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Por qu esta conversacin entre el Dr. Beth Harris y el Dr.

Steven Zucker
sobre la figura negra del tico por exekias (Potter y pintor durante el perodo
arcaico, c. 540-530 b.c.e. encontrado en etrusca)...
... tan vital para una idea que ha sido aprobada por miles de aos!!!
S, de acuerdo a la investigacin, es una filosofa intrnseca que todava
acecha a muchos occidentales hoy.

3 vs. 4

La Trinidad (los que favorecen 3 veces) vs. Cuaternario (aquellos que

favorecen la realidad de 4 veces)

Johannes Kepler era un tipo de Trinidad
Robert fludd favorecido el cuaternario

Wolfgang Pauli favorecido los ' 3 ' ms tarde ' 4 ' despus de las discusiones
con carl Jung que, claramente, promovi el mandala de 4 veces como
herramienta para ser utilizada en el proceso de individuacin.

Para continuar,,, el nfora que se debate representa un juego entre atticus

(que favorece 3) y Aquiles (nmero 4)
^^^ 3 vs. 4 es claramente un tema recurrente comn al usar " Geometra
para acercarse al alma, de ah el alma del mundo fractal, de ah el alma

Selah v


Gabriel Clarke Two equal opposing triangular waves=4 right angles.


esto es aadido mio

Likewise you can create a trapezoid wave by adding two triangle waves

90 degrees apart: Adding two

triangle waves to create a trapezoid wave. Here is an image that shows
some of the common periodic waveforms, a sinusoid, a square wave, a
triangle wave, and a sawtooth wave.


Ralph Wedekind Black on Red or Red on Black?

GREEK BLACK (negative) vs. RED (positive) POTTERY is very informative

when discussing yin [black and negative] and yang [red and positive]
AM I talking about battery terminals or Greek Geometric Pottery(alfareria)?
Which came first BLACK or RED?

AM I talking about 'negative' LEFT hands [associated with women] or

'positive' RIGHT hands [associated with men] found in the caves >> ARTS?

Which came first, the man or the woman?

Woman have better orgasms you know ;)

I AM talking about how cave fARTS and cosmic heARTS end up in our ARTS
PhdDUH what say thee?

Ralph Wedekind Or another interpretation ...

they are playing a game
note the table they are playing on
it looks like a 2D square or would it be a 3D cube in reality?

2D vs 3D
how to use the same 7 dots or points in SPACE to depict;
1/ a flat 2D triskele or star of david

2/ a 3D cube

Also in the magic squares;

3x3 is Saturn
4x4 is Jupiter

as lanzas de ajax son paralelas y aquiles no?

Hay un campo completo de matemticas que discute lneas paralelas vs.
Interseccin :)

Qu clase de juego estn jugando... tal vez es un experimento thoth, el tipo

que Einstein y bohr le gustaba jugar?

El visor asume que estn jugando un juego... podra ser un experimento

:opodran estar concentrados en una observacin?

Qu es el infinito?
Recuerda lo que el smbolo de suerte favorito de me+me es que representa
el infinito asociado al maestro del mundo ambidiestro ;) quien puede jugar
a ambos lados en un campo de juego igualmente bien?

Traducido automticamente
Ralph Wedekind Just came this across whilst looking up the swastika =
10,000 things philosophy, it addresses why 4 [Achilles] is better than 3

And the solution to 4 vs. 3 is in Greek!!!

[the fact I have lived at #43 for 23+ years is a coincidence]

The metaphysical reason for the use of the precise number ten thousand to
represent the indefinite multiplicity of manifest being is as follows:

Ten thousand is the fourth power of ten. The Tao Te Ching states: "one
produced two, two produced three, three produced all numbers".

The implication of this is that four, the number produced immediately after
three, is equivalent to all numbers. This is because once one has the first
four numbers, one also has the decad, which represents the complete
numerical cycle.

This formula 1+2+3+4=10 is known as the tetraktys.

The tetraktys also provides us with the pattern of the cycles of time
themselves see Chapter 2 of The Feminine Universe, "The Cycles of Time".

Acaba de llegar esto mientras busca la esvstica = 10,000 de la filosofa de

las cosas, se dirige por qu 4 [Aquiles] es mejor que 3 [Ajax]?

Y la solucin a 4 vs. 3 es en griego!!!

[el hecho de que he vivido en #43 por 23 + aos es una coincidencia]

La razn metafsica para el uso del nmero preciso de diez mil para
representar la multiplicidad indefinida de ser manifiesta es la siguiente:

Diez mil es el cuarto poder de diez. El Tao te ching dice: "uno producido dos,
dos producidos tres, tres han producido todos los nmeros".

La consecuencia de ello es que cuatro, el nmero producido

inmediatamente despus de tres, es equivalente a todos los nmeros. Esto
es porque una vez que uno tiene los cuatro primeros nmeros, uno tambin
tiene el decad, que representa el ciclo numrico completo.

Esta Frmula-1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10-es conocida como la tetraktys.

El tetraktys tambin nos proporciona el patrn de los ciclos de tiempo a s
mismos - ver captulo 2 del universo femenino, "los ciclos de tiempo".

The ten thousand things is a Chinese expression used to mean the

indefinite multitude of all forms and beings in manifest existence.

Thus, it denotes the fecundity of the all-creative maya the boundless

abundance of Our Mother God, and also the world of multiplicity, change
and flux as opposed to the unitary transcendence of the Spirit.

The number ten thousand as indicating indefinite multiplicity is by no means

restricted to Chinese usage. For example, in ancient Greek, the
term myrioi means "ten thousand" and, with a small change of
accentuation, means "an indefinite multiplicity". This dual usage has carried
over into English, where the word "myriad", which means literally "ten
thousand", is used to mean an indefinite large number.

The metaphysical reason for the use of the precise number ten thousand to
represent the indefinite multiplicity of manifest being is as follows:

Ten thousand is the fourth power of ten. The Tao Te Ching states: "one
produced two, two produced three, three produced all numbers".

The implication of this is that four, the number produced immediately after
three, is equivalent to all numbers. This is because once one has the first
four numbers, one also has the decad, which represents the complete
numerical cycle.

This formula 1+2+3+4=10 is known as the tetraktys [left]. The tetraktys

also provides us with the pattern of the cycles of time themselves see
Chapter 2 of The Feminine Universe, "The Cycles of Time".

This close metaphysical association of four with ten is evident in the use of a
cross (clearly a fourfold figure) to represent the number ten both in Chinese
notation (where it is an upright + cross) and in Roman numeration (where it
is a diagonal X cross).
Four is everywhere the number of material manifestation, continually
evident in the four directions, the four material elements, the four seasons,
etc., while ten represents the completion of the numerical cycle both in time
and, as we shall see, in space.

The cross enclosed within a circle (one of the most universal of symbols,
found in every culture), is thus a "map of the universe" or a perfect
representation of ten raised to the fourth power the ten thousand things of

This association of the fourth power of ten with indefinitude (which is the
nearest that can be attained on the plane of manifestation to true infinitude)
applies, as we have said, to space as well as to time: for in this domain, the
raising of a number to a higher power represents the addition of a
dimension. Since our spatial universe has only three dimensions, the raising
to the fourth power represents the necessary term of all manifest spatiality
(at least in the universe with which we are familiar).

Thus, the expression ten thousand things represents not only all the
possible productions of space and time, but the full extent of space and time
themselves: and thus the total creation of Our Mother God.

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Gabriel Clarke EXCELLENT! Pythagoras would be proud!

Excelente! Pitgoras estara orgulloso!


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