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Foundation scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:14 to 18


God created man for fellowship. Gen 3:8 tells us that in the cool of the day the voice of God
would come in the garden and fellowship with Adam and Eve. This fellowship was however
cut short by mans disobedience in the garden. Man (and woman) was chased from Gods
presence (Eden). From that time the sin of mankind increased. God in Genesis 6:3 said: His
Spirit will not continue to strive for a relationship with man.

The greatest thing God has wanted to give mankind was Himself and a relationship. So in
Genesis 15:1, He found a man that pleased him. He told him, Fear not, Abram: I am thy
shield, and thy exceeding great reward. In other words he was saying I am the greatest
thing you can ever get. Hebrews chapter 11 verses 10, 14 to 16 and 39 emphasises this
point that people who are overcome are people who are looking for God and His city
(presence) more than their needs. This point is also buttressed by and eschatological picture
in Revelation 21: 3. It reads: And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people,
and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

People of God, fellowship is Gods original plan, and that is what we shall be restored to. The
greatest gift we can ever get is a relationship with God. A deeper relationship with God is the
means by which all the men of old succeeded.

Abraham was called a friend of God. A man God could not hide the distruction of
Sodom from (Genesis 18: 17)
Moses a man who could ask to see the face of God. And also told God if his presence
does not go with the Israelites, they wont go (Exodus 33:15)
David a man who pleaded with Good not to take his spirit away from him (Psalm
Jesus who told his disciples he is not alone if they all leave him because the Father is
still with him (John 16:32). He only complained when the Father left him (Mathew

They can be no meaningful impact in our generation without a deep fellowship with God.
2.What is fellowship?

The word fellowship means to share, to join together, to participate, to have communion, to
share to, have companionship and to partner.

Psalm 23, clearly depicts how a close walk with God should be.

God chooses fellowship over ministry. Luke 10:38 to 42

Ministry is first to God and then to men

3. How to Build a close relationship with God

1. First we must be born again. Revelations 3:20

2. We must desire to know him continuously. Philippians 3:10
3. We must be ready to sacrifice everything for a relationship with God. Mathew 13:44,
Jeremiah 29:13
4. Draw near to God through spiritual disciplines. James 4:8
The word of God. Acts 20:32, 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 15:7
Worship. Ephesians 5:19
Fasting and Prayer. Jude 1:20
5. Stay away from ungodly acts and situations. 2 Corinthians 6:14 to 18

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