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A box pulls the boxes along a level walkway as shown in Diagram 1.1 below.
The boy experiences that he has to use more force to start moving the boxes.
When the boy removes one of the boxes as shown in Diagram 1.2, he
experiences that he now uses less force to start moving the box.

Diagram 1.1: 4 boxes Diagram 1.2:

3 Boxes
Inference The force required to pull the block is affected by number of
block/weight of block
Hypothesi When the number/weight of block increases, the force required to
s pull the block increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the weight of block with
the force required to pull the block
Variables MV: weight of the block CV: frictional force
due to table
RV: force required to pull the block
List of A& Apparatus: spring balance, wooden block
M Material: string
ent of

Operational definition:
Both the weight and pulling force are measured by spring balance
Procedure 1. The diagram as shown above is set-up
s 2. The experiment is started with the weight of weight block, W =
1N and the corresponding reading of the pulling force, F is
measured using inertia balance.
3. The experiment is then repeated with the weight of block, W =
2N, 3N, 4N and 5N and the corresponding values of the pulling
force are measured respectively.
The way Weight, W/N Pulling force,
to F/N
tabulate 1
the data 2

The way A graph of pulling force against the weight is plotted.
to analyse
the data


The Diagram 1.1 shows a boy sitting on short length of rod of swings. He found
that it take short time to stop swinging. Diagram 1.2 shows if he sits on longer
rod, it takes longer time to stop from swinging.

Diagram 1.1:
Diagram 1.2:
Inference The period of swing of the pendulum depends on its length of
Hypothesi When the length of thread increases, the period of swing
s increases also
Aim To study the relationship between the length of thread with the
period of swing of the pendulum
Variables MV: length of thread
RV: period of swing of the pendulum
CV: angle of the swing / mass of pendulum bob
List of A& Apparatus: retort stand, pendulum bob, stopwatch, 2 wooden
M pieces
Material: thread
ent of
Operational definition:
-length of thread is measured by metre rule
-time for 20swings(one swing is P-Q-R-Q-P) is recorded using

Procedure 1. The experiment is started with the length of thread, l = 10.0 cm
s with the pendulum is displaced to position P with small angle and
then release. The pendulum is let to swing for a while before
starting to count for 20 swings. The time for 20 swings, T20 is
2. The experiment is then repeated with the length of thread, l =
20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm, 50 and 60.0cm and the respective
values of time are recorded.
The way Length, l/cm Time for 20 Period,T/s T2/s2
to swings,t20/s
tabulate 10
the data 20
The way A graph of period square against the length is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 2 FORCES AND MOTION Height with acceleration

Diagram 1.1 shows a cyclist rolls down from a slope. Diagram 1.2 shows the
same cyclist but rolls down from a deeper slope. He found that the bicycle
rolled down at higher acceleration.

Diagram 7.1 Diagram 7.2

ITEM ANSWER [Mirip SPM2003 Height-velocity]
Inference The height of one end of runway being raised affects the
acceleration of trolley
Hypothesi When the height of trolley raised increases, the acceleration of
s the trolley rolls down the runway increases also
Aim To study the relationship between the height of one end of runway
raised with the acceleration of trolley
Variables MV: height of one end of runway raised
RV: acceleration of trolley
CV: mass of trolley / roughness of the surface of runway
List of A& Apparatus: runway, trolley, 12 V a.c power supply, connecting

M wires, ticker timer, wooden blocks, metre rule
Material: ticker tape, cellophane
ent of
Operational definition:
-The height of trolley raised, h, is measured using metre rule
-The acceleration of the trolley is calculated from the ticker tape
using formula:
a = (v u)/t
Procedure 1. A ticker tape is attached to a trolley and passed through a
s tickertimer connected to a power supply.
2. The trolley is placed at a height, h=10.0cm from the table top.
The height, h is measured by using a ruler.
3. The velocity of the trolley at the bottom of the runway is
determined from ticker tape obtained
4. The experiment repeated with a height, h = 15.0 cm, 20.0cm,
25.0cm and 30.0cm.
The way Height, h/cm Acceleration,
to a/ms-2
tabulate 1
the data 2
The way A graph of acceleration against the height is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 2 FORCES AND MOTION Inertia (Mass with period)

[SPM 2006]
The Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 shows a boy and her mother each sit on the
cradle. It is found that the mother is harder to be pushed and also harder to be

Diagram 1.1 Diagram

Inference The mass of plasticine influences the period of oscillation of
jigsaw blade
Hypothesi When the mass of plasticine increases, the period of oscillation
s increases also
Aim To study the relationship between the mass of plasticine with the
period of oscillation
Variables MV: Mass of plasticine
RV: Period of oscillation
CV: Length of jigsaw blade
List of A& Apparatus:Jigsaw blade,G-clamp,Stopwatch,Weighing balance
M Material: Plasticine
ent of

Operational Definition:
-Mass of plasticine is measured using weighing balance
-Period of oscillation of jigsaw blade is measured using stopwatch
Procedure 1. Plasticine with a mass of 30 g is attached at the end of jigsaw
s blade.
2. The jigsaw blade is displaced horizontally to one side and then
released so that it oscillates. The time taken for 10 oscillations, t
is recorded by a stopwatch.
3. The steps are repeated 4 times by using plasticine balls with
mass = 40.0 g, 50.0 g, 60.0 g and 70.0 g.
The way Mass, m/g Time for 10 Period,T Period square,
to swings,t10/s /s T2/S2
tabulate 10
the data 20
The way A graph of period against the mass is plotted.
to analyse
the data


Two object of different mass are dropped from the same height as
shown in the Diagram 1. It is found that both objects reach the floor
at same time.

Diagram 1
Inference The mass of object does not affect its gravity
Hypothesi When the mass of object increases, the gravity is constant
Aim To study the relationship between the mass of object with its
Variables MV: mass of object
RV: gravity value
CV: height of object being dropped
List of A& Apparatus: pendulum bobs of different masses, 12 V a.c power
M supply, connecting wires, ticker timer, metre rule
Material: ticker tape, cellophane
ent of

Operational definition:
-The mass of object, m, is measured using inertia balance
-The gravity is calculated from the acceleration of ticker tape
using formula a = (v u)/t
Procedure 1. A ticker tape is attached to a trolley and passed through a
s tickertimer connected to a power supply.
2. The experiment is started with the mass of pendulum bob, m =
3. The gravity of the object dropped is determined from ticker
tape obtained
4.The experiment repeated with mass, m = 40g, 60g, 80g and
The way Mass, m/g Gravity,
to g/ms-2
tabulate 20
the data 40
The way A graph of gravity against the mass is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 2 FORCES AND MOTION Spring extension due mass

[SPM 2009]
Diagram 1.1 shows a cradle with a baby in it. It is observed that the extension
of spring is short. Diagram 1.2 shows another identical cradle with a heavier
baby in it is. It is observed that the cradle with a heavier mass baby has
extended longer.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

Inference The extension of spring is influenced by the mass of load acting
on it
Hypothesi When the mass of load acting on a spring increases, its extension
s of spring increases also
Aim To find the relationship between the mass of load with the
extension of spring
Variables MV: mass of load
RV: extension of spring
CV: diameter of coil of spring/ stiffness of spring
List of A& Apparatus:Retort stand, spring, weighing slot 50g(6 units), mass
M holder,metre rule
Materials: plasticine, needle
ent of
Operational Definitions:
The extension of spring is measured using metre rule.

Procedure -The original length of spring, lo is the length of spring when the
s mass holder is hung on it and measured using metre rule.
-The experiment is started by mounting 50g slotted weight on the
mass holder which is hung onto the spring. The position of the pin
indicator, l1 is read from the metre rule. The extension of spring, e
is calculated as : e = l1 lo
-The procedure is repeated using the slotted mass of m = 100g,
150g, 200g, 250g and 300g and the respective new length of
spring are measured respectively.
The way Mass, m/g Spring extension,
to e/cm
tabulate 10
the data 20
The way A graph of extension of spring against the mass is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 3 FORCES AND PRESSURE Pressure due water depth

Diagram 1.1 shows a student pushed the balloon under the surface of water.
When she push the balloon downward, she noticed that the balloon becomes
smaller as it moves deeper as shown in Diagram 1.2. Diagram 1.3 shows the
cross-section of a water dam. The wall has to be thicker at the bottom of the

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2 Diagram 1

ITEM ANSWER [Mirip SPM 2008 Pressure-depth sink]
Inference The water pressure is influenced by the depth of water
Hypothesi When the depth of water increases, its water pressure increases
s also
Aim To find the relationship between the depth with the water
Variables MV: depth of water
RV: water pressure
CV: density of water/ volume of water
List of A& Apparatus: Metre rule, manometer, water, rubber tube, measuring
M cylinder, thistle funnel, rubber sheet
Materials: water
ent of

Operational Definitions:
-The depth of water is measured using metre rule
-The water pressure is measured from the difference high between
the column of water in the manometer being measured using
metre rule
Procedure -The experiment is started by lowering the thistle funnel into the
s water to depth, x = 10 cm. The reading, h, of the manometer is
-The procedure is repeated with the depths of 20g, 30g, 40g, 50g
and 60g and the respective reading of the manometer are read
The way Depth Pressure, P/Pa
to x/cm
tabulate 1
the data 2
The way A graph of water pressure against the depth is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 3 FORCES AND PRESSURE Weight of water with

buoyant force
Diagram 1.1 shows a boy lifted up a rock in the sea water.
Diagram 1.2 shows the boy lifted up the rock at the surface of the sea water.
He feels much heavier than before.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2
Inference The buoyant force is influenced by the weight of water
Hypothesi When the weight of water displaced increases, its buoyant force
s increases also
Aim To find the relationship between the weight of water displaced
with the buoyant force
Variables MV: weight of water
RV: buoyant force (decrease in spring balance reading)
CV: density of water
List of A& Apparatus: spring balance, beaker, eureka tin, weighing balance
M Materials: string, tap water
ent of
Operational definition
-The weight of water is measured using weighing balance
-The buoyant force is measured from the decrease in spring
balance reading
Procedure -The experiment is started by displacing weight of water, W 1 and
s the buoyant force acting to the wooden block can be counted by
the changes in the reading of spring balance, F1 is recorded.
-the experiment is then repeated by displacing weight of water,
W2 , W3, W4 and W5 and the respective changes in the reading of
spring balance, F are recorded.
The way weight, Buoyant force, F/N
to W/N
tabulate W1
the data W2
The way A graph of buoyant force against the weight is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 4 HEAT Mass of water with boiling time

Diagram 1(a) and 1(b) show two similar electric kettles used to boil water. The
power ratings for the kettles are 240 V, 1000 W. It is found that the water in the

kettle in Diagram 12(b) boils faster than the water in the kettle in Diagram

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

Inference The boiling time is affected by its mass of water
Hypothesi When the mass of water increases, its boiling time increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the mass of water with its
boiling time
Variables MV: mass of water
RV: boiling time
CV: initial temperature of water
List of A& Apparatus: immersion heater, thermometer, power supply,
M polystyrene cup, stopwatch
Materials: tap water
ent of
material Operational definition:
-The mass of gas is calculated by mass = density volume where
the density of water is 1 gcm -3
-The boiling time is measured using stopwatch
-The water must be stirred all the time so that the heat can be
distributed evenly throughout the water
Procedure -The above apparatus setup is prepared.
s -The experiment is started by the mass of water,m1=20 0g. The
initial temperature of water is fixed at 28C. The time taken to boil
the water, t1 is then recorded.
-The above step is repeated for mass of 400g, 600g, 800g, and
1000g and then the boiling time are measured respectively
The way Mass, m/g Boiling time, t/s
to 200
tabulate 400
the data 600
The way A graph of boiling time against the mass is plotted.

to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 4 HEAT Pressure due volume (Boyles Law)

Diagram 1.1 shows an inverted beaker contains an air trapped is converted
and immersed in the water. Diagram 1.2 shows the volume of air trapped in
the beaker decreased when the beaker is pushed down in the water by bigger
pushing pressure.

Diagram 1.1: Small pushing pressure Diagram

1.2: Big pushing pressure
Inference The pressure of gas is affected by its volume
Hypothesi When the volume of gas increases, its pressure decreases
Aim To investigate the relationship between the volume of gas with its
pressure at constant temperature
Variables MV: volume of gas
RV: pressure of gas
CV: Temperature of gas trapped
List of A& Apparatus: Syringe, bourdon gauge
M Materials: clip, thick rubber tube
Arrangem P
ent of V
apparatus Bourdon gauge
and Rubber tube
Operational definition:
-The volume of gas is measured by the syringe
-The pressure of gas is measured by the Bourdon gauge
Procedure -The above apparatus setup is prepared.
s -The piston of the syringe is adjusted until the volume of air in the
syringe at atmospheric pressure. The other end of the rubber tube
is connected to bourdon gauge and the pressure of the air in the
syringe is read on the gauge.
- The piston of the syringe is pushed in until the enclosed volume
is V1 . The pressure on the Bourdon gauge is recorded.
-The above step is repeated for an enclosed volume of V 2, V3, V4,
and V5 and then the pressure are measured respectively
The way Volume, Pressure, P/Pa
to V/cm3
tabulate 10
the data 20
The way A graph of air pressure against the volume is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 4 HEAT Volume due temperature (Charles Law)

Diagram 1.1 shows three balloons which were blown and tied to a string in the
early morning for a sports day. Diagram 1.2 shows the appearance of the same
balloons during the hot afternoon.

Diagram 1.1
Diagram 1.2
Inference Inference: The volume of gas is affected by its temperature
Hypothesi When the temperature of gas increases, its volume increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the volume of gas with its
temperature at constant pressure
Variables MV: temperature of gas RV: volume of gas
CV: pressure of gas trapped
List of A& Apparatus: beaker, stirrer, heater, capillary tube, thermometer,

M metre rule
Material: sulphuric acid, water
ent of

Operational definition:
1. The temperature of water is measured using thermometer
2. The volume is determined by measuring the length of air
trapped inside the capillary tube
Procedure 1. The apparatus is set up as shown in diagram. Switch on the
s power supply so that the heater will heat the water.
2. Read thermometer when the temperature reach 30C.
3. At the same time measure the length, of air trapped inside
the capillary tube. (The volume of air is comply to the length of
the air trapped)
4. Stir the water continuously, and repeat the experiment when
the temperature reach 40C, 50C, 60C and 70C
The way Temperature, Volume, V/cm3
to T/C
tabulate 30
the data 40
The way A graph of volume of gas against the temperature is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 4 HEAT Pressure due temperature (Pressure Law)

The tyres of a car will become hot with lower pressure of gas trapped inside
after long journey even though the size of tyres remain unchanged.

Inference The pressure of gas is affected by its temperature
Hypothesi When the temperature of gas increases, its pressure increases
s also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the pressure of gas with

its temperature at constant volume
Variables MV: temperature of gas RV: pressure of gas
CV: volume of gas trapped
List of A& Apparatus: Capillary tube, tall beaker, thermometer, Bunsen
M burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, retort stand, stirrer, ruler
Material: Tap water, sulphuric acid, ice
ent of

Operational definition:
1. The temperature of gas is measured using thermometer
2. The pressure of gas is measured using Bourdon gauge
Procedure -The capillary tube and thermometer is fixed onto the conical flask
s with air sample. The capillary tube is then connected to the
Bourdon gauge using rubber tube. Water and ice are poured into
the beaker and the conical flask is fully immersed under water.
The water is stirred until the water temperature falls to 0C.
-The pressure of the air trapped inside the conical flask is
measured by the Bourdon gauge.
-The water is heated and continuously stirred for the values of
temperature, = 20C, 40C, 60C and 80C and the respective
pressure is measured.
The way Temperature, Pressure, P/Pa
to /C
tabulate 0
the data 20
The way A graph of air pressure against the temperature is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 5 LIGHT Angle of incidence with angle of refraction

Diagram 1 shows when a piece of glass is put in front of a pencil, it will appear
as the broken pencil.

Diagram 1.1
Inference The angle of refraction is affected by angle of incidence
Hypothesi When the angle of incidence increases, the angle of refraction
s increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence
with the angle of refraction
Variables MV: angle of incidence
RV: angle of refraction
CV: density of semicircular block
List of A& Apparatus: ray box with single slit, glass block, low voltage power
M supply,
Material: ruler, protractor, plain paper
ent of

Operational Definition:
-Both the angle of incident with the angle of refraction are measured using protractor.
Procedure -Place a rectangular glass block at the centre of a piece of white plain paper. Trace the
s outline of the glass block. Remove the glass block and draw a normal through point P.
-Using a protractor, construct several angles of incidence, I = 10 to the normal at the air to
glass interface.
-Replace the glass block back onto the plain paper. Direct a ray of light from the ray box at
P along the line drawn for the angle of incident is 10 . Mark the path of the refracted ray
with two crosses, X and Y.
-Measure and record the angle of refraction, r.
-Repeat steps above for the different angles of incidence, I = 20, 30, 40 and 50 and the
respective refractive angle are measured.
The way Angle of incidence, Angle of refraction, r/
to i/
tabulate 10
the data 30
The way A graph of sin r against the sin i is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 4 LIGHT Thickness of lens with image distance [SPM

Diagram 1 shows a student using a convex lens to form a sharp image of the
lamp at the ceiling. Diagram 2 shows the student using another thicker convex
lens to form a sharp image of the lamp.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Observe the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the image
in both situations.
Inference The object distance affects the size of the image
Hypothesi The greater the object distance, the smaller the size of the image
Aim To investigate the relationship between the object distance and
the size of the image
Variables MV : thickness of lens
RV : image distance
CV: object distance from the bulb
List of A& Apparatus: Convex lens with holder, light bulb with power supply,
M screen, metre rule
ent of

Operational Definition:
Both the thickness of lens and the image distance are measured
using metre rule
Procedure -The convex lens of thickness d1 is placed at distance of, u = 15
s cm from the object
-The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on it. The
image distance, r1 is measured.
-The procedure is repeated with values of thickness of convex

lens of d2, d3, d4, d5 and d6.
The way Thickness of lens, Image distance, r/cm
to d/cm
tabulate d1
the data d2
The way A graph of thickness of lens against the image distance is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 5 LIGHT Real depth with apparent depth [SPM

In the following Diagram 1, the chest appears to be closer to the surface than it
actually is.

Diagram 1
Inference The apparent depth is affected by the real depth of an object in
Hypothesi When the real depth of an object in water increases, the apparent
s depth increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the real depth with the
apparent depth of an object in water
Variables MV: real depth
RV: apparent depth
CV: density of water
List of A& Apparatus: beaker, retort stand, cork, pin, metre rule
M Material: tap water

ent of

Procedure -The experiment is started with the real depth, D = 5 cm by filling

s the beaker with water to a height of 5cm. The position of the
image, d is measured after viewed vertically above the edge of
the beaker
-The above step is repeated by the real depth, D = 10 cm, 15cm,
20cm and 25 cm and the respective apparent depth are
The way Real depth, Apparent depth,
to D/cm d/cm
tabulate 5
the data 10
The way A graph of real depth against the apparent depth is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 1 WAVES Depth with wavelength [SPM2003]

Water is dripped at a constant rate into two different containers as shown in
Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2. The cross-section of the water waves formed
from the droplets in the containers are shown in diagrams below.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

ITEM ANSWER [SPM2006 Frequency-wavelength/ Mirip
Inference Distance between two consecutive crests or wavelength is
influenced by the depth of water
Hypothesi When the depth of water increases, the wave length increases
s also
Aim To study the relationship between the depth of water and the
wave length
Variables MV: The depth of water
RV: The wave length
CV: The frequency of waves/ density of water
List of A& Apparatus: Ripple tank, stroboscope, metre rule, lamp, power
M supply, motor, vibrating bar
Material: Tap water, white paper
ent of

Operational definition:
-Both the depth and the wavelength are measured using metre rule
Procedure - The apparatus is set up as shown in figure.
s - Arrange a ripple tank and start fill the water until the depth water, d = 1.0 cm. The vibrator
is then switched-on and it produces a water wave.
- The waves are freeze by a mechanical stroboscope and the wave length, x, is measured
by using metre rule and recorded.
-The experiment is repeated with h = 2.0 cm, 3.0 cm, 4.0 cm, 5.0 cm and 6cm
The way Depth of water, d/cm Wavelength, x/cm
to d1
tabulate d2
the data d3
The way A graph of wavelength against the depth of water is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 1 WAVES Sound wave

A student who moves his ear near a vibrating tuning fork hears loud and soft
sounds alternately. Diagram 1.1 shows the positions of loud sounds are closer
together using farer arm of tuning fork. Diagram 1.2 shows the positions of
loud sound are further apart.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2
Inference The distance between two loudspeakers affects the distance
between two loud sounds
Hypothesi When the distance between two loudspeakers increase, the
s distance between two loud sound decreases
Aim To investigate the relationship between two coherent sources and
the distance between two loud sound
Variables MV: Distance between two loudspeakers RV: Distance between
two loud sound
CV: Distance between the sources with the screen
List of A& Apparatus: speaker, audio signal/frequency generator, connection
M wire, power supply, measuring tape
ent of
material Operational Definition:
-The distance between two loudspeakers and two loud sounds are
measured using metre rule
Procedure -By using a metre rule the distance between the listener from the
s loudspeaker is set at distance, D. The audio-frequency generator is
switched on. Use a distance between two loud speakers, a = 1.0m.
-The listener is requested to walk in a straight path from left to right.
The distance between two successive loud regions is noted and
measured by a metre rule = x
-The experiment is repeated using a distance between two loud
speaker a =1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m and the respective distance
between two successive loud sounds are noted and measured.
The way Distance between two speakers, Distance between two loud
to a/cm sound, x/cm
tabulate a1
the data a2
The way A graph of distance between two loud sounds, x/cm against the
to analyse distance between two loud sounds, a/cm is plotted.

the data

CHAPTER 1 WAVES Thickness of wire with frequency

Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 show two different thickness of guitar string. When the
guitar string in Diagram 1.1 is plucked, higher pitch of sound is heard.

Diagram 1.1
Diagram 1.2
Inference Rate of oscillations (frequency) depends on the
diameter/thickness of the string
Hypothesi The thicker the diameter of the string, the lower the frequency
Aim To investigate the relationship between the thickness of a wire
and the frequency of the oscillations
Variables MV: Thickness of wire RV: Frequency of oscillation
CV: Length of wire
List of A& Apparatus: microphone, copper wires with different thickness or
M s.w.g, micrometer screw gauge / vernier calliper, CRO, retort
stand, connecting wires
ent of
material Operational definition:
-The thickness of wire is measured using micrometer
-The frequency of sound is measured using CRO
Procedure -Start the experiment with the length 30 cm with diameter, d =
s 1.0 mm. Pull the string in the middle so that it will vibrate. Use a
microphone and record the frequency, f, of the waveform on the
screen of CRO.
-Repeat by using the copper wire with the diameter, d = 1.2, 1.4,
1.6 and 1.8 mm and the respective frequency are recorded using
The way Diameter of wire, Frequency, f/Hz
to d/mm
tabulate 1.0
the data 1.2
The way A graph of frequency, f/Hz against the diameter, d/mm is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICITY Resistance with length of wire used

Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 show Adman selling fruits at two different night markets.
He finds that the bulb at his stall lights up brighter when he uses a shorter

Diagram 1.1 Diagram

Inference The resistance of a constantan wire depends on the length
Hypothesi When the length of wire increases, the resistance increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between length of wire with its
resistance at constant temperature
Variables MV: The length of wire
RV: The potential difference
CV: Temperature of wire/ The resistivity of constantan wire
List of A& Apparatus: Voltage regulator, ammeter, Voltmeter, rheostat,
M connecting wires, switch
Material: 60 cm constantan wire (SWG24)
ent of

Operational definition:
-The length of wire is measured using metre rule
-The voltage across XY is measured using voltmeter
Procedure -A length of constantan wire, L = 50.0cm long between terminals
s X and Y is connected. The circuit is switched on and the position
of the rheostat is adjusted until the current is fixed at 2A. The
potential difference, V, across the wire is measured by voltmeter.
-The procedure is repeated for lengths of the wire, L = 40.0 cm,
30.0 cm, 20.0 cm and 10.0 cm. The corresponding readings of the
voltmeter are recorded and tabulated
The way Length, L/cm Potential difference, V/V
to 50.0
tabulate 40.0
the data 30.0
The way A graph of potential difference, V/V against the length, L/cm is
to analyse plotted.
the data

CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICITY Resistance with thickness of wire

Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show an identical bulbs connected to the
conductor wires of identical length but of different thickness. When the power
supply is switched on, the bulbs lighted with different brightness.

Diagram 1.1
Diagram 1.1
Inference Resistance (brightness) of bulb depends on the thickness
(diameter) of the conductor wire
Hypothesi When the diameter of wire increases, the resistance decreases
s also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the diameter of the
conductor wire with its resistance at constant length
Variables MV: diameter of wire CV: length of wire /current used
RV: resistance/ voltage

List of A& Apparatus: Dry cells, insulated constantan wire, connector wire,
M ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat , switch, meter rule
ent of
material Operational definition:
-The diameter of wire is measured using micrometer screw gauge
-The voltage is measured using voltmeter
-The current value is measured using ammeter and is fixed using
-The length of wire at the terminal X and Y is fixed at 20cm
Procedure -A 20 cm length of constantan wire of diameter, d = 0.1 mm is
s connected to a circuit as shown in diagram above
-The rheostat is adjusted until the ammeter reading, I = 0.2A. The
corresponding reading on the voltmeter, V is measured. The
resistance of conductor used, R, is calculated using equation the
equation of R = V/I
-Repeat the experiment with the diameter of constantan wire, d = 0.2
mm, 0.3 mm, 0.4mm and 0.5mm
The way Thickness, d/mm Potential difference, V/V
to 50.0
tabulate 40.0
the data
The way A graph of potential difference, V/V against the thickness, d/mm is
to analyse plotted.
the data

CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICITY Magnitude of current with work

Refer SPM 2007 Question
ITEM ANSWER [SPM 2007 Current with heating]
Inference The magnitude of current affects the height of loads being loaded
by the motor
Hypothesi When the current increases, the height of loads being lifted
s increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between the height of load being
lifted with the magnitude of current
Variables MV: Magnitude of current
RV: Energy/Work done/Power/height /distance of the load
CV: mass of the load
List of A& Apparatus: Ammeter, rheostat, dry cell, motor, switch, connecting

M wire, loads, metre rule, stopwatch
ent of

Operational Definitions:
-The magnitude the current is determined from the ammeter by
adjusting the rheostat
-The height of load being lifted is measured using metre rule
Procedure -Switch on the power supply.
s -Adjust the rheostat so that the current flow in the circuit is 0.5A.
Activate the stopwatch. Measure the height/distance of the load
goes up using a ruler in 2 minutes.
-Repeat experiment with different current, I= 1.0A, 1.5A, 2.0A and
The way Current, I/A Height, h/cm
to 1.0
tabulate 1.2
the data 1.4
The way A graph of height, h/cm against the current, I/A is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 3 ELECTROMAGNET Magnetic strength due current

Diagram 1.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal.
Diagram 1.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows
through the machine is increased.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2
Inference The amount of lifted scrap metal (strength of magnet) depends on
the current used
Hypothesi The higher the current used, the stronger the electromagnetism
Aim To investigate the relationship between the electromagnetism
with the current used
Variables MV: Current
RV: Electromagnetism
CV: Number of turns
List of A& Apparatus: Copper wire, soft iron, ammeters, rheostat, batteries,
M Materials: pins/paper clips
ent of

Operational definition:
-The current used is determined by adjusting the rheostat
Procedure -The above apparatus setup is prepared.
s -The experiment is started by adjusting the rheostat in order to
supply a current reading of I1 = 0.1 A. The number of pins/paper
clips attracted by the electromagnet is counted.
-The above step is repeated by adjust the rheostat for 4 different
current 0.2A, 0.3A, 0.4A and 0.5A and then the number of
pins/paper attracted by the electromagnet is counted respectively
The way Current, I/A Number of pins attracted,
to n
tabulate 0.1
the data 0.2
The way A graph of number of pins attracted, n against the current, I/A is
to analyse plotted.
the data
CHAPTER 3 ELECTROMAGNET Magnetic strength due number
of turns
Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 show the electric bell with different number of coil which
are connected to the similar batteries. When the switch is on, the bell in
Diagram 1.2 ring loudly than the bell in Diagram 1.1.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

Inference The amount of lifted scrap metal (strength of magnet) depends on
the number of turns of coil
Hypothesi The more the number of turns of coil, the stronger the
s electromagnetism
Aim To investigate the relationship between the electromagnetism
with the number of turns of coil
Variables MV: number of turns of coil CV: current
RV: Electromagnetism
List of A& Apparatus: Copper wire, soft iron, ammeters, rheostat, batteries,
M Materials: pins/paper clips
ent of

Operational definition:
-The current used is determined by adjusting the rheostat
Procedure -The above apparatus setup is prepared.
s -The experiment is started with the number of turns of coil, N =
10. The number of pins/paper clips attracted by the
electromagnet is counted.
-The above step is repeated with the number of turns of coil, N =
15, 20, 25 and 30 and then the number of pins/paper attracted by
the electromagnet is counted respectively
The way Number of turns, Number of pins attracted,

to N n
tabulate 10
the data 15
The way A graph of number of pins attracted, n against the number of
to analyse turns of coil, N is plotted.
the data

CHAPTER 4 ELECTRONICS Induced current due speed/height

(Lenzs law)
Diagram 1 shows a cross-section of a bicycles dynamo which has a magnet
and a coil of insulated copper wire. The output of the dynamo is connected to a
bicycle lamp. The lamp will light up when the magnet is rotated by turning the
wheel. The light gets brighter when the wheels turn faster.

Diagram 1
Inference The magnitude of induced current depends on the height of
magnet bar being dropped
Hypothesi When the height of magnet bar dropped increases, the magnitude
s of induced current increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between height of magnet bar
dropped with the magnitude of induced current
Variables MV: height of magnet bar dropped
RV: magnitude of induced current
CV: number of coils/strength of magnet bar used
List of A& Apparatus: retort stand, soft iron core, ammeters, rheostat,
M batteries, connecting wires
Materials: copper wire
ent of

Operational Definitions:
-The height of magnet bar dropped is measured using metre rule
-The magnitude of induced current is determined by the reading
of ammeter
Procedure -The height of bar magnet is adjusted at h = 20 cm.
s -The bar magnet is dropped vertically into the coil of wire. Record
the maximum reading of miliammeter.
-The steps are repeated for h = 30 cm, h = 40
cm, h = 50 cm and h = 60 cm and the respective reading of
ammeter are recorded.
The way Height, h/cm Current, I/mA
to 20
tabulate 30
the data 40
The way A graph of current, I/mA against the height, h/cm is plotted.
to analyse
the data

CHAPTER 4 ELECTRONICS Magnitude current with distance

Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show a driller.
In Diagram 1.1, the 4.5 V batteries are used and the drill bit penetrated more
into the wall.
In Diagram 1.2, the 3.0 V batteries are used and the drill bit penetrated less
into the wall.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

Inference The magnitude of current affects the distance moved by the
copper rod
Hypothesi When the current increases, the distance moved by the copper
s rod increases
Aim To investigate the relationship between current with the distance
travelled by the copper rod
Variables MV: amount of current used
RV: distance of copper rod moved
CV: strength of magnet used
List of A& Apparatus: ammeters, C-shape magnet bars, 12V d.c power

M supply, copper rod, connecting wires, bare copper wires,
Materials: ruler
ent of

Operational Definitions
-The magnitude of current is measured using ammeter by
adjusting the rheostat
-The distance where the copper rod moved is measured using
Procedure -The d.c power supply is switched on. The rheostat is adjusted
s until the reading of current, I is 0.5 A.
-The distance where the copper rod moved, d, is measured using
-the above procedure is repeated by adjusting the rheostat until
the current, I is 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A and 2.5A and the respective
distance travelled by the copper bar are measured
The way Current, I/A Distance travelled,
to d/cm
tabulate 0.5
the data 1.0
The way A graph of distance travelled, d/cm against the current, I/A is
to analyse plotted.
the data


Diagram 1 shows a substation in a residential area in Shah Alam. The number
of turns of primary coil of the transformer is 200 with the voltage of 450 V
while the number of turns of primary coil of the transformer is 107 with the
voltage of 240V.

Diagram 1
Inference The magnitude of induced current depends on the number of
turns of secondary coils
Hypothesi When the number of turns of secondary coils increases, the
s magnitude of induced current increases also
Aim To investigate the relationship between number of turns of
secondary coils with the magnitude of induced current
Variables MV: number of turns of the secondary coil
RV: Magnitude of induced current or potential difference
CV: number of turns of primary coils/ strength of magnet used
List of A& Apparatus: soft iron, ammeters/voltmeter, C-shape magnet bars,
M a.c power supply, bulb, connecting wires
ent of
Operational Definitions:
-The induced current is measured using ammeter
Procedure -Set up the apparatus as shown, with a 240 V ac current supply
s with 50 turns on the primary coil.
-Set the secondary coil so that the number of turns n = 20
-Switch on the power supply, measure the current, I (with the
ammeter) that passes through the secondary coil.
-Repeat step 2 and 3 for n = 40, 60, 80 and 100 turns.
The way Number of secondary Induced current,
to coils, n I/A
tabulate 20
the data 40
The way Graph of induced current, I/A against the number of secondary
to analyse coils, n is plotted.
the data

CHAPTER 5 RADIOACTIVITY Decay process by random

Diagram 1.1 shows the half life of radon-220 is about 52 s by putting a small
amount of radon-220 into diffusion cloud chamber. The number of tracks
travelled by particles decreases with time. The half-life is equal to the
interval of time for about a half of the tracks to disappear. The photo in
Diagram 1.2 is taken after the photo in Diagram 1.1 with an interval of time


Diagram 1.1
Diagram 1.2
You are asked to investigate the relationship between the activity of a
radioactive source remains after the certain time by using dices.
Inference The number of dices remaining in the box influenced by the
number of times dices being casted
Hypothesi When the number of times dices casted increases, the number of
s dices remained decreases
Aim To study the relationship between the number of dices remaining
with the number of times dices casted
Variables Manipulated: number of times dice casted Constant: initial
number of dices
Responding: number of dices remaining
List of A& Apparatus: 200 dices, container to hold the dice
ent of
Procedure -Cast the 150 dices in a large box.
s -The box is shaken vigorously. The dice is then thrown on a big
table. Remove all the dice that are landed with the designated

face side up. They represent the nuclei that have undergone a
radioactive decay. The number of dices remained, n, is counted
for the first throw, N.
-Gather up the remaining dices and toss them again. Remove

again all the dice that land with designated face side up and
then, the remaining dices are counted.
-Repeat this experiment until all the dices have been removed. If
there is no dice come up on the designated side on a toss, leave
an empty column
The way Number of throws, Number of dice
to N remaining, n
tabulate 1
the data 2

The way A graph of number of dice remaining, n against the number of
to analyse throws, N is plotted
the data


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