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Secreted By Secretion Action Stimulus for Secretion

Hypothalamus GRH -secretion of GH, sleep induction -sleep rhythm, stress, exercise
CRH -stimulates ACTH production (circadian rhy) -time set pt, stress, low gluc.
GnRH -release of LH and FSH for gametogenesis
Pulsatile secretion, if continuous LH, FSH
TRH -release of TSH -High temp, stress
-stimulates prolactin T4/T3

Adenohypophysis LH thecaandrogensOVULATION -E2 is inhibitory but then

Leydig testosterone stimulatory at ovulation
-T & inhibin
FSH granulosa aromatase to make E2 -P is stimulatory at mid cycle
Sertoli cells ABP + inhibin but inhibitory during luteal
For Spermatogenesis and maturation -T & inhibin
Prolactin milk synthesis and differention of milk cells -TRH, Sleep
pulsatile GnRH (contraceptive) -PRL Inhib. Factor
Too much prob. w/mensturl cycle
TSH thyroid T4/T3 -TRH, or low T4/T3
ACTH adrenal cortex cortisol /androgens Cortisol
-permissive for adrenarche
Neurohypophysis Oxytocin -contraction of uterine muscle (parturition) -partruition, suckling, coitus
(just stored) -and breast myoepi cells (milk letdown)
ADH - water absorption in the kidney -blood volume, osmolality
Adrenal Cortex Aldosterone (ZG) Na reabsorption and thus H2O at CCT -AngiotensinII,
(released after syn) -No P450 c17 (BP, or Na JGcells
-11B-OH steroid DH reninangIACEangII binds
to get rid of cortisol in MC- A1r PLC [Ca]
responsive cells SCC/P450c17Asaldosterone)
Thru DP and Ca channels
Weak, cortisol similar activity
Cortisol (ZF) -insulin antagonist(glucose/glycogen syn) (hypo)CRH(pit)ACTH
17a Hydroxylase activity By breaking down protein, fat, etc appetite -pulsatile secretion
-maintains BP and myocardial performance
By allowing vasoconstriction
-anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive
By PLA2, M, IL-1 etc..
-Stimulates bone absorption
-cushings syndrome (HP, diabetes, obesity)
DHEA (ZR) -androgen production needs
17-20 lyase activity Cytochrome b5, Sult2A1
Synthesis: Cholesterol TO IMM (StAR) 21C=Progenolone [enzyme: SCC] RLS many different paths leading to above
Adrenal Medulla Dopamine -Flight or Flight Mechanism -anger, injury, pain, cold,
excerise, hypoglycemia
-ACTH, Cortisol
-tyrosine hydroxylase + AA
Norepinephrine - + Dopamine B-hydroxylase
Epinephrine* -+ PMNT
Parathyroid PTH Ca in serum, PO4 -decrease in Ca turns off th Ca
(from chief cells) -by PO4 uptake from PT (internalize NaP2) - sensor thus allowing
If too high - Ca uptake from DT/CD by HPopen transcription of PTH
EcaCCa entry (prevents IP3/PKC mediated
-bone resorption: release of internal Ca)
osteoblastspg +Il-6osteoclastsresorb
*doesnt increase body supplies of calcium*

Thyroid Calcitonin Ca in serum - Ca or gastrin mediated

(c-cells) -TAL: reabsorption by el. driving force anticipation
-DT: entry by increasing intracellular Ca -low magnesium
-Bone: osteoclasts by cCAMP
Use to treat pagets disease
Thyroxin [T4] -Iodide, but too much
-made by organification Too little goiter
and coupling by TPO -TSH ( in hypothyroidism)
-Estrogen bound but not free
and active T4, T3
Triiodothyronine [T3]* -->activates some genes
(deioidinated T4 at GH for growth
target tissue) LDL r. in liver to (derease cholesterol)
a-myosin ATPase to increase CO
CNS devt/calorigenesis?
other genes (TRH in hyp/TSH in pit)

Liver, sun, 1a25(OH2)D3 Ca, PO4, CaPO4 (body stores) - Ca, high PTH, LowCT
liver, kidney (works through dimerizing -Duo: CaT1 + calbindin D9
RXRVDRE via Zn binding -CCD/DCD: ECaC + calbindin D28
domaintranscription) -SI/PT: NaPiIIb (apical PO4 channel)
Mutation rickets -Bone: type I colland alkaline phosphatase

BOUND/Nuclear Receptors= thyroid and steroid

FREE = amines & polypeptide hormones

Example of +ve Feedback: Pituitary LHoocygteestradiol Pituitary

-ve Feedback: Pituitary TSH Thyroid TH

Testis Testosterone
Ovary Estradiol
Pancreatic Islets Insulin
Placenta hCG

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