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Saturday, April 29, 2017 Alejandra Lopez

BUS 1050-016

My Renaissance Essay
Throughout this course, I have had the opportunity to expand my way of thinking through

what applications and concepts have impacted the history and development of business

throughout the centuries. To me, any form of personal renaissance can be an ah hah! moment

in which your perception could be changed through the gaining of knowledge and critical

thinking, which was greatly incorporated into this course. The reading I found the most

interesting and astonished to find in the course was on the theory of Natural Selection by Charles

Darwin. My initial thought was How does the evolution of species and living organisms connect

with foundations of business? but as I read and later discussed in class, the theory of evolutions

would absolutely influence the business fundamentals. Just like species in the animal kingdom,

it is essential for the survival of a business that it evolve and innovate as time and society

progresses as to not go extinct. Seeing how the theory of natural selection could be implicated

into business allowed me to be more self-aware to my life and education and evaluate if Im

currently stagnant or if I have been evolving to what surrounds me to allow for my survival.

Perhaps, one of the most important characteristics a business and its owners and

shareholders can have is the capability to see and acknowledge when change is in order to

progress further. In evolution, any species in its environment could be threatened by changes in

other species or climate, whos concept has helped adopted the phrase survival of the fittest

and describes the ability for one to fight for its survival and learn to thrive in its new

environment. One example within the animal kingdom is the competition of male mountain goats

against one another to be deemed the most dominant amongst all and have the right to procreate.

Similarly, businesses must compete with one another and evolve whenever an advantageous

opportunity presents itself to maintain its dominance or survive. Unwillingness to change when

Saturday, April 29, 2017 Alejandra Lopez
BUS 1050-016

observations indicate it is necessary for either an individual or a business will call for extinction.

Its always good to become better than past generations.

Most of my educational and personal life I have been intrigued by the nature of humans

and their psychology and how it is that we have come to be the species we are today and how it

is that we drifted off from the branch we shared with our cousin species, the apes. Small

variations in our DNA and mutations that occurred through our ancestry line to be the human

species. And although Darwins theory of natural selection was based on organic objects, its

fundamental elements are comparable to businesses growth and deciding what traits are to be

carried through the process of evolution and which will require change. What was explained in

the reading regarding natural selection and businesses is that the business itself should be the

entity that evolves and not a certain individual within the organization. Business, not being an

organic object, requires humans to seek what changes must be made with the current system to

see it prosper in the future.

The main reason and purpose for natural selection is based on the need of organisms to

produce offspring with mutations or variations that will allow them to survive in a world that

made it difficult for their parents or ancestors hard to live in. It is important that small variations

of genetics will continue to variate as the hereditary line continues to future generations.

As mentioned before, any business unwilling to adapt to change will be harming itself as

well as the individuals that work within the industry. Corporations in an industry what are stick

to traditional methods and refuse progress will begin to feel its foundations crumbling as people

look for careers in other industries that offer progress and innovation rather than a stagnant

career. Since humans initially start looking for their survival in life, they will choose a career

Saturday, April 29, 2017 Alejandra Lopez
BUS 1050-016

field that will allow them good economic standing and comfortability for themselves and their

offspring as well.

As evolution and many offspring with variations are introduced, the process of natural

selection help weed out the weaker individual, which also happens in business. This allows us to

see what methods of business are working and what elements need to be mortified.

This reading was especially interesting to read and see how Darwins theory of Natural

Selection, which was initially intended for scientific explanations, could be used to develop and

improve the field of business as well as involving my curiosity with psychology and the reason

why organisms do what they do through philosophical writers and scientists.

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