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Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Guidelines for Publication and Citation

You want to submit your manucript as a text file ready for typesetting. Please take
account of the following information. If you have questions, please contact our
publishers assistant, Mandy Schller: 0341 71141-14.

Three golden rules

1. Consistency of your script is a top priority. This applies both to the main text and to
the footnotes.

2. Your work should have the following structure:

1) Prelims/imprint (p.1-4)
2) Dedication (where appropriate) or preface (p. 5)
3) Table of contents
4) Introduction (if existing)
5) Content
6) Bibliography (where appropriate)
7) Index and/or list of abbreviations (where appropriate)
8) Anthologies should include a list of authors at the end, structured as follows:
surname, first name, title, year of birth, birthplace (where appropriate),
professional education, occupation (where appropriate), important memberships
and functions, particular honours, major works (where appropriate).

3. Images. Colour or black and white halftone images should be scanned at a

resolution of 300 dpi and submitted as separate files (tif or jpg format). Line drawings
and graphs should have a resolution of 1.200 dpi. Scans and scan processing can
also be ordered from the publisher. The author is responsible for obtaining a
potentially necessary copyright permission or permission for publication, unless
otherwise agreed with the publisher.

General remarks

Please send exclusively MS Word files. If you are working with a different word
processor like Open Office or else please transform the file into Word and check
for completeness, since transformation may cause loss of footnotes.

Emphasis should be in italics. Please avoid bold type, l e t t e r s p a c i n g and

underlining. Here applies the principle: Less is more! Also with regard to this,
please avoid double emphasis. You should decide whether you set book titles in
the main text in quotation marks or in italics. Please do not use both of it!

As a rule, paragraphs are marked by indentations not by line spaces. After

headings and after spaces lines, there is no indent.

An apostrophe has the form of a superscript comma.


To indicate a closed range of values (i.e. between numbers: 1232) or to illustrate
a relationship (New YorkLondon), the en dash, , should be used as against
hyphens which indicate compound names (i.e. Martin-Luther-Universitt).

Half spaces are typographically correct in case of abbreviations, date indications

and before f./ff. Because this is not easily done with programmes like Word,
please decide uniformly whether you use the space bar or not. For example: e. g.
or e.g.; 15. 06. 2010 or 15.06.2010; 43 f. or 43f.

Brackets inside of round brackets appear as square brackets:

(cf. ThLZ 135 [2010], 639)


Please pay attention to the length of primary headlines. Headlines, which are too
long may cause typographical difficulties.

It makes sense to use similar headlines for articles within an anthology. Please
use a shorter title and a longer, descriptional subtitle.


Please use angle quotation marks (guillemets) as consistently as possible

regardless of whether there are quotations in German, English or French:
example. Within a quotation, single quotation marks are to be used: example.

Words or whole sections of text in non-Latin alphabets need to be created with the
Unicode-system to ensure a problem-free further processing.

Omissions within quotations are marked with three suspension marks within
square brackets [...].


Abbreviations are used according to the Abkrzungsverzeichnis fr Theologie und

Grenzgebiete, zusammengestellt von SIEGFRIED M. SCHWERTNER, Berlin/New York
1994. Not standardised abbreviations should be explained in the text or in the
footnotes; if necessary a list of abbreviations should be included.

Bible passages are cited according to the Loccum Guidelines (Loccumer Richtlinien):
Gen 1,3; 4,7; 5,8 f.19.2527; 20,3 ff.
You are welcome to write I Chr, I Kor etc. as 1Kor, but please always consistently.


Footnote signs in the text are given in superscript form and reduced in size
(without space and round brackets), following always the punctuation mark,
except a colon or when the note refers to a word or a word group only.

In the case of volumes of essays, the counting of the note signs shall begin with
every chapter anew at 1. In the case of monographs the counting can be

A tab stop should be set in the apparatus of footnotes after the footnote sign (do
not use the space bar). Hanging indents (like here in this paragraph) should be
avoided if the majority of notes has more than two lines because this takes to
much space.

This suspicion of imaginations epistemological capacities has both a long history
and noble antecedents: Aristotle, famously, held that a metaphor could be translated
into literal terms with no loss of meaning.

Each footnote ends with a full stop.

In the references the prename and surname of the author should be set in small
caps, not in CAPITAL LETTERS nor in italics. However, in this section of the text
you can do also without formatting, if you like. All you have to do is to act

In its first citation each source has to be given in full. All additional citations of the
same work should be given shortened, according to the following example
(SURNAME, shortened title, page number):

ALLEN, Pentecost and the World, 92.

If the publication does not include a bibliography, it is recommended to refer to the full
title each time the short title is quoted.

LESSLIE NEWBIGIN, The Household of God. Lectures on the Nature of the Church,
London 1953.
NEWBIGIN, The Household of God (s. note 84), 141.

If the work cited has several volumes, the volume number is always repeated and
set without a comma after the (shortened) title.

Successive References to the same work and to the same page can be given with
ibid. References to another page of the same publication have to include the page
number. For example: Ibid., 65.

If an edition other than the first edition of a work is used, this has to be noted:
1990 or 19902.

Various publishing places are separated by slashes: Berlin/Frankfurt am

Bibliographical references

Articles from journals

PRENAME SURNAME, Title. Subtitle, in: Journal volume (year), issue or number or
series, page reference. For example: CHRISTIAN GRETHLEIN, Praktische Theologie.
Eine Standortbestimmung, in: ThLZ 125 (2000), 127142.

An issue number is indicated this way: ThLZ 125 (2000) 2, 127142. But because
the issue numbers are often not known and reputed journals are numbered
consecutively, it is recommended to omit the issue number altogether.
Articles from encyclopedias
PRENAME SURNAME, Title. Title of encyclopedia. Subtitle, in: Encyclopedia volume
number (Vol.), year of publication, page references. Example: WILFRIED ENGEMANN,
Art. Semiotik III. Praktisch-theologisch, in: TRE Bd. 31, 2000, 134142.

Articles from anthologies

PRENAME SURNAME, title, in: PRENAME SURNAME (Ed.), title of the anthology.
Subtitle, place and year of publication, page reference of the article. Example:
KARL BARTH, The First Commandment as an Axiom of Theology, in: HANS-MARTIN
RUMSCHEIDT (Ed.), The Way of Theology in Karl Barth. Essays and Comments,
Eugene 1986, 63-78.

Two editors are separated by a slash (without space); if there are more than three
editors, only the first is to be mentioned, followed by et. al. Various places of
publication too are separated by a slash.
Example: Volker Herrmann/Jochen-ChristophKaiser/Theodor Strohm (Eds.),
Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen evangelischen Diakonie im 19. und 20.
Jahrhundert, Stuttgart et. al. 1997.

PRENAME SURNAME, Title. Subtitle, Vol. (Volume number and Volume title if
necessary), place and year of publication, page references.
Example: JOHN G. FLETT, The Witness of God. The Trinity, Missio Dei, Karl Barth and
the Nature of Christian Community, Grand Rapids 2010, 71.


The bibliography has to be arranged alphabetically. Therefore the surname takes the
first place. If there are several titles by one author, they have to be sorted by year of

Examples Books:
Bormann, Franz-Josef, u. Bernd Irlenborn [Hrsg.]: Religise berzeugungen und
ffentliche Vernunft. Zur Rolle des Christentums in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft.

Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder 2008. 388 S. = Quaestiones disputatae, 228.

Kraus, Thomas J., Kruger, Michael J., and Tobias Nicklas [Eds.]: Gospel
Fragments. The Unknown Gospel on Papyrus Egerton 2. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus
840. Other Gospel Fragments. With an Introduction by Th. J. Kraus. Oxford-New
York: Oxford University Press 2009. XX, 304 S. = Oxford Early Christian Gospel

Bovon, Franois: Das Evangelium nach Lukas. 4. Teilbd.: Lk 19,2824,53.

Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag; Dsseldorf: Patmos 2009. VIII, 670 S. gr.8
= Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, III/4. Kart. EUR
89,00. ISBN 978-3-7887-2345-3 (Neukirchener); 978-3-491-52000-4 (Patmos).

[Gnilka, Joachim:] Neutestamentliche Exegese im 21. Jahrhundert.

Grenzberschreitungen. Fr Joachim Gnilka. Hrsg. v. Th. Schmeller. Freiburg-Basel-
Wien: Herder 2008. 409 S.

Rmelt, Josef: Christliche Ethik in moderner Gesellschaft. Bd. 1: Grundlagen.

Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder 2008. 248 S. 8 = Grundlagen Theologie. Kart. EUR
14,95. ISBN 978-3-451-29895-0. Bd. 2: Lebensbereiche. Freiburg/Basel/Wien:
Herder 2009. 445 S. = Grundlagen Theologie.

Examples Electronic sources (Internet, CD, DVD etc.):

Author, title of article, url: http://... (Access: date)
Author, title of article. In: Name of editor (Ed.), or authors: title of data carrier.
Additional title, place and year of publication. Type of data carrier.


It is advisable to include birth-and-death-dates in the index of persons. Indices of

place, subject and/or Bible passages are possible according to requirements.

Instead of the stated style of citation you can also use the Chicago Style in
application to SBL for annotations, especially (bot not solely) for English language

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