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P. O. BOX 90775

In cooperation with the

State Department of Health

1. What is involved with evaluation of those determined to be at risk?

Persons determined to be at risk will receive a brief interview for symptoms and overall health status
and a TB skin test or blood test. If a person has a skin test, it will be read 48-72 hours after placement.
If the person has a blood test, we will have the results 3 days later. If the skin test or blood test is
positive, the person will be sent for a chest x-ray. It is recommended that the people with positive tests
take a course of antibiotics to keep them from ever developing active TB disease. If the test is
negative, the person may need to have a second test at a later date over the summer. More information
will be provided closer to that time.

2. How can I obtain the screening and testing?

In order to be sure that all those at risk are evaluated in a timely and systematic way, the Henrico
County Health District is coordinating the investigation and will determine who needs to be evaluated.
Individuals may seek screening through their private physician, but evaluation by the health
department is recommended and preferred. If an individual seeks screening by their private physician,
the health department must receive a report of the evaluation.

3. Is there a charge for the screening and testing?

There is no charge for the evaluation of contacts at local health departments throughout Virginia.
However, if you elect to have the blood test done, your insurance may be billed for the test. If your
insurance will not cover the cost of the test, you will not have to pay. If an individual tests positive
during the evaluation process and chooses to obtain medication through the Health Department, there
may be a small monthly charge to see the nurse each month. If an individual seeks evaluation through
their private physician, the individual is responsible for all of the costs associated with the screening.

4. What if I had BCG vaccination?

BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) vaccine is used in countries where TB is common. The vaccine is
effective in preventing serious forms of TB disease in infants and young children. It may have
approximately 50% efficacy for preventing TB infection or disease in adults. BCG vaccine is not a
contraindication to skin testing, but if you were born overseas we recommend you are tested using the
blood test.

5. What if I had a previous positive skin test?

Contacts with documented past positive tuberculin skin test results generally will not need to be re-
tested. They will need to be interviewed by the health department for symptoms of active tuberculosis
and may receive instructions from the health department about further needed evaluation. If you have
documentation of a past positive test and/or treatment, please bring these records to you or your
childs screening on Monday, May 1.

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