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Appendix B NURS 478 Wellness Journal

Your Name: Julie Zuckerman

Select an evidence-based recommendation to follow for 8 weeks:

Sleep at least 7 hours per night before and after a work or school day

Complete weekly journal entries:

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

1 Starting this week, I plan on sleeping at least 7 hours per night when I have to go in for work/clinicals or on a
school day. As of today March 8th, I have been at the hospital since 7 am in the morning. Yesterday night, I
went to bed at 9 pm and today I woke up at 5:30 am. This was my last day of clincials and school for the
week, but throughout the rest of the week I was able to get 6-7 hours of sleep.

Comments on activity:
I normally do not go to bed until 11 or 12 pm at night, so it was hard to fall asleep at such an early time. While
I did go to bed at 9 pm, I dont think I feel asleep until around 9:30- 9:45 pm. Still that gave me around 8
hours of sleep which is more than my goal of 7 hours. At clinicals today, I still felt tired from waking up so
early but after drinking water I was more awake.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

This week I was on spring break, so I had no work or school. During this time I probably got 7-8
2 hours of sleep each night because I was able to sleep in and wake up when I wanted to. Coming back
3/15/2017 from break was hard to get back to my original sleep schedule of getting at least 7 hours of sleep
before work or school. On the Sunday, I probably got 4-5 hours of sleep at most because it was so
hard to get back to my original schedule.

Comments on activity:
Since I was on break, I was able to go to bed whenever I wanted to and wake up whenever I wanted
to. Because of this, I was able to get 7-8 or more hours of sleep each night.
When I came back on that Sunday, I had to work on that Monday and I only got 4-5 hours of sleep I
was miserable during clinical but a lot of coffee helped. After that night on Monday and Tuesday I
had to work and I was able to fall right asleep when I got home each night. So I got 7-8 hours of
sleep those nights and I was much more awake on Tuesday than Monday.

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

This was my last week of clincials, so I was prepared to get 8 hours of sleep each night. I wanted to
3 also study for an upcoming exam that is the following week on my days off.

Comments on activity: I was able to sleep soundly this week for at least 7 hours each night. This
Wk 3 Made my last week of clinicals more enjoyable because I was fully up and awake. I went to sleep
right when I got home and then woke up so I could enjoy breakfast before I started my day. This
really made a difference and I was not tired during the day.

Week 4 Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

The implemented intervention was to get 7 hours of sleep at least for the days that I attended class
or had to work. I went to Phoenix, AZ this week due to a family emergency. This caused me to get
3/29/17 6-8 hours of sleep each day for the whole week.

Comments on activity: Because of the family emergency, it caused me to be stressed and worried.
I was unable to sleep as soundly I had prior, but I was still able to sleep for 6-7 hours. I did have a
test this week, and I was able to get at most 8 hours of sleep that night. I performed well on it due
to the increased amount of rest I had.

Week 5 Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time): After the
test, I went back to Phoenix to be with my family and I was able to implement my intervention of
getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

Comments on activity: I was very relaxed this week because I was at home and with my family
without all of the increased stress because everything had worked out. I was able to sleep 8-9
hours each night because I could sleep in each morning. When I went back to Tucson to attend
school on Wednesday, I had no trouble getting at least 7 hours of sleep.

Week 6 Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

I was able to sleep for at least 7 hours for the whole week. I went to sleep around 10 or 11 pm and
woke up around 7 am each day.

Comments on activity: Because I was able to sleep for at least 7 hours this whole week, my body
became used to getting tired at around 10 or 11 pm and it was used to getting up at 7 am. It made
me feel more awake in the morning and ready to start my day.

Week 7 Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

This was the last week of my journal. I was again able to sleep for at least 7 hours each night. I
became very sick at the end of the week with the flu and I slept for 10 hours for the last few days.
Wk 7 Comments on activity:
Again, because I was used to going to sleep at 10 or 11 pm and wake up around 7 am, my body
was used to going to sleep and waking up at those times. I would sometimes wake up before my
alarm because my body was so used to it. When I got sick however, my body needed those extra
hours of sleep to rest and recover.

Week 8 Reflection on Panopto presentation and 8-week intervention:

What did these activities teach you?

This activity taught me the importance of a scheduled sleep time and getting at least 7 hours of
sleep each night regardless if you are working or going to school the next day. Towards the end of
this journal, I became more aware of the changes my body was making because of these set times.

Have you noticed any changes in your life since you began this intervention?

I noticed that my body now has a natural alarm where it will wake up around the same time each
morning even if I do get less than 7 hours of sleep. I also noticed that if I do not get at least 7 hours
of sleep, I feel very tired and run down. While if I do get at least 7 hours of sleep, I feel more

Will you do anything differently now? Please explain.

I will continue to go to bed and wake up at a set time so that I can feel more awake during the day
and have more energy throughout the day. I will also continue to get at least 7 hours of sleep each
night to feel more awake and more energized throughout the day.

I enjoyed this journal because it helped me track my progress as I made changes in my sleep
Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with these statements:
Following an evidence-based recommendation to reduce burnout was valuable to me.
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

This 8-week intervention will help me implement preventative strategies for burnout in my
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

This Panopto presentation titled Nurse Burnout: What this is and how you can minimize it in
your careers effectively taught me how I can reduce and address nurse burnout in my career.
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

Completing the Big Five Personality Test was helpful for exploring my risk for nurse
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5

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