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* * * 52 1394

Also a ending the . .

mee ng was Mr. John-
son, former director of

the Arwand factories

who was recently re-
turned from London

where he had been re-

ceiving advanced man-
agement educa on at
the world famous Roy-
al School of Manage-
ment from which he had :
several of his colleagues

are graduates.




) 1


* * * 52 1394

. .

: 2. Also discussed in this

mee ng was a plan to

. supply water to Tunicae, .

a small township north

of the capital which has

been without water
1969 since the present prime

. minister took oce in :

3. the trial begins today
of a man who has been

charged with murdering

a young woman last No-
vember of h Avenue

when trying to rub her of

money she had just tak-
en from a nearby bank .

where she worked as : .

* * * 52 1394

. .





46 .

. : this love Swann )
had been so far de- (
tached from all other in-

* * * 52 1394

household, the smart- that it touched by seem- terests that when by

ness of his ward rob and ing to denounce such chance he reappeared in
of his servants liveries, things as less precious the world of fashion, re-
the soundness of his in- than itself), he would minding himself that his
vestments, with the feel there, simultaneous- social rela ons, like a
same relish as when he ly with his distress at be- beau fully wrought
read in Saint-Simon, who ing at place sand among se ng (although she
was one of his favorite people she did not know, would not have been
authors, of the machin- the same detached able to form any very ex-
ery of daily life at Ver- sense of pleasure as he act es mate of its
sailles, what Mme. De would have derived from worth ), might, s ll, add
Maintenon ate and a novel or a pain ng in a li le to his own value

drank, or the shrewd av- which were depicted the in Ode 's eye( as indeed
arice and great pomp of amusements of a lei- they might have done
Lulli. sured class; just as, at had had they not been
home, he use to enjoy cheapened by his love
the thought of the itself, which for Ode e
smooth eciency of his depreciated everything

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