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Accelerating literacy achievement - Alison Davis

Progress and progression tool - new pact

Progress- making sure they progress
Achievement - levels
Acceleration - making a more than a years progress in a year.

Motivation and Engagement

Ask students what they think?

Visible learning - Hattie
Growth mindset
Metacognitively rich practice
Variety in writing - add a problem to the writing
Teach skills - Not with worksheets

Find it work
Linked to reading

Quality talk - Think pair share COMPARE (research)

E.g.. which one did you find? How did you know? Which rhetorical question did you pick why?
What did you want your reader to learn?
Sharing back and talking back to compare your ideas.
Learner agency - learners in the driving seat.

Spelling - Alison Davis

Skill instruction- Compound simple complex sentences. Choose a topic when you are teaching

Roll the dice - six different sentences

Sometimes writings hard what makes it hard for you? Make a list
Set goals with students and the action how? Action plan

Collaborative - e.g. leaves using senses. Work in groups of 2 or 3 to create a collaborative plan
for writing.

Student agency- effort (research)

Group teaching approaches (research)

Breakout session 1 - Writing strategy of visualisation.

We read to write and write to read

What is visualisation?
Rolling movie in your head - Picture in your head
What do you see as you read?
What do you hear as you read?
What did you do as you were reading that helped you to see/hear this
Five senses

Use the words in their writing.

Language features, sentence structures, dialogue, punctuation

Breakout Workshop 2 - Doreen Jules

Acceleration of writing - Linking to and building prior knowledge in preparation to write.

Effect sizes - Hattie

Having the student have a clear goal NOT the teacher

Prior knowledge - deliberate and planned

Building comprehension strategies Alison Davis page 8 - picture
KV chart - know and vocabulary related to the topic.
Create a glossary or word wall to build vocabulary
Moving pictures will help with planning to write.

What are common terms and scientific terms?

Look at non fiction big books

Investigating exemplars
Make it obvious

Keynote - Alison Davis

Learners in the driver's seat - students driving their own learning.


Use a sheet to track progression and management. Colour code well below, below, at and
Read on and think
Sound out and think
Syllable, prefix, suffix
Spelling should be in 3 places a day. E.g. reading, writing and topic

Words that break the rules - teaching the spelling words. Assign students in pairs to investigate
the word. Share the word via PowerPoint. Slide 1 write the word with the pronunciation. What's
it's origin. Grammar what's it's job? why is it in the sentence?
Word families.
Slide 2 usage. Meaning. Own definition. Matching dictionary definition. Close sentence. Have a
clue to what it means. I was cold. ( why were you cold? )
Sketch the word.

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