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Distance Learning Lesson

Language Arts
Your Name and Alexis Lewis
current date April 11, 2017
state/common core Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring
standard(s) irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, and told).
included in the Student will be able to locate a past tense verb.
lesson (1-2 Student will be able to write a complete sentence using
Sentences). a past tense verb.
Describe the For this lesson, I will give the student a work packet that will
learning activities go along with the PowerPoint presentation that is prepared. In
you plan to use to the packet, there will be activities that we will complete
meet the objective together during the We do portion of the lesson. One of the
(2-3 paragraphs). activities that will be completed will be 10 sentenced that
have 1 past tense verb in each sentence. The activity will be
to circle the past tense verb and then talk about why it is past
tense. For instance, it the sentence was Mary walked her
dog. The word walked would be circled because it is
something that happened in the past.
Another activity that will be completed during this lesson is a
fill in the blank worksheet. There will be 6 sentences with a
missing word, and the student will use the word bank to fill it
in. There is another part to this assignment. During the I do
portion of the lesson, I will review what 5 star sentences are
to my student. They will then need to fix the mistakes that
are in the sentences provided. We will do this activity
together so I can see what corrections they make to their
Describe your At the end of the lesson, I plan to give the student 8 past
planned tense verbs. With those 8 past tense verbs, they will write a
assessment activity story using all of the words. In their packets, there will be a
to determine if page with an example story that will represent what theirs
learning happens should look like once they are finished. Because this is a
(1-2 Paragraphs). distance learning lesson, I will have the student e-mail me
their completed assessment. A word document was sent prior
to the lesson so that they could look over it before.
List the date and April 9, 2017 at 12:00pm was the date and time of my initial
Time for the initial broadcast. During the test, I had the student pull up the
test of your PowerPoint presentation on the computer screen that they
broadcast. Also were using. For this broadcast, I used an iPad and the student
indicate any used a MacBook. The student was able to have both screens
adjustments open at the same time which made it easier for them to
needed before the follow along during the lesson. Being able to have both
live lesson (1-2 screen open, also made it easier for them to follow along in
paragraphs). the packet because they didnt have to click back and forth
between the screens.
Date and time you April 11, 2017, 5:00 pm
started your
distance technology
lesson (example Jun
23, 11:37 am).
Fill in the following items after you teach you distance technology lesson
List the date and April 11, 2017, 5:45 pm
time you completed
your distance
technology lesson
(example Jun 23,
11:56 am).
Give the name(s), Riley Frantzen, 19 years old, Sophomore in College
age(s) and grade
level of each
student who
learned from your
List and describe all For this lesson, I used a 15 slide presentation that reviewed
learning materials the aspects of a 5 star sentence, verbs, and then introduced
you used as part of what and how to use a past tense verb. The PowerPoint
your presentation included examples on each slide, which included pictures and
(Example: I used a texts. The pictures told the student a story of what had
21 slide powerpoint already happened and from there a sentence was formed
presentation that using a past tense verb. Each slide gave multiple examples
features each and non-examples of what the focus was. During the
element of the cell presentation, I built in time to answer any question that the
model. This student had on the information being presented. In order for
powerpoint contains the student to be able to access the PowerPoint, I shared it
pictures of each via Google PowerPoint.
element including
the cell wall,
List and describe At the beginning of the lesson, reviewed with the student
the Learning what a 5 star sentence is. A slide in the PowerPoint showed
activities you them that a 5 star sentence has: capital letter, ending marks,
implemented good spelling, who did what, and good spacing. All the
(timeline of information that was covered in this lesson, was also provided
topics/activities). in the work packet so that the student could look back and
Example: I first have notes when writing their assessment. On one of the
discussed the slides, I had 3 sentences and together we corrected the
elements of the cell sentence so that is was a complete 5 star sentence.
using pictures of After reviewing that, we reviewed what a verb was and what
the cell wall, these they do. The definition that I gave on the slide was, Words
elements included that show action. Together we went through a list of words
the mitochondria, and pictures and picked out the ones that fit in the verb
nucleus, cell wall, category. I gave the student 3 minutes to come up with as
golgi(3-4 many verbs as they could. Once they finished, I had them
paragraphs). show me what they had written on the screen and we went
over them together. After we reviewed the words that they
brainstormed, we moved onto the next activity.
The next activity that we accomplished was learning what a
past tense verb is and what it does. A past tense verb is an
action that has already been done. For example, Susan
kicked the soccer ball. After showing the student the
examples that were provided in the PowerPoint, we
completed the activities that were given in the work packet.
The activities that we completed together gave the student a
better feel on how to locate and use past tense verbs in a
sentence. To challenge the student, we went back to the list
of verbs that they came up with and we turned them into
past tense verbs. Before letting the student do the
independent work, I will go over the 8 past tense verbs that
they will use for their story. This will give them a chance to
ask any questions that they have about the words and the
Include the results With the student being 19 years old and completing a 2 nd
of the assessment grade Language Arts, the assessment went as I had planned.
activity you I gave the student 1 day after the lesson to complete it and e-
implemented (2-3 mail it back to me so I could look over it and review the
paragraphs). results. I did find a few errors that included: not having a
subject, incorrect usage of grammar and incorrect capital
letters. If a 2nd grade student were to complete this lesson I
think the results would have been a lot different from the
student that I used.
The activities and example at the end of the packet
contributed in the results that I received. I would need to
make it clear to the student that they cant have the same
theme as the example story provided. The story that I
received was very creative and had the correct usage of past
tense verbs. I would give the student full credit for this
assignment because they met the objective.
List the key In this lesson I tried to include all four key practices which
practices for include: providing clear directions and instructional materials,
effective distance supporting active student-centered learning, enhancing social
learning did you presence and providing quality assessment. For providing
include in your clear directions and instructional materials, I feel that I could
lesson (2-3 have been clearer on the directions that I gave but I thought
paragraphs). that the materials that I gave beforehand helped with
instruction during the lesson. The student was able to follow
along on the PowerPoint and that seemed to help them
understand the objective of the lesson. When presenting my
PowerPoint, I felt that the student was able to follow along in
the packet and complete the activities as we reached them.
Making the lesson student-center when teaching from a
distance was a difficult task because of how structured the
lesson was. There were opportunities throughout the lesson
where the student was able to come up with their own
examples and relate scenarios to real life situations. The
student related to the stories that were provided in the
PowerPoint. During the PowerPoint, I implemented social
presence by adding in real life examples and situations of
events that have occurred in my life, this engaged the
student and helped expand their ideas. With a structured
distance lesson, its hard to make it student-centered but I
feel that though the lesson and the assessment, I was able to
actively engage the student.
How was teaching Distance teaching was very different then face to face
from a distance teaching. I believe that its easier to show students visuals
different than when you are face to face with them. Its also easier for them
teaching face to to be more engaged when they are face to face because they
face? (1-2 can actively move throughout the lesson and participate in
paragraphs). activities that are on the board. Students pick up on things
when they can physically do them, and that was a challenge
that I encountered during this lesson. Distance teaching did
teach me that examples are very important and to always
use more than you think you need to. Repetition was very
important when in this lesson because you dont know if the
student heard you clearly when communicating with them. A
few things that I liked about it was that I was able to see the
student and they were able to follow along with the
presentation. They were able to still ask questions throughout
the lesson and put in their input when needed. This lesson
was very useful because I was able to work one-on-on with
the student and they were able to communicate back without
worrying about what other classmates thought about their
answers and ideas.
What parts of your The work packet that I provided for the student was more
distance teaching successful than I thought it was going to be. The activities
went particularly that we accomplished together prepared them for the
well? (1-2 assessment that they were given. I thought that the student
paragraphs). participated and followed along well during the lesson and
asked multiple questions. The students feedback on being
able to see me teaching the lesson and viewing the
PowerPoint was, I really liked that I was able to see you
talking and the information that you were going over. It really
made feel like I was in an actual classroom.
What would you do If I get the opportunity to teach from a distance again, I will
differently the next make sure to go over the directions with the students before
time you get a letting them do the independent work. This will help with the
chance to teach key concept: providing clear directions and instructional
from a distance? (1- materials. Sometimes as a student, we get ahead of
2 paragraphs). ourselves and think we know what we are doing when we
start working on our own. Its important to always go over the
directions so all the student know what the teachers
expectations are.
Another thing I would do differently is go into more detail on
the objective and make sure that the student fully
understands how to use a past tense verb and locate one in a
sentence. Using examples and allowing the student to come
up with their own past tense verbs in the sentence, instead of
having the sentences already made up might help them
understand better and also make the lesson more student-

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