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History of Earth Timeline Rubric Group Members:_______________________________


Group grades for this activity will be determined as follows:

0 points will be given if the requirement was not attempted.
1 point will be given if the requirement was attempted but lacked genuine effort.

0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points
All provided events were 3 or more events 1-2 events All included and
included and labeled in timeline. missing missing. labeled
All events were accompanied by 3+ drawings 1-2 drawings Relevant drawings
drawings. missing/unrelated missing/unrelated for each event
Distances along timeline were 3+ distances 1-2 distances All distances
correct for each event incorrect incorrect correct
Group Choice events added with Drawings/labels 2 events but 1 Both events
one local event missing OR only 1 not local. labeled with a
event included drawing
Class discussion of Group Choice Calculations were Distance was Full participation
local event not explained. miscalculated & correct

___/20 total points

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