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The Abuse of

Adderall on
Catherine N., Kaitlyn C.
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1104
What is Adderall?
Adderall is a prescription medication that increases the levels of serotonin,
dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain
All of these hormones are responsible for the control of emotions and feelings of

Figure 1: Image of different type of Adderall mg pills

Retrieved from: Health Prose
What is Adderall comprised of?
Adderall is comprised of the drugs amphetamine and dextroamphetamine

Amphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the

chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and
impulse control
Dextroamphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant (how it directly
works is unknown to scientists) that affect certain chemicals in the brain to
improve attention span and behavior
Uses of Adderall
Used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy
ADHD is considered a highly genetic, psychologically based syndrome that
has to do with the regulation of a particular set of brain functions and related
Recognized as a disability
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and

Fig 2: Descriptions of ADHD

Retrieved from: Global Healing
Narcolepsy is neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and
In a typical sleep cycle, there are early stages of sleep followed by deeper stages
ending in the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
For those suffering from narcolepsy, REM sleep occurs almost immediately in the
sleep cycle
A normal person would have to stay awake 48-72 hours to feel the same level of
Adderall is a key treatment because it helps improve alertness in the brain by
increasing the level of dopamine
Fig 3: Distribution of Sleep Stages in a Healthy Sleeper vs a
Narcoleptic Sleeper
Retrieved from: Facts on Narcolepsy
Demographics of Diagnosis of ADHD
The average age of the diagnosis of ADHD is seven years old
3-5% of the population of children in the United States are labeled with the
diagnosis of ADHD
White males tend to be diagnosed with ADHD more than any other group of
Males are almost three times more likely to be diagnosed in comparison to
In their lifetime, 12.9% of men will be diagnosed with an attention disorder
Roughly, 4% of American adults over the age of 18 deal with ADHD on a daily
Fig. 4: ADHD rates for different races per 100 children
Retrieved from: JAMA Pediatrics
Diagnosis of ADHD
There is not a standard testing process to diagnosis ADHD
When diagnosing ADHD, many physicians will:
Obtain assessment information from parents and teachers on a rating scale
Physical exams, lab tests and hearing tests
Educational and psychological testing
Diagnosis is made if an individual's behavior appears more often than normal
and negatively affects at least two areas of their life
Difficult to diagnosis because ADHD usually exists with other disorders such as
learning disabilities and mood disorders
How ADHD affects the brain
In ADHD patients, there are significant differences in the frontal lobe and
cerebellum compared to those without the disorder
The Frontal lobe is where most of the executive functioning is located; such as
making plans and judgements
The Cerebellum is located in the hindbrain and has a main purpose of helping
with an individual's coordination and emotional control
People with ADHD have a significantly smaller frontal lobe and cerebellum
ADHD Brain vs Normal Brain Scan
In a brain with ADHD
there is a lower source of
neurotransmitters such as
dopamine, norepinephrine,
and serotonin
The neurotransmitters are
used faster in a brain with
ADHD than a normal
Thus, creating a shortage in
the brain
Figure 5: Brain scan comparing ADHD brain vs Normal brain
Retrieved from: Focus Here and Now
Adults with ADHD compared to children with it
ADHD is a lifetime disorder, however it looks different throughout all ages
In children, ADHD affects both their frontal lobe and cerebellum making them
significantly smaller than others without the disorder
However, as children grow older their cerebellum size grows and typically gets to
its normal size by the time they are an adult
Since the cerebellum grows with time in ADHD patients their hyperactivity
symptom normally diminishes by the time of adulthood
Yet, the frontal lobe still stays smaller than those without the disorder for any age
with ADHD
Is Adderall Overly Prescribed in Children?
Over the last two decades, there has been a 20% increase in ADHD diagnoses
Many critics believe that physicians are too quick to jump to diagnosing an
immature or undisciplined child with ADHD
Belief that people making the diagnoses are not distinguishing between normal developmental
immaturity and ADHD
This mistake can account for about 20% of the current diagnoses, or about 900,000 children
Experts argue that it is nearly impossible to distinguish what the normal
behavior of a energetic preschooler in comparison to on that has a medical
Viewed as a quick fix
A suggested alternative instead of quickly jumping to the diagnosis of ADHD is
behavior therapy
Non Prescribed Adderall
Students using non prescribed Adderall tend to
crush up the pill and snort it as powder, much like
Crushing up the pills and injecting or snorting them sends
the drugs to the brain more rapidly
Snorting or injection leads to a higher chance of life
threatening overdose and potential for addiction
Gives the user short, intense periods of high energy
In large doses, the drug can cause seizures,
psychosis or a stroke
Can have serious side effects or cancel out other
medications that are also being used if not Figure 6: Spilled bottle of Adderall
prescribed by a doctor Retrieved from: Mlive
Abuse of Adderall on College Campuses
Most commonly known as a study drug
Many college students seek to buy Adderall off of other students to use the
stimulant to keep them up for long periods of times and to aid them with
concentrating better
Used to help students when it comes to pulling all nighters, completing assignments, cramming
for exams
Nearly one in four college students nationwide have reported using adderall to
help them with school work
Rates of Adderall abuse on college campuses are most prominent in colleges in
the northeastern United States and college with competitive admission standards
Profit of Adderall on College Campuses
32% of college students say they have had access to Adderall without a
Adderall is typically sold for $5 a pill on most college campuses
Containers of Adderall contain typically 30 pills, thus giving sellers a profit of
$150 dollars per pill bottle
Many students are low on money and selling Adderall is a way for quick easy
During exam time, the cost of Adderall can go up to $10 a pill, because of the high
Demographics of College Adderall Abusers
Research shows that a disproportionate number of students that abuse the drug
Adderall have these common characteristics:
Belong to a fraternity or sorority
Have a grade point average of a B or lower
Campus athletes
Students with mental health concerns
Residents of on-campus housing and dorms
Students facing extreme amounts of stress

**There is no such thing as a certain type of drug addict, substance abuse can affect
Is Adderall Addictive?
Adderall is considered a Schedule II substance on the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA)
Requirements to be a Schedule II substance:
The drug of other substance has a high potential for abuse
The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States
or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions
Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence
Other drugs on the list of Schedule II substances: cocaine, meth, opium,
Adderall has many of the common effects as the famous drug cocaine
Similar chemical makeup as Meth

Figure 7: Meth Molecule vs Adderall Molecule

Retrieved from:
How Can I Get Adderall?
In order to get Adderall legally, people have to first be diagnosed with ADHD or
Once diagnosed, people can get prescribed Adderall and pick it up at any local
Those who dont have ADHD/ADD can get prescribed Adderall just as easily as
people who are diagnosed
Many people obtain a prescription of Adderall just by going to their primary
doctor and listing symptoms of ADHD
Figure 8: Video explaining the dangers of Adderall Abuse
Retrieved from: CCX Media
Consequences of Being Caught With Unprescribed Adderall
Punishment for possession of unprescribed Adderall is a misdemeanor
If convicted of this crime, people could face up to one year in county jail, a
fine of at least $1,000, or both
Punishment for possession with intent to sell Adderall is a felony
If convicted, it is punishable for up to two, three, or four years in county jail,
a fine of at least $5,000, or both
If convicted for selling on or near school campuses the punishment is much
Punishable up to at least five years in county jail, a fine of at least
$10,000, or both
Students Perspectives of Adderall Usage on Campuses
Full-time college students are more than
twice as likely to use Adderall in comparison
to students who are not full-time
Common student justification for using
Adderall is that they are taking these
stimulants for the right reasons which is to
be more productive in class and to maintain
their grades with high levels of competition
In a 2008 study of 1,800 college students,
81% proclaimed that the illicit use Adderall
was not dangerous at all, or even slightly
dangerous Fig 9: Adderall Being Used as Candy
Many students do not think about the drug Retrieved from: All About Adderall
being illegal because it is so widespread and
simple; a commonality on campus
Long-term Effects of Heavy Adderall Abuse
Sleep difficulties
Irregular heartbeat
Panic attacks
Lack of motivation
Weight loss
Mood swings
Alternatives for Adderall
Interventions with behavior and education
Educational modifications such as:
Engaging in the child in active learning
Including more motor activities
Organizing a classroom into a structured environment
Behavioral interventions include:
Setting up and effective, proactive discipline system
Creating a behavior modification plan (if needed)
Assist the child with social issues
Identify the childs strengths and build upon them
Set aside a daily special time for the child
Figure 10: Teacher engaging in active learning
Retrieved from: The Corner Stone Gallery
Why should YOU care?
People get misdiagnosed for ADHD
Children might get prescribed at too young of an age or might get prescribed
more than they should take.
Both of these can lead to an adderall dependency
Adderall dependency can cause people to rely on adderall for all of their work and might also make
them dependent on adderall to interact in a social environment.
Prolonged adderall use, and especially the abuse of it, can lead to problems such
as kidney failure, heart problems, sleep loss, and many other health conditions.
In conclusion...
For disorders such as ADHD and Narcolepsy Adderall is only a treatment not a
For those who aren't prescribed they are at their own risk when taking a drug not
prescribed for their body
Addiction to Adderall can cause long term health conditions
If caught selling or possession of unprescribed Adderall, punished with jail time
Abuse of Adderall could lead to other addictions such as meth, which includes
almost the exact chemical makeup as Adderall
Works Cited
Loe, M. (2008). The prescription of a new generation. Contexts, 7(2), 46-49. Retrieved from
Murphy, M., & Gonzalez, E. R. (2016). Bringing Attention to Attention. Corrections Today, 78(5), 18-21.
Canady, V. A. (2016). Study finds young adults misusing ADHD drugs on the rise. Mental Health Weekly, 26(9), 6-7. doi:10.1002/mhw.30525

Bartlett, T. (2015, May 8). Do Smart Drugs Exist? The Answer Isn't So Simple. Chronicle of Higher Education. p. A10.

College-age trends in drug use: Marijuana and nonmedical use of Rx stimulants rising. (2015). Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 27(21), 5.


Yanes, A. (2014, April 18). Just say yes? The rise of 'study drugs' in college. Retrieved April 30, 2017, from

Journal, T. W., Francisco, U. O., & Marcus, B. (2013, February 14). Are ADHD Medications Overprescribed? Retrieved April 30, 2017, from

Adderall Abuse On College Campuses. (2016, May 17). Retrieved April 30, 2017, from

Adderall Addiction and Abuse - Prescription Amphetamines. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2017, from

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