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//This sample code was written on an Arduino UNO.

//It will allow you to control up to 4 Atlas Scientific devices through 1 soft s
erial RX/TX line.
//To open a channel (marked on the board as Y0 to Y3) send the number of the ch
annel, a colon and the command ending with a carriage return.
//To open a channel and not send a command just send the channel number followed
by a colon.
//This code uses the Altsoft softserial library. The library file can be downloa
ded here:
//This softserial library Automatically sets TX as pin 9 and RX as pin 8.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Include the software serial library

SoftwareSerial altSerial (2, 3); //Name the software serial library al
tSerial (this cannot be omitted)
int s0 = 7; //Arduino pin 7 to control pin S0
int s1 = 6; //Arduino pin 6 to control pin S1
int en = 5;
char computerdata[20]; //A 20 byte character array to hold incomin
g data from a pc/mac/other
char sensordata[30]; //A 30 byte character array to hold incomin
g data from the sensors
byte computer_bytes_received = 0; //We need to know how many characters bytes
have been received
byte sensor_bytes_received = 0; //We need to know how many characters bytes
have been received
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
const long interval = 2000;
float temp;
char *channel; //Char pointer used in string parsing
char *cmd; //Char pointer used in string parsing
int ubah;
String dataString = "";
String ORP, EC, PH, DO, suhu;
char kirimsensor[100];
void setup() {
pinMode(s1, OUTPUT); //Set the digital pin as output.
pinMode(s0, OUTPUT); //Set the digital pin as output.
pinMode(en, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(38400); //Set the hardware serial port to 38400
altSerial.begin(38400); //Set the soft serial port to 38400
ubah = 0;

void serialEvent() { //This interrupt will trigger when the data co

ming from the serial monitor(pc/mac/other) is received
computer_bytes_received = Serial.readBytesUntil(13, computerdata, 20); //We re
ad the data sent from the serial monitor(pc/mac/other) until we see a <CR>. We a
lso count how many characters have been received
computerdata[computer_bytes_received] = 0; //We add a 0 to the spot in the arr
ay just after the last character we received.. This will stop us from transmitti
ng incorrect data that may have been left in the buffer

void loop()
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
temp = read_temp();
// if(computer_bytes_received!=0)
// { //If computer_bytes_received does not equal zero
// channel=strtok(computerdata, ":"); //Let's parse the stri
ng at each colon
// cmd=strtok(NULL, ":"); //Let's parse the stri
ng at each colon
// open_channel(); //Call the function "o
pen_channel" to open the correct data path
// altSerial.print(cmd); //Send the command fro
m the computer to the Atlas Scientific device using the softserial port
// altSerial.print("\r"); //After we send the co
mmand we send a carriage return <CR>
// computer_bytes_received=0; //Reset the var comput
er_bytes_received to equal 0
// }
if (altSerial.available() > 0)
{ //If data has been transmitted from an Atlas Scientific device
sensor_bytes_received = altSerial.readBytesUntil(13, sensordata, 30); //we r
ead the data sent from the Atlas Scientific device until we see a <CR>. We also
count how many character have been received
sensordata[sensor_bytes_received] = 0; //we add a 0 to the spot in t
he array just after the last character we received. This will stop us from trans
mitting incorrect data that may have been left in the buffer
//ORP= atof(sensordata);
//ORP= sensordata;
if (ubah == 0 )
// dataString+= "#";
// dataString= dataString + String(sensordata);
// dataString+=",";
ORP = "";
ORP = String(sensordata);
else if (ubah == 1)
// dataString= dataString + String(sensordata);
// dataString+=",";
PH = "";
PH = String(sensordata);
else if (ubah == 2)
// dataString= dataString + String(sensordata);
// dataString+=",";
EC = "";
EC = String(sensordata);
else if (ubah == 3)
// dataString= dataString + String(sensordata);
// dataString+=",";
// dataString= dataString + String(temp);
// dataString+="*";
suhu = "";
suhu = String(temp);
DO = "";
DO = String(sensordata);
if (ubah > 3)
ubah = 0;
//let s transmit the data received from the Atlas Scientific device to the ser
ial monitor
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
// save the last time you blinked the LED
previousMillis = currentMillis;
dataString = "#" + ORP + "," + PH + "," + EC + "," + DO + "," + suhu + "*";

void open_channel()
{ //This function controls what UART port is opened.
digitalWrite(en, LOW);
switch (ubah)
{ //Looking to see what channel to open
case 0: //If channel==0 then we open ch
annel 0
digitalWrite(s0, LOW); //S0 and S1 control what chan
nel opens
digitalWrite(s1, LOW); //S0 and S1 control what chan
nel opens
break; //Exit switch case
case 2:
digitalWrite(s0, HIGH);
digitalWrite(s1, LOW);
case 1:
digitalWrite(s0, LOW);
digitalWrite(s1, HIGH);
case 3:
digitalWrite(s0, HIGH);
digitalWrite(s1, HIGH);
float read_temp(void)
float v_out;
float temp;
v_out = analogRead(0);
v_out *= 0.0048;
v_out *= 1000;
temp = (0.0512 * v_out) - 20.5128;
return temp;

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