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Insufficient Developing Meeting Exceeding

Skills Your essay includes no Your essay includes basic reflection Your essay includes some Your essay includes thorough and
identification or reflection on any on 2 or 3 of the 5 transdisciplinary thoughtful reflection on more than thoughtful reflection on relevant
transdisciplinary skills of the PYP skills of the PYP. 3 parts of the 5 transdisciplinary parts of all 5 of the
skills of the PYP. transdisciplinary skills of the PYP.

Attitudes and Your essay includes no Your essay includes basic reflection Your essay includes some Your essay includes thorough and
Learner Profile identification or reflection on any on the development of up to 4 thoughtful reflection on the thoughtful reflection on the
of the attitudes or learner profile attitudes or learner profile traits. development of 5 or more development of 5 or more
traits. attitudes or learner profile traits. attitudes or learner profile traits.

Knowledge and Your essay does not explain of Your essay includes a basic Your essay includes some Your essay includes a thorough
Conceptual your personal connection to local explanation of your personal thoughtful explanation of your and thoughtful explanation of your
Understanding and global issues. connection to local and global personal connection to local and personal connection to local and
issues. global issues. global issues.

Action Your essay does not include any Your essay includes a basic Your essay includes some Your essay includes thorough and
reference to action. explanation of action you could thoughtful explanation of action thoughtful explanation of
take as a solution to your issue, you have planned, started or sustainable action you have
resulting from your inquiry. completed as a solution to your started or completed as a solution
issue, resulting from your inquiry. to your issue resulting from your

Outline for reflective essay

Your essay should include
an introduction
at least four paragraphs in the body
a conclusion

It will be assessed using the rubric above, please consider the 6 traits of writing.

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