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Exploration of making date seeds flour and its nutritional contents analysis

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2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 128 012031


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International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 128 (2016) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/128/1/012031

Exploration of making date seeds flour and its

nutritional contents analysis

M Wahini*
Program Studi Tata Boga, Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga,
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L) is one of the oldest fruit plants that
identical with people's lives in the Middle East including The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
since ancient times.The date palm is known and consumed by most of people in the form
of fruit flesh, while its seed is discarded tough it is rich in nutrient. Therefore, need to be
explored the potential of date seed through product innovation of foodstuffs with a high
nutritional value. The aims of this study were to 1) know how to make flour from date
seed, and 2) determine nutritional content of date seeds flour. This study was
experiment and conducted in July, 2015 at the laboratory of food technology, Family
Welfare Education department. Chemical analysis was used to determine nutrients
content. The results showed that 1) the flour of date seed produced from the process of
washing, soaking, flushing, boiling, draining, drying, grinding, and sieving; 2) the flour
of date seeds flour have a macro nutrients value. This study explains that date seed is
regarded as rubbish, in fact, it has a high value that can be an alternative substitution of
wheat flour.

1. Introduction
Date (the date palm/dates) has been known widely by the society that related to theirs life in the
Middle East and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In almost all areas of this region, it is consider as
part of the most people diet because of its benefits are good for health. A people there used to eat
date as main dish. However, in Indonesia the date fruit is mostly found in the market in the
Ramadan untill Eid Hajjs month that its consumption tend to increase. Date is generally
consumed, either eaten immediately or in various types of food and beverage, such as cake,
pancake, pie, sus, pudding, sauce, ice cream, dates stew, syrup, jam, tea, and juice [1] and cookies
[2]. On the other hand, the date palm is useful to take care of eyes, bones and teeths health, lung
cancer, cancer and colon prevent. In the terms of nutritional value, it has 23 calories, 9-13 of
soluble fiber, 2.5-4.3% crude fiber, 1.4-1.7 grams/100 grams protein of date flesh (0.3-0.5% 100-
800mg/100g wet weight, fatty acids and potassium amounted)[3]. People generally know that the
date palm is consumed fruit flesh only. Such views are not always true. Because, it can be used as a
whole, including seed that is considered as a rubbish. Whereas its seed contains of 71.9 to 73.4 %
of carbohydrate, 5 to 6.3 % protein, 9.9 to 13.5 % fat, 6.4 to 11, 5 % fiber, and 1 to 1.8 of ash.
Date seed can be useful materials for flour [4]. It is assumed with semi-processed form of the
equivalent protein value of wheat flour, which means it can be used date seed into various
preparations such as cakes, breads, pastries and others. Therefore, the date palm can be used for
foods which have a history and religion value.
The date palm had a history value in the world. This plant thought to have come from the
plains of Mesopotamia, Palestine, or about northern Africa (Morocco) around 4000 BC. It spread
into areas of Egypt, Africa, Central Asia, and the surrounding areas since 3000 BC. In terms of
religious aspect, the date palm is quite special to get a place. The palm leaves as a symbol of

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International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 128 (2016) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/128/1/012031
longevity; the fruit is a symbol of the presence of the god Amun ra and the fertility goddess
Hathor. In the ancient Egyptian nation, the date fruit is used as a dish in the morgue, and is found
as one element in the process of purification corpse preservatives.
The date palm is from family of Arecaceae which have seeds with one institution
(monocots). Date seed do not have a smell or odorless and has a slightly bitter taste bland. In
general, it has a light and dark brown. Today, a various studies regarding date seed have been
published in order to determine the functional properties of date seed is used for food and non-food
items such as thermal properties [5], treatment and diet [6][7], the composition of macro and
micronutrients [8], the composition of phenolic acids [9], as an ingredient of bread [3], and protein
solubility [10]. Date seed are highly recommended for use in foods and dietary supplements.
Because, it is a very good source of dietary fiber [9]. Total mineral content found in single seed is
comparable to the mineral content of barley. The minerals contained in date seed include sodium,
potassium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, lead, cadmium. This
suggests that a single seeds is a good source of minerals, and also can be used to replace barley in
food products [11]. The amount of dietary fiber found in date seed about 58 % of which 53 %
soluble dietary fiber as hemicellulose, cellulose and ligni [7][9]. In comparison, the higher dietary
fiber was detected in other studies conducted in three different varieties of date seed, the number of
fibers between 65 to 69 percentage. This shows the high content of lignin and resistant starch [10].
On the other hand, protein is also found in date seed with a sizeable amount. Albumin,
globulin, prolamin and glutelin are soluble protein which found in seed of the current date, the
number of 5-6 percentage of the total protein level [10]. Total phenolic content which is found in
date seed is 48.64 mg / 100 g. Phenolic acids contained in date seed that the gallic acid, acid
protocatechuic acid p-hydroxybenzoic acid vanilla, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, acid
m-coumaric and o-coumaric acid [12]. Based on Boundries [1], indicated that the highest
antioxidant content is in that seed, included penolic,
Thus it can be further developed into new product or improve existing product. Various
studies indicate that date seed can be used as a good source of dietary fiber, phenolic components
and natural antioxidants. Date seed actually have a more complex function as a food source that
can improve the health of the body. It is necessary to further research to explore the way of making
flour made from date seed with emphasis on the different drying process.

2. Materials and Methods

This research was conducted at the laboratory of food technology, Family and Welfare Education
Departement, Faculty of Engineering, in July, 2015. Equipment used in this study is the basin,
siever, pan, hammer, and grinder. The materials are used for flour production included the date
palm seed of Tunisias type which collected from producers who make cookies by using the date
fruit in ied Mubarak. It chosen because this is one of the preferred types of date that many people
of Indonesia, as well as the largest importer of dates for this type [1]; Natrium bisulfite. This
material is used to maintain color and to prevent browning reaction during the heating
process, and tap water for cleaning the date seed. These presented in the table 1 as follow.

Table 1. Materials of flour

Materials Total
Date seed 2500 gram
Natrium bisulfite 500 ppm
Tap water 2 l

The methods were used are 8 steps, namely 1) washing, This step aims to clear up
residual and dirt in seed by means washed the seed with tap water; 2) soaking. When
seed has been cleaned, then soaking it into natrium bisulfite (NaHSO3) for 24 hours
This aims to maintain the color and prevent the profusion of browning reaction during
warming process; 3) flushing, This step aims to clear up the seed after soaking
process; 4) boiling, The next step is boiled seed in the water with 80-90OC of
temperature during 10 minutes, it is mean to soften the texture of date seed; 5)

International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 128 (2016) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/128/1/012031
draining, After that drained it to make drain faster before drying process; 6) drying.
The drying process in this research are using by two treatments, namely drying under
he sun for two days, and drying by oven for 24 hours at 50-60OC. This process aims to
dry date seed to allow in the grinding process; 7) grinding. The grinding have two
steps. The first step is date seed is hammered. This is done because the outer skin of
the date seeds are very hard, and to get a rough flour that seed have to destroye with a
hammer. The next step is grinding by using machine. This aims to get the ideal texure
of date seeds flour before performed by siever; 8) the last method is sieving. The aim
is to get smooth of flour texture is sieving by using stainless siever. The explanation of
methods of making date seeds flour present on picture 1 as follow:
Date seed

Tap water Washing Rest water

Natrium Bisulfit
500 ppm

Clean water Flushing Rest water

Hot water Boiling

Rest water
5-10 minutes, T 80-90OC



Under the sun 2 days Roasting 6 hours 100OC


(siever 65 mesh)

Picture 1. Scheme of date seed flours made

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. The flour of date seed

Based on the results of the experiment can be explained that the flour of date seed which made
from Tunisias type is conducted through eleven stages, namely washing, soaking, flushing,

International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 128 (2016) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/128/1/012031
boiling, draining, drying, grinding, and sieving. It supports the research that conducted by [4], the
seeds flour of date seed obtained by washing, soaking, boiling, drying, grinding, and sieving.

A difference in the two studies are located at boiling treatment by soaking. In this research, date
seed is boiling at 80-90 degrees Celsius for 5-10 minutes which aims to soften date seed; While the
research [2] proved that boiling process is not carried out with a high temperature and a long time,
but by using blanching technique. It uses blanching techniques and the addition of natrium bisulfite
by giving effect to the bulk density and whiteness in flour [13]. Referring to the research of
Kusumawati that the recommended temperature to produce color and density of grain flour is not
more than 70 degrees Celsius. While in this study date seed boiling process is used too high
temperatures (80-90 degrees Celsius). Thus, the boiling temperature of date seed in this study is
not recommended to be used as a reference because it will affect the color and density of date seed
grain flour. Although the temperature of boiling had no effect on bonding compounds contained in
date seeds flour.

The most important stages in the process of making flour from the seeds of these date palm are
soaking by using natrium bisulfite. The aims of it to defend the colors of the materials and prevent
non-enzymatic browning reactions as well as enzymatic, as well as to inhibit microbial growth
[14]. The other importance stages is the drying process in two ways, namely solar thermal and heat
oven. The aims of this two-way warming is intend heating with solar heat have better results in
terms of the quality of the material, it is supported by research [15] that heating with sun better than
a hot oven, although the weakness it takes a longer time.

3. 2. Nutrients content of date seeds flour

Results of the chemical test analysis on date seeds flour with different drying process is presented
in Table 2 below. In this study, date seeds flour dried by the sun heating has better nutritional
value compared with the nutrients that are heated in the oven. The flour of date seed with sun dried
process contains 33.84% of carbohydrates; 26.52% of Protein; 31.54% of Fat; Minerals (102.42 mg
/100gr of Ca, 81.05 mg/100gr of P, 16.54 mg/110gr of Fe), also vitamins (3.08 mg/100gr of B,
23.55 mg/100gr of C). Whereas the nutritional value ofdate seeds flour through a drying oven was
5.03% of protein; 12.37% of fat; Minerals (64 mg/100gr of CA, 62 mg/100gr of P, 16.54 mg/100g
of Fe), and vitamins (5% of A, no C, 2% K). The amount of 26.54% protein contained in the date
seeds flour with sun heat as much as protein in date seeds flour with oven heating only one-fifth
of the protein date seeds flour with sun heating that is as much as 5.03%. The carbohydrate
content of the date seeds flour with sun heat as much as 33.84%. The results of protein content in
this study are better than the results of previous studies which have been carried out by [16] that
protein in the flour contribute to improve water absorption of flour as the manufacture of cakes
dough by using flour with a high protein material can withstand the gas allowing the developer and
the dough can swell up like a balloon. Results of the cake with this dough will have a cavity
structure is smooth and uniform, and the texture is soft and elastic [17]. High protein flour (hard
wheat) has a total protein content of 12-13%, while the protein content in date seed flour with
better solar heating is 26.54%. This proves that date seeds flour can be an alternative food
substitute for wheat flour. Whereas the nutritional value of date seeds flour through a drying oven
was 5.03% of protein; 12.37% of fat; Minerals (64 mg/100gr of CA, 62 mg/100gr of P, 16.54
mg/100g of Fe), and vitamins (5% of A, no C, 2% K).

Table 2. Nutrients content of date seeds flour

Sun heat Oven heat

(%) (%)
Carbohydrate 33,84%; 25,64%

International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 128 (2016) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/128/1/012031
Protein 26,54 % 15,03 %
Fat 31,54% 17,37%
Mineral Ca 102,42 mg/100gr 64 mg/100gr
Mineral P 81,05 mg/100gr 62 mg/100gr
Mineral Fe 16,54 mg/100gr 16,54 mg/100gr
Vitamin A 7% 5%
Vitamin B 3,08 mg/100gr 2,03 mg/100gr
Vitamin C 23,55 mg/100gr 17,55 mg/100gr
Vitamin K 2,9% 2%
Water content - -
Ash content - -
Fiber - -

4. Conclusions

4.1. The flour product of date seed which made from Tunisias type is conducted through eigh
stages, namely washing, soaking, flushing, boiling, draining, drying, grinding, and sieving.

4.2. Date seeds flour dried by the sun heat has better nutritional value compared with the nutrients
that are heated in the oven. The amount of 26.54% protein contained in date seeds flour with as
much as the protein in date seeds flour with oven heating only one-fifth of the protein palm seeds
flour with sun heat that is as much as 5.03%. The carbohydrate content in date seeds flour with
sun heat as much as 31.54%.

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