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Kai Smith

ENG 102

Substance Abuse on College Campuses : An Annotated Bibliography

Arria, Amelia M. et al. Drug Use Patterns and Continuous Enrollment in College: Results from

a Longitudinal Study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 74.1 (2013): 7183. Print.

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs discussed a study that was performed on a college

campus concerning illicit drug use. They focused on the drug and alcohol patterns of freshman

students and how persistent drug use lead to decreased likelihood of continuous enrollment.

Many important factors were takin into consideration such as GPA, fraternity/sorority

involvement, personality characteristics, and alcohol dependence. It is a very detailed and

thorough study, showing every step in the process. Yet, it focuses too much on the marijuana

aspect and doesnt mention the other types of drugs as much. This article is great for my topic

because it wants people to be aware that alcohol isnt the only issue on college campuses. That

the problem that most people focus on, yet there are also serious narcotics and synthetics drugs

floating around campuses. These drugs are very detrimental and causing students to either lose

their lives or go down the wrong path.

Kadison, R., & DiGeronimo, T. F. San Francisco, CA, US: Jossey-Bass College of the

overwhelmed: The campus mental health crisis and what to do about it. (2004). vi 296 pp.
This book deals with the reasoning of why college students feel the need to abuse alcohol and

drugs. It states that the substance abuse on college campuses deals directly with the mental

health. A great thing about this book is that it includes personal stories from students. They

describe in detail the stress they are undergoing tats caused them to feel that they needed drugs or

alcohol. It also talked about how after a while they found other ways to deal with that stress, so

other students reading this book are able to relate and realize there are not alone and can find

help. It even includes a chapter on the influence that parents have and can do to help. This is a

great source since it primarily focuses on the psychological aspect. Yet it only focuses on mental

health as a reason for these behaviors and doesnt suggest or discuss any other reasons.

Lee, Herman. "Administration, Student Groups Combat Drug Use." Washington Square News.

Washington Square News, 30 Jan. 2017. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.

The Washington Square News is focusing on combating drug use on the campus of New York

University in New York City. The campus follows state and federal laws closely and do not

tolerate the possession of any controlled substance, nor do they tolerate underage drinking. Yet,

overdosing and alcohol poisoning are very common among students. They believe that the

reasoning for the drug and alcohol use strictly for social events, and to treat mental illnesses.

They have formed an organization to further inforce the drug and alcohol policy. Their main goal

is to try to educate the students on safety protocols regarding drugs and get involved in

protecting the community. They offer free, non-judgmental, confidential assistance to students

with questions or concerns related to drug and alcohol abuse. This newspaper failed to offer any
facts or statistics about this topic, which should have been included. Its a good source for my

topic because it shows a great initiative that can be dont within a college campus.

Lisitza, Alexa. "Are D.C. College Students Using Synthetic Drugs?" Afro. The Afro-American

Newspapers, 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.

The Afro American Newspaper highlights issues in all aspects of life, particularly those

pertaining to the African American community. In this article, they discuss how synthetic drugs

are becoming a problem on college campuses specifically in the Washington D.C area. They

incorporate a lot of statistics about the death rates into the article, which is good so readers are

able to understand the harmful effects. When readers see numbers and statistics, it has a bigger

effect because it puts things into perspective. Yet, they fail to discuss what the reasoning is

behind why college students feel the need to abuse these drugs and how they are getting access

to them. Having the reasoning would help get to the source of the problem. Its a great source for

my topic because it gives both the effects of the synthetic drugs and what the community is

trying to do to solve the problem.

Presley, C. A., P. W. Meilman, R. Lyerla, and J. R. Cashin. "PUBLICATIONS." NCJRS

Abstract National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Southern Illinois University Core

Institute, 1996. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.

The Southern Illinois institute conducted a survey on 77 college campuses and found that there is

a high correlation between substance abuse and sexual assault and suicidal thoughts/actions.
They made sure to discuss all types of drugs that are being abused instead of just focusing on one

or two. On campuses where drug and alcohol policies werent as strict and there was more

availability, the sexually assault and suicide rates were higher. These rates were also higher

among students who have a family history of substance abuse. The result between the 2 year

institutions and 4 year institutions varies, with much higher substance abuse rates among the 4

year institutions. The purpose of this study was to focus on one of the main problems on college

campuses, in an initiative to improve postsecondary education. They are attempting to combat

the drug and alcohol abuse by educating the public on the harmful effects and consequences.

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