P lr:u:e th'f! ,a/)jJiiq'f.IlJ lm tbe rJl1.tside' of the o.~"f1}; u;'ithr .t~ stJ'iatl end at the ''l(Jt"ist ,h'()l18. Blend the :fretum •.


Step 28~Plrtt,(! a Email egg-sbaped uppliq!trt to fl{.'()dqJ thl!' elbfJw two beat:! !,mgthJ fiy;,.,7;: 'I!he. ~ijJ of t.he Nt-iddl, /i2zgrt1.'. Use '~,~ of a Base U1ti1 for a ,1:UOtllan~' at f;ou' and" % of a lmi.t,/ftr {l !:?lar/J VlI, If} ~, for th'l! heavy ,q~ln.

'fURROWS OF' 'TH,:E F'OREARM Step',2,6~U JU th,s ,me.diu:JIA' knit#1tg ;Jtedle to Jtlggest: the U InCl!F' fitJt";rf.luJ. U nms fyonz the rmtJ'ide of t/ie t~'i!1 brJ'flc to the. elUflllJ. Use the l'lediJm.i neidle to suggiltt ,c&iJ:(J't!Jer

I1l'rrmIl11'1,fIlningfr-om the hale, ~f tbe'1~¢I'm, &,l' at tbe ,1JJ:icl fo.rearm.

Step' 29~IJIf!:n4 t.hv Jt!mJU Q/ Ilje Npplicj7i8" a:lui Ibm nse Q' IJwtlbf:mknitting mredle to Jttg,~est the etboz'iJ JOWl by jlivoti'1t,g the shaft of the ne'IJdle seross the tol) of the j()'i11t,.


Cr}XttjJtife..$ to a 'U/l)JWla1l~r a~"'I:~;, ,a marl's ($pJ}! 1;4~ [,.rrtdtcr textgt'h ,(-itul -t(Jie#/J,,· Using more clay in'.the fln?~ts"im{l_I:Jlm,d;sj 1-;;W~'() clay ,to ClJ1It1', the ~r11J(/J;IIr.({J a.'f1tt RW~te dnJ ii~' tbe ,f(/Jp{ilJ.'!J{fj if <f),ruj thfJ' begir.'1JMn.r:. i'liotc horw ac1t/i'tim.ud 9pptiqut!S_; eath ttl-' lJt:JfSda gfrtl'l1), 11litkes thd tllaJe d/1111- «I th,e. MP 1a;1':g~~ ,arld' irltJfe ;miJ'lIJtj,~·. tlkttt th.e fi-lllaif! ann li€1'/OlJl .tA.


Step 3~,1-4)nJy '~'l r.isj;:,md eibou! hcl!l){t th, .l)(!:tSl1,tinl /ojl' pare.. l (Nt can be1ul. '~M'UJ, .tiN"t1 :them, 11'l~t Sl~PPO~~t bo:t'h t/7e for(j'_al*l~J a1'u-llhf! hand .'tvhelt )f()11 be~~,1 the -U' ist,

Part 7

A Show of Hands

Step 30......,_Bttiltlllp the TJ~itY;PJ ofa the (Jldt"'i~ 4r1tl· and Bi.c~PJ on the· inne," ·arm wi:~ ,Pt.(/(} (JUdi aPIJi:t:qu'ffJ day. B }likl (.It, the itlitfJr !ofiearlu with a: /lattened nd pl'a~7!{l just b.eJow ,the of the. tbirm!;. (h.e.'~ of a B&"lS;~ .utlitIQ;:'-~,b ~Pp!iql{e., XO sligg8Jt e pou/effitl 'WO-lIl,,'J lise 1 M vdelittg Unit' fo;- each afJptiqttl! {)'~' ((. WQ1Jlarls til1'!I'l.

S t,ep 32._st,pp{"~~t lin e.l~u~ tt'~(m you 6tmd 01" tJlcffl ,toe a1Wl., ,RrmuJtlel (mJ ~71ij"'SkJdpejt'j()itJtJ. Re/Ja.i'rafl)l tean1~jl hlending th. day 'rathtlr .than pcttr:hin-!f. if J;.()!j"ibte. Use tb.@ tajJeJt.r')I ,tczeedle to {iffmJ folds £12 the skh'l til' t'/)(j j~it~,'tj\.


Part 7

A Show of Hands


'8 IS

I il4· I It


ara(hi~diis~-~ lei'c:eps , ........... ~~......,...~,

Extensors ofthe- ..................... ~-


UJq this dra1Qi' as gl{.ide}Oir c~{;n~lJin8 thee tl"'l/l!t't!~' ("tl7i2~ .into ,tJJ.f! h.tI~(}.i ,(/.1'17/. B'r.;ild' t.he. ,Qieltoitl i()i.'r.h 41- .pie, cu.' lbaped 4/)j)liq$llt. aJ~ihl up ,the n~ic~PJ wzth ~n' oval arlJplicpt'rJ 1. Imtd len?)!)'· ,long. lllV)tki .t/J,eBrai.hi.,l.iir ~'()#h ct fl4tm:e;l' rfJd 1 hc"td' width t011,g and lise an uval tlJ)jJ'liql(f), .1 bead lC'flgth i()'rlIJ to ct.dd to the Bit(J/i:r. Emphasize the Bxtensofl of the jore.a'rm wZz'h 0: flcl/tene'.£i rod Jlight~r mer« Iban 1 hwui kfJgth lm'lg. Note bow the lI'f1dceJ)J t/,lfI,d' B,i{;ep~~ '£tJf'4/?' a1'tJlmilor:hc ,an", tJJzd the si'nu-, (NIJ'Cibf1h1 of the E~tgflsmz

MOiDIELING THE HIEIROIIIC ARM StfJj) A- ~tttf£h 'all of tbtJ. a.f;J~Jiq#es (;!:lid thlJ}'J !Jlen'd the Iea~ln .ttiin:g the' same teth~ niqr'fJJ yo.,,, tlSeti on tbe heroic lit?lD, Stroke ato11g. the j,ea'l:l'l lirl{]s ·with Y01(,1' /hzger. j)ftm' htt!",uih'lg pOIe 11,0 arjl1, mNkiT/~~ Jtny 9!pN.,' to t'-t't1l:t im:u.

DE.TA~L:INlIG THE, HER:O'IC: ,AR,M Step 8-U S(J ,tIu tiP' of Ibt la1.'ge: kjl~'f:t'ing 7Uqdi(} tl) IItgp,est; temi()1u '(j'll the palm side of the forfklJi'-/lJ, Il~n· the W-r:1J Ie;

S tep ,D'~Ti~.J~ tlWf1€lt/S of da;JI:~ ,lightly l?te'IJclr:tl u~ilh· the /i;n;gcr o:r f,hr; l.rrg;e ~li#~ titlJJ ti.eetllft 7tggest th.", lff(lm:inent tdm of the fo:rktt"lll- ,(l.lZJ h~lul.

AttachJn.g the Arm


BM~r.@. ~QU .att!;a,c'l1 - the: a rrn~, 9'gl"l~i,dBI1 twq 1?,~,~j'n'gr--ill~'_a: ,~~-arer lQ jJ(S'~i~lt1'l ~~r'5J;nM; 'ar ,~nd'iGe CH11 .a wr-~,o tb~t. -11.195 '~IO ·a.rm!? .&ttl,d ec~:r(!:r ttp~· 4lrtl~e?' a!~-


~LJf1'~~.:(~l1i~~~'rfTI :jf t~j: tlrt~l f;!a':~~J

,~B:,~f1,ti-aked.. :M a·ke· 611MB-· it f.ite £intJ\g!:U~ il'you ~f,l'(~b~~~e t.({:b~k~f it $~~a,I?~te frnn'l 'tf.1:~ '~aa~;

l~~f)~Qr:~ .ha k(l1gt ~bi.l~t1 i6n wit h t:1'lI~~ .~O:ir.bru§h "~:Wf1 wrt;h ,b1li6Q'haL. W~it ~@ m~'t:Tu_tlfJ'6 an~ ~henbra k~ f.:Otr 30 t:o 410"

-. I r- •• _'11;-':>-. _' "A1~to,u€Jh!Ji tu~Mi'Dr1 a¥kll p:r~p tnrj. fi;~u ~e; Wa tch th~ tt.Me!r::m9~tat.a:,n~· th(::' qlo,ck~ :51an~~[; rt10Y~ your- work u'M~1 it~ 6100"1 to the~ touoh.

St1Jl! ?i"J.--,]!riJJS. a ,gentle V i1J2' dae cldJt 1.;{lith' the Qd"ofe ,oj'the V' tfJ'l,{J:tlni the [nm,'/! ~if the cnwz. ~rhir is tl'N! Deltoid :lllfude, (i11(1,' tlJO!'"c.!,J1> (.W ~i J'iack. ani het:Jil)1 }lJ.tZJr; 4,' s~lt/y rJkluzr::ri fl({tlt~'"e: Soften wit}; y(}'IJ'rfln!JI!f:~

Step ji3~Pla'a!. t'1' fi:att~J~i,itJ, ()1).{/J ,1)~ad~· Q{ of Ii .BtlJl Vni t {In tke J:h(),'1.tlck~~ jr;in'l, Blel,ztilhe JM'!JU tJtl~tpi(JrtJe. th.e J( t'tgCl!tl'l liJi'thli .r:')J1£t# ,if,litt;i'f.1g "ie~ll(;..

011 i/~ "l{t,.~g:. tl1j(ff't>l{!/J {;1~ hel'(j,ic. the ,i)eltoitt . IJJ.'llscitJ J;r jJ11()'!}xiIZlffJl., ()ll~ 11i# 'it W:~t~t if) .a,camt,

Part '7 ~ A Show ,of Hands

Stef} 34-11'mtr;, tl!11! ,1.1uiJJed' t.ub'e infO thrl Jorkfrt. a1!/.('/' ,Pltlh fin1j,1)! to. J~t:tt the ,(~r(J~ .i:o fJOSilio'fJ. S (}(''J~re flJC ~}Z fl,hh (t jiat,t:e.'1.zetl mJal. This is t/:;e Dell,-old n:'P:piicpcl{1 '1J'k1;dii ,0/ Mf if Cl~ ,B'aJ(( 'u'~'til' '-11'J; tl 'llJ{)M<_t'JYr {fnR~ 1 tJose U'J'l'it ,·O.'fl .a J'Jum ~r a~',)JJ. ?tnd ca' hva.vier ·(,Cl"Jlt.. .Blerul .t'be Jeal1JS .•

AT"i'FJA·C···. -H--I'N- -16- J T'IH'I~ R""'.·A· 'I~'E~D- .aR.·.··M-·

nlll ~"ft. . I, .. ,'. __ I , I~ , . ';;;)!_-c'·. ,., _,_ _

Step A-.Cotjer t.h'" SiJ.f}lddi/l· .((}tkt~, Lilith th'(J ~ B,@(}' lh'l1.t, o1/ul4j)/Jiiql.tiJ" ~1'e'l1d,(t'ld l>ic.n-e .the J{)"k:l#, iJ:tffim':r tj;:e ltJ'1I.i4l1i1'C' r~-tl b", ·the Sf)cket {"'fitl J{j£ltr the 4l1'l:~t ill ",'f1sitifm, Plaat.:'1 t~~wn,t-Jhfl:prt(l ~'{Jd ,t;~~trle of ~. rJ/ (f~' Bare Unit' be.~g,{Jath the a1~!lz. Pr(lSJ Iil 'jld)' •. I?1.(:j(;e the. Dl1toid-dt'JjJliqtte eJUVi: ta,a ,a'nn; B./rm.ti J/9fJ i.f!~t1JM, Use adckdlw(HItt;f'e'fi:oJlI ,#JtlW fhtf!..~n t.V). j)z{t,{let the indented arm; pit.




'Vou~ve been ~Jl0deling~'q [he 1.:,~ scale, % the size 'of a HFe'size rnodel, Tbe; S~t~i1:I¢ techn iques 'wU] work in tlny scale: Change the Base IJo1't tlje foB core :antl itne :t:=yeG 'JH€ct)1]'Gl~ng to scale, and you .ean -create figures in 2HJy s~.1l~. That's th.e real advantage of rneasuring' the ela y. Once )f(~'itl.jve measured the clay~ tQ~l~~t 'iil:.)()ltu Inches Of centimeters. Think in terms relative [{:0 the head and face, It's the- proportions that matter, not the. size, One half the mid-width. is ,~tin OO~· half tb~~" tniql.-wi~mrh" and the widrh 'of the head is 'stiU ~ its l,eiJgtll ..


Anda mungkin juga menyukai