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German 1 Syllabus

Herr Muzzy

This course is German 1 and is a beginning German class open to all levels. In this course,
students will be exposed to the German language and various cultures associated with German.
Students will learn how to greet others, talk about what they like to do, and speak about past
events all in German! The following themes will be taught in this course:
Belief Systems
Family & Gender Roles
Class Rules & Expectations:
Come to class on time. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Come to class every day! Every day we learn something important!
We will use all class time, so do not pack up early!
Be Prepared!
Do not use profanity in class and do not even think of cheating!
I reserve the right to change the class seating at any time.
No Cellphones!
Class Materials:
Pen or Pencil!
College Ruled Paper
Binder for notes and assignments
Additional materials will be on teacher request
Grading Scale:
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
F = 59% or below
Bathroom Passes: Students are to ask if they can go to the bathroom/restroom/etc. and will sign
out on the sign out sheet. Do not abuse this! NOBODY will be allowed to go during a lecture or
in the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class.
Late Work: If your work is turned in late it will be marked down 10% for every day it is late.
After 5 Days, late work will be taken at half credit. I will wait 2 Weeks for late work to be
turned in, this means that 2 weeks after an assignment is due, it needs to be turned in! After 2
weeks, the assignment will be marked as a 0. Excused absences and circumstances I deem to be
exceptional are exceptions to this rule.
Excused Absences: You have as many days as you missed to make up the assignments and take
any tests or quizzes you may have missed. However, if you leave for a school-sponsored activity,
you are still expected to have your work ready the day it was originally due. You know what is
due before your athletic or club events, and these events do not give you an extension.
Unexcused Absences: Larger assignments may be accepted for partial credit; however, this is at
my discretion. Exams and quizzes must be taken within 2 days of an unexcused absence. You
will still receive full credit, however after the 2-day period, it will be marked as a 0. Absences
that arent called in are unexcused! *Absences and missing work will be your worst enemy!
Zeros affect your grade tremendously, and your chances of getting an A or even passing are
drastically limited.
Your performance will be assessed in many ways, such as exams, quizzes, projects,
presentations, class discussions, and essays. At any time, you or your parents/guardians can
check your grades. Please, allow at least two weeks for major projects or assignments to be
posted. Students and parents will be able to check grades at home or at school.
Contact Information:
If you or your parents/guardians have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Email is
the best means to contact me. Thank you and I look forward to having an awesome and
successful year!
Ryan Muzzy German Instructor

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